Science vs religion ?
space lord
2010-05-03 10:33:26 UTC
Science has shown that the earth was created over millions of years yet the bible says 7 days? Every believer that I've asked this question has answered the same way. To god, a million years could be a day. Does that mean everything in the bible could mean "something else"?
I would like to answer my own question. The bible is a book that was written, edited and interpreted by man. It's all in how you interpret it, that's why there's so many religions. What do you think?
26 answers:
2010-05-03 10:51:42 UTC
The bible is meant to be a scapegoat for christians to hide behind. It can be interpreted in any which way you please. Hell it can tell me to kill a man, or kill myself. It can tell me incest is ok or that alcoholism is fine, it can tell me anything it wants to (or anything I want it to).

In my view, religion is subjective and grows more inferior by the day (thanks to man) It was created by man and shall fall by man.

Science on the other hand has enabled us to see and understand our world so much better. thanks to science and technology, we can now see beyond our skies.

To understand our world's creation we must go back.

The universe is constantly expanding outwards over time. rewind it and you'll see everything coming closer and closer together. so close that all there was was a tiny ball of energy. There was not even light to see this energy by. And then the Big Bang. Scientists can actually prove the big bang now.

Religion and the Bible are a means for the cowardly masses to hide behind. It is so much easier to dismiss the unknown as "god made it so" and leave it at that, but science looks beyond such childish measures. We seek answers and using hard evidence, numbers and facts we can prove the mysteries of this world. We may not be able to prove everything right now, right this second, as many christians love to argue (since god made it so is their answer for everything) but give us time and credit and you'll see.

And Okay Akash science does not explain everything and does change over time as we understand more. The bible is constant but doesn't it also state in the bible that the mustard seed was the smallest thing on the planet? At least science is cumulative and leaves room for growth does the bible?
2010-05-03 10:44:59 UTC
The Bible does not say the earth was created in 7 days.

(Genesis 1:1) 1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Some time after that God said the earth was formless and He began to prepare the earth for life as we see it.

(Genesis 1:2) 2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.

From this point we see the 7 days the bible talks about. These days are a lot longer than 24 hours. They all could have been different lengths but we do know the 7TH day has not ended yet. Each of the 6 days have a beginning and end but the 7TH does not. We are still living in the 7Th day so we know this one is at least 6000 years long. Please look into the Bible yourself and do not rely on what others tell you. Please take time to read and study the bible and see how science and the Bible are not that far apart.
2010-05-03 10:49:13 UTC
All science does NOT lead to an earth or universe that old. Carbon dating is very unreliable, live mullosks were found to be 10,000 years old. Fossil records use the geological layers to be dated, be the geological layers use fossils to be dated. That's circular reasoning! The earth is around 6000 years old and no way can you read Genesis 1 and come up with anything else. Every day in Genesis is accompanied by an Ordinal number with evening and day. that makes it 24 hours. Each day can't be millions or thousands of years because plant life and animals would freeze to death on one side and burn up on the other. And you can't fit it in the "gap theory" between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 or you call God a liar! In the 31st verse He says that it was very good, or perfect. You can't have sin death, disease, etc before that time without making God a liar.
2010-05-03 10:45:00 UTC
The creation in the Book of Genesis is not to be take literally, it is just an interpretation by a man of what believers consider God's revelation. Creationism states everything was created exactyl as the Bible says, what these people don't take into account is that it wasn't written by God, it was men in an age where myth and folklore were dominant and science hadn't explained many things. Creation as stated in the Bible should be take with a grain of salt. After all, the Bible makes no mention of dinosaurs, prehistoric beasts, protozoans, etc.

But there must be some truth to the Bible story, it has been proven that Mitochondria on all human beings comes from a single female human (which we could call Eve) that would be the origin of our species. This can be logically be explained and compatible with evolution, too, because Mitochondria is only passed on from the mother to her children, there is no Mitochondria in sperm, only in eggs.
Lost in space
2010-05-03 10:39:17 UTC
I'm not sure why, but the Bible doesn't include the making of the Earth in the first day. It just talks about it being created in the beginning. The Bible doesn't mention much at all about the past of the universe, Earth, the angels, etc.

It had to be 7 days or the days were mixed up. The plants would not have survived more than a day without sun. The Sun wasn't ignited until the day after plant life.

Since Moses wrote this account a couple thousand years after the event, maybe he was off. But since God was there with him, I'd think God would have corrected him.
2010-05-03 10:38:14 UTC
The problem is we tend to assume that most of the other group (i.e. Christians vs Atheists, or Theists versus Atheists, or whatever) is of the extreme opinion. This creates what the French call "un dialogue de sourds - a conversation between deaf people".

You're basically contrasting two choices: True word of God or Book written by man.

To say it's a book written by man is really not that explosive, really. It means somebody took a pen and put it down on paper. Yet if you say that, you know it will end up angering a lot of people. The assumption they derive from that rather benign affirmation is that none of it makes sense.

The problem is those who would claim victory for the other side tend to cheat, and also use the sense that technically, they're not intending. When this attitude infiltrate themselves, the war of words continue, but take on a more subdued form.
Ode to Harry
2010-05-03 10:43:41 UTC
You have answered your own question:

The bible is a book that was interpreted by man. You should look into Science AND Religion, instead of 'vs'. There are unsolved questions on both sides of the fence. When you try to contemplate both it is too much. Tear down the fence in your mind young grasshopper and walk to the other side - for their lies much information you seek.
2010-05-03 10:36:51 UTC
The creation story in Genesis 1 attempts to explain the tradition of the Sabbath, by giving it the mythical meaning of 6 days of creation and 1 of rest. The tradition also goes back to the Sumerians, and was based on the phases of the moon (7 days is a quarter of a lunar month). The 7th day was considered unlucky and probably had a special significance for the moon as a deity. When Genesis was written, the reason for the tradition would have been lost in the mists of time, and the original meaning wouldn't have fitted in with the then current Israelite beliefs.

The name for God in the creation story in Genesis is Elohim. The Elohim are the sons of El in the Canaanite pantheon. They were ruled by El Elyon (God Most High), and later by Hadad the rain god, who is generally the god referred to by the title Baal (Lord). In Genesis 14:18-22, Abram is blessed by Melchizedek, the Canaanite High Priest of El Elyon and king of Salem, and Abram accepts the god as his.

The enemy of the Elohim is Yam (the sea), a chaos monster slain by Baal. This might have been derived from the Sumerian creation epic Enuma Elish, in which the god Marduk battles the great dragon Tiamat (the waters of chaos, and mother of the gods) and divides her body to create the heaven and the earth. In Genesis 1, God's Spirit moves upon the face of the waters (verse 2) and then divides them (verses 6-7). Marduk hangs up his bow after his victory over Tiamat, much as God does in Genesis 9:13 after the Flood.
2010-05-03 10:42:06 UTC
The Bible should be read and be applicable to your life style. Walking in the Spirit in the newness of life. Many people only read the Bible and just get knowledge or memorize, but do not apply what they read. You have to really study to truly find out the gems that God is trying to teach you. Surface bible study is no good. That to me is where cherry picking comes from which leads to many denomination and sects within the Christian community.
Jim W
2010-05-03 10:46:04 UTC
Which version of the Bible says that the seven days were consecutive? I guess the assumptions flying around here keep the reading and understanding to a minimum?
2010-05-03 11:14:51 UTC
First I will say that it has never been science verses religion. The reason is because the word "religion" actually just means a set of beliefs that one holds. So in that sense atheists, agnostics, and "religious" people all have a religion. But you are obviously talking about religion assuming that it merely means belief in a deity.

Secondly I will point out that science has not shown that the earth was created over millions of years ago. The popularly held view of evolution has not even been around for 200 years. And atheists are basing there view of billions of years of evolution all on less than 200 years of research. And do you realize that most of the evolutionary chain is made up of missing links? Hmm... that means that there are gaps that they have to fill in for it even to work. And there is no evidence of missing links. Plus, things are not evolving now, which is why they say it takes billions of years for something to evolve... but just wait if we lived a billion more years and there was still no more "evolving" they would only say that it actually takes trillions of years. They have yet to prove anything.

And about the Bible. I am a Christian. I believe in the Bible. I would die for what the Bible says. Is this because I am narrow minded? No, I have studied evolution, various religions, and various philosophies.... yes, and in depth! And after all that I have to come to the conclusion that I believe Christianity, not just because I like it, but because it makes sense. Evolution does not explain why we have emotions. No one will convince me that we came from rocks in space that started evolving resulting in humans that have emotions. It just doesn't make sense! Living can only come from living, not non-living. Do you know that evolutionists have actually tried many experiments to figure out how the first living cell happened from non-living material. All of the tests have failed--Reason: it didn't happen the way they think it did.

As for the Bible being interpreted differently: This is a result of living in a sinful fallen world. People try to take things out of context to try to make it say whatever they want it to. I believe certain things about the Bible that other so called "Christians" do not believe. Reason: people take things out of context and twist it. To understand what the Bible is saying we need to study it carefully. The Bible interprets itself; when we read passages in light of the whole thing everything comes together. And yes, the Bible was written by man physically. But God actually says in the Bible that it was the Holy Spirit working in the men to write the Bible.

If you actually bothered reading this I want you to know that I am in no way whatsoever mean to offend you. But I do not mean that we can both be right either (as many people like to think that today). You can say you're right; I can say I'm right. I can say this ways north; you can say that ways north. One of us HAS to be wrong. I'm only asking you to consider for yourself why you believe what you believe. Just consider the fact that if I am right you will eternally regret it (God says that no one is without excuse for denying him), but if you are right then I wasted my life, but who cares after I'm gone anyway? But again I want you to know that I don't mean to offend you at all. I'm just asking you to consider. If we both disagree then fine. We can still live in peace. :)
2010-05-03 10:37:15 UTC
this is a question that cant be answer this is because if you put science with religion then the theory of relativity comes in. time is something man created god as it says in the bible has no time so you cannot compare it besides if the theory is true then we have no beginning and no end together with all things really complicated to understand.
2010-05-03 10:44:49 UTC
no god made it to mean one thing

men put down the words god told them what to write

the holy spirit tells man what the meaning is

men disagree and make up their own interpretations

god said this would happen

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

the 1000 year thing was a statement god made

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

to us 1000 years is 1000 years to god it is as one day

to the lord when he says one day in our understanding it could mean 1000 years

god said he created each day one 24hour day

because science claims its billions of years old people try to reconcile that fact by claiming each day in genesis is 1000 years based on the verse above
2010-05-03 10:37:10 UTC
Science cant explain everything..

Scientific laws keep on changing over the years.

There are lot of mysteries surrounding the Universe? Science doesn't know about the length and breadth of the Universe? Science doesn't know about the extra-terrestrial life forms, Science doesn't know all the dimensions or the existence of parallel worlds, Science doesn't know how to travel beyond a distance.

There are a many scientists who hide the facts and continuously tell lies.. especially on topics like Alien life.
2010-05-03 10:35:19 UTC
2010-05-03 10:35:27 UTC
The bible is just fiction with no basis in reality. People have to interpret it symbolically because it makes no sense at all when taken literally.
2016-11-03 01:09:27 UTC
i will´t communicate for the ex-nazi paedophile protector at the instant serving as pope yet the two his predecessors, begrudgingly, acknowleged the two the theory of evolution and the massive bang as possible. plenty to the dismay of the fundies interior the words of steve wienberg; "technological understanding could study no longer with a view to help faith and not with a view to injury faith. technological understanding could study merely ignoring faith."
Bob the Atheist
2010-05-03 10:36:12 UTC
if you say the bible is just imagery and colorful stories, you would be contradicting

atheists have tried to offer the opinion that the bible is nothing but colorful stories, while believers have refuted and stated no its fact

you cant have your cake and eat it too
2010-05-03 10:37:40 UTC
are u more likely to believe a script writted today or thousands of years old? ever heard of Chinese whispers?

god doesn't exist
2010-05-03 10:35:51 UTC
yea . here's how it all started > a bunch of hunters back in the day gathered round a fire to unwind. so they were playing a little game of 'invent a story' , so thats how this imaginary 'god' came about. so its this character than ancient men invented which we all sadly believe in today's modern 21st century world. sad sad sad
2010-05-03 10:35:07 UTC
Yes....everything in the Bible could mean something else. Don't trust it.....especially since believer cite it as FACT
2010-05-03 10:35:09 UTC
some people dont believe everything in the bible, some people dont believe in the bible
2010-05-03 10:36:12 UTC
I think that any real god would be able to write a better book.
2010-05-03 10:37:12 UTC
do you know how scientists started, they started off by luck, they didn't possess that much knowledge but then they figured something out and were hailed as the first scientist,priest,king, etc. the truth is they don't know much. they invented the term 'logic' after faith had already been established, so tell me what is the truth, huh
2010-05-03 10:35:31 UTC
I think you have chosen to reject God
2010-05-03 10:35:13 UTC
You got it...

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