Well, they had ample evidence of God's power with all those plagues dumped on them. Why didn't they see the light, dump all their made up gods and join the one true God?
24 answers:
2008-02-13 15:15:02 UTC
God hardened Pharaoh's heart. How's that for "free will"?
2008-02-14 00:11:48 UTC
You ask a good question. Many have already told you that God has already hardened Pharohs heart. If you have been on here long you will also see that non-belivers are pretty set in their ways. People like to hold on to their beliefs at all cost. The reason I wanted to answer you is I seen some people say there is no evidence to support that the Hebrews were ever in Egypt. That is just not true.
Joesph's tomb
The ipuwer plagues papyrus is a Egyptian writing talking about the plauges in Egypt.
Linda J
2008-02-13 23:20:11 UTC
I would guess for the same reasons people reject God today.
They would have to give up way too much with no guarantee that they'll be happy with that choice.
But in case no one has yet mentioned, the average citizens must have had some idea about the God of the Jews was the real deal, because it states that the Egyptians gleefully gave their own gold and silver to the slaves and the Jews smelted down the gold and silver and turned them into jewelry for their children to wear.
2008-02-13 23:32:13 UTC
Alcoholics know that it's better to be sober and so do drug addicts. Yet, for the selfish desire in their hearts they seldom change. Most end up taking their problems to the grave with them.
This is one case in which God 'showing' Himself wasn't enough to change a hardened heart. Seeing isn't always believing if we've been blinded by our own lusts. Believing in God is obviously much more about humility and acceptance than proof or intelligence.
God has shown Himself in so many ways but the blind still 'won't' see them. They simply won't allow reality to interpret itself for pursuit of their own desires. And, for this they run the risk of losing everything; just as Pharaoh did.
2008-02-13 23:19:46 UTC
Why would an advanced society like Egypt want anything t do with the god of a bunch of nomadic goat herders?
The real answer is that there is no evidence that the plagues or the exodus ever took place.
2008-02-13 23:14:24 UTC
They did... When Prince Moses left, he was only worshiping the Egyptian God named Amen. (Amen-Ra, an aspect of the Sun God) It wasn't a different, or foreign God to them, but one of their own, and the master Magus Aaron was obviously behind it all! (The Egyptians were the first with Monotheism.. the Jews were Polytheistic before, and just after the Egyptian events)
Joyful Noise
2008-02-13 23:14:21 UTC
I'm sure some did, but not the nation as a whole. People choose to worship manmade idols rather than the true, living God. They hold on to tradition. They are too proud to humble themselves before the Creator. Name a million other reasons. That's why.
2008-02-13 23:13:31 UTC
Why didn't Adam and Eve obey God and not eat the fruit? They had a much clearer revelation than did the Egyptians.
It's human nature to hold on to one's beliefs, even in the face of incontrovertible proof to the contrary.
2008-02-13 23:14:12 UTC
Wow thats a great question, i mean it says God hardened Pharoah's heart
but i have no idea after that, i mean if i saw all that stuff back the i'd be like "Um yea i dont think "Ra" can do that, i'm just gonna set this down and go over there now"
Kazoo M
2008-02-13 23:17:59 UTC
The bible does speak of Pharoah and how his heart was hardened; Exodus 10:20
When we can easily see the leader having zero grace it is only obvious that his followers believed the same.
tuyet n
2008-02-13 23:15:41 UTC
They did provide the 10 commandments to Moses so who saw the light?
andrew f
2008-02-13 23:14:21 UTC
God hardened pharaoah's heart.
Plus of course a few years later they trounced the Israelites in battle
2008-02-13 23:14:49 UTC
Exactly, ehy did Jude betray Jesus even though he witnessed eye to eye miracle after miracle..
God says believe and you shall see. Because if we say ill believe it when i see it, we wont believe it when we see it.
God is good
2008-02-13 23:13:52 UTC
They had their own light.
Besides, the Jews were the Chosen People. Not the Egyptians.