"I'm here huckleberry....." and a star so that perhaps some of my contacts may see it and 'chime in'.....
nope - don't think they do that for a second....
why? because I know the men - and because I read portions of this diary and AHC made it VERY CLEAR that these men did this on their own....because they could not attain an answer from God as to the direction they should take......
my personal opinion is that they could not get an answer because it had already been given.....@the time of he 1890 manifesto. AHC may have thought he was doing what he was supposed to - but if polygamy is only ok when God says so and He said stop.......IMHO only, of course.
edit: D&C 132 is about the new and everlasting covenant. it sets forth the terms and conditions, explains about celestial marriage and a continuation of the family unit , cautions us to stay on "the strait and narrow way" and about blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, talks of the blessings of exaltation, the power to seal, talks a bit to JS and emma, and set forth the laws governing plural wives.......it does NOT say that polygamy is required for exaltation.
have you read the 2nd manifesto? it clearly states that it was given BECAUSE of the "numerous reports in circulation that plural marriages have been entered into contrary to the official declaration...of 1890". the LDS do NOT "wink" 2polygamy in their midst. I personally have SEEN instances where members thought they were being clever and had some secret sanction of the church turn angry and resentful when they were cautioned, cautioned again, and eventually excommunicated.....like a little child who didn't think their mother really meant no.
the LDS do nt practice polygamy. any member found practicing such will be excommunicated.....and believe me, I know the truth about the LDS church.