2015-01-31 10:52:38 UTC
I hve a daughter who goes to a christian university we're all Christian and very religious. She recently told me that she was an atheist because she found christianity "ridiculous" and I find it extremely offensive. I was feeling undignified and I felt upset. I havent talked to her in 3 weeks. She is going to a christian university but she said christianity was utter nonsense. Please tell me what to do.
286 answers:
2015-02-01 07:46:42 UTC
Atheism or being an atheist is not the crime here. Not having any proof whatsoever or anything leading in the direction of there being a creator or spirits is no crime, they would say there was if they had seen anything that pointed in that direction.

However, being an atheist and then using it as an excuse to smack around what you would consider stupid people perhaps would be. It's like your all in gangs or something. From an atheistic point of view you were all brainwashed from the time of your youth, so of course the most logical thing to do is just smack you around instead of saving you from your minds being controlled.

Atheist, believer, agnostic, it would appear that we were all just a bunch of assholes the whole time and that is what we'll be judged for.

What is also strange about an atheist is his/her willingness to condemn their own children to this rancid life of pain and horrible shitty death on earth, a death that their own child shall never awaken from. Now that is love right there, that is some mutated ape love right there, very advanced these days we can see.

See? We're all just a bunch of psychopathic dickheads. Let's just join hands and be dickheads together.

You know, not one of us is superior but we all think so from where we are standing for some strange reason.
2015-02-01 10:32:19 UTC
I used to be Christian. I no longer am. I've became atheist since the death of my brother's twins. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe something happen in her life too which has shocked her. Maybe a break up? I feel now that I am sooo much more open minded. When I look back and see how I was while being a believer, I only see a closed minded person almost stupid. A miracle wont get you pass your exams, you have to work for it. A miracle wont heal the wounds of the people you love. Can a crashed head be healed by miracle? Do you really believe that? These are just illusions. I do not need a god to believe in. I am not scared to be all by myself. And Christianity has a lot of gaps. Jeasus taught us to forgive.. so why the hell HELL exists? What's the point of eternal torture? Your daughter seems to be a strong character and realistic. Don't get in conflict with her and don't try to change her. It has already happen, there's no way back. And I am sure that she already knows that the important thing is to be a good person. To feel good about her self and not trying to satisfy the rules of a god.
2015-01-31 21:56:12 UTC
You can waste a lot of time whining about being offended and having been robbed of dignity, but it's just like a two year old's tantrum.

First of all, you have no right to feel offended by your daughter's point of view. She thinks this, and you think that. Calm yourself. You knew this day was coming when she was born. This dissolution must occur. It's part of the path to adulthood.

I'm an atheist and my daughter became a Christian. She told just what she thought of me and my chances for salvation. The truth is, I love her so much I don't care if she's a Christian. I simply replied that I would not defend myself, and that she was free to have her filthy opinion, have a nice day. I also gave her plenty of space.

Wow, this really hurts, but you've got to let go. It really isn't really about religion. This too shall pass and your daughter will recall all the things she loves about you and you'll enjoy each other's company once more, although the relationship will have changed.

Peace be with you.
2015-02-02 03:20:02 UTC
Hey listen, I'm not sure honestly, after reading all of the replies brought about by your religious question - that it's a good idea you take anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that any of these people say, seriously.

It's your daughter. That is the most important thing first and foremost. However before her being your daughter, she's her own person - just like you were your own person when you were her age.

Put yourself in her shoes, how did YOU feel about your own parents, their decisions for your life, and their attitudes towards anything you did, or even do now? Remember ever telling yourself stuff like "I promise to NEVER do X/Y thing to my child", all the meanwhile, being pissed off that whatever it is you're promising not to do to your child - was done to you by your parents?

Don't be confused, your daughter probably loves you very much, and by the way things seem, I doubt she's not looking for any opportunities that present themselves to strike up conversation, even if it's meaningless. She probably wants to hear your voice. And you - hers as well.

Beliefs are a touchy subject, especially on yahoo.answers, home of the pseudo intellectual, so while you're getting dictionary-level replies to your "problem", just keep in mind that your problem is not mutually exclusive, is subjectively personal, and any/all responses you do get, are probably from people who've either 1.) are telling you what you should do based on what THEY did, and they're now - here, on yahoo, telling you about their own problems - so those types of people really shouldn't have their "fixes" to your problem considered legitimately, and 2.) have never actually experienced this problem personally, and are just telling you their thoughts on the subject based on what they WOULD do if they were in your shoes.

It's been a while and your question has probably been answered by you, yourself. But until you actually ask her why?, well, I'm afraid you'll be stuck in this awful situation even if you did take steps to move forwards amongst this issue that arose. You can skate past it, make amends, and pretend it never happened, and just tell her "Look lets just forget it even happened, you're your own individual, with your own thoughts and beliefs", or you can ask her what made her make the decision, and possibly even listen to her? You never know, she may say something impressive.

You have to remember, you were brought up in an entirely different generation, with entirely different ways of thinking, different types of entertainment, different types of culture, pretty much different everything. If you're over the age of 50, and / or your child is over the age of 25, don't feel bad, because YOUR generation is having the toughest time adjusting to the evolving society. Back when you were the same age as your child, your parents didn't have to worry about the changes that are taking place now. In fact, your parents simply rose you how THEIR parents rose them, so on and so forth.

It's only recent that parents are actually feeling the proverbial burn of a dying societal structure, aka the death of "the american dream" which got you, your parents, and your great grandparents to where you're at today economically. You can no longer just take the teachings, and habits that your parents, and their parents - gave, and taught to you - and teach them / show them to your daughter and expect everything to be fine.

Throw your preconceived notions out the ******* window lady. Your daughter is a new generation child. The 1970's are dead and long gone. Christanity is, along with Judaism and Islam - dying a slow religious death.
2015-01-31 16:54:44 UTC
Your daughter isn't the problem. You are. If you really won't talk to her for three weeks because of a choice that she made, then all that says is that you are an intolerant bigot. And she has a point. Christianity is ridiculous, and so is every other religion. Here is why. If you honestly think that your Christian god is THE ONLY god, and everything is EXACTLY as it is written in the bible (which was written by HUMANS), then that is ridiculous. Why? Because that is what every single religion believes, that there is a god, or gods, and that everything in their holy book is correct. And what I personally believe is that obviously they can't all be right, but they can be all wrong. Your daughter is still your daughter, and if you are going to ruin your relationship over this, then that only reflects badly on you.
Johnny Bench
2015-02-01 01:12:08 UTC
What kind of ruthless parent are you that you don't talk to her for three weeks over a religious opinion. Let her be an atheist, you can't change her mind. You can penalize her all you want, you can slap her in the face and you can otherwise penalize her, but there is one thing you cannot do, and that is change her mind. It's her mind, she has the right to express her opinion about everything, including religion. If she thinks christianity is utter nonsense, then it's her opinion which is what a lot of people fought for.

There is nothing more childish than being butthurt over the religious view of other people, like don't you have anything else to do? Don't you have a job or something you should worry about? Shouldn't you more worry about your daughter's university life and her chance to graduate instead of worrying about her opinion that christianity is utter nonsense?

You can't change her opinion. An idea (and let's just say an opinion is an idea) is like a rock in the surf. You can't change it, so stop being butthurt and actually treat your daughter like your own flesh 'n blood.
2015-02-01 01:50:04 UTC
What do you mean "What shall I do?" Your daughter is an adult and entitled to her own views and opinions, even if they differ wildly from and are completely opposed to your views. And I'm sure there are other non Christians who have chosen to go to that college because it is a good college or does the courses they want. At least your daughter has obviously given her beliefs some thought and isn't just going along with what you've taught her without making any personal decision or commitment.

I think what you SHOULD do is to speak to her, tell her you were shocked and very upset by what she aid, so that you said some unkind things in haste and without thought, and that you are sorry. Mend fences, build bridges, repair the relationship. Show her that you love her whatever her beliefs. Allow her to find her own path - if she knows that you love her and are still there for her she is more likely to listen to your side of the Christianity v Atheism debate. You don't stand a chance of discussing faith issues with her if you aren't even talking. And it's not a rejection of you - don't take it so personally. It's a rejection of a religious faith and she does have the right to freedom of belief after all.
2015-01-31 16:15:48 UTC
I am a born again Christian and am sorry to hear about what your daughter said. Pls continue to have a relationship with your daughter. Do feel free to defend the Bible but try to be polite (but firm) about it. I am not sure if she is really an atheist (someone that believes that God does not exist) or if she just doesn't like some aspects of Christian doctrine. At one time, I was angry with God but at no time actually believed that he didn't exist. Christianity does have rules but as Christians, we also have a moral compass. Sadly, many ppl from atheistic countries/societies have no moral compass. As Christians, we will have different opinions on various subjects (for example: Should a Christian attend a charitable fundraiser where alcohol is served? Should a Christian socialize with ppl who are not Christians? Should a woman wear trousers? etc.). However, one principle that we do not disagree on is that the only way to salvation/eternal life is through acceptance of Jesus as our personal Saviour. Good works, donating money, helping the poor cannot earn our way to heaven. Perhaps if your daughter realized this, she would not be so angry about Christian "rules and regulations."
2015-02-01 11:05:05 UTC
I'm sorry about what you're going through, and I am sorry about all the hate you're going to get here.

I understand your perspective as a believer, and I can think of nothing more horrifying than getting the news that you have. What people here may not understand is that you believe that the SOUL of your CHILD is danger. That is scary stuff....

... but here is the thing. Your daughter is going to go out into the world, maker her own choices, her own mistakes and live her own life. That's an easier pill to swallow when you envision the biggest mistake she could make being something like going into credit card debt or what-have-you.

The only thing you can really do is to encourage your daughter to find God again and to let her make own choices about religion. God will not let his own children go without a fight. Your daughter may be experiencing turmoil that you are not aware of, and may be in the middle of a long struggle between herself and the Lord. Just be there for her when she wants to talk, be understanding and NEVER try to punish her for straying from God. It may be a reflex to try to help her, but this is not your struggle. Have faith that God will handle it. I think that may be what God is trying to teach you at this time.

Nothing anyone has said will give you comfort. Pray, and let God be with you.

God bless.
2015-02-02 15:45:50 UTC
May I suggest that your problem is not related to your religion at all. But is one of control. The parent child relationship changes over time and is likely to have done so while said child was away from home. By questioning some part of your personality she is provoking an emotional response. Your response to her provocation determines the amount of influence you have in her life. Try listening without engaging emotion if possible. Listening is something which takes a great practice and patience. The feeling that we know best is merely a manifestation of a lack of focus. Focus upon your daughter and not the words that come out of her mouth.
2015-02-01 05:32:30 UTC
Get over yourself. Your daughters an atheist. So what? She is old enough to be in college, so she is old enough to decide what she thinks of religion. If you are such an extreme Christian that you wont even talk to someone that has different beliefs, even if their your own child, then YOU are the one that has problems. I am an atheist, but I welcome and tolerate all religions. I don't hate those who have a religion, and I certainly wouldn't ignore my child because she doesn't believe the same thing as me! I judge people on how they treat others and how they treat themselves, not on what they believe. It is very intolerant of you to think she has a problem just because she has her own view on religion. Everyone is different, so just do your job as a mother and love your child no matter what.

Sincerely a ******* human.
2015-02-04 06:05:19 UTC
You haven't spoken in 3 weeks? Well that's a real christ like attitude! NOT! She's your daughter, you supposedly love her - you will never stop being her Mother so don't stop now. She is a growing, maturing young women with an obvious mind of her own. SO let her learn & grow in her life in her own way & time. She has much to learn in this life - as do we all. If you have taught her principles of eternity and taught her how to love others and have taught her what is good & right in this life then at SOME POINT in time she will find God again (I believe). But she will need you to be her example still of those things or by shunning her or hating her or not TALKING TO HER you are showing her just how little being a true christian must mean to her MOM based on your behavior. You've grown up and learned through hard experiences in your life too - SO LET her do likewise. She has the same Right To Choose that you do..a gift given us all from God, I might add.
2015-02-01 12:23:34 UTC
Maybe shes confused as to whether she believes or doesn't. If she has no idea, then that's an agnostic. If she were atheist, she would be practicing science and proofs to back up that nothing in Christianity is real. Have her talk to a counselor and have a talk with her. Dont completely shut her off, because that would make her feel even more alone and confused.
Marshall S
2015-01-31 18:42:12 UTC
She may have a dissatisfaction with the social pressure and hypocrisy or she may be a logical thinker and if it doesn't fit into logic or theoretical logic then it is passed on as non-sense. Think of religions that seem illogical to you then imagine the doctrine being shamed upon you. You would either reject it or just pretend to be apart of it to lessen the consequences. So my solution is to meet her half way by finding logic in science for the existance and non existance of a intelligent creator and have a healthy debate and not reinforce your or her ideology upon each other first rule is to always accept how to agree to disagree and not reignite the argument to win. Second free will is apart of every religion mostly unless there is life threating circumstances from what ever governing body be it a parent or government or social governance. Third many christians make the mistake of arguing the need to belive in god and state that with worship comes its rewards or consequences that could easily be compared to the genie in the lamp praise and respect the genie get wishes granted disrepect the genie face the consequences, does seem ridiculous. The way to approach the idea of a creator is understand that we humans like to be in control but we are not what ever your god has done or will do will just have to be accepted and free will is also apart of that plan.
2015-02-01 09:35:33 UTC
I was raised in a Christian household. I had three aunts, one of whom I was not allowed to see because she didn't believe in the things that we did (she wore pants). Ironically we are now doing all the things that she did (wearing pants and makeup). My point is, I believe in God yet I don't do anything about it. By my mother's standards I would be considered an atheist. Like your daughter there are certain aspects of Christianity that I find ridiculous (the situation with my aunt). Unlike her, however, I haven't told my mother yet simply because I'm afraid of her reaction (yours just proved my point). My reasoning (and quite possibly your daughter's too) is because I grew up in a Christian household and saw everything that went on. We couldn't see my aunt because she wore pants yet we were allowed to work with people who did. Not all Christians are hypocrites and most probably don't even mean to be yet some are. Tolerance was never our strong suit and I highly doubt it ever will be. My point is, deal with it! Forcing religion down someone's throat is never a good idea (one of the main reasons why my mom and I don't get along) and will only alienate you even further. If you really love her (which I doubt) then you will accept the fact that she doesn't believe like you do and move on with it. Feel free to ask why she thinks Christianity is ridiculous and if you can explain your side of it but don't become a bigot about this. You're just proving her point.
2015-02-03 14:23:37 UTC
First this site is athiest dominated so don't take the advise of any haters; If your leading by settng a good example continue to do so; and pray they will live long enough to come around. Many if not most kids raised in a Christian home will question the faith at some point especially at the beginning of adulthood: Hope that in time they will see the world for what it is and come home just as the prodical child did in scripture
2015-01-31 20:40:31 UTC
She has found things in her life that has led her to become an atheist.

I would encourage her to see both sides of the discussion. Negating Christianity as a bigoted hypocrisy or negating Atheist as a bigoted hypocrisy without any valid reason at all... this is wrong.

She should look at both sides of the table; I would encourage her to look into books of theologians and books where atheists have become faithful in God since she seems to be heavily influenced by Atheist writings. She should open her eyes and ears and not be filled with one-sided opinions.

To folks here who are bashing the OP and calling Christianity in bunch of insulting comments... it’s you who are biased and bigoted. Just flip the story around. How would you feel if your son/daughter has become a Christian and call Atheism a complete lie? Call Atheism stupid and ridiculous while going to a non-Christian school? You would be just as shocked as this OP.

Instead of maximizing the negative traits of Christianity, we should increase tolerance towards each other.

As a Catholic, I do not hate the Atheists. I understand that they have their own views and respect them. But some of you Atheists... you seem so hateful towards anyone who have a religious faith. You are doing what many Atheists have accused Christians of doing in the past= discrimination towards those who are different.

P.S. She is still your daughter who deserves your unconditional love. Do not ignore her for 3 weeks because she has become an Atheist. Be with her and love her. If you neglect her, nothing better is going to happen.
2015-02-01 21:23:59 UTC
"I was feeling undignified and I felt upset. I havent talked to her in 3 weeks."

Yeah okay, and why do you feel undignified? The bible clearly says that one's faith is a GIFT being a Christian mum you are, you would no doubt understand that. So why then do you feel undignified? How is your dignity some how related to your daughters lost of Christian faith?

Then you go on and say that you have not talked to your daughter for three weeks. I'm sorry but no true Christian would respond this way. Just from this one short paragraph, one can easily deduce that you're actually ignorant of the Christian teachings and whatever version of Christianity that you were teaching your daughter is questionable.

And last of all if it is undignifying you that much, causing you to not speak to your daughter for 3 weeks. Why would you then post this on a public website for millions to see and judge?

I don't think you are genuinely looking for an answer "mum." You're actually a Christian hater, creating a drama on here to demonstrate how stupid a Christian can be with this made up story of yours.

Just another Atheist lie at the end of the day.

Oh and which "CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY" is your daughter going to? I have yet to see one.
2015-02-02 06:58:41 UTC
Don't EVER put your religion before your daughter/family. She is more important. Believe me, It took her a lot of courage to tell you that she doesn't believe in your religion. You should be proud that your daughter has her own voice, her own beliefs, her own thoughts. DO NOT ALIENATE HER! You're causing a problem that doesn't exist. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being atheist, nor is there anything wrong with believing in absolutely whatever you believe in. She is still your daughter. She is still the same person she was 5 minutes before she told you that she was an atheist. NOTHING and NO ONE has changed, except for you. Don't ignore her. Don't be mad at her. You aren't any better than her. Get off your high horse.
2015-02-01 08:28:44 UTC
You need to set your daughter straight everyone else will tell you to avoid Christianity but atheism is just a dark road of meaninglessness and depression. Sit your Daughter down and talk to her tell her that all you want is her happiness and only God can offer it. Tell her that atheists only goal is to destroy hope and turn youth away from tradition. Their are only two kinds of atheist- science obsessed ones who have had their minds poisoned by Dawkins and Darwin and lazy atheists who just can't be bothered to get up to go to church or get in involved in the spiritual side of life. The latter is not so much a problem but the fact that your daughter said Christianity was ridiculous proves she has been poisoned. Tell her the benefits that church life can offer:





Don't force God on her just gradually convert her. Tell her to read the bible (or at least the new testament because its lesson are easier to take in and respect). Show her the corruption behind Atheism. Teach your daughter about God and eventually in her heart she may accept him.
2015-02-03 09:15:07 UTC
Hi there,

I'm an atheist myself, I don't *know* if there is or is not a god but I personally don't hold any positive belief towards one. That's a relatively rational attitude to take to something when there's little objective evidence in favour or against it. In the absence of evidence, some people are comfortable with faith. Some people aren't.

Your daughter may not have meant to mock your belief and I certainly hope she respects your right to believe it. As it would be nice if we could all respect the right of others to believe in whatever religion they so choose or none at all - so long as they don't force that belief on any body else or restrict harmless practices of others etc. Imagine she just meant that she finds Christianity implausible, as I'm sure you find the narratives of non-Christian religions somewhat implausible, you presumably don't mean to mock or belittle people of other faiths, but you would find their religious stories and texts difficult to believe in.

The important thing is this, she doesn't have to agree with your belief system, but she should respect your right to believe it. And likewise, you don't have agree with her lack of belief, but you should respect her right to that perspective. Don't try to convert her, overtly or otherwise as some people advise, it's okay that you believe different things. And don't automatically assume a condescending attitude that she is simply "lost" or any such nonsense. She's not lost - she doesn't agree with you. And that's okay!

I'm sure you love her and that's the most important thing. Just be a mother and in time, you'll both adjust and see that your relationship consists of more than this. The other important thing to remember, is that she's just the same person she always was, it's just that you have found out one new piece of information about her, that's all.
2015-02-01 06:49:47 UTC
Just because she doesn't believe doesn't change who she is. And finding an idea ridiculous is okay, its not her fault you get offended by that. You should look inside yourself to find out why you feel so threatened when someone disagrees with you.

Remember she is the same person she has always been. Religion doesn't automatically make some one good or worthy of respect nor does being an atheist do the opposite and automatically make someone bad and not worthy of respect. You raised her and you should love her no matter what.
2015-02-02 04:34:39 UTC
What I cannot believe is the amount of gullible people who fell for your claim. This post to me is nothing more than a "bait post" in other words, typical anti god/atheist who poses a question while establishing a reaction based on their own fairy tail world that only they exists in and have all the answers to life. You see, your choice of words is your way to insult the religion. You claim you have some daughter going to a Christian school who just "all the sudden tells you Christianity is ridiculous", I find this rather interesting seen as how Christian schools, specially Christian Universities "who BTW are rated just as good, if not better than many Ivy League Schools" explore and teach about all major religions in the world and that your daughter just had a negative view on Christianity. Next, your choice of words, no mother is going to use the ignorant language your trying to portray in your fake story. Feeling undignified? Why? If you were a true Christian, you would have felt nothing but compassion for your daughter, sorrow for her choosing this endless pit of a world that will bring her nothing more than more sorrow......and then you did what? Didn't talk to her for 3 weeks? Yeah, again, if you were a real Christian you never would have allowed this to happen and would have tried every way possible to continue communication with your daughter. I also see you made sure you established to the readers that you and your family are all Christians and "very religious" which is another dead give away that your full of pure gibberish. Christianity resents religiosity because it destroys people and is the reason why so many so who claim to be Christians have a bad name. Why you anti God types have to fabricate stories and create fake realities is beyond me. Surly your life has got to have more validity than posting ignorance on a web site just so you can come back and post responses with 7 other accounts to make it appear that you have such an understanding group of ignorant...............anyhow, I hope one day you meet someone who will make you happy and that you may find the only one to fill that void in your heart. Trust me, playing childish games and posting rubbish like this only shows how hurt you truly are. I hope the best for you and God Bless.
2015-01-31 19:36:09 UTC
The first thing you need to do is calm down. If your daughters an atheist, that's ok, there's nothing wrong with it. Contrary to popular beliefs, Atheists aren't evil, and do have morals. If your daughter doesn't believe in a god, that's perfectly normal. I sounds to me that she took a big leap of faith, (excuse the pun) in telling you that she was atheist, and if you haven't talked to her in weeks because of it, that's on your head. She's probably been an atheist for awhile, (if she's had time to think about the Christian faith and deem it to be ridiculous) and it's not like her entire personality has changed. You both need to have a serious heart to heart and talk about why she's atheist, and what you're going to do about it. (IE accept her and move on.) you'll both feel better after, even if the talk itself is uncomfortable.
2015-02-01 12:33:17 UTC
Conversion isn't real without conviction, and conviction has to be based on faith-based-on-evidentiary realities. I have always stopped the debate with my atheist friends when I challenge them to go make a tree. Or, better yet, copy your brain! Debate, however, will not win anyone over to anything other than to provide something different to think about. Your daughter has to see for herself that our lives prove the bible to be God's instructions for us while we're here. The book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes first come to mind, but any deviation to the way we are made to function, shows God to be true and every man a liar. hen she experiences that reality, she'll then hopefully search to see the validity in God's words and promise to us on how to live forever. Some people have to run into the same brick walls before they wake up. I'm one of those. God gave us all free choice. You need to do the same for your daughter. Encourage her conversations with you by listening without talking back (pun intended). Every once in a while simply ask a question, like, "oh, wow - interesting - so, how did that work out for (her, him, you)?" Questions only to leave her thinking.
2015-01-31 17:32:54 UTC
I ask that people stop bashing Christianity. This is not the thread, nor the time for it. I am an atheist, but I find it rather poor taste of people to take the time to simply insult her religion, instead of offering advice.

Dear Anonymous Mother;

While I understand you are upset that your daughter is rebelling against what you brought her up with (something that occurred between my own mother and I), there is something you must understand, yourself. Religion is something that people must choose for themselves. Whether or not it is the 'true' religion, it doesn't matter; forcing someone to take part in religion is not the way to go. I believe you should ask her to please apologize for insulting your religion, as that was unnecessary of her. But, at the same time, I think you should offer an apology for not talking to her, and say that, though you are saddened by her rejecting of your religion and beliefs, you understand that she must make her own choices in life, and you are willing to be supportive of her.

In the end, it shouldn't matter what faith one is a part of. What should matter is that we are all humans and each and every one of us deserve to be treated fairly and equally, whether we are atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Daoist, or Jewish. So long as our beliefs don't harm others, it shouldn't register on the opinions others have of us. Your daughter still loves you, I'm sure, just as I'm sure you still love her. So, put aside your difference and remember that she is your daughter, and you are her mother.


A Concerned Atheist
Rampant Colt
2015-01-31 18:43:39 UTC
If she is a college student , I would say that she is at the age of questioning not only herself but everything around her as well. She is at the age of maturity that she is beginning to view the world around her differently than when she was a child or teenager .

Love her anyway, I know you feel disappointed in her but love her and even apologize to her because she is an adult and should be able to make her own decisions and/or mistakes.

Set your life as an example for her to follow and pray that she will change her views about religion. Just remember she is her own person and should not be a mirror image of you or your views. She needs to find her own way so let her..Call her and apologize and tell her that you love her no matter what.
2015-01-31 15:33:54 UTC
Hello,I am a christian and I have no ids, but if I did I would have t realize that God does not draw everyone on the family to be one of his. My mom had 7 kids and only 2 are a christian. Th rest are not. Yes, they talk about God, but that is mean nothing. They are in their worldly world. My mom was a christian as well. So, God does not save the whole family when some are christians.Of cause she must have made you very angry saying such a horrible thing, but I can't allow the unsaved people to make me lash out and argue. God does not need me to defend him at all. I would tell her, I don't want you to say anything about the Lord , because I want you to at least respect him, but I cannot make you be something that God has to do. This is not your job mom to make her be a christian,. God has to change a peso 's heart and give them a new soul. Then they have the desire to do his will and love him the way he expects it to be. We are to be forgiving as the bible teaches us to be. Remember Jesus stop his disciple when he cut off the soldiers ear? He put it back on.The man wanted him dead, but he heal the ear on again.he put it back on. That was his enemy. He didn't have to do that, but he did. She is not your enemy. What ever she believes is something you cannot control. So, God expects you to love her and show her how you love3 her. If she doesn't want to take part in thing things you do as a christian person, let it be if she's old enough of course. If she a young kid, she need to go where you go and do what you do.You need to show her your side as a christian person. Ask God to give you strength.
2015-02-02 02:01:48 UTC
Have you concidered that she may have some real points! have you concidered that she may have seen a fault or contradiction in your ways! do you think that she is totally rediculous and unnable to reason? I dont know her but, I do know mainstream Christianity and it is an Abomination to Christ even beyond rediculous, such as "Sunday Keeping" it is Not Scriptural! However Sabbath is Scriptural it is the seventh day, Not Sunday! How about "Christmas obsevance" it is Not Scriptural and worse it is not even on any recognised Jewish or Christ given date, and worse still is Santa which is an annagram for Satan appears King of this obsevance, and Mass is also an unscriptural observance, the Confessional is a perverse misuse of the need to be open and honest to our Brethren, and the wearing of a Crucifix portraying a Suffering defeated Christ, is wrong He is risen and all powerful, the Idol worship of bowing before statues in Buildings, often dedicated to dead so named Saints whose Bodies have been placed to rot and fester inside these building! how very clean!!! and there is much much more that are simply Traditions and pomp and ceremony. or even money spinners, that have No place in simply being Righteous and Obedient to Almighty God our Lord and Christ.

Ask your daughter what she finds rediculous about Christianity as she sees it in you-"without interupting her in the slightest" and see if you can answer gently calmly and in a way that is fulfilling to to both her and yourself, you may discover that you are more Religious than Righteous and speak only what you have heard rather than what is right, if you are stuck in an answer I am prepared to help you, but remember Not all of the thousands of versions of Christianity are right, and most only carry a small portion of correctness in accordance with Scriptures.
2015-02-02 09:25:25 UTC
Keep loving her unconditionally. We are in a world that bullies Christians for our faith by mocking it and making any person who believes feel dumb. Don't push her or shove it down her throat, just BE what a Christina is suppose to be and let your daughter see this in you. **let your light shine**. In a time of hardship in her life she will not turn to the world that caused the troubles - rather the God she was taught about as a Child.

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
2015-01-31 19:21:47 UTC
Throwing my hat into the conversation here;

Perhaps speaking with your daughter rather than alienating her? Find out WHY she is saying these things and give her reasons as to why YOU believe rather than telling her that she SHOULD believe. What someone believes isn't something that can be picked at will, but rather needs to be constructed. If you're alienating her because you believe its what your up bringing taught you to do with those who don't believe, then in her mind she's vindicated in believing that religion, no matter what that religion might be called, is ridiculous because it tears families apart. Talk with your daughter. If need be, both of you ignore the topic of religion for the time being and just be together. You might find she's still the same girl you helped raise.
2015-01-31 19:30:52 UTC
Reconnect with your daughter, while spirituality is important; it can be the very thing that can cause families to break apart and sadly it is usually from either misunderstanding or miscommunication within the family. I come from a strict family and christianity was the new trend from parents who both left the Catholic situation. One of the biggest deals with children cleaving away from their parents (spiritually speaking) is that the family faith has been dished out with a closed hand as opposed from an open hand. If you look at your hand being closed, what do you see? Rest assured the young ones are always going to see the fist (i'm not insinuating any type of physically abusive overtones) but from an emotional standpoint that more often than not is what the child sees. While some Christians aspects have probably taken root that won't sprout till later in life, there is quite a bit more that may cause them to break away simply because they need a break. What this is all boiling down to is, I can remember my parents strict Bible readings and it was all head knowledge, its like okay so this or that happened in the Bible but how does that affect me??? Yeah I know He died for my sins, but I have no idea what that even means!!! (This is the psychological dialogue I had with my parents, even though I have never breathed a word of it to them) Now there really is no point, but what I'm getting at is...a child in order to interpret the Bible accurately at such a tender age, needs to be approached with the heart knowledge of a lesson. You can recite scripture after scripture to them and eventually it will form a callus on the ears OR you can allow them to take certain verses from the BIble and put them into action for themselves, in this way that certain passage will form a bond with them thus going from the head to the heart. I read she's in school now for this, but its still not too late to implement this philosophy. Of course you guys need to mend bridges and she has to know that you love her so dearly, apologize for the past (Dr. Phil says- this situation needs a hero) you still have a way in to be a quality parent. A key stand point that Jesus wants with all of us is the relationship with Him and not the religion/tradition for Him. May you be blessed, prayers for you and your family!
2015-02-01 09:44:06 UTC
Get over yourself. There's nothing wrong with being an atheist, if you can't support her and her beliefs at least don't make her feel bad about them. She's old enough to be in college so she's old enough to determine what she believes in.

Besides, your religion is supposed to be kind and fair and whatever, not to shut your own child out because she doesn't believe in the same things as you!
2015-02-01 01:04:12 UTC
Today parents are advised to allow their children to make their own decision about religion. Whether there is a God or not has had no effect on humanity. The present proponents of such things as heaven and hell have never offered any proof that such exist. Scientists are now displaying proofs that humanity is simply the result of evolutionary changes to earlier life forms. Christianity in its basic form: Faith, Hope, and Charity, offers a wonderful plan for a happy life. You will get a chance to learn if there is a God. Be prepared.
2015-02-01 03:37:19 UTC
At first you must understand that you are living in a God's miraculous era which had started in the year 1950 and going to end within a few years or littler later. People born in this era think that this is natural. They cannot understand the difference except the old people aged more than 70. Sooner or later she will understand what is what. She may change if she reads all of my answers.

I myself the evidence (not God Himself) for the existence of God. Without telling the truth you cannot change them from becoming an atheist.
2015-02-02 12:50:58 UTC
I've always wondered why atheists gave up their faith. Well you clearly haven't raised her that way so maybe something really sad happened that changed her mind. I have a friend that became an atheist because he had a sad life and bad stuff was always happening, so he thought that if there really was a God, He wouldn't have made him suffer like that.

I think you should talk to your daughter. I think something happened and you need to be there for her! As you know, college is a stressful place; some people even commit suicide because of it. What if its her college that's the problem? I don't know what's going on I'm not ms-know-it-all but I highly recommend that you talk to her.
2015-02-01 14:03:34 UTC
Shouldn't your love as a parent for your child be stronger than your hate for her atheism?

And anyway, who really cares? I'm an atheist, my best friend is a Christian and we simply don't discuss religion because we know it would lead to arguments and shouting matches.

She has different beliefs. So what? You probably work with and talk to people everyday that are a different religion than you (or no religion).
2015-01-31 20:25:19 UTC
Anonymous - I loved your answer. I too am a born again Christian. I think the best advice we can give this Mom is for her to pray for her daughter and to live her life as a good role model. My child's biggest criticism of Christians was that "they sin." Not something outrageous like murder or kidnapping but small stuff - maybe not answering totally honestly in order to preserve someone's feelings. However, she had to realize that lies are sin as well and need to be forgiven. Christians aren't perfect - just forgiven. Non-Christians/Atheists sin too. They just don't have the benefit of going to God for forgiveness since they don't believe in Him.

Do the best you can as a Mom. Give her solid advice - tell her to search for the answers herself and that you will help her if she desires you to. Challenge her to be open towards God and let Him speak to her.

One of the best books I have found on this subject and which YOU should read yourself so that you can help her WHEN she asks for answers (which she will eventually do) is entitled "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" by Norman L.Geisler and Frank Turek. I believe you will learn a lot from it and if she reads it, she will have a good foundation on which to base her beliefs.

Communicate normally with her as a Mom who loves her child regardless of her current beliefs. Often it is just a matter of time and life experience that will bring her to realize that God is there just waiting for her to open her heart towards Him. I will pray that you and your child will successfully resolve this issue. The Christian life is the best life to live. Remember If Christians are wrong about there being a God - they have nothing to lose when they die, and they have lived a good life! On the other hand, if those who don't believe there is a God are wrong, they risk all of eternity. What a sad thought. I like my odds a lot better - and I love my life because I have asked God to be my source. God bless!!
2015-02-02 02:29:26 UTC
Right lady, being so upset you do not speak to your own child for two weeks and going , is that what religion dictates to you? If that is what your religion makes you do ...{by the way ignoring another person is a major form of emotional abuse especially to children} .....I think if you look at yourself {honestly i mean this is your kid least make an attempt at honesty} , you will know why your child has not picked your way of life. Im sorry to be blunt , but if i can see it so well I'm sure everyone can. good grief , make that 3 weeks of iggying your own child , abusing . sheeesh , lady get a grip, use your brain .
2015-02-01 02:18:59 UTC
From my own experiences, when I told my mother that I am an Atheist, she hid her own emotions and thoughts on the subject, so much so that she practically ignored the fact that I am in fact Atheist. It hurt me alot that she had done this, and damaged my confidence. It was hard enough to pluck up the courage to tell my religious crazy mother that I wasn't a Cristian, and believed in science, and then she had practically ignored the fact until I brought it up again. Once I had brought it up again, and she was quite offended by my 'decision', which was quite hurtful, she told me not to tell my great aunt, as she is a nun and has been in the convent since she was fourteen. In the end, after the pope had claimed that the Big Bang theory had happened, we began to share our different sources of beliefs. My advice is, if you can't beat them, and don't want to join them, at least talk to them, find something you can compromise on.
2015-02-03 21:45:53 UTC
Accept your child, because even though you may feel betrayed and hurt and like she isn't even your child, eventually you will miss her. Unless she says otherwise (honestly, even if she doesn't) she loves you and values everything about you, other than that one part she disagrees with.

In my opinion, religion should be just like what your house looks like to a friend that hasn't been there yet. We get an idea of who someone is and guess what their house, or even their family/at home life looks like, when in reality, it is completely different.

We aren't defined by our hair color or race, so who be defined by our religion. In the end as far as you know you're going to heaven and anyone that doesn't have the same beliefs or close isn't... so why the big deal?
2015-02-01 16:48:09 UTC
I think you should just talk to her and learn more about why she became an atheist. It isn't an easy subject but you cannot just make someone believe in something that is truly just belief based. My personal view is that religion isn't ridiculous, I think it helps some people get through their lives- whether its Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or any other religion- they are all living for someone who isn't themselves. But not believe in something is okay too because there is no way to prove who is right or wrong. Because of this, we all just need to accept that someone might have a different belief than you because you also have a different belief than them. Since you are a Christian (I am too) we are told to love one another so just because she has a different idea in her mind and heart, be there for her and love her like you would if she were still a Christian or else or could lose her yourself. Good luck (:
2015-02-01 14:10:25 UTC
I believe you should just love your daughter and accept her point of view, even though you don't hold the same viewpoint. If you don't like what she has to say, then avoid the subject of religion.

I'm an atheist. My sister is a Christian, as is my mother. Yet just because they have a belief I don't share doesn't stop me from loving them. I also have a daughter that was religious, and I haven't stopped loving her either. It never occurred to me to come on answers and ask people what I should do.

Just focus on being a good and loving parent. Please don't let religion become a dividing force in your family.
2015-03-24 14:05:39 UTC
I believe that anyone has a right to believe in what they want, I went to a catholic primary and secondary school and am no longer Christian (I was never confirmed Catholic) I was only a Christian because that's what I grew up with and didn't know about any other religions and views. However now I know about different religions I have found one which suites me better. I think if she wants to be aethiest let her be atheist and keep an open mind and respect her decision.
2015-02-01 09:57:18 UTC
.....AND MY CHILD IS GAY.....THE PROBLEM IS YOU, NOT YOUR CHILD. you know, I fully understand your feelings, it is life the grief of loss, but your child is an adult and the word tells, us "RAISE A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO AND WHEN HE IS OLD, HE WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT."

You, must pray and trust the Lord with this, He made us and He knows all about us.



Your child is amongst a billion non believers at university, they all believe they have the right answer. They are persuasive also. However, your child is having a trial by fire, and you will need to put all your trust in God to protect, deliver and be there with and for this child while they are going through. Stay out of God's business for a change, He knows what He is doing and his wisdom is not ours.

The best thing you can do is be a light for your child. talk openly with that child and put your anger under restraint, If you are a believer, you know there is no limits to what God can do, you trust him with this and go back to parenting.

Your child will be fine, just love your child regardless, this is not about that child, it is about you, spiritual warfare. Satan doesn't want your child he wants you, so stick to the word of God with focus. Look to the hills, that is where your help is. and continue to serve the Lord. Pray. Trust, Believe.
2015-02-01 04:01:24 UTC
Assuming your question is legitimate and not one belonging to some troll and as a Christian, I would suggest you do nothing. Allow your daughter to get her education. If she's in college, she's old enough to make her own spiritual decisions. I live near several "Christian" Universities. I can assure you that almost all of them have bars or businesses within walking distance of the Administration offices. Some of those schools forbid the use of alcohol or drugs. It's used anyway so to expect that your daughter wouldn't glom onto the trend to claim atheism by young people these days is being less than observant of society. Most of them aren't atheists. They're young and no nothing of their religious beliefs. To them, religion is nothing more than rules set down by you and God to control their lives. They can't deny you to your face and to them God has no face so it's easier to do it with God. To this generation, perception is reality. If you can't see it, touch it, hear it, or smell it then it doesn't exist for them, except for climate change. They will readily accept that because it's the "cool" thing to believe in. Also, it's "cool" to them to "be" an atheist.
2015-02-01 21:45:02 UTC
Let your daughter believe what she wants to believe. Sometimes you have to let your child go against you family's beliefs. I went through a very anti-organized religion phase, and I still sometimes go back and forth about my Catholic beliefs, however now that I am pregnant, I do see the importance in a belief system. I may not agree with everything the Church says, however I do truly enjoy believing in a higher power and I do enjoy the comfort my religion brings to me.

If it is meant to be, she will come around and accept her beliefs, and if she doesn't that's OK too. You did everything you could to bring her around to your beliefs, and whether or not she chooses to continue with the beliefs instilled upon her by you is entirely up to her.

You cannot force it upon her, it will only make her angry. Let her experiment with her faith and if your faith in her is strong enough, you'll believe that her choices are her choices and she is choosing what is best for herself.

I completely understand your faith in God and why you want her to have that same faith, but sometimes you have to have faith in your child and their judgment as well.

I know plenty of Atheists who attended Christian university and high school. It is not uncommon. I went to a Jewish school and I'm catholic.
2015-02-01 07:30:30 UTC
The bible is a good story, but that's just it, a story written by humans for humans and to control humans. This is big business and the charitable Christians unfortunately are the sheep. Most religions teach the same things worded quite differently. If you go way back before Christ and research Horis you will see that the bible and the story of Christ was simply plagiarized. I am an agnostic, not an atheist. I believe we simply do not know and that the elite class of people simply invented stories to control the masses. It is obvious... but most people are sheep and easy to control.
2015-01-31 11:25:25 UTC
You must be a good mom given that you don't talk to your daughter and ignore her just because she has a different opinion than you, especially a very realistic and intelligent one. It's amazing that she was the one to conclude that christianity is indeed ridiculous, especially growing up in a christian environment. You should be proud of yourself because you're such an idiot, and you're not even a true christian because the bible also says that jesus loved everyone, even the sinners. And you're being a total b*tch and hypocrite by seeing her as less than human.

I feel bad for her for having a horrible and cruel mom.

EDIT: Lmao she most likely already saw this question. If she did, you're f*cked.
2015-01-31 23:59:23 UTC
I dont know how to say this without sounding mean, but ill try.

Youre daughter is a person and people have free will whether you like it or not. If you wont talk to her for thinking for her self than maybe shes is better of in the scheme of things without you. Did you really expect to make every decision for her until she dies?

I really think its horrible that you being a Christian have basically disowned youre daughter for not being a Christian. Christians are supposed to be tolerant ane loving. Jesus didnt say hate and disassociate yourself with non believers. He said love your enemy. He said God shines light upon both good and evil.

It really is a shame that Christ being such a loving and accepting person has taught to be like him and yet Christianity has produced some of the most scrict dogmas and some of the most bigoted people. Read the NT again until you get the message that you arent the judge, jury and executioner. Dont fill her head with bible quotes until she admits youre right either. If she admits youre right because of that it will be a lie and false faith. If she doesnt want to be a Christian thats her decision, not yours. To not speak to youre own daughter is aweful and i think Jesus would be ashamed if he had acted in such a way.
2015-02-01 09:22:47 UTC
The people have the right to worship any God or none that they choose. Your daughter has simply expressed her right not to worship any God - you should not be offended - you are living in a democracy wherein there is freedom for all to express themselves as they feel fit and right for them.

Your daughter is the same loving daughter she has always been - she is now of an age where she an make her own choices and no insult was ever intended.

If you really knew the origins of Christianity and how it got established, I think you might also have doubts.

This video about Constantine the Great is not intended to turn you away from Jesus or any such. It is to show you the true establishment of Christianity in the Roman world by Constantine while still Governor of Roman Britain. He had been 'elected' Emperor of Rome by the Romano-British Legions - 4thC AD.

Why were the Legions prepared to worship Jesus Christ? Simply because his life matched almost exactly the life of their own God, Mithras or Mithra - a pre-Christian God from Classical Persia.

The worship of Mithras appears in the 1stC AD and simply disappears in the late 4thC AD.

If you are a truth follower of the Christ, the Mighty God, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, then you will not look away - you will weep as did the women at His end on Earth.

Golgotha - from the Royal Holy Orthodox Church of Jesus Christ in Egypt

Do not look away.

Christian Leveller - London UK
2015-01-31 14:24:25 UTC
You accept her for how she is because it's her life and being an atheist won't hurt anyone. That's what God wants. But ask for her to respect it too because Christians try not to hurt anyone on average. I agree with who said being an atheist doesn't make you a bad person but ignoring someone isn't nice.
2015-01-31 16:31:05 UTC
Accept that your child if free to have views of their own. You've clearly tried to encourage her to be Christian and it hasn't worked out. Now you have a difficult decision to make. Is your faith more important to you than your own child? You're not going to turn her back. Once someone has stepped away from religion and see it for what it really is, they never go back. You can either accept that, or destroy your relationship trying to force her to return.
2015-01-31 20:19:28 UTC
It doesn't matter what she thinks, or how you feel about it. If your daughter is going to a university, then she is most likely old enough to be make her own responsible decisions. If she wants to be atheist, it's her decision, not yours.

If you respect your daughter's choices and beliefs, and maintain a positive relationship with her, in time she will do the same to you.

One more thing: don't take her decision personal. Her choices do not reflect onto you.
2015-01-31 17:47:09 UTC
1) Sentence. Let this sentence be like this only. You can ask any number of question about your child. You need not feel shy or hesitant about it.

2) Pl take adequate care of your child. It is your foremost duty to look after your child. Pl. don't be negligent. That which you can not bend in the tender stage/age, cannot be rectified when he become rigid or adamant.

3) By the way what is his age and your age.
2015-02-01 08:58:32 UTC
Umm, don't force your personal beliefs on others, even if they are your children. I find it offensive that you feel she is offensive for having personal views. The only reason she is going to a christian university because you instilled those beliefs in her from birth. But religious brainwashing doesn't work on everyone. Some people begin to look at the world differently as they get older and take their own path regardless of the path you hoped you set for them. The fact that she doesn't believe says alot about her ability to think independently and logically. She was able to break free of the religious dogma that she came realize has no basis in reality.
Ethan Hanlon
2015-02-01 14:09:35 UTC
Religion is ridiculous. Atheism is ridiculous. Every religion is ridiculous. Because they all state that everything in their holy text/belief/whatever is correct, without any backing. The Romans could have been correct. The Atheists also could have been correct. We can't talk to God/the gods. That's why all religion is ridiculous, and that's why we all hold hands as ridiculous arseholes.

Besides, your daughter is in a college. She's old enough to decide what she believes, and what she does. She decided to believe in atheism. Oh well.
2015-02-01 05:10:27 UTC
Pray for her and don't give up on her ... Try talking to her and instead of trying to feed her with Christianity try to love her the way Christ did. There is no great a way to get her back than loving her. I'm sure her friends have a lot to do with her becoming a Atheist.
2015-02-02 15:14:17 UTC
It's her decision, I think you're being unreasonable by not talking to her over something like that, life's short, make up, love your child regardless of what she believes in. Would you not talk to a stranger if you found out they were atheist? Or if they were another religion?
2015-02-01 01:36:10 UTC
Maybe she is confused at the traditions of christianity, teaching children to worship using a fertile rabbit that lays eggs is confusing for some and and an omniscient fat man in a red suit who rewards children rather than our Father in Heaven, does leave others wondering what kind of rediculous religion this is. Maybe she finds using so many pagan traditions to honor Him rediculous, it would be good to ask her. Perhaps you can ask her what she has found to be contradictory.

Maybe she has learned something that doesn't agree with the teachings and you can both can sit together and read and learn what the Bible says about how to honor Him. There are many errors in what the churches teach maybe she has found one more hypocrisy than she could accept?? And together you could both learn as you search the truth...but be willing to switch to what the Bible teaches you, she will want to see your desire for the truth.

Could be in the process that you both find lost traditions that become a new way to worship Him Biblically like so many others are finding lately. A way that is more in line with what He has asked, and then she wont find it ridiculous or contradictory any more.
2015-01-31 17:27:55 UTC
Atheism is the lack of comprehension, that is why your child thinks Christianity doesn't make sense. Continue to have a relationship with her, be nice, and use all the available learning resources you can find to help your daughter understand Christianity. One question at a time.
2015-02-01 00:49:25 UTC
Stop with the religion and allow your daughter to grow. She is going to make her own decisions no matter what you do or think. Now I know you love her and she loves you, but if you put belief in a religion above your daughter then you will lose her forever. That you will have to live with all the rest of your life. Call her and tell her that you love her and leave religion out of it. You were hurt only because she is not following in your foot-steps in religion. Nobody needs a religion, but if you think it makes you feel good, OK, but do not try to push your daughter into something she does not like.
Francis F
2015-01-31 21:03:34 UTC
If your child is an atheist, you need to pray. Often an atheist is impervious to logic and facts of Christian apologetics. That is why an appeal to reason will often fail.

Your solution may lie in prayer. Keep witnessing to her but pray as well. You can plant the seed but God waters. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts the person of their salvation. She lacks that intuition coming from the Holy Spirit which is vital for a grasp of the Christian faith.
2015-02-01 07:46:51 UTC
You're pathetic! Absolutely pathetic to ignore your own child over their perspective of life and religion. You just prove her point, you believe in love and pece but really are the most hateful people, "believe me or I will strike you down". Your daughter needs time to breathe, she's living her life, studying, not wasting her time believing in someone that's not there. If you was truly a Christian you would accept her but clearly you're not
2015-02-03 09:00:33 UTC
I'm not going to tell you what to do, because only you can figure that out.

I will, however, ask you what you want to have said or done to you if you were in her shoes, telling a Christian parent that you're an atheist (or vice versa: that you're a Christian telling an atheist parent that you're a Christian).

Mull on that for awhile, and you'll get your answer as to what you should do.

When Jesus said, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." -- He wasn't kidding.
2015-02-01 20:00:15 UTC
Smart Kid. Here's a fun fact, English is a low germanic language, in German Son, is the word for Sun, when you hear jesus is the Son of God, you're really hearing that Jesus is the SUN of god, Jesus never existed, he's anthropomorphized version - a humanized representation of the Sun, which was an idea taken from more ancient deities. You should do some research and not insult your kids intelligence.
Steve B
2015-02-04 15:10:19 UTC
My mother is Catholic. Always went to church.

My father was Reformed Lutheran, rarely went to church.

Not sure where my two sisters stand at this point.

My wife is Jewish.

My one son is more Jewish than my second son.

I don’t think my second son is very religious.

My nephew decided at one point that he needed to tell my sons about Christ.

I told him it was not necessary.

I don’t believe in any deity.

Somehow we all get along.

I would never give up on any relative because of their religion, especially a child.

But, maybe that is because I'm a flawed atheist and not a loving Christian.
nanny ogg
2015-01-31 18:10:50 UTC
Then show her that you love her even more, and if you read your Bible I believe you will understand this.

She is your beloved daughter, show compassion and Love...for Love is all you need. Every moment you spend with your child is precious, we dont always have to agree with them, but to divide yourself because of an insult to your faith is somehow contradictory to the very lessons that Jesus taught....Try putting aside religion for one moment and teach her the value of unconditional love, as time goes by she may change her opinion, but she will have your love and support, which is more important that just words. Dont put any name tagon your child or push her into a corner because this is her time to become a rebel, the only name tag she needs is beloved daughter....remember the story of the 2 brothers, and the father who sacrificed his fatted calf when his wayward son came back home....Get on that phone right now or go and see her.
2015-02-04 15:46:00 UTC
your child deserve a metal of honor your daughter is in university she has her own opinion

what are you mad about? your mad that your child dont belive in someone that you have no evidence of existance?

christiany IS nonsense judaism islam and christiany all 3 are nonsense i was born jewish and became an atheist because i was smart enough to understand that the bible is simply a book that was written by the romans with no proof of gods existance

none of us can proove that god exist we cant see him we cant hear him and we sure as hell cant proove if he did something or not being an atheist is not only fine its NORMAL

only 10% of the world is atheist

about 60% of the world belive in the jewish god (either if he's a muslim christian or jewish) the same god that no one can proove that exist the other 30% belive in statues like hindu

greeks belive in zeus

there is nothing spiritual in this world no spirits no ghosts and no god you should be ashamed

you wanna know what to do? hang yourself for being an idiot
2015-02-01 07:53:01 UTC
The answer to most questions is "love them anyway."

You can listen to what she has to say but don't put up with a lot of disrespect or you may have a lifetime of that. Just agree to disagree.

She isn't a child. She is a young adult.
Aaron S
2015-02-02 09:14:30 UTC
I know there are a lot of Answers, but let them have the freedom to choose. Look at history, forcing/imposing any doctrine or idea that is not there own will create a rejection of some sort. Let there mind stay open, and don't guilt them, if you do you are manipulating them.

Let them Choose and just love them, I promise you will never regret this... That is what Jesus would do...
2015-02-01 13:25:24 UTC
So very glad your daughter has seen the truth... and so very sad you haven't. I used to be a christian too, and fleeing from that nonsense is the best possible decision I could have made. It's pretty scary the things I used to believe, but then I was brainwashed by my parents... by people like you. The only person who can put a stop to the nonsense is YOU. You refuse to... but your daughter has. She's so much healthier for doing so.
2015-02-04 21:24:20 UTC
Church is great! Religion was invented to control people. I was brainwashed into a Catholic belief and I only figured it out through research that all religions of just unsupported proof through story telling and peoples recounts of events that have explanations now because of science evolution. According to religious fanatics, people NEVER LIED 2000 years Your kid is is extremely smart, intuitive, and will have a good heart as long as you teach him right and wrong by age 7 (science has proven that most of everything we learn about relationships we learn by age 7) BUT...if religion helps you stop being a selfish, greedy, arrogant S.O.B., then worship your god even if it's a chair.
2015-02-01 07:02:51 UTC
you can't dictate your children's opinions. as a university student, she is a mature adult and is perfectly entitled to believe that. the best thing that you can do is accept her and continue to love and support her and i guess if you feel strongly about it you could pray that she may turn back to her christian upbringing but if she doesn't there's no way of forcing it, and by not talking to her and forcing her away you will not encourage her in recommitting to god. by not talking to her, you are not setting a good christian example for her to follow and not giving her a positive view of what christianity actually is. i understand that you may be offended by her opinion, that you may think that it's wrong but sometimes it's better to keep this to yourself and have an open mind to other's - especially your own family's - opinions.
Robert S
2015-02-01 13:00:38 UTC
TO CONVERT YOUR DAUGHTER: Wear that spirit out with prayer and take these actions, but hear this parable first (My newborn cries inbetween feed times and I'll put a pacifier in her mouth and she'll keep pushing it out and sometimes holding it in getting frustrated, so I held it in her for and that cycle made her despise the pacifier, I felt the Holy Ghost showing me to just hold it to her mouth and let her work at it on her own and bring it in on her own without me forcing it and it worked perfectly the first time...Selah (think about it). The Steps: First let her know you respect her comment with verbiage like "That's interesting that you think that, I'm curious about it." I feel spiritually that there's some rebellion about you and her upbringing, and used the verbiage she used to "hit you". Then once in a while ask her a difficult question from your studies of apologetics, don't rebuke her answers just learn from them what she thinks is "ridiculous" about it so you can study that area of apologetics and ask questions there. Inbetween show her that you don't care about her stance personally so it doesn't empower her against Christ thinking she can get you back through it. And show her huge Christian love and grace always giving her JESUS-like answers from scripture over her problems and be light with everything be very light.
2015-02-02 17:07:54 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that this is unsettling to you, however, it's important to remain in Christ-like character during this time. A lot of people go through ups and downs in faith, and this could just be a low point for her. However, if you truly think she has given this up, all you can do at this point is pray for her. Forcing her or shoving the bible down her throat is not going to help anything - in fact, that will push her farther away from God. See, Jesus is a gentlemen and He won't just pound His way in angrily, so you have to remember not to do that either.

Your daughter is starting to develop a mind of her own, apart from what she was raised in. Let her explore. She may find something that isn't working for her and remember to come back to Christ. The enemy uses all kinds of tactics to steer God's children away from Him. But in the end, the devil won't win! I know that it is hard for you to accept that your daughter has turned her back on God, but there is always hope that she will turn it back. Please don't talk to her rudely about it or in a forceful manner. Please let her have the free-will that God has granted her. Let her explore.

When my Christian friends stopped forcing the bible down my throat and stopped pushing me to give my life to Christ, I eventually realized on my own terms how much I needed Him. A lot of people steer away from the faith because people put a lot of pressure in Christian communities. The best thing you can do is pray and remain Christ-like in this situation. Please don't panic. Even if your daughter doesn't love Christ, Christ loves her very much and WILL take care of her.

Be blessed! I'll be praying for this situation to get better. :)
2015-02-01 06:10:54 UTC
Children have a right to form their own opinion, they grow up and their opinion might not agree with ours. We'll see how atheist she is, all men and women one day draw their last breath, one day we shall see how true to her atheism she is.

Taya above is right:P.S. She is still your daughter who deserves your unconditional love. Do not ignore her for 3 weeks because she has become an Atheist. Be with her and love her. If you neglect her, nothing better is going to happen.
2015-02-03 07:04:46 UTC
Sometime our children looks at examples not always their parents but other who professes Christianity. Unfortunately there have been many bad examples among those claim to be Christians. What your child needs to know is that these Christians that does not live up to the example that Jesus set, will be judged and receive punishment for stumbling others. Luke 17:1 Then he said to his disciples: “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come! 2 It would be more advantageous for him if a millstone were hung from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little ones. The leaders in the congregation are to watch over the flock of God. Romans 16:17 Now I urge you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who create divisions and causes for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. 18 For men of that sort are slaves, not of our Lord Christ, but of their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattering speech they seduce the hearts of unsuspecting ones. True Christianity is identified by love. John 13:34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” Maybe if your daughter see the unhypocritcal love among Christians she will come around. For more information go
2015-02-02 03:26:38 UTC
we say that souls are coming back into reincarnation which the church does its best to abolish, but perhaps the girl is a new age person/soul who sees well beyond these writings which after all are now somewhat outdated. She would be well advised to follow the truth spiritual pathway back to as you would say God! Also we add that Christ IS today on earth and not in some secluded heaven so she may see Him very soon. Good luck and Om Shantih.
2015-01-31 21:19:15 UTC
If you find it offensive that she is who she is, then you need to understand that your child is free to make up her own mind. You need to man up and respect that she has different views from you. You don't lack dignity because of your child, you lack dignity because of ignorance. Try to understand what atheists think before you start throwing a tantrum.
2015-02-01 18:04:14 UTC
You've done wheat you can and have taught her what you believe. Now all you can do is let her decide what she wants to believe. I find it selfish to put her out of your life because she has different beliefs than you. That is not what a Christian does. You're supposed to love and except her unconditionally as a Christian and mother. She can't help what she believes
2015-02-01 12:27:52 UTC
Maybe it isn't that she doesn't believe in a God but rather that she doesn't feel the Christianity she's known up until now is the truth? Give her time. Let her find truth on her own terms. Pray for her to do so and encourage her to read the Bible - if she's willing.
Jason X
2015-02-02 12:26:52 UTC
What if the Child was a Muslim who became an Atheist?

Why is it always Christians?
2015-01-31 16:26:21 UTC
I wouldn't bother about it too much. Most young people at her age go through a phase when they question the existence of God. I know I did. It is an age Satan knows we are vulnerable and tries to deceive us into believing .that there's no God so that he can claim our souls. In time your daughter will find the truth again. Just pray for her and leave the rest to God.
2015-01-31 16:24:18 UTC
< it extremely offensive.>>

Like Don Vidal answered, because she's an adult, the most you can do is pray that she one day find her way back to the Faith - and be patient. These things take time.

She may come around as soon as she's out of university and back in the real world. For all you know, she's getting these crazy ideas about Christianity from university, or some misinformed goon in university. Don't lose your cool because that will just add fuel to her fire.

< in 3 weeks.>>

She's your daughter. You can't not talk to her. You don't have to accept what she does or what she believes - but you DO have to accept her. God gave her to you. Therefore, to disown her is akin to disowning God!

< what to do.>>

Have her explain herself to you. In the process, hopefully, she'll realize how little she really understands about what she believes. Other than that, pray.
2015-01-31 15:14:35 UTC
Young people are very rebellious and often renounce the beliefs of their parents or the older generation or they rebel in other ways.But as they mature they will modify their extreme beliefs. Do not try to argue with her as young people who rebel in this way think they know everything. The best thing to do is agree to disagree at this point and try to keep a relationship going in areas where you can still get along with her. She may never return to her faith but she may become more tolerant of those that have faith. Try to stay on as good terms with her as possible but to not allow her to be insult9ing towards what you believe just make it clear to her that the topic is off limits because at this point you are not going to change her mind and no Minister or Clergy is either but she is still family. Though she has not tolerance at this point you can exhibit it yourself and still be her parent.and have influence in her life. You can act like a Christian yourself in your relationship with her that is be forgiving and loving towards her despite the fact you disagree with her and feel hurt by her actions.
2015-01-31 16:49:05 UTC
Do you want her to exercise her own ability to think and reason and grow as a human being, or do you insist she maintain her current status? If the former, then the right to make up her own mind extends to ideas about God and religions. If the latter, then why even let her go to university? Why not just keep her "locked up" and living at home so she can be your metaphorical "lap dog"?

Let her grow and expand her horizons and celebrate what she discovers, and accept what she comes to believe about God. This is called unconditional love.
2015-02-02 09:02:48 UTC
Everyone has their own opinions. U shouldn't find it offensive, However she had no right to say ridiculous. Just because she was born in a religious family, does not mean that she has to believe in them as well. Ur her mom, she should be able to believe in what she wishes, but perhaps keep her opinions to herself if they may upset you? If she was my child, I would accept her for who she is, no matter what! They're always your child, no matter what anyway!! <3
2015-02-01 12:27:57 UTC
It takes just as much faith for an Atheist to be an Atheist as a Theist to be a Theist. It's okay to be one. God didn't expect all of us to believe in Him.
2015-02-01 09:34:32 UTC
to answer your question I'd say "yes, she is atheist" and she already considered the facts and chose to become one, now, what you have to do is what all we need to do, tolerance I think it's called though I don't like the therm. I don't think tolerate black people or gays or jehovah witness but understand all we are part of the whole and you can't isolate in a group like most of un tolerated people do and worst, they hide what they really are to be accepted.

I am atheist myself, my mother in law is jehovah witness and when she is at home we hear grace at the table, listen to what she has to "teach" us from the bible and we don't argue but try to learn something good out of her.

Try to learn something from your child and maybe then she'll learn something from you and we all can live a better life without tags "like good christians".
Rodney B
2015-01-31 18:52:43 UTC
If you want to be an honestly caring parent, perhaps it is you that should be willing to listen to what she might be able to teach you. You are obviously not a logical, rational person, because if you were, you would not be a christian.

I applaud your daughters honesty and her strength of character shown by her ability to withstand all the pressure to conform to your (borrowed) beliefs she has endured probably since the day she was born. She is the kind of person the world needs more of - those willing to actually observe reality and come to their own conclusions - not those who are comfortable being told what to believe.
2015-02-03 08:13:50 UTC
This is apart of the great falling away, that paul spoke about in Thessalonians 2:3 "Don't be fooled by what they say for that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the one who brings distruction"

2015-02-01 01:02:41 UTC
Good for her! It looks like she finally broke free from the cult of Christianity. YOU are the problem, I'm afraid. Don't be so intolerant. Maybe you should ask her what convinced her Christianity was bullshit, and try the same thing. I literally can't believe I'm answering the question of a grown adult who believes in Middle Eastern fairy tales who is butthurt because her daughter doesn't.......*facepalm*
Infinity Fusion Art
2015-01-31 18:47:34 UTC
You haven't spoken to her for three weeks because her religious views differ from yours? that's very christian of you. Preach acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness while turning your back on your own child.

Ask yourself who is most likely making it into heaven... the child that is searching her own path and living a good life or the parent that turns her back on a child god entrusted her to guide and care for unconditionally. When god gives you a child he gives you a part of himself, it's not up to you to decide that you want to cast them aside because you don't agree with their choices, lifestyle or beliefs. Raising a child is gods greatest test and you have failed in every conceivable way.

Like any father, he doesn't care what name you call him as long as you call him... he doesn't care about the exact definition of his written instructions as long as you get the jist and follow the general guidelines. As long as she is living a good life, treating others with respect and cherishing the gifts the world gives her while giving back in her own way, God will stay in her heart... By shunning her and depriving her of family you have turned your own back on God... don't come here looking for solace and mutual 'mob mentality' agreement from likewise brainwashed morons that also cant think for themselves without written instructions, You know in your own heart that you are wrong and no number of total strangers online telling you that you're right will change the truth you already know. You are wrong and you have offended every principle you believe in... but once again, that's a very christian attitude and modus operandi.
2015-01-31 11:09:52 UTC
Accept it and respect your child's right to form her own opinion. Why are you offended? Her spirituality or religiosity has exactly NOTHING to do with you. If you believe in God, fine. She doesn't. Get used to it, and get over it. Being offended and not speaking to your child because she doesn't agree with you is going to cause you to lose your child. What matters more to you? Forcing your child to believe something she doesn't, or accepting that she doesn't believe and remaining in her life? Don't be an idiot. It's her life. It's her choice. Respect your child's right to make up her own mind, or lose your child's respect for you.
2015-01-31 11:31:31 UTC
You really shouldn't attempt anything extreme. I hated my mother for quite a time because I felt she hated me for being an atheist. This was a major contribution to my thoughts of suicide. However, she accepted it 2 years ago and last month she stopped making me go to church. My life is much improved by her tolerance
2015-02-01 10:52:28 UTC
Why do you wish to do anything at all?

There must be a desire in you to affect your daughter in order to fit your expectations. You fear that her outlook is going to hurt her, and that it is up to you to prevent her from being harmed. Has it never occurred to you that the very attempt to control others creates more problems than if you did nothing?

Look wider at the world: do Muslims who read about Charlie Hebdo cartoons suddenly turn around in viewpoint and say: "my Allah, I've been foolish, obviously they are right and I'm wrong"????

Naturally, the attempt to belittle the Muslim traditions is creating a conflict. The Muslims are not looking at their beliefs, they are defending them by attacking the actions that they feel threatened by.

If you attempt to manipulate your daughter because of her views, you will succeed in doing two things: 1) distancing yourself further from her, 2) Re-enforcing her present views.

I do not wish to weigh in and discuss which of you is right or wrong because frankly, that is irrelevant to your relationship. Your self-identity is caught up in Christianity. Her self-identity has developed against that. If you defend your self-identity and attack hers, you will start a war you cannot win.

What kind of relationship do you want to have?
Handsome Jack
2015-02-02 15:28:40 UTC
Hey lady, as a parent, I would never force feed my kids with this god bullshit. It sickens me that people like you put something that does NOT exist, before your own child. Shame on you. Do you have proof that god exists? In order for something to exist, it has to be created somehow. If god exists, what created god? Please, educate me. Yes I'm a scientist and a chemist. For all you nerds out there, there is a difference. What if your child came out gay? What would have happened if your child was somehow injured or killed in that time you won't talk to her? What a shitty parent. You basically told her she was a bad person for believing in something. Stop being a ***** to her and be her parent, be her mom, be her friend. Accept her for who she is. Or just take yourself out of the equation.
2015-01-31 12:17:27 UTC
Congratulations! Your daughter has a lifetime of reason and rationality and appreciation for reality ahead of her! Maybe she'll become a dedicated scientist! The world is truly open to her now.

Concerning YOU feeling offended, have you ever asked yourself why you feel that way? If I tried to set you up on a blind date, and you declined, should I feel offended? It's almost like you rejected ME not the person I was trying to set you up with. Think about it:
2015-02-01 01:34:58 UTC
...and to each his own?

Forgiveness is divine. If us non religious types (including non Christian) have it wrong then ultimately whichever god takes us in, they will accept that we made our own path and were true to follow that route. True to ourselves.

We can't pick our family, what is more important to you, a book or a life?

I'm glad religion exists though because churches temples and cathedrals are some of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
2015-02-01 00:23:22 UTC
The problem is not with your daughter, it’s with you. You haven’t spoken to her for 3 weeks because her religious beliefs are different from yours? She still is your daughter (you are the adult here) and if you don’t speak to her soon, and let her know that you love her no matter what her beliefs are, you may cause a rift that will never be healed. Stop behaving like a two year old.
2015-02-02 03:34:35 UTC
I have the opposite...we are a family of atheists and have one daughter who has become a Christian......this is fine with me....she is an adult and has made her choice....we do not own our children...the only thing that makes me sad is that she worries that we will not join her in a heaven we don't believe in.....but that is unavoidable and both she and our family will have to accept it and this is what you must do. Mo .....atheist
2015-02-03 20:39:35 UTC
God is there, on a level that humanity can only dimly understand. We've all tried to grasp the idea of God's nature, but it's like the story of the blind men and the elephant. The subject is so huge, that every person who tries to tackle it comes out with a different idea.

I really think that no two people who call themselves "Christians" have exactly the same beliefs. Their ideas have been shaped by their life experiences as well as what they've been taught by their particular church. This is equally true of people who follow the other religions in this world.

Perhaps it isn't the core concepts of Christianity as shown in the Gospels that your daughter can't accept. Perhaps it's the Old Testament rules and regulations that applied to pre-Christian Hebrew society centuries before. Perhaps it's Paul's interpretations of Jesus's life. Paul was very concerned about the survival of the many little Christian communities that didn't always know how to reject the strong influences of the secular world around them, so he laid down specific directives to them. Maybe it's the long-standing tradition of letting leaders of the church dictate rules and customs that must be followed.

We all live in the middle of the never-ending stream of time. Some of the things that were believed in and done in the name of religion, from the days of the early church, through the thousand years of the Dark Ages, to the fragmentation of Christianity into many quarreling branches, to the harsh customs of nineteenth-century churches of many denominations – strike us as horrible today. Who knows what people two thousand years from now will find intolerable about the way Christianity is practiced today?

So take the long view. Your particular brand of Christianity may have wonderful ideas at its core, but it may also have become encrusted with rules, traditions, customs, and beliefs that completely cover over the basic things Jesus tried to get people to understand.

Your daughter is in the middle of thinking these things through. She labels this process "atheism", but the long years of learning what Jesus actually had to say have had their influence. Her beliefs may get peeled down to the very basics, but God still exists, independent of what you or she or anybody thinks about Him. He won't forget or ignore her. "No sparrow can fall . . ."
2015-01-31 17:38:36 UTC
Become an atheist. If you have enough intelligence to question your Christian programming. Religion is for idiots. How can you believe a giant fairy is watching and controlling you? The god mythologies of this world are clearly invented fairy tales. Wake up Stupid!
Elyse Rose
2015-02-02 01:04:11 UTC
Well. In order to 'be' a Christian , according to most, One has to believe that after being brutally killed ,, Jesus actually arose from a dead body .. and Dust to Dust does not work that way . That is one reason why I, myself , am not a Christian. I can't believe in stories that I know to be false . and that story was put in the Bible , hundreds of years after it was supposed to have happened .. which also makes no sense .
2015-02-04 17:14:56 UTC
First off, I can say I AM Christian, but forcing a religion on your child is not the answer. Seriously, just don't. If your daughter wishes not to be a Christian I wish you will just respect that. She's entitled to her own opinions and beliefs and please love and provide her no matter what.
2015-02-01 02:05:10 UTC
Come to your sense before you shame God by driving her away!

You are putting religion before love and fast turning it into hatred! Is that what God would want? Of course not!

It is you that has the problem here and you who are demonstrating to her that whether there is a loving god or not that you are not capable of behaving as if you believe in him!

It is YOU that needs helps so seek pastoral help fast before you do things that you will regret for the rest of your life and have to answer for at the final judgement!
2015-02-03 21:51:22 UTC
Why would you find it offensive? All religions are ridiculous. The fact that you thought enough about this to post it on Y!A speaks volumes about the effects these horror stories and fables have on otherwise decent people. Is this really how you live?

Love your daughter for who she is or get out of her life.

While you're at it, stop coming to my son's (public) school and throwing bibles at him.
2015-02-02 03:19:52 UTC
MY Child is an Atheist ? why the question mark after the statement ? As if it is a question . Do we as people have the ability to control what others feel ? or Believe . or accept as truth ? No We can do behaviors . that ELICIT a response . She as an Individual has reviewed a Concept (GOD) and has found for her the EVIDENCE is not sufficient for her to ACCEPT as TRUTH . She apparently has had 18 to 20 years of people telling her you are REQUIRED to believe these concepts ...This is what WE EXPECT you to believe and ACCEPT .As an individual with her own abilities to think , and make a decision what she accepts or rejects . Respect defined as a feeling of admiration and a sense of Important Respect her for her ability to view an issue and to go with intelligence to make an evaluation for herself and to stand by them ..same as your conviction to believe as you do . Life is a long road . you have many choices Reject her because her convictions are contrary to yours or .Accept her and her right to believe as she wishes the decision determines your future relationship . thank you for the question
2015-02-01 03:25:23 UTC
"I find it extremely offensive" - that someone doesn't share your religion, and told you the truth?

How is that offensive? Feeling hurt is not the same thing. Perhaps you need to look up a dictionary and find out what "offensive" means. Religious people are too ready to wear the "I feel offended" badge. You have no rights to force your daughter to do anything she doesn't want to do. She is an adult, what she does or thinks has nothing to do with you now.
2015-01-31 21:11:08 UTC
Now, it wasn't ok that your daughter insulted your religion, calling it ridiculous, but it's your job as a parent to support your child. Your child is beginning to think for herself, so let her.
2015-01-31 13:15:42 UTC
Respect her decisions. It is not a phase. There are plenty of atheists. She is allowed to have her own opinions. Don't ignore her just because of your different beliefs.
robert p
2015-02-01 18:43:41 UTC
Each person decides for their own self. If you are a christian then pray for your child. Ask other christians to also pray. Read Psalms and other parts of the King James bible. Prayer works if done with true faith.
2015-01-31 14:15:31 UTC
Accept her for who she is. Being an atheist doesn't make you a bad person but ignoring someone isn't nice.
2015-01-31 20:37:19 UTC
You had 17 or more years to try to convince her your religion was the right one for her. It obviously isn't right for her. Just because you raised her does not mean she has to be a carbon copy of you. She has her own mind and is old enough to know what suits her better when it comes to beliefs.
2015-01-31 20:37:54 UTC
I know she's your child and you Love her, but don't take it so personally. Call her up! Explain that you were caught off guard and reacted poorly, but that you Love her!

The issue is between God and her. He is capable of handling it! She is precious to Him, so don't worry!

Our children have to live life and make decisions just like us all! It's alright! XOXOXO
2015-01-31 12:30:43 UTC
You can't hate her for it. I suggest trying to ask her why she doesn't believe in god, and have her give you a more detailed answer. By saying that your religion is ridiculous obviously insulted you, but you might be the one insulting her by not trying to understand your own daughter. You should of asked her why she believes it to be ridiculous, not ignore her because your religious and she isn't.
2015-02-01 14:20:31 UTC
True Christianity is about a personal relationship with Jesus and God and each must chose that relationship for their selves. It is not inherited. Religion is often confused with that relationship. God isn’t interested in religion as he clearly states in his word. It does nothing but deceive and delude. The only thing you can do about your children is pray for them and establish a true relationship with God that brings all of his benefits to your life. When they understand who and what God is through your example then maybe they will make the decision for God. God gives each of the right to chose life or death and with that they will live with for eternity. Free will is something that should be respected because it can liberate or destroy for all time.
2015-02-01 01:51:15 UTC
My what a Christian thing to do... shutting out your own daughter. SHAME ON YOU!

What happened to love the sinner not the sin. She is your daughter and you should consider the old story of the prodigal son. By disowning her you are only further distancing her from religion and proving your point wrong. Many people leave the church because people hurt them there.

Think about it... all you are doing is shutting her out and letting Satan in, your life not hers.
2015-02-02 09:58:18 UTC
As a friend of many people whose parents sound like you, trust me, you are doing much more damage to your daughter by ignoring her than becoming an atheist ever will
2015-02-03 13:50:10 UTC
Your being very unfair in your judgement. Whilst I respect and acknowledge your own point of view, you accepted these Christian teachings because it was taught to you that way, and that it became unacceptable for you to consider any alternative either for your own comfort or by your teacher.

Your child has also been taught by this same process but has during this process learnt to apply reasoning and logic to some of the old fables, and arrived at a conclusion that satisfies all her 'religious' needs , without believing in ancient fable which, after all, were told as parable so that a peasant community would be able to understand them.

I would suggest that your child is showing great intelligence by showing she is able to think for herself, without being influenced by out of date legends and beliefs that could not by any feat of imagination be considered to be factual.

It does not in any way affect her beliefs in right versus wrong, good versus bad, or any of the taught principles of consideration for others taught by various religions but sadly ignored by most of them.
2015-01-31 11:04:56 UTC
My child is an atheist as well. Our family is Pagan.

The thing is, I give him the respect to be true to what he believes, and in turn he gives us respect to be true to what we believe.

If she's disrespecting your beliefs, tell her that you find it offensive for her to say such things. But at the same time, don't belittle, threaten or offend her for what she beliefs. Respect has to be a 2-way street.
2015-02-01 13:01:54 UTC
Even if she is an atheist, she is still your daughter. And you still want her to be happy, do you not? I think you should advice her to change to a secular university. There is no point to go to a Christian university if you are an atheist.
2015-02-02 06:08:40 UTC
People of the world.....

Do you know the truth about..... Islam?

Or do you think it's about

Bombing planes and killing innocent people.....?

Forget about the lies.....

I' am here to tell you how it really is.....

You deserve to know the truth

About this beautiful way of life.....

People of the world

Islam is all about peace

Terrorism it doesn't teach

Its all about love and family and charity

And praying to one God

This is Islam

It's something you should know.....

I know it's really helped me grow

It does away with greed, filth, arrogance

And teaches us morality

A perfect way to live.....

So don't believe all you see and hear

Too many people wear a title of a Muslim.....

But they don't practice Islam.....

People of the world

Islam is all about peace

Terrorism it doesn't teach

Its all about love and family and charity

And praying to one God

This is Islam

And it teaches us the creator's made this life for us a test.....

And if we follow truth and do good deeds, He'll reward us in the Next.....

If we remember God & teach each other the truth and patience in His way

Together we can peace.....

This is Islam
2015-02-04 11:22:39 UTC
The Bible and common sense tell you to look elsewhere first

1 Timothy 1:19

some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.

Very few people leave the faith on those grounds.
Jimmy C
2015-01-31 13:59:46 UTC
If you are an example of a christian mother, no wonder she has become an atheist. I would rather be with ten atheists who show love and respect than one christian who shows hate and contempt. Please go back and learn something about the teachings of your religion. Jesus taught love and compassion, not scorn. Treat your daughter as if you were a real christian, and show her love, and talk to her and accept her.
2015-01-31 19:12:52 UTC
Tell you that you agree with her and that you're an atheist too now. She'll go back to being a bible thumper in no time.
2015-02-01 14:40:00 UTC
let her believe what she wants to believe- you have no right to stop her

She has just as much right as you have to beleive what she wants

What I find offensive is you even thinking about doing anything as if you have a right to interfere with her beliefs

You have NO RIGHT whatsoever.

Where she goes is irrelevent

It may well be a "chirstian" university , but "christianity may have nothing to do with the course(s) she is taking

"we're all Christian and very religious"

No you aint- she isnt for a start.
2015-02-03 17:41:39 UTC
All you can do is pray for her. Do not push her away, she is your child, regardless if she holds the same beliefs and values or not. She has been deceived, but is never too late for her, God is very patient. The only thing we can do, as Christian parents, is teach by example, but we must allow them to make their own choices. It is the gift of free will the Lord has given each and every one of us. My prayers for your family.
2015-02-01 10:06:46 UTC
I have attended college and have a degree from a university. I have found that college curriculum and on campus environment is faith destroying and includes immorality, drugs, etc. The values you go in their with are systematically remove and is replaced by secularism, humanism, politics, atheism. the go in believing and come out as puppets acting and mouthing the requirements of the system of things.
2015-02-03 20:22:55 UTC
Remind her, always, that your love for her is unconditional. As a college student, I often find new things to try, new beliefs, and am willing to see all perspectives of an idea. As a parent, you should do the same. Her love for you will not change. She is the same person. For some, faith is not a big part of their lives. For others, faith helps them find themselves. Accept her for who she is, and support her always. She is YOUR genetic DNA and she will always be. Love and cherish what is there. Welcome new beliefs, and be kind and gentle when speaking to her about them.

Sometimes, the only problem is ourselves.

Best of Luck!
2015-02-02 07:17:03 UTC
"Offensive" is a silly word to use in that sort of circumstance. The young woman has thought about the world, and her position in it, and has come to a certain conclusion. If you think she has come to the wrong conclusion then it is your job to try to persuade her otherwise. But thinking in terms of "offensive" merely muddies the waters and prevents both of you from thinking rationally. Simply "not talking to her" will simply confirm in her the idea that she and you can never have a reasonable relationship.

The only thing you can "do" is talk. If at the end if your talking she carries on with her ideas then you will both have to agree to differ.
Texas Czech Chick
2015-02-02 14:28:47 UTC
You shouldn't cut your child off and quit speaking to her even though you feel offended. Love her inspite of her current "non-belief" system. Many kids that go to college begin to think for themselves and learn new idealogies. If you are a believer, leave her in God's hands. There are many things we CANNOT control, and this is one of them. Don't get on her case. Don't tell her she is "going to hell". JUST LOVE HER.
Kaynat Aysha
2015-02-01 05:53:08 UTC
I dont think ending your relationship with your daughter is a sensible thing to do. Just try and give her some time to understand the proper meaning of bieng an athiest and the meaning of your religion. then according to her reactions on you talking to her even though you are offended of what she had said, she might start to agree with your reasons of believing in christianity.

Just give her some time. :)
John S
2015-02-02 14:12:24 UTC
Embrace your daughter as the intelligent, thinking, caring, and sensitive human being she is. As a thinking

person she has found that "Christianity" (which likely means one of the Biblical literalist Protestant sects) is incompatible with reality.

If you believe that you have to alienate yourself from her because of her nonbelief,

then it is best that you examine whether or not *your* faith is compatible with normal

human values.

She is your daughter. Love her. Nobody is going to smite her; she is not going

to be tortured for eternity by the loving Jesus.

Her brain is on. You might try it yourself.
2015-02-01 13:30:08 UTC
God gave us all the right to choose. He also commanded us to "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:31). Just let it go and continue to love her unconditionally because she is still your daughter. And people, don't turn this into a debate of Atheism vs. Christianity. Atheism is just as much a religion as ours is a faith.
2015-01-31 14:12:40 UTC
Do nothing. She's is obviously old enough to find her own path. Both of you need to find a mutual respect for each other. This is one part of a larger picture that makes you both individuals.
2015-03-14 16:54:03 UTC
Pray for her. Not talking to her will only make it worse. For example, you are a child of God if He shut you out how would you feel? you would feel lost and abanded because what you took refuge in is now. Continue to pursue your daugther, and continue to show her love and affection because you are still her mother. God will give you strength through this situation just continue to trust in him and he will see you through I promise. He hasn't failed me yet and my 14 years of life and I know He never will.
2015-01-31 11:11:13 UTC
I think that if you truly love your daughter, you wouldn't push your religion onto her. She is her own person. Let her explore other religions and find what suits her best. If you keep trying to make her believe in something that she doesn't like or feel the need to believe in, she is going to resent you.
2015-02-01 10:26:04 UTC
I suggest you let her work through this herself. If you vent your outrage, you risk alienating your daughter for the rest of her life.

I became an atheist at nine years and told my Pentecostal parents when I was twelve. It destroyed our family and we fought so long and hard that I refused to speak to them again for forty years after I left for college. I was so angry because they denied my right to my own opinions that I literally put them out of my life and only relented when they were both dying of cancer and my sister complained that I wasn't doing my share to care for them. When I did return, there was still so much bad blood between us we fought bitterly, as if I had never left. I was well over fifty when my father died and was still so angry for having been repeatedly denied my right to my own opinions, that I flushed his ashes down the toilet.

I urge you to love your daughter while she still loves you and stop pretending you have the right to control her thoughts.
2015-02-02 09:13:33 UTC
I've been learning this in school for GCSE. I think it's only fair that she gets to chose whether she believes in God or not. You may disagree and maybe she's been brought up Christian, but she's now old enough to make her own decisions.
2015-01-31 21:33:09 UTC
Have a talk with your child and ask her to explain how she feels. than have an answer to her questions about Christ and the Bible. God decides to soften or harden a person heart. And only a person who have the Holy Spirit can proclaim to know Jesus Christ
2015-02-01 06:41:48 UTC
If you have not talked to her in three weeks, this explains everything. Your Christianity is a sham. A Christian has unconditional love for even an enemy. You are showing conditional love, at best. She therefore sees you as a hypocrite, and rightly so.
tina c
2015-02-01 03:32:59 UTC
Can you forgive yourself if today was her last day on this earth if you r a godly person what will god do be patient follow by example be a good person and don't judge sometimes people who don't believe r much better sometime then people who do believe take it easy go pray ask god to forgive you.
2015-02-01 19:13:55 UTC
I agree with your daughter about Christianity, but your daughter should be allowed to choose her own path in life, regardless of what anyone can't 'push' religion on anyone.
2015-01-31 14:46:52 UTC
It makes sense that all this religion stuff doesn't exist. You should really sit down, read the bible, and ask yourself "Can this stuff really happen? Is it possible?" And you'll come to the realization that it is totally impossible. Sorry to break it to you, but there is no god
2015-02-01 19:26:35 UTC
You cannot force her to believe anything, and anything you say will not change her mind. You putting her into this christian school probably provoked it because of how strict it is, she wants to rebel. Leave her alone, she'll find herself. She's your own daughter, you should love her unconditionally. You have done your job, she will be the one answering to God for herself, not you.
2015-02-02 10:23:32 UTC
me and some members of my church went out to an evangelism outreach lately. One of our members was talking to 2 atheists, and I had it filmed and uploaded them that I can show you. It is in 3 parts. I didnt focus the camera on them because I dont know if the people we were talking to would be ok with it. You can listen to her talk to them, maybe it will help, IDK, maybe it will maybe it won't. She doesn't claim to be good at witnessing but i'm still showing it to you incase it does help. The part 2 and part 3 are in the same account
2015-02-01 13:41:39 UTC
Now your daughter needs you more than ever. Evil will not beat evil. Only good can defeat evil. So she needs good in her life. That would be you. Don't do any preaching. Just set good examples. God will take care of the rest.
I'm a nice person
2015-02-02 07:31:25 UTC
Each person is a living soul and their eternal destiny lies in their hands one else's not even parents. But there is POWER in the PERSON of the Holy Spirit that is capable of drawing a person to God. God will never force belief but will call to us to come by faith and receive salvation. Pray for your the Name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to them.
2015-02-02 20:44:48 UTC
If she wants to be an atheist then let her. It's her choice
2015-02-02 02:11:49 UTC
Well clearly, your options are: (1) to allow your daughter to think for herself like any other intelligent human being, or (2) continue to indoctrinate her and insist she pursue the same set of superstitions that you do. The only reason that anybody believes in god, in any of the "formats" available, is because they have been told to. Show me any single person, ever, who has decided that god exists by ANY other means than being told he does. Religion exists because man is an arrogant animal who has always been reluctant to say "I don't know". So it started off with the worship of the sun and stars, simply because nobody knew what that bright ball and those twinkly lights up in the sky were. As time went on, the need to explain the unknown moved on to the creation of deities to justify the things that man couldn't explain or control. Fortunately, man's reluctance to say "I don't know" led, in increasing numbers of cases, to saying "let's try to find out". Had mankind always been content to take the superstitious approach to explanation, there would be no science. Do you really, honestly think the world would be a better place without it? It amuses me how so many religious people call scientists arrogant because they "think they know everything". No they don't - that's why they have the desire to FIND OUT. I find it almost incomprehensible that in this day and age, there are still people who cling to the lazy approach of saying "it's God's will, and there's nothing we can do about it", and the frankly preposterous praying for people who have suffered terrible illness and injury, injustice and cruelty, and promising that god will protect and revive them, without feeling any need to explain why that same god made them suffer in the first place. If I am ever proved wrong, and am introduced to the Big Fella, I will be having some very harsh words with him about his sick sense of humour and the horrors he perpetrates on a daily basis.

I am perfectly happy for anyone to pursue their religious beliefs, as long they are not used as a means or excuse to inflict suffering on others, as they so often are and have always been. Therein lies the difference. Atheists are far more tolerant (if, for obvious reasons, critical) of religious people and their "right to be wrong" than religion is of atheism. Your religious fervour is no threat to your daughter's thinking, which has led her towards atheism, but her atheism is very much a threat to your religious beliefs, as you have made clear. That should tell you all you need to know. You can force her to follow rules, but you cannot force her to believe in something she can see does not exist. Have a good think yourself. Do you REALLY have any reason to believe what you have been told since childhood about this supreme being? If you do, then fine, nobody will force you to deny your belief. But without doubt there are still millions of people who really know there is no basis for religion at all, but are still too afraid to acknowledge the fact. Therein lies the whole (incredibly outdated) rationale for all religion... fear.
2015-02-03 13:09:52 UTC
At what point does "I'm Offended!" constitute a logical argument?

You sent her to college to get an education. And that's what happened. She refuses to acknowledge a religion that remains in the dark ages and rightly so.

Understand, I mean no offense, but she is correct. When reading comprehension and reason is applied to the bible, it is no more than literature and myth. But it may have been wiser for her to keep it to herself.
It Is Always Now
2015-01-31 16:33:55 UTC
2015-02-02 05:57:10 UTC
If you are truly a Christian--and NOT trolling then I am very sorry to hear about this.

Prayer never fails--and in this case --- praying can help you to get an answer from God in this most difficult time.

Having said that--you need to keep focused on the real issue here--Satan--and not on this child--

Not talking to the child or allowing this to get between you two--is what the devil is going to have a feast day on--since he will be killing two birds with one stone.

Embracing the child--and showing love unconditionally will give the devil the message--that he may have won the battle FOR NOW--but he has already lost the War--since Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ--is the Victory and has Satan bound for Hell and Death.

Do not make the focus of this issue--be the focus.

Keep your eyes and heart on God and Jesus--and since you are a child of God and this is your child--obviously GOD HAS YOUR BACK and that or YOUR CHILD's.

The worse thing you can do--is feed Satan with fodder of flesh--this battle is a battle of spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesian 6V10:"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of HIS MIGHT.

V11:"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the WILES OF THE DEVIL.

V12:"For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

V13:"Wherefore take unto you the whole ARMOR of God, that ye may be able to WITHSTAND in th evil day, and having done all to stand.

V14:"Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

V15:"And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

V16:"Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to QUENCH ALL THE FIERY DARTS of the wicked.

V17:"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

V18:"Praying ALWAYS with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."

You cannot fight this by not talking or being upset: you have to show love for the child--but fight the spirit behind this atheistic stance--which is how you overcome the Devil--who is not flesh and blood but a spirit.

If you keep your faith--and show love--God will take care of this.

Peace and blessings to you.
2015-02-04 16:34:35 UTC
My friend, everyone is entitled to live their lives according to how they see fit.

Not speaking to your daughter is something you will greatly regret someday. Think of all the things you will miss out on. Just because she has different beliefs than you does not make her any less of your daughter. Have a great day.
2015-02-01 04:04:12 UTC
Your daughter should have freedom over her choice of religion, she shouldn't feel pressured into believing in something purely because you believe in it. You should respect her decisions, and love her the same way you would if she was a christian. After all, the bible does say to love thy neighbor.
2015-01-31 23:33:37 UTC
She needs to read Grant jeffrey's books ' The signature of God ' and T'he Mysterious bible codes',and study what he said on the bibles codes,not from michael drosnin's studies, The codes prove God and christianity are real!
2015-02-03 04:48:20 UTC
Your daughter has chosen to believe and think differently to you. Firstly give yourself a pat on the back for giving her the freedom of choice. Now don't alienate your own flesh and blood by insisting she changes. If your faith has not won her heart by now then its not going to. Its a choice we all have to make. Your daughter has made a decision so please give the same respect you demand.
2015-02-01 18:32:17 UTC
I think you mean educated and rational. Religion is dying out. Science is proving there is no god. Your child is a human with the right to believe in what he or she wants to believe in.
2015-02-05 13:58:19 UTC
Your child is WRONG! Continue to support her, but give the gospel every chance you get.

Atheism is one of the most evil devices man has made to contradict the truth. Including evolution.

Invite her to Del Ray Baptist Church.
2015-02-01 07:20:36 UTC
You haven't talked to her for three weeks! Call yourself a Christian?! The point of college is to learn, think and grow. Not be restrained by a controlling, manipulative and petulant mother.
2015-02-01 09:11:29 UTC
if you are "very religious" it's probably your fundamentalist interpretation that she deems ridiculous. most athiests (ive debated with) are actually (and ironically) also religious fundamentalists- in that they interpret religious texts in a fundamentalist, literal, way...and reject this (which is is not unfair).

if she were exposed to gnostic traditions, she would garner a better understanding about the symbolically esoteric, mythological nature of many sacred texts, and garner a better understanding of them as philosophical models that connect the infinite to the finite.

there is a lot of ridiculous crap (by today's standards) in the Bible.
2015-02-01 01:10:13 UTC
Email me my sister in Christ and we can talk about this. We need to ask her what part of Christianity that she finds ridiculous , and then I can point you to some very good links that help a Christian deal with atheism .

Here is my email

I will keep u both in my prayers

God bless
2015-02-01 18:30:57 UTC
There's no such things as Gods so she's on the right track. Leave her alone if you're to weak to accept that reality.
2015-02-01 11:45:30 UTC
You need to be careful that you don't alienate your daughter! Alienation is accomplished by badgering her or even simply insisting on discussion of the topic of her choices regarding religion.
2015-02-01 10:12:36 UTC
athiesm is unfortunately becoming a sign of classiness..i think thats what your daughter is after , more to have a better social position than about faith or skeptism or if she even gives a fck god existed or not, i bet shes more concerned about her weight and bra size much more..christian faith is fragile and it has enough nonesense (as a son of a catholic mother i'd say so) to collapse with the least bit of intelligent skeptism.
2015-01-31 17:05:11 UTC
Guess what? You stuffed her so full of your brainwashing that her sense of self threw up.

Maybe your kid will learn to think for herself.

I got overdosed on religion as a kid and I'm very glad, because now I know religious insanity when I see it.


Grow the hell up.
2015-01-31 11:08:26 UTC
Be happy that your daughter is an intelligent young lady who wasn't brainwashed by you. You are clearly a psychopath for not speaking to your daughter because of this.
2015-02-01 21:01:19 UTC
I would embrace her differences and allow her freedom of expression. You can impose your beliefs onto her but that will ultimately leave her in a state of dissonance. It will be a long and painful journey for you both if you do not muster the courage to accept her for who she is right now. Remember, it is just as hard, if not harder, for non-conformists to find approval in society just like Christians. Please spare her the added pain.
2015-02-01 07:38:18 UTC
Gods aren't real, so you should respect her decision for not believing in gods. She's your daughter, you're supposed to love her and treat her the same.
Allan B
2015-02-01 06:18:22 UTC
I guess some people prefer reason and logic over superstition. Accept that, and before it's too late call your daughter and make peace with her.
2015-02-01 12:12:21 UTC
#1 - TALK to your child. not speaking to her just makes you look like a total @ss. and why should she EVER trust you again if you react this way.

#2 - RESPECT her right to choose her own spiritual path. this has NOTHING to do with you. this is her own choice, no one else's.
2015-02-02 17:32:51 UTC
from a fellow Christian (Southern Baptist) ...

Accepting or rejecting Jesus as the Son of God, the Savior of the World, is a decision each person must make on his or her own. Understand it is better to reject Jesus and think straight than to claim to have accepted Jesus when this is false. Note: My mother warned me as I was drying myself after baptism by immersion: "Forty percent (who claim to be saved)? No way." After 48 years as a Christian, I can still say I think my mother was pretty accurate. Lots of people who claim to be saved are not saved.

You wrote down that you were "feeling undignified" and you "felt upset". You wrote down that you find it "extremely offensive" that she regards Christianity as ridiculous.

If you truly want your child to have a maximum chance at accepting Jesus someday, the best thing for you to do is to back off. If my parents had tried to pressure me into believing in Jesus, then I probably would have fought against them.

And check yourself and others in your family out. Lots of people who say "I am religious" or "I am Christian" have not truly surrendered their lives to Jesus.

Study Scripture with your minds and pray with your hearts.
2015-01-31 11:25:52 UTC
Just accept her. You can't tell an adult child what to think.

Are you willing to destroy your relationship with her over this?
2015-02-02 01:03:10 UTC
Become an atheist and enjoy the benefits of free thinking.
2015-02-01 01:32:03 UTC
She probably gave the matter a great deal of thought prior to reaching her decision which may be open to change in the future. The question is whether she finds all monotheistic religions "ridiculous" or is it just Christianity. Every person is entitled to have his/her opinion about religion. Would it bother you terribly if she were to have a non-theistic religion since she seems to have a philosophy which may develop into a form of religion; religion and philosophy are very intertwined. Perhaps the real question is where Christ stands (if at all) in her belief. In any event, you do not need any religion to "go to heaven". Give her credit--she's a smart girl! I make the assumption that she is smart enough NOT to get involved with Islam in any way!
2015-02-01 15:06:40 UTC
Hate to burst your bubble but because it is called a "Christian" University 98+ % of those attending know little to nothing about Christ. But if she demands Christianity is ridiculous, tell her so is the money you paid for her to attend and STOP PAYING for her to go...and tell her to GET A JOB and pay for her own College tuition ...and lets see how religious she gets about it then !!!
2015-02-01 11:04:04 UTC
Your Daughter is old enough to either except or reject her decision bears no reflection on you, but how can you show or tell her she is wrong if as you say you have not spoken to her, She needs to know that if anything go's wrong in her life She can not only turn to Jesus but can also turn to a loving Family so please please keep in touch with her J.B.
2015-02-01 11:18:43 UTC
So, you won't be seeing your child in heaven, huh? How does that feel? Will you be sad that she won't be there? Sad in....heaven? How?

Better spend time with her now while you can.
2015-02-02 13:06:32 UTC
Maybe let your daughter make her own choices and don't ostracize her, by not speaking to her for 3 weeks.
2015-01-31 11:55:58 UTC
Let her be. You did not put a child on the planet to make decisions for her.
Coop 366
2015-02-03 16:26:26 UTC
As much as it hurts there is only one you can get into Heaven and that is you! As Christians we show the way to salvation but we can not force others to follow. Remember Christ come to save the Jews and sit up his Kingdom but they rejected and killed Him. Can we do more than God the Son? Wipe your tears and continue to show the way, pray they follow.
2015-02-01 02:05:17 UTC
you're doing the right thing, now i suggest removing her pictures from the family album and delete her from the will. also, block her phone. this will surely do a number on her self-esteem at such a vulnerable chapter of her life. make sure she fails, religion is what'll save her and remind her who she is
2015-02-01 06:52:44 UTC
How about letting her believe what she wants? From what you've said, your mind couldn't possibly grow any closer than it already is
Alexandra B
2015-02-01 10:51:41 UTC
Let her choose what she wants to believe. Are you seriously going to treat her differently just because she doesn't believe in what you believe? That is ridiculous!
Noah's Ark
2015-01-31 21:45:12 UTC
I can see by the answers given that you will end up more confused than informed .. Stop then for a moment and consider a few things first from a child's point of view .. The first thing she leans about our Creator from family is that when you die you either go to heaven or hell . In other words you have told her that God rewarded His enemy Satan with a place to torture us in if we are bad .. If that were even remotely true then why does the bible state this ... " woe for the earth for satan has come down you having great anger , knowing he has a short time left "... Does that say anything about him being around for eternity to torture us little fools , or that God would allow him to be around longer than this speaks of ? What we are taught is what we teach those who come after us .. but if what we teach is a lie about what is true according to God then why are you upset that she wants nothing to do with a God so idiotic as to reward satan after what he has done to us , and his own Father ... ? Just because you believed a lie does not mean that everyone will.. That is your problem here .. Gods words are truth , but they have nothing in common with what we prefer to be true because of the lies told to us ... You are in effect being told by a child that she knows more of logic than you .. if what you believed about our Creator were true then even I would turn away from the belief of Him .. You are not so wise as you perceive yourself to be for you have come to believe what satan wishes you to believe about our own Creator .. We fell for his lies once and here you are hundreds of years later speaking the same as eve did .. You would do well to read what God had written so that your child can see that God does not reward enemies , but rather he gets rid of them sooner or later .. Even satan does not believe his own lies , but he does know that he can get us to believe them .. Your daughter is the smarter for not believing a lie but the lie itself drove her to the point of not believing in anything .. That is your fault by Gods own words .. To correct it can only be done with truth , the truth God had written for you to understand .. Stop listening to the fools on pulpits who know nothing but speaking the same things over and over and by that alone have gotten you to believe there lies also...Your child is smarter than you think for she knows more of what God isn't than you do !!!
2015-02-01 01:49:31 UTC
You need to grow up .. what sane person believes in an imaginary being . Go seek help from a psychiatrist. I hope she does not grow up to be so retarded and you seem to be .
2015-02-01 13:39:10 UTC
Sit down and write a paper on the thesis 'Why I should be a Christian.' That would blow her mind!
2015-02-02 09:50:16 UTC
There is no such thing as an Atheist, for they have no proof or evidence that atheism is valid and correct.,
2015-01-31 13:20:07 UTC
You can pray for your children, I'm afraid that's all you can do. Hopefully she finds someone later in her life that can help her revive her faith in our Lord.
2015-02-02 18:11:40 UTC
Keep it simple.

Jesus Christ is the resurection and the life...

The god of this world blinds unbelievers to the glory of Jesus Christ.

False brethren creep in unaware.

From scholastic agendas and reliogious doctrines which are antichrist we should spend time in prayer for our kids.

Has she ever made committment to jesus Christ?
2015-02-01 13:48:52 UTC
Do the Christian thing and love her, you don't have to believe what she does, but she's still your daughter.
2015-02-01 08:25:22 UTC
Your daughter has her own mind, she can believe or not believe in what she wants. The fact you're religious doesn't mean she has to be, respect her choices.
the big man
2015-02-01 06:46:29 UTC
your daughter is entitled to her opinion that christianity is nonsense

that would be my opinion too,what are yo offended by?

your daughter just has different beliefs to you

you need to contact her and tell her its ok that shes an atheist
2015-02-05 06:36:21 UTC
Peace to you and your whole family

I offer logical, gentle arguments to people like her. feel free to pass my email to her. I can send you copies if you want.

Confusion is NOT an option, we must try to help her without any pressure. we can offer details with wisdom and gentle advice.
2015-02-01 06:45:33 UTC
better an atheist than a troll who claims every religion but has none themselves
2015-01-31 11:11:41 UTC
It must be tough for you,but if she's old enough to go to university she's old enough to have her own opinion about things.
2015-02-04 08:10:38 UTC
Please stay in touch with her - She needs the love. I know there Is An Almighty God. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 John 16. Pray about it and just love her,Keep praying:) Sorry that so many people choose to be so horrible on this site. GOD BLESS U & YR Daughter
2015-01-31 19:42:10 UTC
Pray that God will reveal himself to her and keep loving her. Be prepared to answer any questions she may ask in a rational way. God bless
2015-02-02 10:18:37 UTC
What kind of parent are you? You're not talking to your daughter....? BECAUSE OF HER RELIGIOUS VIEWS?!?!?!?!?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME... Everyone is entitled to having their own beleif or opinion and it is definitely not a crime to have a different opinion to your parents.
2015-02-02 05:17:41 UTC
It is very painful when we believe strongly in God, and our children choose not to, but even when we are in pain our first responsibility, both as parents and as followers of Christ, is to LOVE. "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God. He who loves not, knows not God, for God is love." 1 John 4:7-8 Your child is not abusing you (in which case you might need to separate yourself from her). She is expressing her honest feelings and doubts. Your choice to stop talking to her because of this tells her that you are not a safe person with whom she can be honest about who she is and what she feels. I am not condemning you for your reaction, but I think you will be more effective in sharing with your daughter (and bring more pleasure to our Father) if you will express unconditional love to your daughter even in the midst of your disagreements with her beliefs. Instead of turning away from her, love her, and give her lots of opportunities to share with you why she finds Christianity "ridiculous". Then share your heart with her and what God has done for you, always keeping in mind 1 Peter 3:15 "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." Speak to her with gentleness, and show her respect by being willing to change the subject whenever she wants to move onto something else. I will be praying for you.
the zombie hunter 23
2015-02-02 07:21:53 UTC
ok, first yes. it may be offensive to you, but for god sakes let your daughter be her. so you wont talk to your kid over a religion? that isn't only bad parenting, but a perfect example of why there should be no religion
2015-02-01 00:07:34 UTC
If you are going to penalise your daughter for daring to think for herself then you do not deserve to have her. Grow up and realise not everybody believes in your delusion.
Rigal T
2015-02-01 09:30:26 UTC
Time for a spank'en.
Paul McCartney
2015-02-02 13:15:26 UTC
You're pathetic.
2015-02-01 12:55:03 UTC
Your child is one smart girl/boy.
2015-01-31 23:44:23 UTC
You are this shocked now because you have been oblivious to the signs of her heart! God is telling you to reconnect with your daughter. What would Jesus say to you?
2015-02-01 08:20:53 UTC
God is not angry, He is is saddened. Just keep on being who you are, behaving the way you always have. Do not "cut her off" she will blame your faith, and you cannot demonstrate God's love to her.
2015-01-31 20:32:54 UTC
Nothing wrong with questioning religion. Get over your bruised ego and talk to her
2015-02-03 09:26:05 UTC
Let her be. if she is your daughter then you are suppose to love her with all of your heart and accept her. Not ridicule her opinion and be a whiny brat. At the end of the day, no one will no the answer until their last breath.
2015-02-04 07:26:28 UTC
2015-01-31 19:37:04 UTC
I would tell her she is cut off. And to apply for financial aid next quarter now.
ShannonBabes ♥
2015-02-01 10:58:19 UTC
if you're going to ignore her over her beliefs, maybe you should've thought twice before having children.
2015-02-01 05:09:11 UTC
You don't need to do anything. Just live like you always have.
2015-01-31 11:26:35 UTC
Love her anyway. Treat her as you normally do. That's what you do.
2015-02-02 13:15:14 UTC
you must Continue to pray for her, seek God's Wisdom/Guidance:-) being still enough to hear Him, ask for His Words to be said and not "yours"...the Prayers of a mother dear :-)
2015-02-03 07:10:48 UTC
Maybe you're the one who needs help, not her. Its quite obvious that religion is a loud of ****!
2015-02-03 02:54:55 UTC
youre the one whos responsible for her being an atheist its your fault
2015-02-01 20:56:40 UTC

You said your daughter told you she is an atheist. What do you do, was your question. Let me clarify something at the onset of this comment. I am a believer. I will not say what my denominational affiliation is as that would sway some comments. What my advice is. For what it is worth is you do nothing. Open dialogue with your daughter. Tell her you love her unconditionally. This is what Jesus would do. You said your family are Christians and very religious. You can't be both. Either you are Christians or you are religious. Christianity is not a religion. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is to believe in Jesus and follow what his word the Bible says. Christianity is God reaching down to man thorough the incarnate God Jesus Christ. Religion is man's idea to reach God through their own efforts. Therefore followers of Jesus Christ are not religious people. Because we believe in the perfect life. The substitionary death of Jesus for us on the cross, When he took our sins on himself and died for man to redeem man from all sin. We believe in his resurrection and his ascension into heaven 40 days after his resurrection. To be a follower of Jesus Christ is to believe he is God. Religious people do not believe Jesus is God. They are trying to reach God through good works. Giving money in the offering. Other various and assorted and sundry useless acts to try and get to heaven. There is only one way to heaven. That is to believe that Jesus is the"way, truth and the life". That being said. You pray for your daughter. YOU DO NOT DO ONE THING. Turn it over to G

OD. LET HIM HANDLE IT. It says in Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." You have to trust God and have faith that what your daughter will return to the faith. Gut let God handle it. If your fellowship has a prayer chain. Get her name out there. Have people pray for her. Let God work through his people. It says in James that "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." You said she goes to a "Christian university". But did not say where she attends. Not all professors at "Christian Universities" are true followers. Is this a true Christian university or do they just call themselves a Christian university. Do they believe and preach Christ, him crucified, buried having conquered death and sitting at the right hand of the father interceding for his followers? She may have had a class from a professor that was not a believer that made her question her faith. I have three daughters that went to two different Christian Universities. We know that they are Christian Universities because they are our denominational universities in the state we live in. My wife and I made sure these universities practice what they preach. Both are very evangelical schools.

One thing I want to encourage you about. I believe base on God's word. That if your daughter made a profession of faith at some point in time. In other words. If she accepted Jesus Christ as her Master, Lord and Savior. She is in fact a believer. That is fact. She cannot lose her salvation. No matter what she says her position is now. Or she may have never made a profession of faith and was never saved in the first place. Which is possible. Only 25% of people sitting in evangelical fellowships are true believers. It is even less(10%) in the more liberal denominations. In the cults and false religions there are no believers in Jesus Christ. I do not believe a person, once they have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, cannot ever lose their salvation. God is not an indian giver. His word is sure. We must accept it for what it says. Trust God. Let him work his redemption in your daughter's life. It also says in the Bible. It says in Philippians," He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." So if in fact your daughter is a true believer. The work that started in your daughter when when she accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Will keep being perfected. It might not happen at her behest. But it will happen because God said it will happen. Yes "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." But if she has been faithful in reading her Bible. God's word has been planted in her by the preaching, reading and witness of others. Gods word will not return void. That is a promise from God. He is sovereign, in everything. His precepts are new and fresh each day. He is truth. Trust him to do his work in your daughter. Remember, it is his work to bring your daughter back to her faith, not yours.
2015-02-01 04:25:35 UTC
How very "Christian of you" Not to talk to her for 3 weeks....instead accept her for what she believes and let her learn on her own when she dies.
Alan H
2015-02-01 12:38:13 UTC
However hurtful you find it, she is entitled to her beliefs.

Your refusal to speak to her will not improve her view of Christianity, will it? Your role is to be loving and accepting.
2015-02-03 14:00:50 UTC
Do you love your child? that is all that matters.
2015-02-01 09:12:17 UTC
Who is paying for her education? You or her? If you are, and you don't see what you can do, then you are an idiot.

Davy B
2015-02-01 07:51:24 UTC
Not speaking to your daughter? Hm; very Chistian!
2015-02-01 00:00:07 UTC
I fully understand your hurt feelings, and they are legitimate, however, exhibiting unChristian behavior only serves to rationalize and reenforce your daughters feelings. You have to remember that our Heavenly Father is patient, loving and kind. He sets the parental example that we need to follow. I was an atheist for most of my life and probably would still be one had I not been trying to conquer a minister with his own tool, the Bible. In preparing for another lively debate on the idiocy of religion I came across several verses where God says to search for him. I though that a curious phrase so I did a little more research and found that through out the bible God keeps telling us to seek Him out, to search for him, to try him out, and, for those in the Bible who did, there were many blessings poured out on them. As I said, I found that interesting because these scriptures require us to work, make an effort, take action and actually search for God and to "try him out" by following his commandments, by living according to His standards in order to receive His blessings. Being a Christian takes work, and it particular it takes studying the bible.

Acts 8:30-31 puts it very well, "30 Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know* what you are reading?” 31 He said: “Really, how could I ever do so unless someone guided me?” So he urged Philip to get on and sit down with him."

One of the things that makes this scripture a perfect example of having to put in the effort is that the man that Philip was talking to was a eunuch. Most people immediately think of a castrated man, but if one actually studies the bible, it becomes obvious that there is no way this man could have been castrated. Here is why,

The Ethiopian eunuch who was ‘over the treasures’ of Queen Candace, and to whom Philip preached, was obviously a circumcised Jewish proselyte. (Ac 8:27-39) For the Ethiopian to engage in worship at the temple in Jerusalem he must have been converted to the Jewish religion and circumcised. (Ex 12:48, 49; Le 24:22) In view of the Mosaic Law, which forbade the entry of castrated persons into the congregation of Israel (De 23:1), it is evident that the Ethiopian was not a eunuch in a fleshly sense. The Hebrew word for “eunuch” (sa·ris′) in a broad or special sense also meant an officer, as at Genesis 39:1, where an officer of Pharaoh, Potiphar, a married man, is called a sa·ris′. Had the Ethiopian officer been an actual eunuch, he would not have been a proselyte, and if not a proselyte, Philip would not have baptized him, since the good news had not yet begun to be extended to the uncircumcised Gentiles.

OK, so that's a lot of information that seems to have nothing to do with your problem but in actuality it does. A friend of my who is also a minister said "Going to church makes one a Christian just a much as going to a garage makes one a mechanic!" If your daughters exposure to Christianity revolves around listening to some orator pontificate (or preacher preach) then she is getting little if anything from the experience and she is most definitely not seeking God out. The Ethiopian eunuch was a very powerful and well educated man and he, by his own admission, did not understand what he was reading in Isaiah or know that it was referring to Jesus. Once Philip declared the Good News to him he understood and the Ethiopian wanted immediately to get baptized,.

My advice is to explore your daughters objections, draw her out, find out what she thinks is so ridiculous then search for the answers in the Bible. As Titus 2:11 puts it "For the undeserved kindness of God has been manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people." and 2Peter3:9 tells us "Jehovah* is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."

Finally, if you do not have a lot of experience with God's word, join a bible study group. One word of advice about that as well. Make it a matter of deep and heart felt prayer before you do. Ask God for guidance and direction on the matter. There are may who claim to "know" or "understand" the Bible but they are simply wolves in sheepskins. God's word was freely given to us, so anyone who wants money to help you understand it is probably a charlatan.

God Bless.
2015-02-01 16:58:02 UTC
Pray God will lead your path .. she may just be going through a phase
Vincent G
2015-01-31 10:55:24 UTC
Listen to her, she is evidently the smart one there, having the grades to go to a university (albeit it being a christian one).

The point is that christianity is indeed "ridiculous".
2015-02-02 13:52:55 UTC
All religion is deception. We must follow our own path, and cherish our fellow creatures.
2015-01-31 17:01:03 UTC
Undignified? Let go of the leaf, so it can be reborn. All things in their time, blessings will go out to you.
2015-01-31 11:03:31 UTC
Suggest to her Buddhism.
2015-02-02 02:10:22 UTC
Your magic sky man does not exist and there is NO EVIDENCE to show that he does. Get over it.
2015-02-01 14:19:22 UTC
You have a smart kid.....I suggest that you believe her, for she is speaking the truth....Christianity is in fact one of the most evil religions in the world. and it has been since the formation of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches also.
2015-01-31 23:19:25 UTC
Get over it. i thought religion was an individual choice!
2015-01-31 10:56:31 UTC
Let her do what she wants it's her life and she can be religious towards anything even meaning if its no religion at all, LET HER LIVE HER LIFE YOU CHRISTIAN JESUS FREAKS
2015-02-01 09:53:05 UTC
Be thankful you raised a daughter who is smarter than you.
2015-01-31 19:07:47 UTC
don't worry; social pressures to conform (to religion ) will win out.
2015-02-01 06:04:14 UTC
How wonderful, that your daughter has seen through all the hype. You should be very proud.
2015-01-31 19:04:47 UTC
Show your daughter due courtesy and respect her decisions.
2015-02-07 08:07:04 UTC
You definitely should stop talking to her and never forgive you. That would be the Christian thing to do.
2015-02-01 01:20:40 UTC
your daughter is atheists big deal its not the end of the world is it its her life not yours
2015-02-02 09:48:29 UTC
You should let her live her life. Religions are indeed ridiculous
2015-02-01 14:47:58 UTC
Your wasting money on a Christian school first off. And second congragulate her on being on of the few who don't have their head up their asses with all this "God" crap
Jay R
2015-02-01 18:53:38 UTC
Think of her as finally free and beyond your clutches.
2015-02-02 12:05:49 UTC
Her higher education has taken hold.
2015-02-01 09:05:22 UTC
Stop acting so offended and get over yourself.
2015-02-01 16:02:31 UTC
Let your child believe what they want to please. It's NOT okay to be offended by her choices. It's her decision and you CANNOT CHANGE IT!
The Other John
2015-01-31 18:41:32 UTC
Try talking to her about it, who knows, you might find she has a point.
2015-02-02 12:36:50 UTC
Ignore her and as soon as possible tell her she is on her own. Simple!!
2015-01-31 10:55:31 UTC
well according to the bible, leviticus to be exact...

"the unruly child that curseth or disobey his mother or father, must surely be put to death."

the bible is just loaded with the sacred word of god in all his wisdom. praise be god and his righteous commands.
2015-02-02 08:17:05 UTC
The truth hurts.

Your religion is nonsense.
2015-01-31 10:53:33 UTC
Listen to your daughter.
2015-01-31 23:11:39 UTC
What should you do? Stop forcing your religion unto her.
2015-02-04 03:30:37 UTC
shes thinking for herself..thats a good thing.

shes not committing grateful for that.

let her think for herself and not think what you want her to think or do.
2015-02-01 05:53:36 UTC
Ask her to accept you and you need to accept her
2015-02-01 18:20:41 UTC
Your daughter is very smart.
2015-02-06 06:23:24 UTC
2015-02-01 08:25:00 UTC
so am i and it hasn't ruined my professional and social lives.
Seng Nor Aung
2015-01-31 17:53:11 UTC
God once said to Isiah, "How can the pot refuse the potter's will?"
John-Diamond Sword
2015-02-02 06:17:05 UTC
2015-01-31 17:51:34 UTC
The answer, as always, is 14.
2015-02-01 07:00:20 UTC
her problem is she does not want to follow anyone blindly....God is one and both of you needs to understand how he is one...truth is within you.
2015-02-01 00:29:13 UTC
probably you should kill her tbh. I mean, to me it sounds like thats your only option
2015-01-31 15:47:16 UTC
just accept her and change her mind by showung your christian action
2015-02-01 10:47:56 UTC
2015-01-31 11:05:25 UTC
you could sabotage her future, like all overly religious parents would do in your situation......
2015-01-31 23:06:23 UTC
You are officially the worst mother in the world. Congrats...
2015-02-02 13:20:23 UTC
Because she is sane
2015-01-31 14:32:49 UTC
You daughter is disrespectful I will spank her for you.
2015-02-01 08:54:26 UTC
You love her, that is what you do,she does not believe, so what?
2015-02-01 11:35:42 UTC
talk to her with someone who can mediate the conversation
2015-02-01 13:42:24 UTC
Perhaps you failed to witness to her & evangelize her.
2015-02-01 08:45:07 UTC
listen to her. she is right.

and remember, if your god existed, he would want converts, not conscripts.
2015-02-01 09:40:11 UTC
Respect her will.
2015-02-02 11:11:30 UTC
Beat him up. lol
2015-02-01 12:21:51 UTC
2015-02-01 00:49:59 UTC
Oh the humanity.
2015-02-03 13:56:22 UTC
good for her
Orange C
2015-02-01 15:55:42 UTC
Why do you assume that?
2015-02-01 23:29:20 UTC
better be a Muslim
2015-02-01 15:05:49 UTC
Yes, and this is good!
2015-02-02 03:04:16 UTC
So what?
2015-02-02 14:20:55 UTC
2015-02-01 11:08:08 UTC
so what?
Emopanda Girl
2015-01-31 18:12:25 UTC
Please respect your daughter's choices! :(
2015-02-01 14:32:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.