If you decide it is. Depending on what denomination you follow and what version of Christianity they teach. However you should remember a few verses of wisdom before you go denouncing others.
"Judge not, lest ye be judged"
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"
Above all else, the understanding that your faith, may not be the faith of others. If you are secure in your faith, then lead your life according to your faith. Your actions will speak louder than words. Faith is not something you FORCE onto others, but rather you show, by your life and action, the way for those who are wise enough and can see.
Too many "Christians" are of the "my way or the highway" persuasion and if your denomination is not theirs, then you are wrong and going to hell (the usual threat from "Christians" who are denouncing others.)
They often have little knowledge of the bible or history other than what is spouted from the pulpit every Sunday (or Saturday). They are kept ignorant because ignorant people are easier to control and lead than people who are learned or intelligent.
Being a person of good character, kind and helpful, will carry you further than all the "morals". The Golden Rule is still the best advice. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."