A question for those who believe God created the earth in 6 days?
2006-10-20 18:19:12 UTC
This is a two parter...pls answer only if you believe in both
1) Do you believe that god created the earth in 6 days (7th day for rest)?
2) Do you believe that dinosaurs once roamed the earth?

How is this possible if dinosaurs supposedly roamed the earth millions of years before man came along, yet man was created on the 6th day?

(This is a question I have asked to many different religions since I first thought of it as a kid, I have my own theory but am curious as to other ppls.)
28 answers:
2006-10-20 18:25:58 UTC
YES, to both.

But, we have to remember, when talking God created the Heavens and the Earth, we have to think in Gods time-line. There is a passage in the Bible that states that to God a day is like a thousand years, so dinosaurs had plenty of time to roam the earth and become extinct.

Dealing with God, you can never figure anything out exactly time wise (how old the earth is, when time on earth will end), God doesn't want us to. He planned it that way
2006-10-20 18:47:46 UTC


No one knows just how old the earth is. According to the creation account is is about 6200 years old give or take 300 years. (There is some discrepancy in the historical account of time between Abraham and David. ) All we know for sure is that man has been here a long time, and dinosaurs were here too, at some time in the past-but we do not know when. Anyone who claims to know when is telling a story. "Supposedly" you said, dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. Problem is we have no confirmed dates, only theories. Many scientist believe that , but many do not. Bones and rocks are dated by a method known as the "index fossil". That is, some scientist believe that certain animals died out at specific times in the past. So if you find a bone or rock that one desires to date-you look for an index fossil, and that fossil sets the date based on the geologic column. This method of dating was devised around 1830, before radio-metric methods were discovered. The geologic column is theoretical and does not appear in nature anywhere in the world, except the text book. There are layers all over the place, but nothing like the science book. The ages for the geologic column were set nearly 200 years ago, and are pure speculation. Radio-metric data is used to confirm index fossil dates only of they agree. If the radio-metric date does not match the index fossil, then the radio-metric date is considered faulty. Do you see a problem here? Basically, dinosaur bone dates are guessed at. If the guess is wrong-we have no way to know it.

Bottom line-no one, absolutely no one knows how old dinosaur bones are. There is no evidence that they are over 5500 years old. Many are not that old.
2016-05-22 10:21:32 UTC
Those who have faith, accept it else leave it. God has not forced you to believe. The work of preachers is to preach and not to force and they are just obeying the commandment that they have received. The heaven and earth were created in 6 literal days. The words have been ensured by saying 'morning and evening'. It needs a lot of thought to think on all the discrepancies of the Bible which were made in one of the comments here. You need to first believe and become part of it. Unless you come inside, you will not know what is on the inside. Moses was not a fool to write that the earth was made on the third day and before that say that the earth and heaven were created. Much similar is about the creation of sun and moon on the fourth day and so on. There are answers for all those but before that you need to believe on a God who is LIGHT Himself and give up your all wild guessings full of unbelief. You cannot understand a God of spirits with your smaller than a pea nut mind.
Just Cuz
2006-10-21 13:43:41 UTC
The Bible says that both animals and man were created on the 6th day.(Genesis 1:24-26) It doesn't mention dinosaurs specifically, but then the word didn't exist when the Bible was written, and the account of the their creation doesn't mention any animals by name.

It's likely that God did create dinosaurs although not in a form recognizable to us. According to the fossil record, some had bodies too big for their skeletons, while others had brains too small to function properly. There were giant birds that couldn't fly and animals so huge they had to remain in water to support their bulk. This doesn't sound like God's work to me. Remember, at the end of Day 6 He pronounced everything good.

The apocryphal Book of Enoch hints that Satan was tinkering with animal genetics after the Creation just like he did with mankind. His tinkering with the human gene pool produced the Nephilim, a half breed mix of angel and man that took over the world and was a major cause for Noah's flood.

To me many of the dinosaurs look more like a science experiment gone bad than the handiwork of the Creator of the Universe. I think Satan was messing with them, as another way to corrupt God's perfect Creation.
2006-10-20 18:26:35 UTC
The Bible says 6 days. Not how long those days were.

We are talking about God! For all we know, a day could have lasted years if He wanted.

Yes, I believe that once upon a time dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

There is undeniable proof. The bones, eggs, etc.

Again, nobody ever said how LONG a day was for God.

The Bible doesn't say that a day had to be 24 hours for God.
2006-10-20 18:31:40 UTC
As a former 7th day advemtist and baptist, i have believed both statements, but at the time i did not believe that dinosaurs were millions of years old. there is another belief that there was a previous creation, millions of years ago, that included dinosaurs, but it was destroyed by some catastrophe, so God started over and created a new world on the ruins of the old. some have suggested that the catastrophe that destroyed the original world was a war between God and satan.

still a third possibility, held by jehovah's witnesses and others, is that the 'days' of creation were really thousands or millions of years long, and that dinosaurs were created on day five, thousands of years before man and modern mammals.
2006-10-20 18:29:59 UTC
well as a christian, i dont believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years before man. i also believe that the earth has only been around for about 6 thousand years not millions. i believe that God created dinosaurs and other animals on the on the sixth day and later that He created man.
2006-10-20 18:29:33 UTC
1) yes

2) yes

There could be 2 possibilities, one is that dinosaurs were taken out during the great flood, It is mentioned in the bible that there were giants in the land (before Noah). or 2 We don't know how long it was between Gen 1: 1 " in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, " and Gen 1:2 "But the earth became waste and emptiness, and darkness was on the surface of the deep." I believe the first one more.
I speak Truth
2006-10-20 19:24:14 UTC
Yes,I do, believe in both, but Ialso believe what the Bible says, that one Day with God is like our Thousand years, so, the 6 days it took for God to create the earth and all things on it were not 6 literal days(2Peter3:8) Also when you, say, that the dinasaurs were roaming the earth millions of years ago, by what source are you supposing that, and is that a source one that was around at that time?Well my information source was,since he created all things, and he put it in writing for us all, in his word the Bible, so I don't need to look to theories which do not mix with the Bible facts!The millions of years ago that you mention for the dinasaurs to have been roaming the earth were calculated by man who definately has not lived anywhere near that amount of time, so how is it possible for man to say that things took place that way?
2006-10-20 18:39:27 UTC
Yes and Yes. Look in Job 40:15-24, this is a description of dinosaurs that God was telling Job that He had made. In addition, in Job 41:1-34, God describes the dragon that He made.
2006-10-22 23:50:35 UTC
Dinos did not roam the earth for millions of years before man. The dating issue is the key here. Besides the Biblical account that has people and animals made within days of each other, consider the following scientific research.

Radiometric dating is used to tell us that there have been hundred of millions of years in time and related to that people project that dinos lived about 56 million years ago. The decay rate of radioactive materials gives us the parameters of hundreds of millions to a billion years or more of age. HOWEVER, there are other materials that are byproducts of radiometric decay including helium which is the most abundant element around. Recent testing of Helium decay shows conclusively that while there is a decay rate of uranium and similar radioactive materials for hundreds of millions of years or more, THE SAME MATERIAL ALSO PRODUCES A DECAY RATE OF HELIUM IN ABOUT 6,000 YRS! So what that means is that radioactive decay has happened in an accelerated rate equal to about 6,000 yrs. There are no hundred of million of actual years only a compressed amout of decay that equals hundred of millions of years. To back that up consider:

Carbon dating is universally agreed to not give dates past 10,000yrs. HOWEVER, various fossils examined contain traces of carbon which means they are all less than 10,000 yrs, also traces of carbon has been found in coal (supposed to be millions of yrs old) showing it is less than 10,000 yrs old and DIAMONDS have been tested and found to contain carbon which puts them at less than 10,000 yrs old and diamonds are the hardest natural material and therefore hard to contaminate and usually formed in deep earth up to a 100 miles underground which should give us the oldest ages in theory. Besides all this there is physical proof that dinos and men coexisted from carvings, footprints, pictures and other artifacts. I wish I could post some of those pictures here but get the book "The Collaspe OF Evolution" and you'll see just some of them.

These findings were the result of an 8 yr study by scientists who are creationists. There findings have been published in scientific journals. You can see the video or read the book titled "Thousands Not Billions". I personally was at the conference about 1 1/2 yrs back which was the first public presentation on the subject in Costa Mesa California. This is cutting edge research and only a few people know about it now.
2006-10-20 18:46:19 UTC
Yes to both questions: six LITERAL 24-HOUR DAYS , and yes, the dinosaurs and dimetrodon and trilobites and archeopteryx, and yes, sponge. What is the problem? I like the word "supposedly" as used in your question.

Now, can you tell me how DNA from extinct dinosaurs have survived for more than 100 000 years when science says it cannot?
2006-10-20 18:24:58 UTC
Well you see when God created the world in 6 days he also created the dinosaurs then..!
candi k
2006-10-20 18:25:29 UTC
The dinosaurs didnt roam the earth millions of years

The earth is only 6000 to 10000 years old.

The bible speaks of Dinosaurs.

I think they may have been killed off during the flood.
I'm Still Here
2006-10-20 18:21:50 UTC
Some people believe that dinosaurs were created on the same day that the animals were created, and that they were wiped out in Noah's flood.
2006-10-20 18:41:12 UTC
It is possible that the days in Genesis were actually long ages. It is also possible that the theory of 60 million years naturalists (atheists) claim between dinosaurs and humans is false.
2006-10-20 18:21:26 UTC
Because I believe in 6 non-consecutive non-24-hour days of creation
2006-10-20 18:23:50 UTC
I personally believe the bible was written by men, not God and they do not really know. I believe no one really knows when the earth was created and it is more intelligent to look at the scientific data. I do though believe in a God but he is so above us and so unfathomable as to his power that we can never really know how all of this started. It is for Him to know only.
2006-10-20 18:22:23 UTC
The earth was not created in six symbolic days.

The earth is millions, of years old.

We don't know how much time spans between Gen. 1:1 and verse 2
2006-10-20 18:23:00 UTC
They will give you numerous answers like:

-6 of God's days are thousands of years for humans.

-Carbon dating is false and we can "debunk" it.

-Dinosaurs were "dragons" in the bible.

-God created everything.

But when it all comes down to it, they're all excuses made from people in denial.
2006-10-20 18:25:09 UTC
For all the answers to your doubts and questions , go to ( )
Sick Puppy
2006-10-20 18:23:41 UTC
Well being that I don't believe in the 6-day creation, I can't answer your questions.
2006-10-20 18:25:15 UTC
Life evolved over long perods of time.. Science has shown it.
Uncle Thesis
2006-10-20 18:23:30 UTC
The key lies in your definition of the word 'day'.

A 24 hour day?


When one refers to Hitler's day ....are they referring to a 24 hour period?


Old folks use the expression "in my day."

Are they referring to a 24 hour period?


You get the point.

A 'day' simply means a period of time.
2006-10-20 18:26:06 UTC
i believe in the 6 day creation..

but i DONOT believe in dinosaurs.. they r stupid FICTION!!!!

Im a Muslim:)
2006-10-20 18:24:40 UTC
no and yes....I believed God created evolution
2006-10-20 18:22:48 UTC
Read your own question, supposedly!!
2006-10-20 18:23:09 UTC
yeah the easter bunny is redecorating my house STFU

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