Assallam mu alaikom warah matullah hello ta'ala wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah. U are a Muslim. It may be very effortless to be taught and do the prayer. Yes. Of path b4 U do your prayer, U have to wash your self -Wuthu' -with water or Tayamum - with quality floor of wilderness sand or any of its type ( furnished there is not any water to be had or confined, in any other case U have to use water from pond, river or sea if to be had). Perform your prayer 5 occasions an afternoon ( Please get a Muslim pal to illustrate the series of appearing the prayer). It is an competencies if U realize the course toward Mecca, However, if U have no idea, U can nonetheless participate in your prayer simply following your intuition - the exact kiblat is your middle, does not subject wherein U face, if U have no idea, But if U realize the course, U need to face to the course. U don't need to realize Arabic language, so long as U realize the surah (Al Quran) and competent to recite Fatihah - Alhamdulila hello rab bil aalamin until the top, U can participate in your prayer. However, it's an competencies if U would talk and recognize Arabic Language. Wabillah hello taufik wal hidayat. Wassallam mu alaikom warah matullah hello ta'ala wabarakatuh.
xoxloveoxedward cullenxoxoxo
2008-05-04 19:08:53 UTC
when you read ,it will seem long and hard but when you actually do it its pretty easy ,if you don't no how to roll your tong you might have a problem .lol j.k ,,but seriously the whole prayer is in Arabic so it may take a while if your trying to learn it ... but if its for just self information you'll be OK. hope this helps
Peace,Love and Happiness
2008-05-04 19:15:11 UTC
your brother helped you many thanks for them,
but I want to comment on those who are talking allot about Islam and insult everyone who wrote about Islam:
You are really have been played by your emotion and you really need to clean your brain out of the media's trash and what's they claim of Islam. Islam is the religion full of peace and mercy, and you will not find better than Muslims but you really need to look carefully who are applying Islam Law. You really need to look at sources that describe Islam not to misinterpret Islam, if you really want to follow the truth.
hello my name is jingle bells :)
2008-05-04 19:32:48 UTC for the prayer duas after prayer
2008-05-04 19:06:28 UTC
this should give you an idea on how Muslims pray
2008-05-04 19:06:04 UTC
There is no God but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.