Co existence of humans and dragons/dinosaurs has long been an established fact by the extensive evidence around the world; ie cave paintings, stone carvings, pottery decorations,battle shields, weaponry, coins, extensive art of every kind depicting man with dragon/dinosaur.
The handed down legends and stories of every culture on every continent, Marco Polo, Alexander the Great both gave accounts of such.Asia continent has extensive references to dragons and various rulers raising such creatures.
The castles of old had dragon keepers, stories from all over Europe of dragons, the carvings are on everything. the 1700's.
The stories of sea monsters from those on ship, it was not a porpoise...
The local natives of every continent have stories of great thunder lizards and flying lizards.The largely unexplored areas of the Amazon and the deep African Congo have reports of such creatures today.
The trappers and explorers of the early americas leave behind numerous accounts of seeing and killing these strange creatures; they knew the difference between a buffalo and a great lizard.
There are records of such creatures in the late 1700's and early 1800's during the same time frame that the early evolutionary theorists and proponents of the soon to be theory of darwin were formulating their ideas.This learned body of scientific peer review and superior intellect created a theoretical brain washing that is still going on today even though we can see the evidence of the continued existence of said creatures.
Countless examples of dragon/dinosaur tracks with human tracks in sandstone.
Reptiles never never stop growing, how big will an iguana get if it was 200 years old?? How many other species of lizard can one think of that will get really really big the older it gets with good feeding and lack of human contact??
We have these creatures here today in their smaller form because the environment has changed drastically since the flood when everything and everyone lived much longer and was much healthier.
Man has a bad habit of hunting and killing off everything he sees, so these creatures are forced to the deep interior marsh and swamps of the various continents.
The idea of flintstones or dinotopia(whatever that is) is rather a mocking way of asking a question.
we exist today with many creatures that try to survive in their own type of environment if man would stay away they would be just fine.
The evidence of these creatures is still out there but we have been so brainwashed with this millions and millions of years hog wash that we can not /refuse to see them.
Any and all evidence that is found / produced that is contrary to the peer review evolutionary scientific community is squashed,disappeared, destroyed, discredited, dismissed.
Everything and everyone lived longer and was much healthier before the flood. Questions of why so and so lived so many years....The animals also had that longer of a life span so in turn they also grew to much larger size than they do today.
and the fire breathing...the digestive processes of a creature that consumes large amounts of vegetable matter with a slow digestive process will produce gas( burp or farts burn) get a bunch of stupid villagers with flaming torches and this large creature "hisses" in fear and anger what will happen??