When the millenium passed, and nothing happened, why didn't christians wake up right then?
2008-02-01 22:09:51 UTC
Why didn't it hit them that it was all just a fairy tale?

I remember during the last few months of 1999 how many people were going nuts with all this "second coming" crap, people were setting up shop in their bomb shelters preparing for the "holy war" and all that garbage...I remember seeing a water store, yes a water store, opening up in my neighborhood, just selling jugs of water, and the line was going out the door! It was so silly.

My grandmother was telling me to prepare cause Jesus was coming soon, "these are the last days" and other such nonsense....

So when nothing happened, why didn't they realize it was all just a big lie? Why is christianity still going on today? It should be dead already.

And what about all the preachers who for years in the 90's preached about 2000 being the end? Did they just go underground after the embarrasment? Or make up some excuse as to why they were wrong?
23 answers:
2008-02-01 22:18:52 UTC
Because the weak need to believe these fairy tales.

Because preachers need to keep taking money from little old ladies social security checks so they can buy Rolex's and monuments to themselves that they call churches.

No body is coming to save ya baby. Ya gotta save yerself.
2008-02-01 22:26:53 UTC
look, the religion of christiany has attempted to make some logical choices about when the world ends. 2000, come on think about it, it's a round number, a very nice time to go don't you think?

By the way, some of you may think that 1999 is the only year christians thought the world would end. It wasn't there is absolutely nothing inthe bible about when the world will end for christians, just how it will end. The same panic happened in the year 666 christianity wasn't as big then as it is now (although it was the dominant religion in Europe) but still many hundreds of thousands of people left their houses and flocked to the holy land only to find out they were wrong and their assests were deserted.

in 999 millions of Europeans fled to the holy land again awaiting Jesus' return in 1000... once again they were dissapointed.

1666 was the closest that any European got to being burnt in christian hell. Many thought the world would end and the prospects were promising, thousands were dyeing from the plague, It would have been a perfect time to go and then the Great fire of London! burnt from Spetember 2-5. Of course many people were dissapointed Jesus didn't come to judge them but the fire actually killed most of the rats in old London town and of course the rats are the ones who carry the fleas who transmit the plague upon people. England was saved!

But seriously it is in Christian scriptures that the world will end in a horrible burning death filled way (sounds like a war) and who knows it probably will end (with a war) but they really want some structure so turning to important numbered years like 666 and it's equivalents and the end of a millenium, it would just make sense to go on even numbered year.
2016-10-16 12:42:47 UTC
No. we at the instant are not even precisely specific while the millenium is...Historians have self assurance that Jesus wasn't incredibly born interior the twelve months we talk over with as a million advert yet in approximately 3. you besides mght make the perception in accordance with numerology, it particularly is mistaken on that's dates (5,000 BC + 2,000 advert= 7,000= God's variety) nicely....consistent with probability. probable no longer extremely good. there is likewise a concept that it's not a millenium to demonstrate screen, yet a hundred and twenty years...or extremely a hundred and twenty jubilees... or consistent with probability if a twelve months is as an afternoon...consistent with probability a hundred and twenty,000 years....yet another concept is that when Jesus stated he might rebuild the temple in 3 days, he meant it to tbe real on various ranges. First, 3 days interior the tomb, and then yet another 3 days (3000 years) to his return. which skill we've a millineum left. Many different tracts of prediction (a destructive subject) finally end up optimum to 2006-2008. unsure if it particularly is for his return or for the antichrist's upward thrust to skill. interior the tip, all we scripturally know to be real is that no guy knows the hour or the day. yet even this has clues. The Jewish competition of Yom Teruah, or the feast of Trumpets is observed as "the feast that no guy knows the hour or the day" via fact it demands the recognizing of the hot Moon in Jerusalem. So no, i did no longer assume something to ensue. i did no longer stockpile nutrients for Y2K, and that i discern that if something have been to ensue, He knows it and that i do no longer might desire to. All I might desire to do is have confidence Him. He stated it's going to be undesirable. that's in no way going to take Him via ask your self. So I stay my existence as though he's coming the next day and that i plan for my and my newborn's futures as though it's going to be yet another 5000 years. proper to allow HIm hardship with regard to the main important factors.
2008-02-01 22:22:10 UTC
Men say all kinds of crap. But did the Bible say that? Hell,no. Jesus said "No man knows the day or the hour.When the Lord comes he will be like a thief in the night."

Why do people believe that stuff.Now it's 2012.Another bunch of crap.When the rapture happens ,there will be no warning,nothing to prepare for,no hill to climb.Just "BAM" and we (believers ) be taken up ,changed from mortal to immortal in the twinkling of an eye.Then the next 7 years will be literally Hell on earth.
2008-02-01 22:21:00 UTC
Ya, i also wondered about it,why didnt the Christians know its all fake,the second coming crappy stuff...There is no such thing especially saying the world gonna end... I heard alot of priests and preachers saying those crap and in the end it never came true...

The Christians still thinks that the end will come soon.. But i really hope not soon..haha(Still havent got married) So in the end, no one knows when its going to end... I agree with you
Demon of hand-writing analysis
2008-02-01 22:17:26 UTC
What? Why would people even think 2000 was the second comming? He never said when he was comming back. The first christians thought it would be in their lifetime. People just want it to come so they predict it comming but he's not going to come just cause we say he is.
2008-02-01 23:13:54 UTC
Wow, you certainly proved Christianity to be wrong.

Show me which verse in the Bible where it says the end will come in the year 2000?

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
2008-02-01 22:37:19 UTC
Christian do not observe "TIME". Read Galatians. That is what Paul is saying to the Galatians. They do take concern of the practice of the Jews and was brainwash to belief in the pratice of custom/culture of the flesh instead of the spirit. We are the Children of Freedom not bondage.

Your grandparent /parents do err.

You know it is not dead but very much alive and if that could not convince you to see the truth than you are lying to yourself. You can hope or wish to see it dead but it will only disappoint you.

The one who is embarrassed is not the Christian but the one who did not listen to the words of Christ but of the Deceiver, like your Parents. Will you follow their footsteps? Learn from their mistake or you will be embarrassed too. Tell your Parents not to hide underground but face up to their mistake and ask for forgiveness for not believing the words of Christ.

Listen to the truth and not to the anti Christ who disguise them self as Preacher. You can identify them by their tails. It is not only your Parents that was deceive but also you. See what damage it can caused if you hear not the voice of the Good Shepherd. Learn from it or your children will also suffer the same fate.
2008-02-01 22:17:45 UTC
A lot of people listen to lies because they do not know the truth. People would not join cults if they knew their Bible. People would not join a false religion if they knew what a real one should look like.

The way you tell a counterfeit bill is to know what a real one looks like.
2008-02-01 22:21:52 UTC
some cult, who believed that they would be the only ones saved upon the end of the world, claimed (after the apocalypse resoundingly failed to happen) that it was their prayers that saved the world.

Shut the hell up is what i say.

I hope they committed mass-suicide shortly afterwards.

Thats the thing about religion, and the reason its a refuge for the weak of mind and character.

you can NEVER be wrong.
Craig R
2008-02-01 22:17:54 UTC
Most of us real Christians didn't buy into that nonsense either. There's nothing magic about our calendar flipping over a millennium.
2008-02-01 22:23:33 UTC
Jesus has promised to return. We do not know when. If it happens in my lifetime great and if it doesn't it still will be great because I know that Jesus will return when the time is right.
2008-02-01 23:56:03 UTC
It's still going to happen, but no man knoweth the hour. I have my own opinions, but its not worth wasting my keystrokes with someone who obviously has their mind made up already..

good luck
2008-02-01 22:19:47 UTC
2011 & 2012 are the next big years to look out for apparently. I'm assuming nothing will happen then too.
2008-02-01 22:15:26 UTC
Jesus said nobody would know the exact day of His return. It is wrong to think that anyone of us here has the date.....

I just didn't believe it would be that date, although I do believe His return is immanent and soon.
2008-02-01 23:15:21 UTC
Those who are actualy familar with historic Christian teachings-likes us Orhtodox and catholics will state we are not to know when Christ will come again.

as for the Protestants who make money on their view of revilation they are simply false prophits.
2008-02-01 22:14:04 UTC
MUCHACHO LOCO the same reason why I didn't stock up on can goods , water, gas mask etc...

Its not going to happen like most think .

And when it does ..I can tell you none of that will save you.
2008-02-01 22:45:33 UTC
I didn't pay any attention to those 2000-is-the-end doom and gloomers because Jesus told me not to. Really.
2008-02-01 22:22:03 UTC
I suggest a documentary for you; you seem to need proof; 5 men are on it who died, went to hell, and were revived. All true, goes into deep medical details, etc. Order "To Hell And Back" at
2008-02-01 22:18:09 UTC
Because the Bible says that we can not predict the second coming until it is upon us! Read up on your facts before you question something like that! Any one who thinks they've got it prob. doesn't.
2008-02-01 22:15:49 UTC
Eh, what's another 1000 years of waiting...
2008-02-01 22:17:00 UTC
That was much to subtle to wake chrisians up.
2008-02-01 22:16:11 UTC
because unlike you trolls Christians have a brain and know that no one will know the day or hour when he returns

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