Those so preaching are your 'wolves in sheep's clothing ', in reality, VERY hard to go against. You notice that wolves, like other vicious predators are smiling?
Not at you, but their supporters.
And you'd recognize it was jihad but they dress it up.
Don't you become the nuisance? The problem?
These things are carefully planned out, and we're not able to know usually until it is too late?
Often those wolves have lots of money.
Think just how popular Jeffrey Epstein was, for how long?
And! Those women do fail to mention how well paid they were, right?
Those wolves are charming, we are not, TRUTH is not.
So, WE have to leave that place. I wouldn't leave quietly but quite abruptly so I wouldn't be tarred and feathered for my next place.
Evil is very wily.
Not all see the wolf.
Very big problem.