Christians: views on the atonement?
2007-03-02 16:18:54 UTC
I'd like to hear your explanations on the atonement. I am a lifelong Christian, but I've always been troubled by the idea of Jesus having to die for our sins. Why? I have never been given a satisfactory explanation. Even after asking a Catholic priest, I was told that it's basically a mystery that we cannot understand. So I have always tried to keep my faith, at the same time praying to God to help me understand this. I'd like other Christians' views on this issue, please. Maybe your insight will help me to grow spiritually.
Ten answers:
2007-03-02 16:27:42 UTC
I, too, gave this a bunch of thought - especially when it was "required reading" in seminary. And the thing that made the most sense to me was the "Substitutionary" atonement theory.

You can find lots of opinions on-line. This one is not bad:
2007-03-02 18:09:53 UTC
The atonement worked on several levels:

1) Since no one had the authority to take the life a sinless man, let alone the only begotten Son of God, Satan's use of the Jews and Roman's to put Jesus to death, resulted in Satan losing all that he had earlier gained from Adam's sin.

That put Satan out of business.

2) All the Satan had was awarded to the resurrected Jesus. That means Jesus became the new and sinless head of all mankind. Now, whenever God looked at man, he would see Jesus standing there. This was a very good thing, as now, with Jesus at the head, God was more than willing to forgive man's sins.

3) Because Jesus is truly man, the grace he obtained by his atoning sacrifice accrued to the benefit of all mankind.

4) Because Jesus is truly God, the grace he obtained for us is infinitely effective and eternal.

5) God the Father was pleased with his son's great work, and so was inclined to grant him anything he might wish. Jesus loves us, as does the Father and the Holy Spirit, so when Jesus asked the Father to forgive us, he did, subject to only a couple of conditions: faith in, and continuing allegiance to Jesus Christ, and his Church.

Not so much mystery after all.
2007-03-02 16:34:33 UTC
In the old testament, because Adam invited sin into the world, because of this every man that was born after Adam was sinful. There had to be an atonement for sin, and it had to be blood. Well in the old testament they used animal's blood, but the high priest had to do this once a year for the people's sin. So God had a better covenant for His people to draw back close to Him, who else but Christ. God couldn't use a mere man, because all men fall short of the glory of God, but God sent the Word and wrapped Him in flesh and called Him Immanuel. His whole purpsoe was to be the sacrificial offering for the people once and for all. That's why the bible call Jesus, the High Priest. Because He stood in the shoes of the priest in the old testamnet, and it was His own blood that was shed. God had to use untainted blood, blood that didn't know sin, that's why He couldn't allow a man to produce Christ. If they could have done a blood test back then Mary's and Jesus blood wouldn't have been the same either. Why? God is just tht bad, He loved us so much that He did this for us. The sin offering, once and for all. If you want more feel free to email. I can help you in even more details. In Leviticus they talk about the different type of offerings, one was the sin offering, and the animal had to be set outside of the city, and Jesus died outside of Jerusalem. There's so much parrelism to God, He's the same, but His ways are so different. Look at Jonah in the belly of the fish for 3 days, Christ in hell for 3 days, getting the keys from the devil so that no man who didn't want to go have to. That's the love of the FATHER FOR LITTLE OLD YOU AND ME, AND EVERYPERSON UP HERE, AND ACROSS THE NATION. So why do they not get it, why do they mock Him, and hate Him, when He's done nothing but love us? That's a question for you?
2007-03-02 16:48:24 UTC
Asking a Catholic priest was your first mistake.

Looking for the answer here instead of in your Bible was your second mistake.

If you don't understand atonement, on what basis do you consider yourself to be a Christian?

In a nutshell:

God is Just and Holy--therefore he MUST punish sin.

EVERYONE has sinned, and therefore deserves to be punished (the penalty is eternal spiritual damnation). The Law of God REQUIRES it.

God is also merciful, so He created a means of saving some people (the Elect, meaning they were chosen) from the punishment that they deserve.

Jesus was punished for the sins of the Elect, thereby satisfying the requirements of the law and simultaneously permitting mercy.
2007-03-02 16:26:34 UTC
In the Old Testament the high priest would kill a lamb once a year for the sins of the people. Everytime a sacrifice was made it had to be a lamb that had no blemishes.

In the New Testament Jesus becomes the Lamb of God that was slain for our sins. Jesus made it possible to obtain eternal life if we repent of our sins. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and his atonement paid the penalty for all sin once and for all.
2007-03-02 16:45:37 UTC
There are many parts of the atonement that are very difficult to understand, but I will do the best I can to explain it to you.

Through our own actions or deeds, we have all become sinners, thus we have fallen short of the glory which the Father would have us receive and have become separated from Him. The purpose of all atonements throughout history has been to bring man to be "at one" with God.

The punishment for sin is suffering and death, thus either we are all condemned to eternal punishment for our sins, or someone else must pay for them. This is where Christ comes in. Through his perfect life, he was able to take upon Him all of our sins and suffer for each one of them individually, after that was completed, He payed the other price for sin which is death, which he suffered on the cross at Calvary.

If Christ had not lived a sinless life, he would have come under condemnation for His own sins and would not have been able to take upon Him ours in order to pay the prices for them.

In order to complete the atonement, Christ not only had to bring eternal life to the children of men, but also immortality. Christ, being the Son of both Mary and our Heavenly Father, was half God and half man in the flesh. The half of Him that was mortal gave Him the ability to die for us, the half that is God gave Him the ability to be ressurected. Through His power, He has now passed that power onto us, and we will all be ressurected at the last day.

Thus, through the atonement, Christ gave us the power, if we act according to the laws and ordinances of God, to inheret both immortality and eternal life.
2007-03-02 16:36:48 UTC
As far as I can understand it has to do with the fact that God is a perfect and holy God who can not bear to have sin in his sight. Since man is sinful he cannot have communion with God and the punishment for each man's sins is death. But each person can only pay for their own sins so it took the sacrifice of one who had no sin to atone for the sins of the Christians. This sacrifice coveres their sins and allows them again into the presence of the Father and keeps them from being punished for their sins by their own death. With out the atonement of Christ their would be no one who would be able to commune with God and live with him forever.

This is my understanding of the matter and I hope this helps clear up your confusion. It wasn't so much of Christ having to but a matter of him loving his people and choosing to die for our sins.
2007-03-02 16:23:07 UTC
I too am a lifelong Christian, and am not really sure of that one either. I am currently reading THe Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel. I am hoping it will answer some questions. Good luck with this and God Bless.

2016-10-17 07:29:41 UTC
God is in basic terms and demands justice. The penalty for sin could be paid. we are all to blame and deserving of that punishment. Jesus got here and took our punishment upon himself. He presented Himself as a sacrifice for our sins that whosoever identifies along with his dying will get carry of His existence. Forgiveness without penalty is unjust and God isn't unjust.
t a m i l
2007-03-02 16:34:03 UTC
The OT High Priest would have an animal sacrifice for his sins first, then for the peoples sins.

For all have sinned & come short of Gods Glory. But God made a way for remission of our sins. Jesus said at the last Supper, "Drink this fruit of the vine, this is my Blood that is shed for the remission of sins of many. Eat this bread, this is my body that is broken for you.".

Without the shedding of blood (of a pure animal) there is no remission of sin. Jesus was the Lamb of God without blemish. He bore our sins on the cross. But since He Is without sin, death couldn't keep Him in the ground (the wages of sin is death). So He raised from the dead (so we also will raise from the dead a new everlasting body).

One man (Adam) we all inherit sin nature, sin & die. By one man (Jesus Christ) we can all be made righteous & have eternal life. It is only fair in the eyes of God.

Our sin separate us from God. God won't hear our prayers when we have sin. Sin is not believing God loves you. That may seem little. But it is doubting God. Without faith it is impossible to please God, for those who seek God, must Believe God Is, and is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him.

Also, you probably have read 10 commandments and thought you never did any of these. But you have. When God shows you a sin, repent the sin to God (for those already redeemed) God is faithful & just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from it.

Only those redeemed by His Blood have everlasting life in them. To see the Kingdom of God one must be born again, born of His Spirit, cleansed with His Blood, joint heirs with Jesus, part of the family of God.

Jesus Christ is 100% the Word of God. Jesus Christ died for us in His humanity, He is our High Priest in His humanity. His humanity is 100% human. The Word of God is of the three in one Yahweh Elohim; Father, Word & Holy Spirit. The Human is who could atone for our sins. He had to be like the 1st Adam before the fall, tempted like the first Adam, overcome Satans deception. Jesus in His Humity is without sin (He bore our sin on the cross). He overcame the devils deception as a human being (body, soul & spirit).

Jesus is the Lamb of God planned since the foundation, the Savior & Messiah planned since the beginning. He is the Elect and all who believe in Him & are redeemed by His blood are the Elect in Christ. All who believe in Him & receive Gods Redeeming Grace

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.