Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to pass the dutchie on the left hand side?
2013-09-02 16:12:37 UTC
Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to pass the dutchie on the left hand side?
Ten answers:
Rick G
2013-09-02 16:25:03 UTC
Still haven't figure out what "dutchie" is, since the dictionaries I found have a vast array of different meanings. My best guess is the one involved in wrapping marijuana in a Dutch cigar, hiding the contents from the police. The video would seem to support the choice of "translation" of what a dutchie is.

So, from my best guess, the answer would be no. We do not use drugs.


That was one of the definitions that the dictionaries had. But since I didn't see any cooking pot being passed in the video, I had to go with a best guess. By the way, I have a big cast iron Dutch over, which would be called a "dutchie" but I would never pass it. It is way too heavy to be used at a dinner table.

Could the video then be about a stupid cop who heard about passing a "dutchie" in his slang, thinking that the kids were talking about the Other Pot? Since they got off, that could have been the meaning of the song.

Whether the questioner looked at it that way, I have no idea. He is a musician, and of course, we know from the "documentaries" "Reefer Madness", and "Back to the Future" all musicians are pot heads...
2013-09-02 16:45:12 UTC
@Rick G a dutchie is a big Jamaican cooking pot. The original lyrics were 'kouchie' which is a joint but got changed.

JW's probably be allowed if they were having spiritual food too..

@ Rick G obviously you shouldn't take this question so literally, it's humorous.

Yes it's crazy to pass a dutchie round lol but it's just kids that wrote the song for a laugh.

As you know for decades, many many artists have used hidden meanings in their lyrics or the song titles.

I need to sleep now, goodnight.
2013-09-02 16:22:39 UTC
In Canada a dutchie is a kind of doughnut so I guess I culturally missed the boat.
Sister Jezebel
2013-09-03 00:11:23 UTC
JWs believe that since Jesus refused to drink wine mixed with myrrh (during his execution), this is evidence that Christians should not use marijuana. However, when put in context, Jesus was simply refusing to take the easy way out of his sacrifice. When he took the wine mixed with vinegar, this gesture was intended to show his welcoming of suffering, since this drink would serve to prolong his torture. Witnesses are not being offered up as ransom sacrifices, to my knowledge, so I don't see any need for them to make this same gesture. Certainly, they are not asked to purposely live their lives in constant discomfort when alternatives are available.

Genesis 1:29

"...I have given to ​YOU​ all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth and every tree on which there is the fruit of a tree bearing seed."

Does Marijuana not qualify? Mushrooms? Peyote? These things are part of nature and have their place when used properly. It is easy to abuse any substance, including fattening food. Witnesses are notorious for abusing alcohol too ... that is no secret! The key is knowing how to maintain a balance and exercise moderation. The Watchtower Society places such heavy restrictions on its members that they eventually lose their sense of self. It is for this reason that cult experts like Steven Hassan have identified it as a "destructive cult."

Here is his website:

See the specifics of what makes a group a destructive cult:

You see, this is an excellent example of what is wrong with the Watchtower Society. They don't want you to come home, kick your shoes off, and relax with a little weed. But even worse than not wanting you to do this, they also won't LET you do it! That is what really seals the deal when evaluating their cult tendencies.

Far from being a senseless point, bringing up this issue underscores how the little things really mean a lot with the org, and when all these little dots are connected, we see a few odd beliefs and practices work in harmony to form a dangerous and carefully-designed mind-hijacking system.

As for the doctrinal flaws of the Watchtower Society, all you must do is Google a few key words, and you will find an endless list of critics and vast amounts of information that contradict what the Governing Body presents as proven facts. Their doctrinal premises are far from being "slam dunks," but arguing over highly technical Bible language, symbolism, and subjective interpretations almost always leads to a stalemate. It is so much easier to point out the most obvious problems with this "religion" that can be easily understood by everyone.

Arguments about whether or not Jesus is Michael, are the dead really conscious of nothing at all, will there be only 144,000 priest-kings in Heaven, should we partake of the Evening Meal, does Jesus save us directly or indirectly, do you need to work for salvation, do we reject Jehovah by rejecting the Faithful Slave, does the parable of the faithful and discreet slave give eight men in Brooklyn authority to lord over millions of people, etc. - all these arguments usually end up going nowhere, because each side has its own explanation for everything. To change your opinion about something, you must first be willing to stop fooling yourself. When the creators of a belief system use tools of illusion to make things appear to be what they are not, there will always be a certain percentage in the audience who will buy into the manufactured reality, no matter what. It becomes so important to them, that they refuse to accept any alternative and, as such, they do not care to ask the magicians what they have up their sleeves. That's what it REALLY means to live in a fantasy land!

Break out a little weed so you can de-stress and sleep better, and that automatically disqualifies you from God's Kingdom. What a crock! It's so easy to see through this nonsense, provided you have taken your blinders and rose-tinted shades off. Why get into nuances of Greek words and vague prophecies when the elephant is sitting on your sofa, smoking a cigar and snickering at your inability to see what is right in front of you? We might as well go and bang our heads on a brick wall all day long! I guess the truth speaks for itself to those who are ready and willing to accept it. Sadly, we must keep up the work of repeating truths so that they will at least equal (and hopefully exceed) the volume of lies on any given day.

Barbara ... are these lunatics who persecute you ACTUALLY Jehovah's Witnesses?!!

Surely not.

Oh wait ... how can you be persecuted if you are not a JW anymore? Fascinating!
2013-09-02 19:19:20 UTC

You are obviously living in a fantasy land. You have demeaned your intellect and resorted to a senseless point.

It is clear that you’ve adopted the method of the illiterate types who can only foist their own prejudicial claims on gullible individuals and demand that others accept their twisted insinuations of what Witnesses believe and do.

Your comments here are full of the most absurd falsehoods.

You have adopted the standard practice of those who oppose Witnesses which is to avoid doctrinal subjects which can be proven or disproved by the Bible. This is because they realize that we do teach the Bible so they can only present emotive arguments and biased and false opinions about our practices.

When we see how weak, unreasonable, illogical, and downright false such opposing arguments are then we are even more convinced that we have the Truth and are part of the Christ's True "Church" today (Dan.12:3; Mt.13:39-43).


2013-09-03 00:07:08 UTC
EDIT: @Jest-You and your JW companions are giving Marijuana a negative connotation. God created it, not everyone misuses natural herbs GOD CREATED. Your Judge Rutherford on the other hand, misused a drug-WINE AND BEER, who knows what else. Your use of eisegesis is quite distasteful. REREAD Exodus 30:23 reference refers to sweet Calamus.

Is there not one responder here who has not touched one glass of wine? Is wine not considered a drug? Ah I see there is a hypocritical responder chastising the questioner with his rubbish.

The hemp plant (scientific name: cannabis, slang: marijuana) is one of the many useful herbs "yielding seed after its kind" created and blessed by God on the third day of creation, "and God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:12) He gave hemp for people to use with our free will.

God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)

The Bible speaks of a special plant. "I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more." (Ezekiel 34:29) A healing plant. On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Revelations 22:1-2) A gift from God.

To the responder spewing nonsense, here is something to remember:

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."

George Bernard Shaw

When you blatantly violate the rules of exegesis you are obviously trying to force Scripture into validating a preconceived doctrine.

Bar-By the way, the armor you are wearing in the pic simply indicates one thing: you are lacking strength within. In other words, your weakness is showing.

I forgot to mention that your precious Judge Rutherford was a drunk-

Well, there ARE court documents -- testimony and exhibits that bear on this matter in the Moyle v. Fred W. Franz, et al. case, docket # 15845, along with other material elsewhere, on the prominance of alcohol at Bethel and Rutherford's drinking habits. These include:

WTB&TS lawyer Olin Moyle's original letter to Rutherford (dated 7/21/1939), Exhibit 4 in the Moyle transcript, that claims that "under your [Rutherford's] tutelage there has grown up a glorification of alcohol and condemnation of total abstinence" at Bethel, mentioning several experiences he had at Bethel along these lines, that " 'One can't be a real Bethelite without drinking beer' ", and which said specifically to Rutherford: "You have publically labelled total abstainers as prudes and therefore must assume your share of responsibility for the Bacchus-like attitude exhibited by members of the family" (pp. 1736-1737).

The testimony of Olin Moyle, who related some of the things said by the boys in the elevator, "the boys would remark there, make allusions, wish they had a barrel of beer around, how nice it would be to have a barrel of beer" (p. 359), who described new Bethelites being broken into the habit of drinking beer (p. 359), who mentioned the frequent use of beer and "stronger stuff" by the factory staff in the evening (p. 360), and who related an incident in which an intoxicated factory worker rang an alarm bell late at night as a joke (pp. 361-362).

The testimony of Phoebe Moyle, who described seeing many empty liquor and whiskey bottles in the rooms at Bethel when she worked as a housekeeper (p. 1587), and who claimed to have been teased by brothers in the elevator saying that she couldn't take her liquor (p. 186).

Peter Moyle's letter, published in the December 1972 United Israel Bulletin, that "it has also been known, albeit carefully 'covered', that Rutherford liked his women and his whiskey" (cf. Horowitz 1986:65).

The letter by Canadian branch overseer Walter Salter to Rutherford (dated 4/1/1937, and mentioned in the 5/5/1937 issue of the Golden Age) that declared that "I, at your orders, would purchase cases of whiskey at $60.00 a case, and cases of brandy and other liquors, to say nothing of untold cases of beer. A bottle or two of liquor would not do; it was for THE PRESIDENT and nothing was too good for THE PRESIDENT. He was heaven's favorite, why should not he have everything that would gratify his desire for comfort".
2013-09-02 19:37:38 UTC
I allow myself to yes
2013-09-03 05:09:23 UTC
YES if former members of my faith become APOSTATES then i can and do shun them like the Plague

and they have it coming and deserve EVERY SECOND of their being shunned because most of them have become gross sinners and r guilty of repeated gross sins such as fornication !

barbara H.E. hacked into ur account ! him and him ONLY ! Barbara mason got caught with her pants down by H.E. and now H.E. is rubbing it in every time H.E. mentions ur REAL name ! l.o.l.

p.s. jack is H.E. And i can prove it ANYtime i wish to ur fellow apostates !


barbara mason aka mya
2013-09-02 16:21:42 UTC
Hey that's a GREAT song!! ☼
2013-09-02 18:48:12 UTC
Ah excellent tune. Jeffrey will you please bring us a glass of chilled wine?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.