Do you think everyone goes to heaven?
2013-04-04 19:59:58 UTC
Before you answer, please, don't hate. I'm just asking for your personal view. Do you think everyone goes to heaven? I personally believe in god, but i don't really have a religion. I feel like there are so many different religions but just one god. When everyone dies i think they all meet the same god no matter if their Muslim, atheist, Catholic, etc. When you meet with god, i think he forgives you for all the sins you have done throughout your life, no matter how bad, and that you automatically go to heaven. Now i know the bible probably tells a lot of people differently, but remember that my views are not based on the bible.

The only things that are sins are hurting other people. Such as lieing, stealing, cheating, making fun of people, etc. I think homosexuality and all the others sins in the bible are not true, and i think god accepts these people into heaven along with their loved ones. Now i know people think differently, and think only a select few go to heaven. But i don't see why god would create all these living things on earth just to send them to hell. For example, if you're gay and not hurting anybody, why shouldn't you be let into heaven? Just give your honest opinion, but please be respectful.
Twenty answers:
Voice in the Wilderness
2013-04-04 20:01:33 UTC
Hell no.

I notice that you give no scriptures to support your perspective. Good thing, because there are none; and if you think Hitler is in Heaven, you're probably one of about three people on the planet that think such psychobabble. Let's look at some reality:

The Word of God says the wages of sin is death.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

EVERYONE has sinned:

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

All of your "good deeds" are as filthy rags before a Holy God:

Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

The ONLY escape from judgment is God's grace:

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

If you do NOT accept Christ, you WILL be cast into outer darkness and experience the second death:

Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and UNBELIEVING, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Without Christ, you WILL be judged according to your works:

Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

The Voice
2013-04-04 20:19:10 UTC
You are asking for my personal view so I'll be happy to give it to you. The concept of heaven, hell and eternal life is just plain lame and stupid and all too human of an idea. No "god" could torture you forever, infinity is a mathematical concept in the calculus, it isn't a four-dimensional reality. Even protons will eventually decay and how the hell can you feel pain if you have no central nervous system and no spinal cord? Again, all too human. An idea that flies into the face of all the laws of physics, which apparently this so-called god has to obey too, otherwise said god could have poofed all of the universe into existence in a split second using "magic", not in the six days it purportedly took, which is already a joke given what we know of the cosmos and the astronomical distances involved. We can look 10 billion years back to the early universe with this thing called a telescope, where light from just the galaxy next door had to have been traveling for 2.5 million years before getting here. The sadistic twisted psycho type that for no good reason are still walking around sucking air and spewing their Schadenfreude at anyone within range about how they're going to heaven and non-believers are going to hell, neener neener neener, are the prime cause of what is wrong with the orderly, SANE progress of human growth. Ask the religious if animals go to heaven. They'll say no, animals don't have souls. The only flaw in that happy crappy is that we ARE animals.
2013-04-04 20:08:31 UTC
Thanks for the question. First of all there are two issues with your theory. One, if God is real, who are you to define him? Does a man who has committed a crime and who goes before a judge any less guilty because he believes the judge won't convict him? That's what you are doing.

Two, Did you ever bother to seek out the answers in the bible on what he has to say about himself and why he's not a judgmental prick? God isn't, and he is love complete. He made you perfectly and when satan did what he did and we fell, that wasn't gods fault. It's not his fault either that he knew before hand. Yet because he knew before hand that we in our sin would never be able to be perfect, predestined a savior for us. The same savior who died for your sins, my sins, and everyones sins for all time. If you just turn to him, which is free, and put your trust that he did that for you you don't have to go to hell. But the punishment for denying the sacrifice of payment for your sins means that your sins are still upon you, and God will not let anyone not perfect into heaven.

Just remember, no-one on earth is perfect. We all lie, steal, cheat, and do things that are contrary to the word of God. If we even in our lives do 1 thing we are guilty and deserve death as was the prestated judgement for eating the fruit. Now we can turn to our savior who wipes our sins away and gives us his Holy spirit so that in the sight of God in the judgement seat, we are not only free, but we are considered sons of his.
2013-04-04 20:07:18 UTC
Jesus said that whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. He also said that there is a place for sinners he referred to as "outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth" etc.

Now then, either I am a follower of Jesus Christ, in which case, I believe what He said, or I do NOT believe what He said and I can NOT call myself a Christian.

I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, and I believe what He said. Opinions don't matter one bit. It reminds me of the story our math professor told us, how some students in the college of engineering had to design and build a bridge for their class project. When they came to a particularly difficult part of the design, they actually VOTED among themselves, based on their OPINIONS! As it turns out, the bridge collapsed. When it comes to Reality, opinions are worthless. You listen to the highest authority on a subject. Jesus, having come FROM heaven, is the HIGHEST authority on all things eternal, and He said hell and heaven exist.

And it really doesn't matter WHAT kind of sin a person is involved in, because when you sin, you miss the mark "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", and when it comes to the gates to heaven, when you miss the entrance, it doesn't matter whether you miss by an inch or by a mile, you still missed the entrance. (Jesus said "Narrow is the path, and small is the gate that leads to life (i.e. heaven), and very few find it.")

2013-04-04 20:04:26 UTC
I think hurting others is even worse. Sexual sin is still sin but killing someone or torturing people is evil. Any yes there is a hell when the soul suffers. And God loved us so we do not have to suffer in hell.

Edit: If you think Hitler is in heaven, you are just a nut case. You have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe if the people Hitler gassed were your gay lovers and tortured them and you would never see them again in this life and you were left alone, your foolish mind would understand.
2013-04-04 20:17:48 UTC
I don't have to think about it. And I refuse to give my opinion. That opinion and about three bucks will get you a cup of coffee most anywhere.

Rev 14:3 limits the heavenly hope to a relatively small group who were bought from the earth.

These ones experience the first resurrection and will be kings and priests of God in the Kingdom of God,

Rev 20:4

And I saw thrones, and there were those who sat down on them, and power of judging was given them. Yes, I saw the souls of those executed with the ax for the witness they bore to Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had worshiped neither the wild beast nor its image+ and who had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand. And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for a thousand years.
2013-04-04 20:12:54 UTC
Jesus said, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 7:21

Which means that it is not easy even for the Christians to enter the Heaven if they don't live their whole life according to the law of the Lord.

The Bible says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

- James 2:10

So, it's very important to recheck yourself everyday. Even the finest of the fine men may offend in some point. So, repent each day and walk with Jesus.
2013-04-04 20:06:41 UTC
I agree that names and religions are many, but God is One. As for Hitler playing cards with jews in Heaven though... um, no, I just don't see it. Hitler's soul may have been salvagable but you'll forgive me if I wouldn't wager a warm Rolling Rock on it. I believe he died the real death, and to dust returnethed.
2013-04-04 20:01:37 UTC
....Did you really just ask this?

If everyone goes to heaven, then what Jesus did for us is meaningless, and God doesn't care what you do.....

Do you really think that's true?

There will be few who make it into heaven, and many that will go to hell

Matthew 7:13

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat
2016-08-11 10:06:19 UTC
He did die on the pass for everyones sins but it surely says within the Bible that you simply need to ask Jesus into your heart to be in a position to enter the gates of Heaven. So when Jesus died on the cross He was once giving us the alternative to belive in Him w/all of your coronary heart and ask Him into your heart and have eternal lifestyles in Heaven or do not beileve in Him and die and go to hell.
Kathy Miller
2013-04-04 20:06:22 UTC
I think we all go to heaven, it just takes some people longer than others to get there. I do not think we meet "God" just upon leaving our body I think people are for the most part as confused in the spirit realms looking for answers or clinging to their beliefs as they are here. Maybe that is what eternity is for, to discover what is really Divine.
2013-04-04 20:05:04 UTC

By the way Hitler murdered people so he's definitely not in heaven.
2013-04-04 20:05:31 UTC
which Heaven?

there are known to be 9 levels of heaven, and a tenth heaven where god resides.

according to my studies and understanding.

no one automatically goes to the tenth level of heaven.

many go to spirit prison because of disobedience. and then not pure disobedience, "sometimes" disobedience. see Peter 3:18-20
2013-04-04 20:01:33 UTC
No, you have to love the Lord first, then follow Jesus, hear his voice and know the Lord.

Read verses:;%2010:27-30;%2012:24,%20Rev.%203:20,%20John%201:12-13.&version=KJV&interface=print

About homosexuals, Atheists and others who rebel against God: Read Romans 1:18-32.
2013-04-04 20:04:54 UTC
I don't think there is a Heaven, a God, or anything. There you go.
Mr. O'Positive
2013-04-04 20:03:23 UTC
I'm atheist and if you think that god made all of us this way then what a sick twisted guy he must be.

No heaven no hell no fear.
Ulfric Stormcloak
2013-04-04 20:01:16 UTC
No. Heaven needs to exist for people to go there.
2013-04-04 20:32:19 UTC
God has created everything good including all of humanity. But, we are all born with a propensity to sin and the free will to resist that sin or embrace it. St. Paul addressed this in the following:

Romans 3:23 -For all have sinned, and do need the glory of God.

If one uses their free will to sin they are separating themselves further away from an eternity with God. Without repentance that will die in condemnation but if they live a life of repentance they will be saved by God’s grace.

Now, we know that God’s mercy is without limits but He is also just. Acknowledging this teaching we realize that we do not know who will be saved for sin may be private or public, both kinds of sin are known to the sinner and to God and it is by this unrepentant sin that we will be judged. We do know that all are called to salvation but that few respond fully to the call. We know that the path to salvation comes to a narrow gate where many will be unable to enter.

Mat 22:14- For many are called, but few are chosen.

Luk 13:24- Shall seek... Shall desire to be saved; but for want of taking sufficient pains, and being thoroughly in earnest, shall not attain to it.

Here are some of the fallacies of believing that all will be saved or that all good people will be saved, other than the fact that none of us are worthy of salvation on our own. It is natural for people to want to depend on God’s mercy alone for salvation but as I said before God does not provide mercy at the exclusion of justice. There are also those who believe that God will even save those who have no desire to be saved. This is an example of mercy without justice for it would not be just to save someone without a desire to be saved. He does not give mercy to those who do not desire it from Him. He allows us and indeed prompts us to come to Him by preparing us all to surrender to His law written on our hearts. This law is sufficient and without it no one would be convicted to follow Him and desire Him. Our conscience is formed by this law which is intuitive and not learned by hearing His Word or by anything but recognizing His creation which the Bible says is sufficient knowledge to come to faith and desire Him. In this we surrender to Him and become obedient to His will to desire Him. By that and a devotion to repent of our sins is sufficient for salvation. It is the path to the narrow gate that Scriptures teach. It is His grace through the Holy Spirit that we are called and convicted of His will which is contained in His law circumcised upon our hearts. His grace is not forced upon anyone but one must surrender to Him to receive it. It is a free gift that one can refuse and we must recognize that many will refuse His gift and fail to surrender to His law which has the result of one condemning them. So, as much as we desire as Christians that God’s mercy be extended to all people both good and bad, it will only be given to those who surrender to His law and recognizing His sovereignty while living in His will. It is by having a desire for His Grace and repenting when we fail through our sinfulness which results in His mercy.

For those who believe that all good people will be saved we must understand that none of us are good enough. We all sin through thought, word and deed. As a result it is only through Christ’s salvific work that we can be justified by our contrite repentance and be deserving of His mercy. God bless!

In Christ

Fr. Joseph
2013-04-04 20:01:30 UTC
Don't know. Judaism teaches that though.
2013-04-04 20:01:30 UTC
Heaven isn't real

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.