What is the desire or desires that drives your religious behavior?
2006-02-12 00:21:35 UTC
Please no bible quotes if you can not speak your own words please do not answer
Eight answers:
2006-02-12 00:35:31 UTC
For most it is actually a drive to be closer to something because the obsessed ones are always fairly clingy and lonely.

For others they join religions hoping to get a quick path to the answers to their questions, allowing them to evlove faster. Proof of that is in the constant praying for private desires to come.

And then the last group are the ones who believe just because of tradition. (Got to believe in something, right?) that's what my friend said to me the other week on his way to church.

anyway. Hope i cleared something up
Consuming Fire
2006-02-12 15:04:53 UTC
My desire comes from my love and passion for Christ (which He gave me).

Christ was with me all of my life and raised me and protected me before I knew him. Then during a period when I rejected Him, He was still with me. He literally saved my life several times and kept me from being raped when I was a child.

I actually had been through alot in life, but when I finally did completely give him all of my heart, he began to heal the past hurts in my life and he filled me with a joy and a peace that I can't even begin to describe. He also filled my heart with love and gave me a crazy mad passion for him and an intense desire to obey Him and do everything I can for Him.

For me it's not about wanting to be a good person or heaven or hell. In fact if given the choice I would rather go to hell if Jesus was there than go to heaven if he was not. I'm not a "good" person, nor will I ever be (Only God himself is truly good) and I'm already forgiven, so my good deeds really don't count for much if anything. Yet I' filled with a desire to good and not evil. Why? Because when I do make mistakes it breaks my heart. Anytime I sin it hurts God and that hurts me. At the same time God knows I'm not good, but when he sees me try to do the right thing it brings him pleasure. That alone drives my behavior.

Of course He did also forgive my sins and promised that now I will be with HIm forever. I suppose that is the most important part, but (unlike most people) it's not the first thing I think about. What comes to my mind first is the personal love relationship I have with Him. He's the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. In fact I have to make an effort not to think about him throughout the day. I also happen to be blessed with a great marriage with a wonderful man who I love deeply. I don't know how it could be any better, but the love I have for my Lord is far beyond the love I have for my husband. Knowing the Lord is just impossible to put into words. I often use the words consuming fire to try to describe it.

I don't know what else to say, but my realationship with my Lord is personal. However it's not religious. In fact I don't even claim to have a religion. However I do have a personal relationship with Christ.
2006-02-12 08:45:49 UTC
For me it is the belief that there is a higher power in God. I want to be a better person while I am on this planet and feel that my religion gives me a foundation to build upon.

Before I had a faith or religion, I could care less what I did, or who I did it to. I didn't care about the homeless, the murder of unborn babies, basically I didn't give a rats hind end about anything except what I could get for me.

Since then, I have learned a lot of things about myself and what I am able to do for the world. Could I have learned these things without religion? Maybe, but it is my religion that showed me how to do these things for the greater Glory of God.

I have become a better person for my faith, and am actually very much ashamed of the person that I was and fear that that person would come back if I discounted what God and the Church have shown me.

The desire for religious behavior shouldn't have to come from the Bible, and if they do, one is a moderate Christian at best. The Bible shows you examples, but in actual practice, it has to come from the heart.
2006-02-12 08:31:58 UTC
the desire to finish the work the Lord started
2006-02-12 08:28:52 UTC
Most people it's simply the desire to be a good person. Also not to go to hell.
2006-02-12 16:38:55 UTC
Desire to enjoy and glorify God forever!
2006-02-12 21:17:49 UTC
Do do as much good as I can, help to uplift those who are less fortunate, and to unfold those who are searching for wisdom.
2006-02-12 13:20:31 UTC

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