Why are many Christians concerned with issues Christ never mentions?
2007-03-25 22:51:30 UTC
Many conservative Christians such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson seem obsessed with issues Christ never mentioned.
The key issues of many convservative Christians seem to be gay marriage, abortion, and taxes. Christ never mentioned the first two and of the last he said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's". Why do so many Christians obsess over these issues that Christ never spoke on but seem to ignore the things Christ actually taught about helping the poor and downtrodden?
Eighteen answers:
Last Ent Wife (RCIA)
2007-03-25 22:55:55 UTC
Taxes, really? LOL I've never heard Falwell or Robertson preach on taxes.

Oh about the gay marriage issue. If you notice, it's people trying to force the issue in our faces, not the other way around. I would just as soon stop talking about it, personally.
2007-03-25 23:04:23 UTC
There are alot of issues that Jesus did address which are not being addressed in the churches, as they should. Unfortunately, some have wandered and are stuck in places that have not resolution. I agree, that if the energy was in places where a Christian could make a difference, then we would be looked at differently. I guess the devil helps these people get stuck, so they are out of the way, and he can continue his nasty ways of destruction.

Your point is well taken, so maybe each person reading this can do something to make a change in the life of another person who needs help. Donate time or money to a good organization like Christian Childrens Fund, or a homeless shelter, or orphanage. Do something to make the change happen and let it start with you!
Da Mick
2007-03-26 07:27:12 UTC
Here's the thing: Do you remember such noted preachers in the 80-90's as Jim Baker, Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart? Both these so called "Men of God" abused the book itself, yes? Baker got caught in a very hard scandal. Oral Roberts lied to people, saying, "God will take me if you do not give me money." And Swaggert did the opposite of what he taught. (Got caught with a "hoe." And his most Infamous line "I have sinned..." Now he wouldn't have said that if he wouldn't have got caught.) MY point is a lot of people use the Bible for profit, and not the ORIGINAL WAY it is to be used. As far as homosexuality, common sense tells us its wrong. Two men or woman together cannot reproduce. If you stuck them on a lost island and found them many decades later, they would be dead. No child. Period. And Caesar WANTED all the gold, God ASKS for a tenth. Go figure...
2007-03-25 23:06:56 UTC
Hi Cacaoatl. I I find it disturbing that Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are known more for their politcal views than for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There were many political issues in the days when Jesus walked the earth, but he was not involved in any of them.

The message Christ brought was a message that we would someday stand before God and account for our sins, and that He was the One who would bear the sins of all those who believed on Him.
2007-03-25 23:36:42 UTC
Jesus and God (God the Father are actually one. Some will rightly say that Jesus is the Son of God and some will say they are both in the same. I'm not going to get into that debate right now but safe to say, they are of one accord. Abortion = murder " (Exodus 20:13) Jesus killed no one. Abortion kills or removes zygote that is needed for life. You have heard the saying "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve". God made woman for man. Genesis2:23-25 in part...a man shall leave his FATHER AND MOTHER and be joined to his WIFE..... Some of Jesus own disciples were married. They were all men and were married to women. Jesus taught that a person needed to pay their bills. They had taxes way back then too and if a person owed taxes they needed to pay them. Nothing new about that.
2007-03-25 23:01:54 UTC
Ah! Now you are questioning something you're not meant to know! I think it's all a matter of power and impressions. All that trivial stuff Jesus was concerned with, you can find in your Bible. But the big issues of the day, only Falwell and Robertson (or whatever preacher claims to be "expert" on it) can fully explain. This assures you'll go to them for the next chapter -and notice the collection plate too. They'll tell you what God thinks about gun control, casual dress in the office, and whether you should own a Mac or a PC, too. Only they know for sure. Keeps you coming back to their ministry, doesn't it?
2007-03-25 23:01:10 UTC
Oh no..I totally disagree. The poor and the downtrodden are spoken of...often but gay and marriage is spoken of all through the new testiment as a matter of fact Revelations says "liars and homosexuals will NOT enter the gates of Heaven" and abortion would fall under the catagory of "murder" or maybe you need to think about how Jesus said " Let the children come to me" and no He didn't say that as in kill them and I will have them here with Me in Heaven. He even spoke of taxes but I think that was in quite a different way...although he did acknowledge that tax collectors were not liked by anybody. He actually taught to respect all branches of government. a Bible lately? It's packed full of this info...try it and God bless you as you do.
2007-03-25 23:02:19 UTC
They are so certain they are right in their choice of religion they go a step further and assume all their views are also the only right ones since they are Christians. Too many pastors are preaching politics too and trying to force their religious views on everyone. They have the right to their religion but so does everyone else. Everyone seems to have amnesia about separation of church and state.

The abortion issue is a perfect example. Christians apparently believe a fetus is alive so abortion is killing. But a fetus cannot live outside it's mother so it's not alive - yet. Therefore it's not killing a person but only not allowing potential person to develop. If we get all hot and bothered about killing potential humans then we're in big trouble because every sperm and egg is a potential human. Oy!
2016-10-20 15:31:43 UTC
He has already began to united statesa. issues. some are being called out to comprehend specific truths. Daniel grew to become into shown issues which will take place in our time that's the top time now.
2007-03-25 22:57:40 UTC
I can't really understand this one myself. I'm a Christian, and I try to base my life entirely around the teachings of Jesus. Yes, my religious beliefs do affect my views on other social or political things, but I don't try to say that Jesus himself backs up my point of view when I have no proof of that.
2007-03-25 22:58:22 UTC
i have a better quote - be not of this world, Jesus was not of this world and neither are His followers. That should be an easy way to ID false prophets and teachers, huh ?

They are concerned with what's popular and controversial in the world and government, not with what's important.
2007-03-25 23:06:22 UTC
I think many of those Christians you mentioned are more in the line of being chri$tians. There are so many differing dogmas, it's no wonder so many people are confused.
2007-03-25 22:56:02 UTC
Because those issues get attention, and put money in the pockets of these deceivers. This a divide and conquer tactic to keep most confused so they can be brought to the slaughter like "sheeple"
2007-03-25 22:56:05 UTC
Yes, very interesting view.
2007-03-25 22:54:43 UTC
It's true, and sad. The loudest ones especially that could be a good influence but aren't.
2007-03-25 22:56:03 UTC
They are self serving criminals, who think you're all so stupid that you will be distracted by their nonsense, so you won't notice what they do with the money you donate to them.
devora k
2007-03-25 22:55:52 UTC
Because the world is bigger now and much more complex
2007-03-25 22:59:34 UTC
That's becAUSE THERE TV precher!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.