Wow! So much misunderstanding.
Yes, it's true, the United States Constitution does not mention God, Jesus or the bible. Now read its preamble very carefully.
We the People of the United States ... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Sates of America.
Now ask yourself a question. Two questions. Who or what is the "United States." And who or what is the "United States of America."
Is this a mistake? Intentional? Are they the same entity or two totally different entities?
We began as colonies which became states. Each had its own constitution and many of them made reference to God, Jesus and the bible. The states were established as Christian communities.
These later became the united States of America, a Union, not a nation or country. Each state was and still is a separate nation-state with its own government.
The United States is the Federal government of Washington DC. It's wholly secular. You might say "ungodly."
There are three separate lawful jurisdictions we live under. And we chose the jurisdiction based on our actions.
The first is God's Law – the bible. You are born under God's Law as a matter of right. You are born on the land or soil. (Nations and states are political territories.) You stand on soil, not the State of __________.
The next is state law under a state constitution. You live under state law when you declare yourself, by word or by deed, to be a state citizen.
The final is Federal law (also State Law [note the capital "S"]). You live under Federal (statute) law when your parents volunteer to have a birth certificate issued in your name, you volunteer for Social Security, you volunteer for a myriad of licenses from driver's to marriage to occupational, you register for any number of Federal or State benefits including public school, unemployment compensation, even voting.
Here's the bottom line ...
You could have been a man on the land, a sojourner like Abraham, subjecting yourself only to the Laws of God and living with all your inherent freedoms.
You could have (as almost everyone once did) been a state citizen subjecting yourself to the body politic and its interpretation of God's Law living with most of your inherent freedoms and some state granted privileges.
You most likely have become a Federal and State citizen subjecting yourself to the statutes at large and living with almost no inherent freedoms and many state granted privileges.
We began as a federation of Christian nation-states. Today we are a pagan nation.