What is judgement day in the bible, any clarification?
2018-09-25 18:50:38 UTC
My doubt the last judgement day is only on earth, and also universe, any sequel judgment day for universe
62 answers:
2018-09-25 19:40:15 UTC
Nope, just for mankind.
2018-09-29 22:40:10 UTC
Look it up
2018-09-28 22:32:08 UTC
Official Judgment 'Day' - Jesus returns, all believers rise (are resurrected from their graves) and the Millennium/1000 year rule of Jesus begins. Then the rest of humanity, not saved (from death) during their lifetime, will rise / are resurrected.

Then - is Judgment 'Day'. Because of the spacing of Israels' ancient fall holy days - Trumpets-10 days later (1000 years later) = 2nd holy day called DOA (day of atonement)-5days (500 years later) = 3rd holy called Tabernacles - Rev 21 says "God will now tabernacles w/ mankind upon Earth made new.." ALL things made new..

I think of the 2nd holy day which typifies Judgment 'Day' to be DOA for the DOA..

It only says, last verse of the chapter, that those not believing will go to the "2nd death".. but really, who's not going to believe after all that? (Yes, some think I am a heretic. I guess they cannot see verses like 1 Tim 4:10; 1 Cor. 15:22; John 12:32.. and so maNy more..

Some think of apocalypse as judgment 'day' but that is simply the consummation of mankind's doings.. can be called a judgment, but not THE judgment.
2018-09-28 19:56:50 UTC
No one knows the day nor hour not even God's Son.
2018-09-28 18:18:20 UTC
2018-09-27 14:22:26 UTC
According to the Bible it's not a literal day:[search_id]=40c43df4-b5bf-4b49-ab04-cc8961c3b036&insight[search_result_index]=0
2018-09-27 09:43:28 UTC
The Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die and after this comes the judgement. So judgement day is when we die and we have to give an account of all the deeds done in the body.

If we are still alive when Christ comes, then that will be judgement day
Bobby Jim
2018-09-26 02:21:32 UTC
It is described in Revelation 20 as The Great White Throne Judgment.
2018-09-26 02:17:33 UTC
A mythical day when the dead Rabbi Yeshua returns to kill everyone.
2018-09-25 20:24:13 UTC
God unveiling His fiery presence on earth . ( Who can stand when He appears ( Mal. 3&4 ) ?
2018-09-25 19:19:52 UTC
Judgment day happens individually when one dies and their spirit returns to God.
2018-10-01 02:24:04 UTC
It was a movie
2018-10-01 01:06:57 UTC
There is no doubt that a judgment day has been decreed by Almighty God. Says the Bible: God has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth. Judgment day refers to that time when the supreme court in heaven renders righteous judgment. Judgment, Scripturally used, means the determining of what is conformable to the law of God. Jesus said: “The Father judges no one at all, but he has committed all the judging to the Son.
Serene E
2018-10-01 01:03:48 UTC
Doesn't say it's a physical event and I don't believe it is.

it's spiritual, just like when Moses came, just like when Jesus came.

I'm a Baha'i, a member of the Baha'i Faith. We believe there is only one God, that sent Buddha, Jesus, Moses, etc to humanity, now Baha’u’llah has come.
2018-09-30 21:07:39 UTC
No one left in the universe? Good reason to end the judgment.
2018-09-30 18:15:26 UTC
It is the day after tomorrow! There is talk of postponing it till after Christmas though because that would be too big of a loss for a lot of merchandisers.
2018-09-29 19:55:40 UTC
The judgment day is to be 1000 years long when everyone is resurrected and given another chance to live forever. Will everyone be resurrected? No only those to be in God's memory. So if you survive Armageddon, you still have 1000 years to learn to do it right.
2018-09-29 19:01:20 UTC
Will some be raised simply to have judgement pronounced and then be consigned to second death ?

What is the meaning of John 5: 28,29 ? It says "All those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, Those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." What Jesus said here must be understood in the light of the later revelation that he gave to John. See Rev. 20:12,13.

Both those who formerly did good things and those who formerly practiced bad things will be "judged individually according to their deeds." What deeds ? If we were to take the view that people were going to be condemned on the basis of deeds in their past life, that would be inconsistent with Romans 6:7: "He who has died has been acquitted from his sin." It would also be unreasonable to resurrect people simply for them to be destroyed .

So at John 5:28,29a, Jesus was pointing ahead to the resurrection; then , in the remainder of verse 29, he was expressing the outcome after they had been uplifted to human perfection and been put on judgment.
2018-09-29 18:12:25 UTC
Judgment Day

A specific day, or period, when particular groups, nations, or mankind in general are called to account by God. It may be a time when those judged to be deserving of death are executed, or the judgment may afford opportunity for some to be saved and gain everlasting life. Jesus Christ and his apostles pointed to a future “Judgment Day” involving not only the living but also those who died in the past.​—Mt 12:36.
2018-09-29 10:18:17 UTC
Its meaningless, the bible is just ancient superstition.
2018-09-29 07:47:07 UTC
Judgement day is when all the people who ever believed in god will be judged
2018-09-28 15:51:06 UTC
After the end of this 2nd age events, when the 2 witness' bodies have laid out in the open for 3.5 days, then Jesus Christ returns, (Revelation 11 KJV) and everyone is immediately not in their flesh bodies anymore, all will be in their spirit bodies. There will be a thousand years of teaching God's Word while satan is bound and unable to interfere, this is known as The Lord's Day, (2 Peter 3:8 KJV). At the end of that thousand years of teaching the souls that had not yet overcome the testing of satan through their faith in Jesus Christ, satan will be released for a short time to test those souls. Then, is Judgment Day where, as God promised, satan is condemned to the lake of fire and everyone who loves satan and his wicked ways will follow satan into the lake of fire, be blotted out and no one will remember they existed. (Revelation 20 KJV) They don't want to be with God and God does not want them in the 3rd age of eternity where they would be harming souls of those who do love God and His Way. No one wants to go through an age of temporary flesh bodies and evil again, so the sorting is complete on Judgment Day. God is returning here on earth. He loves it here, He loves Jerusalem. He plans on living here. Isaiah 45:18 KJV
2018-09-28 14:53:28 UTC
Judgement day actually the Thousand-Year Millennium of Jesus Christ during this period of time both the righteous and the unrighteous will be Resurrected those people that have shown in this life to have a propensity to do what is righteous will start working on their recovery so that their life will continue Without End. Those that showed a propensity on this Earth to be Wicked will be awakened to a bootcamp environment where they will have to pay back what they have done wrong to other people. Some will learn and some won't and the ones that don't work will be taken out of
2018-09-28 10:22:46 UTC
It is when God, the judge of all the earth will save all mankind from injustice. Daniel 2:44
k w
2018-09-26 09:52:38 UTC
it will be at the end of the next earth age, not spoken of, nor well understood by many.

just slightly over a thousand years but in another dimension without these flesh bodies
2018-09-26 03:16:34 UTC
In Bible times, God used judges to save his people from injustice. (Judges 2:18) The Bible describes the future Judgment Day as a happy time when Jehovah, the Judge of all the earth, will save mankind from injustice.​—Read Psalm 96:12, 13; Isaiah 26:9.

God has appointed Jesus to grant justice to both the living and the dead. (Acts 10:42;17:31) Many people have died without knowing God. During Judgment Day, Jesus will bring such people back to life so that they might know and love the true God.​—Read Acts 24:15.

For more information, feel free to visit where you can find bible based answers to your questions in the language of your choice.
2018-09-26 02:52:12 UTC

A special day at the end of time when God's will and purpose for mankind and His world will be fulfilled. Many Bible students believe the Day of the Lord will be a long period of time rather than a single day-a period when Christ will reign throughout the world before He cleanses heaven and earth in preparation for the eternal state of all mankind. But others believe the Day of the Lord will be an instantaneous event when Christ will return to earth to claim His faithful believers while consigning unbelievers to eternal damnation. Amos 5:18-20 is probably the earliest occurence in Scripture of the phrase, "Day of the Lord." According to Amos, that day would be a time of great darkness for any in rebellion against God, whether Jew or Gentile. The day would be a time of judgment (Isa 13:6,9; Jer 46:10), as well as restoration (Isa 14:1; Joel 2:28-32).


The period at the end of time when Jesus will return to claim faithful believers and members of His church as His own (1 Cor 1:8; 5:5; 2 Cor 1:14; Phil 1:10). A related concept, DAY OF THE LORD, focuses on God's judgment against unbelievers.


[es cuh TOL ih gih] — a theological term that designates the study of what will happen at the end of history, particularly the event known as the SECOND COMING of Christ. The word comes from two Greek words,


(last) and


(study) - thus its definition as "the study of last things."

The Curse. Gen 3 shows God's response to human sin. Because of its sin and unrighteousness, He cursed the world which He had just made. At the other end of the Bible, Rev 22:3 announces there will no longer be a curse. All that happens between Gen 3 and Rev 22 is related to God's efforts to reverse His curse and redeem His creation. This illustrates that eschatology is related to salvation. Eschatology reveals the end of history and how God reverses His curse upon the world by separating the good from the bad. The curse of God plunged the world into a long conflict. This conflict-strewn path leading up to God's final act in history can be traced from the Garden of Eden to Revelation. Just as God alone had cursed the creation, so only God can revoke the curse. He has chosen to revoke one aspect of the curse and its conflict through an event known as the Day of the Lord. Because man was not obedient to God, the need for the Day of the Lord arose in biblical history. This was a day when all the world would be brought back under His rule (Amos 5:18-20; Joel 2:31). The final preparation for that rule was the elevation of Jesus to God's right hand (Ps 110:1; Acts 2:34-35). We are now under the spiritual rule of Christ, awaiting His earthly rule and the defeat of all His enemies when He returns to reign. Seed Conflict. The process that would eventually end with all of God's enemies in defeat begins in the first chapters of the Bible. Victory over evil was promised only through the conflict between the seed of the woman and the seed of the snake (Gen 3:15). This conflict forms the guidelines for eschatological events throughout the Bible, especially for the end-time itself. This curse set the pattern for all future conflicts between man and God (1 John 3:10-11; Gal 4:28-29; Phil 2:5-8). This conflict also typifies the conflict between flesh and spirit (Gal 5:16-17; 2 Cor 11:3,14; Rom 16:20). The battles of the end times are the climax of a long battle between the forces of good and evil that has been going on since the beginning of time. The Flood. The universal Flood of Noah's time was an expression of God's hatred and judgment of sin. In this event, He plunged His creation back to its original state of darkness and chaos with the waters covering the deep (Gen 7:17-24). Then He began again with a new head of the human race-His servant Noah. Although this particular act of God's wrath will not be repeated, the reminders of His judgment are still present in the rainbow and the creatures' fear of humans (Gen 9:1-17).
2018-09-25 19:17:23 UTC
What do the Scriptures say? Matthew 25:31-33 - 31 “When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left. - - - - Many other Scriptures comment on a particular time period, where people are judged as being approved by God, or not. Note the following Scriptures about a great war between the kings of the earth, and God Almighty - Revelation 16:14 - They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. - - - - And a similar Scripture speaking about the destruction of all kingdoms, and only God's Kingdom being established - Daniel 2:44 - “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever, - - - - You can learn more about the Bible here: They don't even ask for your email address. Check it out.
2018-09-25 19:14:35 UTC
Judgement "day" starts with the tribulation which is described in Revelation, chapters 6 through 19. The tribulation is a seven year judgment of the earth which purpose is to bring people to a decision regarding faith and belief in Jesus Christ. It is when "sin will come to an end" (Daniel 9:24). The end of the tribulation is brought about by the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19), which is not really a battle, per se, as Jesus returns and immediately, with no effective resistance, destroys all those who would opposed Him. That is followed by the "sheep and goat" judgment (Matthew 25) where all of the non-believers (goats) are sent to hell and the believers (sheep) enter into the next period which is the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth (Revelation 20). Satan is bound in the abyss during this period, marking the first time mankind is tested without the temptation of the devil. At the end of the 1000 year period will be the Great White Throne judgment, marking the end of fleshly human existence as we know it. There will be a new heaven and a new earth, with the former earth and its universe burned up (Isaiah 34:4; 2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 21, 22).
2018-09-25 19:08:26 UTC
Acts 17:31 2Cor. 5:10 Rom. 14:12 Rev. 20:11-15 2 Pet. 3:7, 10
2018-10-01 22:43:07 UTC
Here is what the bible says about judgement day:[search_id]=8c86a85e-d6d7-4957-9e65-71fbe3cea9b5&insight[search_result_index]=1
Yorkshire Lass
2018-10-01 22:29:35 UTC
I gather that God's Judgement is more of a process than a point in time, surely something of our spiritual status and eternal future will be revealed at our death. However, scripture tells us that the things that individuals have done in secret (things of which they are ashamed?) will be made generally known and I wonder..."How?"

There will be special days of grand events like when Jesus returns to reign and will be visible in the skies with great signs like accompanying angels!
2018-10-01 19:31:24 UTC
That would be the second Terminator movie.
2018-10-01 07:44:48 UTC
Judgement day is personal to everyone, it is their last breath before they die. It is all internal to the person involved and is driven by the teachings given in their life and how they believe they have transgressed. No external deity is involved, no external judgement, only the most important judgement, and that is what you think of how you have done in your life.
2018-10-01 00:22:06 UTC
A popular teaching of Judgment Day is that it's a day to judge the good and evil. One to go to heaven, the other confined to eternal torment in hell. However, would you be surprised to know, according to the Bible judgment day is a time for rejoicing? Judgment Day, according to Revelation 21:3, 4 will be the happiest time in human history. According to the Bible during this time God will remove all the pains of the world this world that cause suffering including our ultimate enemy....death.
2018-09-30 11:40:13 UTC
It is a a future moment when god will separate the those who serve him honestly correct and those are dressed as sheep but are really wolves. In that day we must all pay for our sins and weather we have been obedient to god and the Bible
2018-09-30 02:24:50 UTC
Judgement Day is the day foretold in the Bible after a time of Great Tribulation. God is said to judge all people, both who have died and who are alive, with absolute justice, and spare those who follow the Messiah from judgement
2018-09-28 08:43:09 UTC
Many people imagine that on Judgment Day billions of souls will be brought before God’s throne to be judged according to their former deeds—some to be rewarded with life in heaven, others to be tormented in hell. The Bible shows, however, that the purpose of Judgment Day is to rescue people from injustice. (Psalm 96:13) God has appointed Jesus to be the Judge who will restore justice to mankind.—Read Isaiah 11:1-5; Acts 17:31.

How will Judgment Day restore justice?

When the first man, Adam, deliberately rebelled against God, he subjected all his offspring to sin, suffering, and death. (Romans 5:12) To correct that injustice, Jesus will bring back to life, or resurrect, billions from the dead. The book of Revelation reveals that this will take place during the thousand-year rule of Christ Jesus.—Read Revelation 20:4, 11, 12.

The resurrected ones will be judged, not on the basis of what they did before they died, but on what they do when the contents of the “scrolls” mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 are revealed. (Romans 6:7) Among those who will come back to life and have the opportunity to learn about God are “both the righteous and the unrighteous,” said the apostle Paul.—Read Acts 24:15.

What will Judgment Day accomplish?

Those who died without ever having come to know Jehovah God and serve him will have the opportunity to change and do good. If they do so, their resurrection will turn out to be “a resurrection of life.” Some of the resurrected ones, however, will not want to learn Jehovah’s ways. Theirs will turn out to be “a resurrection of judgment.”—Read John 5:28, 29; Isaiah 26:10; 65:20.

By the end of the thousand-year-long Day of Judgment, Jehovah will have restored obedient mankind to its original perfect condition. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) What a marvelous prospect that is for all obedient ones! In a final test, God will release from the abyss Satan the Devil, who will have been confined there for a thousand years. Satan will again try to turn people away from Jehovah, but those who reject Satan will enjoy life on earth forever.—Read Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 20:7-9.

As you can see the Bible uses the term “day of judgment” to refer to the event that will bring the present system of things to its end. This day of judgment will come as suddenly as the Flood of Noah’s day, which swept away an entire wicked generation. Happily, the imminent destruction of “ungodly men” will clear the way for a new earthly society in which “righteousness is to dwell.”—Read 2 Peter 3:6, 7, 13.

to learn more please visit, Bible questions answered.
2018-09-28 08:14:07 UTC
"The Hour will certainly come: Therein is no doubt: Yet most men believe not." (Quran)
2018-09-27 22:12:25 UTC
2018-09-27 10:36:16 UTC
The Day of The Master Messiah will be a Day of reconing when all that is evil will be destroyed and only good will prevail for ever more.
2018-09-27 10:28:41 UTC
It is a day of cleaning up the records on file and giving the reward to the ones who deserve it.

First, each person is judged continually on all that person does until death. At death this is tallied, and if the person isn't wicked the record is entered into the book of life. In this way, judgment is already done for each. In the Bible everyone is said to be in Sheol (Hebrew word), or Hades (Greek for the same), or the sea, or simply death. All these refer to the same record - the book of life.

After Armageddon, once the world has been cleansed of wicked and all the national governments have been erased, Christ opens the book of life and all records. If a person's name is not found in the book of life, that record is now erased totally and this cannot be undone. It is a final review. Those who have their names in the book of life, the non-wicked dead shall now begin to be resurrected orderly and in timely fashion. The wicked have now had all records of their existence expunged and they are now destroyed even in the records that exist of their former lives.

This is judgment day. Because the people were actually judged when they died, there is now no lengthy process needed to go over their life records once again. All that is needed is checking to see if someone deserves a resurrection, and if it is time, they get to be resurrected into Paradise on earth.
2018-09-27 00:54:18 UTC
When the first man, Adam, deliberately rebelled against God, he subjected all his offspring to sin, suffering and death. (Romans 5:12) To correct that injustice, Jesus will bring back to life, or resurrect, billions from the dead. (John 5:28,29) The book of Revelation reveals that this will take place during the thousand year rule of Christ Jesus. (Revelation 20:4,11,12) The resurrected ones will be judged, not on the basis of what they did before they died because "all who have died have been acquitted from their sin" according to Romans 6:7), but on what they do when the contents of the scrolls mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 are revealed. Both the righteous and the unrighteous will be brought back according to Acts 24:15. For more info please go to Watchtower 2012 September/1, pages 16,17.
2018-09-26 18:31:50 UTC
After this temporary body dies, each will face the One Whom they ultimately were born of, came from.

The great Christian evangelist Paul, under power of the Spirit, wrote on this this way in Romans chapter 2--

6God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”

7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11For God does not show favoritism.

12All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) 16This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ..."
2018-09-26 16:10:55 UTC
Judgement day in the bible is referred to the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ, during a period of time when mankind will return to perfection. This will be a time when mankind will fix what Adam and Eve lost for us. Those receiving favorable judgment will live on earth and will enjoy everlasting life in perfect conditions. (Revelation 21:3, 4) Thus, Judgment Day helps to accomplish God’s original purpose for humans and the earth. For more information, please
2018-09-26 10:45:42 UTC
At Revelation 20:11, 12, we read the apostle John’s description of Judgment Day: “I saw a great white throne and the One seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds.”

Paul said that God “has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed.” This appointed Judge is the resurrected Jesus Christ. (John 5:22)

The book of Revelation shows that Judgment Day begins after the war of Armageddon, when Satan’s system on earth will be destroyed. (Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:19–20:3)

Judgment Day is not some hurried event lasting a mere 24 hours. It lasts a thousand years.

During that thousand-year period, Jesus Christ will “judge the living and the dead.” (2 Timothy 4:1) “The living” will be the “great crowd” that survives Armageddon. (Revelation 7:9-17)

Judgment Day will thus see the restoration of mankind to its original perfect state. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28)
Michael S
2018-09-26 03:15:11 UTC
There are at least two judgment days.

The Judgment Seat of Christ is where believers are judged. They will receive rewards for what they have done, and suffer loss of things that had no value to the kingdom of God. This is the gold, silver, and precious stones that will be refined vs the wood, hay and stubble that will be burned up. All believers are saved, but not all are rewarded the same. Paul uses Greek word 'bema', which means 'pavement' by which the Olympic games were judged. The participants receive crowns of olive branches in the Olympics, or imperishable crowns of eternal glory in Christ.

The Great White Throne judgement is for the second resurrection, the Resurrection of the Damned. They will be judged by the law, and will all be found guilty and cast in the lake of fire. Anyone whose name is not in the Book of Life is cast there.

The vials, seals, and other judgments like that are done here on earth before all that.

So technically, there is not just one endtime judgment.
2018-09-26 02:32:14 UTC
Nobody knows the time or hour. It's when God decides.
2018-09-25 19:07:46 UTC
after losing this body every time we are being judged, did we worship God? One who did not he comes to the same world in a different body (not everytime human) and pay for what he did in past. We die and born again and again and being judged as well.

In Hindu culture, they call the power that brings you back into this world to pay for what you did as yamm-dood. However it is not his name, the name is given for our convenience. In every culture, we have different names for spiritual things. We name them for our convenience.

eg Allah God, Parm-Atma, holy-spirit etc
2018-09-25 19:04:06 UTC
A person can know many truths by reciting daily and with care the angelic psalter of the Virgin Mary.
Nine Lives
2018-09-29 18:15:56 UTC
2018-09-28 23:05:39 UTC
Judgment Day is a period of 1000 years in which Christ Jesus will rule and mankind will be given the wonderful opportunity to undo what Adam and Eve lost for mankind; perfection. It will be a time when they will make the earth into a paradise, under the direction of Jehovah God, his son and the 144,000. For more information, please visit
Bible Student
2018-09-28 14:22:13 UTC
I think you may be referring to Armageddon, the battle of Armageddon refers to the final war between human governments and God. These governments and their supporters oppose God even now by refusing to submit to his rulership. (Psalm 2:2) The battle of Armageddon will bring human rulership to an end.—Daniel 2:44.

It will not be the end of our planet, since the earth is mankind’s eternal home. (Psalm 37:29; 96:10; Ecclesiastes 1:4) Rather than destroying humanity, Armageddon actually saves it, because “a great crowd” of God’s servants will survive.—Revelation 7:9, 14; Psalm 37:34.

When all those ruining the earth are removed then there will be a resurrection as mentioned at

John 5:28,29, Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

During this time on a peaceful paradise earth is when the "judgement day" will begin. The below article explains exactly what that judgement day will entail.[search_id]=c5459314-bd7f-444c-b4d7-c59a8391fb72&insight[search_result_index]=0
Good Man
2018-09-28 11:41:51 UTC
The day when the humans will be accountable for his deeds or misdeeds , rewarded or punished for it .
2018-09-28 10:50:01 UTC
29th jULY 2099
2018-09-28 01:01:00 UTC
In Bible times, God used judges to save his people from injustice. (Judges 2:18) The Bible describes the future Judgment Day as a happy time when Jehovah, the Judge of all the earth, will save mankind from injustice.​—Read Psalm 96:12, 13; Isaiah 26:9.

God has appointed Jesus to grant justice to both the living and the dead. (Acts 10:42; 17:31) Many people have died without knowing God. During Judgment Day, Jesus will bring such people back to life so that they might know and love the true God.​—Read Acts 24:15.
2018-09-27 14:11:23 UTC
The end time of this life is when we all enter heaven together. It's all for one and one for all, but you don't have to carry a musket.
2018-09-27 10:58:18 UTC
When warning, after warning, after warning fails...

A person, a community, an entire nation will then come under judgement and will be handed over to the torturers.

The FINAL JUDGEMENT is the one that comes upon THE WHOLE WORLD, but for the same reasons as given above.

Protect yourself and your loved ones, turn to Jesus Christ and make Him Lord over your life.
2018-09-27 07:05:32 UTC
Armageddon is not as they present it to be for most know not the meaning of the word.
2018-09-26 15:05:28 UTC
As brought out in Psalms 96:12,13 and Isaiah 26:6 God s Word the Bible describes the future Judgement Day as a happy time when Jehovah, who is the Judge of all the earth, will save mankind from injustice.

As stated in Acts 10:42; 17:31 God has appointed Jesus to grant justice to both the living and the dead. Although many people have died without knowing God. During Judgement Day, Jesus will bring such people back to life so that they might know and love the true God. Acts 24:15
2018-09-26 00:42:02 UTC
Dr Easton comments

Judgment, The final

the sentence that will be passed on our actions at the last day ( Matthew 25 ; Romans 14:10 Romans 14:11 ; 2 co 5:10 ; 2 th 1:7-10 ).

The judge is Jesus Christ, as mediator. All judgment is committed to him ( Acts 17:31 ; John 5:22 John 5:27 ; Revelation 1:7 ). "It pertains to him as mediator to complete and publicly manifest the salvation of his people and the overthrow of his enemies, together with the glorious righteousness of his work in both respects."

The persons to be judged are, (1) the whole race of Adam without a single exception ( Matthew 25:31-46 ; 1 Corinthians 15:51 1 Corinthians 15:52 ; Revelation 20:11-15 ); and (2) the fallen angels ( 2 Peter 2:4 ; Jude 1:6 ).

The rule of judgment is the standard of God's law as revealed to men, the heathen by the law as written on their hearts ( Luke 12:47 Luke 12:48 ; Romans 2:12-16 ); the Jew who "sinned in the law shall be judged by the law" ( Romans 2:12 ); the Christian enjoying the light of revelation, by the will of God as made known to him ( Matthew 11:20-24 ; John 3:19 ). Then the secrets of all hearts will be brought to light ( 1 Corinthians 4:5 ; Luke 8:17 ; Luke 12:2 Luke 12:3 ) to vindicate the justice of the sentence pronounced.

The time of the judgment will be after the resurrection ( Hebrews 9:27 ; Acts 17:31 ).

As the Scriptures represent the final judgment "as certain [Eccl 11:9 ], universal [ 2 Corinthians 5:10 ], righteous [ Romans 2:5 ], decisive [ 1 Corinthians 15:52 ], and eternal as to its consequences [ Hebrews 6:2 ], let us be concerned for the welfare of our immortal interests, flee to the refuge set before us, improve our precious time, depend on the merits of the Redeemer, and adhere to the dictates of the divine word, that we may be found of him in peace."
2018-09-25 18:51:58 UTC
What is Judgment Day?

Judgment Day. Also known as the Final Judgment. It is the very last thing that happens before God destroys the old heaven and the old earth, which are corrupt on account of sin

Sin is anything that goes against God’s will and His laws. To commit sin is to transgress or disobey these laws. The lust to sin dwells in human nature. In other words, it is contaminated and motivated by the sinful tendencies that dwell in all people as a result of the fall into sin and disobedience in the garden of Eden. This... More

. Before He creates His new heaven and new earth, He has to do away with anything that could bring sin into the new creation.

The devil has just been cast into the lake of fire, where the beast and the false prophet (Antichrist) have already been since they were defeated when Jesus returned before the beginning of the millennium. This is to be the eternal retribution for their sin and rebellion against God. Now the time has come for God to judge who is to join them in the lake of fire, and who is worthy of a place on the new earth.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.