Creationist do you belive that dinosaurs and humans co-existed?
2009-08-14 08:34:03 UTC
Creationist do you belive that dinosaurs and humans co-existed

And if so do you belive it was something like the flinstones.
29 answers:
2009-08-14 08:38:40 UTC
While the word "dinosaur" is a relatively new word, there seems to be evidence in many places around the world that men and these creatures have co-existed. In the Bible, when God is responding to Job, in Job 40 and 41, we see two creatures described, the 'behemoth' and the 'leviathan.' Both are described as extremely large animals and seem reminiscent of descriptions of a dinosaur and a giant sea creature. Although Bible notes in many modern translations suggest these animals might be a hippo, a crocodile, an elephant, or other known animals, the Biblical descriptions defy those identifications.

The Bible and Pterosaurs: Archaeological and Linguistic Studies of Jurassic Animals that Lived Recently

The Chinese histories and legends abound with dinosaurs, but they are not called "dinosaurs." They are called "dragons." The dragon is one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. What is interesting is that all the other eleven are commonly known animals and there is no hint of 'mythology' involved with their identities. It seems as if the dragon was just as commonly known at one time. The pictures are often fantastical, but so are their stylized pictures of horses and other animals. I checked the web for accessible information on this. I was able to find a few things that were not having to do with video games, sculptures, movies, items for sale, and such. The following links may be of interest. There are more. If you have access to books, you might want to check the epic of Beowulf, in which he battles a monster. If you have access to a good book on the history of art, you may be able to see some dragons and sea monsters painted on ancient Roman pottery. The legends abound all over the world. They do not seem to be connected to each other, but each telling of its own place. We have the story of St. George and the Dragon; there is the reference regarding Alexander the Great and his army disturbing some giant monster in a cave on their way to India. The American Indian thunderbird may very well be one of the ancient flying reptiles. An excellent essay by Lourella Rouster is "The Footprints of Dragons," at

A couple of pages which chronicle, a bit, the possible existence of monsters in Europe are dragon myths from Austria page includes two paintings of dragons from the seventeenth century that are quite interesting!

Doug Sharp, whose webpage "Revolution Against Evolution" has Rouster's essay, also carries the following:

The Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaur -- Scaphognathus crassirostris: A "Living Fossil" Until the 17th Century. All in all then, there is reason to doubt the evolutionist timeline that says dinosaurs -- or the dragons -- died out before man ever arrived. There is simply too much evidence in stone, art, writing, and legend which contradicts that idea.
2009-08-14 15:48:57 UTC
Some do, some don't some creationist don't believe the fossil records - there is probably a sweat shop somewhere in the world churning out the fossil records for disreputable palaeontologists to bury and then dig up again at a suitable time, the sweat shop is probably next door to the one that creates religious artifacts for religious archaeologists to dig up, although we cannot discount the idea that they are one in the same shop which turns out different artifacts on demand.

In all seriousness evidence itself is open to interpretation and people interpret the evidence according to their own preconceived ideas.

Take for example sea shells on top of a mountain. A geologist will look at that and say, "here is evidence of plate tectonics, see this mountain was once part of the sea bed."

A creationist will view the exact same evidence and say, "look here is evidence of Noah's flood."

It all eventually boils down to belief no matter how much or little evidence is around.
2009-08-14 15:50:55 UTC
I certainly believe they COULD HAVE co-existed (I wasn't there, were you?). I also believe there could be dinosaurs today. Paleontologists are always "discovering" creatures thought to have long been extinct. There have been dinosaurs uncovered that would seem to be of more modern ages based on the presence of soft tissue and stuff. Maybe our dating techniques are not so accurate. There have also been human remains (or "human-like" remains) dated pretty far back. It's all speculation when it comes to the "historical sciences".

I also don't believe it really makes a bit of difference whether dinosaurs and humans co-existed though, so I don't lose sleep over it either way. Oh, most definitely not like either Flintstones or Dinotopia (obviously).
2009-08-14 16:52:21 UTC
Co existence of humans and dragons/dinosaurs has long been an established fact by the extensive evidence around the world; ie cave paintings, stone carvings, pottery decorations,battle shields, weaponry, coins, extensive art of every kind depicting man with dragon/dinosaur.

The handed down legends and stories of every culture on every continent, Marco Polo, Alexander the Great both gave accounts of such.Asia continent has extensive references to dragons and various rulers raising such creatures.

The castles of old had dragon keepers, stories from all over Europe of dragons, the carvings are on everything. the 1700's.

The stories of sea monsters from those on ship, it was not a porpoise...

The local natives of every continent have stories of great thunder lizards and flying lizards.The largely unexplored areas of the Amazon and the deep African Congo have reports of such creatures today.

The trappers and explorers of the early americas leave behind numerous accounts of seeing and killing these strange creatures; they knew the difference between a buffalo and a great lizard.

There are records of such creatures in the late 1700's and early 1800's during the same time frame that the early evolutionary theorists and proponents of the soon to be theory of darwin were formulating their ideas.This learned body of scientific peer review and superior intellect created a theoretical brain washing that is still going on today even though we can see the evidence of the continued existence of said creatures.

Countless examples of dragon/dinosaur tracks with human tracks in sandstone.

Reptiles never never stop growing, how big will an iguana get if it was 200 years old?? How many other species of lizard can one think of that will get really really big the older it gets with good feeding and lack of human contact??

We have these creatures here today in their smaller form because the environment has changed drastically since the flood when everything and everyone lived much longer and was much healthier.

Man has a bad habit of hunting and killing off everything he sees, so these creatures are forced to the deep interior marsh and swamps of the various continents.

The idea of flintstones or dinotopia(whatever that is) is rather a mocking way of asking a question.

we exist today with many creatures that try to survive in their own type of environment if man would stay away they would be just fine.

The evidence of these creatures is still out there but we have been so brainwashed with this millions and millions of years hog wash that we can not /refuse to see them.

Any and all evidence that is found / produced that is contrary to the peer review evolutionary scientific community is squashed,disappeared, destroyed, discredited, dismissed.

Everything and everyone lived longer and was much healthier before the flood. Questions of why so and so lived so many years....The animals also had that longer of a life span so in turn they also grew to much larger size than they do today.

and the fire breathing...the digestive processes of a creature that consumes large amounts of vegetable matter with a slow digestive process will produce gas( burp or farts burn) get a bunch of stupid villagers with flaming torches and this large creature "hisses" in fear and anger what will happen??
2009-08-18 03:27:03 UTC
I think it may have been kinda like dinotopia. Yes there is cave carvings of dinosaurs and preserved footprints of men running from dinosaurs.
2009-08-14 15:48:25 UTC
@LIGHTNING "we see two creatures described, the 'behemoth' and the 'leviathan.' Both are described as extremely large animals and seem reminiscent of descriptions of a dinosaur and a giant sea creature. Although Bible notes in many modern translations suggest these animals might be a hippo, a crocodile, an elephant, or other known animals, the Biblical descriptions defy those identifications"

Okay, let's say they were dinosaurs.

That takes care of 2 dinosaurs.

While the bible mentions all kinds of other types and species of animals, the only (arguable) mention of dinosaurs is 2 of them.


Where are the other few thousand dinosaurs for which we have fossils mentioned?

Clearly, leviathan and behemoth are figments of superstitious and fearful minds intent on scaring the hell out of other superstitious and fearful minds.

Man and dinosaurs did NOT coexist.

Oh, and one more thing: Your biblical behemoth breathed fire according to your bible. Completely ridiculous! NO ANIMAL EVER HAS OR EVER COULD BREATHE FIRE.

ADD AND CORRECT: It is leviathan that breathed fire. See Job 41. To read about the "breathing fire" bit, look at Job 41:19-21
2009-08-14 15:46:19 UTC
Im not a creationist, but there is evidence of cave drawings that depict dinosaurs, so indeed man and dinosaurs co-habitat at the same time
christian m
2009-08-14 15:43:16 UTC
The fact that some people believe this is true is absolutely ludicrous. Science has already many years ago disproved this. The fossil record clearly shows that there is no way that they could have coexisted. It would be impossible. The earths climate would not even be able to support a being like us. Not to mention without the death of the dinosaurs certain evolutionary advances could have never occurred.
2009-08-14 15:46:37 UTC
According to the book of Job, apparently they did. He talks at length about Leviathon and Behemoth. See chapters 40 and 41. Job is said to be the oldest book in the Bible.

No flintstones. People were created perfect and looked better than we do now. No cave men.

Archeology proves that many ancient civilizations were as advanced or even more advanced than we are now.

You read a lot about walled cities in the Bible. It was their main defense. Perhaps it is not just because of warring humans, but also because of dangerous animals.

I know the earth is millions or perhaps billions of years old. Lucifer reigned here long before Adam and Eve were created. He was kicked out of power before their creation. Dinosaurs were probably his pets. Who knows.
2009-08-14 15:43:44 UTC
Some do, but it takes a huge lack of education & ignorance to reach that level of delusion.

@ Nigel B - No Palaeontologists or associated lab would date dinosaur fossils by the C14 method for one very good reason, THERE IS NO CARBON IN DINOSAUR FOSSILS ! - So one is left to conclude that you're...... what's the word I’m looking for...... oh yeah.... LYING.
2009-08-14 15:58:16 UTC
Yes, absolutely.

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over ALL the earth, and over EVERY creeping thing that creeps on the earth...And God saw ever thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the SIXTH day." --Genesis 1:20-31
tammy b
2009-08-14 15:44:54 UTC
I read one of their answers yesterday that said that dinosaurs did live with humans and that the dinosaur was not the huge monster that science would like us to believe, but that dinosaurs were in fact only the size of a large dog.

Freekin hilarious.
2009-08-14 15:38:12 UTC
Less than one percent of the Christians in this world are Young Earth Creationists. I hope you understand that assaults on Young Earth Creationism do not in any way touch historic, orthodox Christianity. Whether God created man "directly" or created "stuff" that evolved into humanity is not even an issue. The Bible is true and Jesus Christ is Lord forever, either way.
JP (Jan)
2009-08-14 15:44:42 UTC
Yes they co-existed. Even God speaks of them in Job

Why are evolutionist so hung up on dinosaurs. They were just big animals created along with the other animals.
2009-08-14 15:50:02 UTC
Dinosaurs and humans co-existed. Wasn't like either show
Bruno R
2009-08-14 15:45:58 UTC
That is not what modern science tells us. But who knows, science is made by scientists, and they are people like you and me. They can make mistakes. I'm not saying it is likely, but it is possible.

God bless you.
2009-08-14 15:44:19 UTC
yes it was just like the flinstones, they were having a yabba dabba doo time.

it doesnt say in the bible so its surmising.

i can give you dates by c14 dating yes thats c14 dating the dating system that the darwin cult say shouldnt be used on stuff like this, but it indicates by independant labs that dinosaurs were around 9,000-21,000 yrs not 250,000,000 yrs
2009-08-14 15:53:46 UTC

Probably not like the Flintstones.
Karl P
2009-08-14 15:39:08 UTC
2009-08-14 15:42:10 UTC
If they did exist at the same time (which they didn't) then humans would have been nothing more than tasty snacks.
The Jesus
2009-08-14 15:43:15 UTC
Yabba, dabba, doooooo!
2009-08-14 15:38:19 UTC
The bible doesn't say...I personally think they were on the earth in Adam's day and they were killed in the flood.

It might have been a good reason why the garden of Eden was so desirable ...because it was a very protected place.
2009-08-14 15:37:42 UTC
No, dinosaurs way before humans

Old earth creationist
2009-08-14 15:42:33 UTC
I do believe they co-existed. I don't believe it was like the filntstones.
lane b
2009-08-14 15:46:54 UTC
yes and no
2009-08-14 15:42:18 UTC
If the creation museum says they did, then they did!
2009-08-14 15:40:17 UTC
2009-08-14 15:41:34 UTC
dinosaurs didn't exist
2009-08-14 15:37:21 UTC
it is likely but diff from flinstones..

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