Do you Christians have any real evidence for your religion?
2016-04-30 12:00:11 UTC
After decades of looking into and following this religion, I realize that there is absolutely no evidence for Christianity at all. Christians want you to "jump the gun" so to speak. In other words, what they mean is, believe now, question later. Well, I'm not buying it for one second. I need the evidence first. Not just words on a page, because that's what the bible is, just words on a page!
56 answers:
2016-05-02 00:53:24 UTC
You do talk some pony. What evidence do you need? The religion clearly exists, so what do you mean by proof? ('Proof' comes from the verb 'to prove' which had the original meaning of 'to test'. So what do you wish to test? The whole thing about spiritual matters is that they appeal to something which is an intrinsic part of what it means to be human and are not, and cannot be, subject to the same proofs as a scientific theorem. The strength of Judaism and indeed its daughter religion Christianity, is that they are supported by informative, instructive and interrogative stories concerned with the core of humanity. You must get beyond this childish idea that scientific 'proof' (which incidentally is inductive and so can never be said to absolutely confirm anything, can be employed by or confused with the process of critical examination of the claims of faith.
2016-05-01 10:04:01 UTC
I don't understand your question because I've always thought religion, or the act of being religious was mans way of trying to earn God's favor by riligious acts. Religion is a action word is means to religiously repeat a function or duty as outlined in the religions rules or treditions. Like catholic mass, or saying the rosary.

Christianity is the opposite of religion.

It's God's gift to set us free from religion and religious actions.

I am free from religion and now as a Christian have the power to overcome all spiritual battles. This is how I know and can prove I'm a Christian. Nothing I do now hurts God's people. But before my conversation I hurt many. You will know us by our love and obedience.
2016-05-02 12:17:52 UTC
There is plenty of evidence to verify that the Christian Bible has merit as a historical document (at least in some areas); so I assume you are referring to the hot-button issue of creationism vs evolution.

Quite interestingly, both theories require the existence of the existence of something prior to the creation of the universe; and while petty differences cause many to insist the other side is wrong; Christianity and science are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Who is to say that a supernatural numen did not create the Universe through a sort of "big-bang".
2016-04-30 12:01:51 UTC
"Many believers admit that nothing could change their mind about their religious beliefs, which means they are no longer seekers of truth and have become, in essence, mindless religious robots. Religion consistently and effectively discourages introspection and inquiry. That isn't by accident."-- Bob Peters

-Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.- Christopher Hitchens

They never have, and the odds are that they never will. They really hate having that truth be pointed out.
2016-04-30 12:19:54 UTC
What you are looking for - evidence of true religion - does exist.

The video "I Gave Up on Religion" is an interview of someone who, it sounds like, had similar feelings to yours.

It's not very long, and you can find it on > Video on Demand > Interviews and Experiences > Truth Transforms Lives > then scroll right for "I Gave Up on Religion".

You might want to consider requesting a Bible study, in which someone will be able to answer any questions or doubts you might have. You can request one at > About Us > Bible Study Program
2016-05-01 19:43:34 UTC
As a missionary I've witnessed a lot of miracles. Once the whole church at the start prayed for a kid in the ER with a mysterious cause of a dangerously low BP. His blood pressure went down and he was released before service. Or the time a woman who had lesbian desires worshiped with us. She started to like men and got the kid the doctors said she wouldn't have. Both of those happened within the last month. I've witnessed many healed and also have seen many prophecies come true. I love science but sadly, abiogenesis just isn't as convincing as what I've seen.
2016-05-01 21:08:52 UTC
You can believe what you want to believe, but being a Christian is about faith. There have been claims of witnessing hell, heaven, angels and demons. People who like you didn't believe, but was curious, prayed to God to see hell and God showed them. There was a woman who asked God to show her hell and it took her 12 years to travel through it with God. Time is different in those dimension. 2 days on Earth is a 2 thousand in heaven.

If there was ever any doubt that I didn't believe, that died when my friend saw angels over his father's bed. He told me that they had big crosses strapped to their hip and a face that was of light. They circled the room preforming some act, possibly protecting the soul and the angel of death showed then soon vanished. From what I was told, it sounds incredible.

So to the evidence you need. If you REALLY want to know if God exists then pray to God to see heaven and hell and what it takes to get there.
2016-05-03 05:57:29 UTC
' After decades of looking into and following this religion, I realize that there is absolutely no evidence for Christianity at all. '

decades ... ? no evidence ... ?

you must be one v pathetic human ... to find 'no evidence' at all after so long.

actually, i just don't believe what you say.
2016-04-30 13:51:30 UTC
Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine, or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable.[1][2][3]

According to the philosopher William L. Rowe, "agnosticism is the view that human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist."[2] Agnosticism is a doctrine or set of tenets[4] rather than a religion as such.

Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word "agnostic" in 1869.[5] Earlier thinkers, however, had written works that promoted agnostic points of view, such as Sanjaya Belatthaputta, a 5th-century BCE Indian philosopher who expressed agnosticism about any afterlife;[6][7][8] and Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher who expressed agnosticism about "the gods".[9] The Nasadiya Sukta in the Rigveda is agnostic about the origin of the universe
2016-04-30 12:14:42 UTC
To say there is no evidence and that the Bible is just words in a book shows belligerent ignorance. There are literally 100's and 100's of proofs for the Bible.

Here's a few dozen quick examples, and this is all I will provide because I know your pea sized Atheist liberal brain has been thoroughly washed with Marxist propaganda and you need to be gently nudged back to reality.

"List of biblical figures identified in extra-biblical sources"

"These are biblical figures unambiguously identified in contemporary sources according to scholarly consensus."
2016-04-30 12:06:40 UTC
That's funny, cuz after decades of looking into atheism, I've found there's absolutely no evidence for it at all. I don't see you giving anything but words on a page, either.
2016-05-01 22:42:53 UTC
Evidence God Placed On & Around The Earth To Prove Himself To Us!

Physical Evidence: Isa.19:19-20. An Altar in the midst of the land of Egypt

& is the Pillar on Egypt's middle border: The Great Pyramid is for a sign &

for a witness unto the Lord. There are two books with the same title but written

by different authors! "The Great Pyramid Decoded" #1. By: Peter Lemesurier &

#2. By: E. Raymond Capt. The information about Christ & the geological mathematics

in this wonderous building will amaze anyone! God hath set signs & wonders in the land

of Egypt: Jer.32:19-20. Another one of these signs & wonders in Egypt is The Sphinx:

Have you ever wondered what the Sphinx is for? The Sphinx has the head of a woman &

the body of a lion & is the key where to start God's circular message in the constellations

around this earth. An Image of the Sphinx is placed between VIRGO & LEO on most ancient

star maps! VIRGO the virgin begins God's message with Christ born of a virgin & God's

message is finished through Christ as The Conquering Lion of Judah: LEO ends God's message

of salvation with the feet of the Lion crushing (Satan's head) in the dragons constellation Draco!

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God: Ps.19:1-4 & Rom.1:16-32. These books explain that

Message! "The Witness Of The Stars" by E.W. Bullenger & "The Glory Of The Stars"

By E. Raymond Capt
2016-05-01 11:09:14 UTC
There is neither evidence for Christianity nor for any other religion. They are all human-created and have no basis in truth. This can easily be checked. Christianity is a proselytising religion. Most Christian denominations love to play the numbers game and claim how many members they have. If they could get those of us who refuse to join among their ranks they would do. It would make sense for them to furnish us with the evidence they claim to have but many of us do not see. However, if you ask a Christian or, in fact, any theist, they will do anything but give you evidence. They cannot give any because there is none. Evolutionary psychology produces research explaining why moralising religions, like Christianity, develop. Thank fully they are now in decline and Christianity will become extinct. I am saddened that it will not occur during my lifetime.
2016-05-01 18:23:58 UTC
This is not evidence but it may influence you. My grandma died a month ago, so my uncle left the room for only like 2 minutes to take a break, he comes back he sees her dead and looking at the sky, like facing straight at it. Since I am a Christian, this could be a sign that shes going to heaven.
Joseph hola
2016-04-30 12:16:20 UTC
Yes, prophecies have been fulfilled. Look at the world now, the falling away is beginning. 2 Timothy describes times like now, and people have gone too and fro and knowledge is increased.

People don't like to hear the truth, do they?
2016-04-30 12:02:17 UTC
Nope...... religion is Fact Free - sort of like FOX "News". It's just a thin, absurd, hopeful bullsh*t.

Any religious moron can "see" that plainly enough - so that's why they have to Double Down on the cheap lies and anger and pushiness. They INSIST on religion because secretly they don't believe it themselves.
2016-05-01 00:56:34 UTC
Those who believe will spend their time amassing evidence to support their belief -- and there is plenty of it. But those who don't will do the same, and they believe they have plenty to go by. So it all boils down to faith -- you either have it or you don't. You either choose to believe, or not. And then you will get your evidence, either way.
Robert S
2016-05-01 10:26:54 UTC
The existance of the Christian church is the evidence.

The Church means the people not the buildings.

There are 2 billion people who are nominally Christian.

That's 1/3 of the total world population.
2016-05-03 09:45:13 UTC
Well, we are here. It is a scientific fact that nothing comes from nothing. It's not rocket science. Jehovah God loves all of us, it's up to each of us to come to know Him.
2016-05-01 08:23:39 UTC
Firstly on one level I can sympathise. There simple isn't rock solid inescapable evidence for Christianity but that shouldn't surprise at least not if you think about free will and choice to their ultimate positions.

Secondly you dismiss the bible which is foolish and for lots of reasons. Whilst there is no physical external evidence of God that cannot be somehow explained away there is more powerfully no evidence there isn't a God. The fact that atheists demand evidence or they will remain in their position is ironic as there is no evidence for their non-belief either. With no determining evidence either way the bible is evidence. Indeed many atheists accept this and choose to use the bible as evidence there isn't a God. Clearly Christians believe the bible gives evidence of God. This means lots of atheists and ALL Christians agree that the bible is evidence whilst you do not.

Thirdly lets be clear there is no irrefutable evidence either way. The reality is that the acceptance of evidence is personal... so for example if I produce massive amount of evidence for a woman being completely and instantly being healed of something after prayer would you believe... well the answer is probably not unless of course it was your mother! So what we're looking at here is the logically likelihood...

There is to my mind an indisputable fact that more people feel a God calling than not. This might mean mass illusion but is more likely to mean there is something we might call God, whoever or whatever He is.


If there is a God that made the earth, one of three possibilities exist..

1) He’s not involved with His creation

2) He was was involved but is no longer

3) He is still involved.


Not involved doesn’t make any logical sense. Why would He bother creating us and the earth in first place?


Been involved but then isn’t has zero evidence and we’d expect some evidence or testimony if this were the case.


This means that on balance of logic probability means there is more likely to be a God than not and that this God is more likely to be involved with us and His creation than not.


If God created us and has some involvement in our lives then the question becomes what happens to us when we die? Do we

1) All automatically go to be with him in heaven (God’s home) no matter what we’ve done ?

2) Some of us to heaven depending on criteria

3) None of us are going to heaven


Before we decide on this issue we should address the issue of instruction. If God is involved in our lives then we can have three beliefs about instruction..

1) God gave precise and error free instructions (Holy Book)

2) God inspired some Holy works but they were never put together error free

3) God didn’t bother with any kind of instruction or book.


God not giving any kind of book doesn’t logically reconcile with his involvement in our lives or the fact that all religions have a instruction manual (holy book).


An errored instruction book likewise doesn’t make sense for several reasons. Firstly if the main purpose of such a book is to show how God wants us to live, think, believe, act, speak, etc. then errors would make it a guessing game as to what was right and wrong. God could hardly expect us to know if the instruction included errors. Secondly if God is God He could have ensured there were no errors.


This leaves us with the balance of logic probabilities being that there is an error free instruction book out there.


Logically there is a God, who is involved in our lives and who has given an error free instruction book.


Now the question is – which book?

Then there's the evidence of your thoughts...or rather how you explain them if there's no God...

If there’s no God then we’re the product of millions of random developments and nothing more than chance. Equally therefore in all likely probability our thoughts are nothing more than random collisions of electrons and neutrons. That means our thoughts are nearly certain to be pointless and meaningless. Granted we might have the odd thought among the billions that had meaning but we would also have no means to determine which thought as we’d have nothing to measure it against (that wasn’t meaningless). Thus even our thoughts and arguments about God would be like mental farts wafting in the wind. Is that what your thoughts are?

If you need evidence there is a God you need look no further than yourself. Either you are a product of millions of random chance events or of supernatural design. If you’re the product of random chance events then you have no means by which to judge if your thougths are random chance events or meaningful. Statistically it’s highly unlikely that your thougths (let alone those of millions of others) could be anything more than chemical reactions that produce random electrical charges in your brain with no pattern or meaning. Therefore if you’re are prepared to contend that your thoughts about God (and everything else) are meaningless random thougths (that by definition have no value to others) then you should keep your opinion to yourself and save others from having to try to discern something they have no ability to discern. Only if you were designed can you argue that you have logical, meaningful thought! Ergo if you think you’re opinion counts, has meaning or value there is a God!
2016-04-30 12:03:08 UTC
I give you the entire universe

God made it all

Oh...but you won't accept everything that ever was, is, or will be

so exactly what evidence will you accept?
2016-05-01 06:08:05 UTC
Do you know How much Christian people destroy other people peace in earlyer centuries if they believe in true name of religion why is that.... It was a mess killing of Black people and Indian people in India. And now times Muslims are taking this advantage by different formula so therefore what you can learn from them .....true religion or hate like evil. Do your own research don't have to be agree nonsense if someone says something
2016-05-01 05:39:06 UTC
Let me save you the trouble and just tell you that there is absolutely no evidence to support Christianity at all.


Christianity is based on faith and faith alone, I'm kind of disappointed that so many Christians missed that because it was one of the foundational elements in the scripture.

Anyone that tells you different is probably ignorant to the facts, and means you no harm. BUT there are some who are poisonous. They will exploit good Christians in to buying their book, dvd, or paying for a seminar.

These people are snake oil salesmen.

One that comes to mind is Kent Hovind who eventually found himself in prison for tax evasion and using copy writed material in his "Biblical Creation" dvds and seminars.
2016-05-01 15:50:02 UTC
Slowly answer one question before moving to the next.

Number 1: Are the Jews are real people. If you answer, "Yes", then move to question #2.

Number 2: Why the Jews are called "Jews". If you don't know, look to the Bible where the Jews are called Jews because they descended from the tribe of Judah.

Genesis 29:35 She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children. NIV

Look and see if there is any other answer. There isn't any acceptable answer for the truth is accepted by the world.

Number 3: Now that the Jews are real people and they are in the Bible, ask yourself why Jews don't take Jesus as Lord and Savior and why they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah.

If you don't know, the answer is that the Jews holy text, the Tanakh/Old Testament was written before the coming of Jesus. This helps provide proof that the whole Bible (Old Testament/New Testament) were not written at the same time.

Now if we know that the Old Testament and the New Testament were not written at the same time, then the prophecies and foreshadowings of the Old Testament could not have been made up. Rather, they were made in advance and fulfilled later on. The fulfilled prophecies and foreshadowings are THE ULTIMATE PROOF of GOD.

What are some prophecies and foreshadowings given by God in the Tanakh/Old Testament that have come to be fulfilled, he may ask.

Now let's look at the Tanakh/Old Testament foreshadowings/prophecies concerning Jesus.

1) Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem---Micah 5:2

2) the King/Messiah was to bring salvation was to ride into Jerusalem on an ***, upon a colt, the foal of an ***-----Zechariah 9:9

3) the price of Jesus' betrayal was told to be 30 pieces of silver, told who would end up with the money (the potter), and where the silver would be cast (the house of the Lord-----Zechariah 11:13

4) that the hands and feet would be pierced-----Psalm 22:16

5) that He would be born of a virgin---Isaiah 7:14

6) that He would be pierced for our transgressions---Isaiah 53:5

7) that He would die with wicked, be assigned a rich man's grave, though He had done no violence or said anything deceitful---Isaiah 53:9

One foreshadowing fulfilled by Jesus is the Passover Lamb.

The Passover lamb died on the 14th of Nisan. Its' blood was placed on the door frames of the Israelites homes to protect the Israelites from the angel of death and the plague of the first born males. Those that had faith that the blood of the lamb would save them (the Israelites) were protected from physical death. The Egyptians, who did not have faith in the blood, died. No bones were to be broken on the Passover lamb.

Jesus, the true Passover Lamb, died on the 14th of Nisan. Those who have faith in the blood of Jesus to save them will be spared of spiritual death. Those who do not believe will suffer spiritual death/eternal torment in the lake of fire. No bones were broken on Jesus.

One foreshadowing you may not have known of is the names of the first ten descendants/genealogy of Jesus.

Look at the genealogy from Adam to Noah.

God always rewards the diligent student. Let us examine this chapter more closely. In our Bible, we read the Hebrew names. What do these names mean in English?

The Composite List

Now let's put it all together:






Mahalalel-----------The Blessed God

Jared-----------------Shall come down


Methuselah-------------His death shall bring

Lamech-------------------The Despairing

Noah------------------------Rest, or comfort.

Let's put the message/foreshadowing together, now.

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.

There is the good news of Jesus in the genealogy from Adam to Noah.

So there is proof that Jesus is the Son of God from the Tanakh/Old Testament which was written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus.

One fulfilled prophecy that was recently fulfilled was the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy that the best-selling book the Harbinger was about.

This prophecy was fulfilled by Tom Daschle and John Edwards after the 9/11 attack.

Go to you-tube and see the videos of the speeches.

You have things to ponder now.

The only reasonable response is that the Bible is God's gift to mankind to show us what God wants from us and how he expects us to act and what the future is.

God wants us to know that Jesus/Yeshua is the Son of God and is the Savior of the world.

No one can get eternal life/heavenly life without faith in Jesus and repentance of our sinful ways.

We are all sinners and unless we have faith in Jesus, his blood cannot pay the penalty for our sins. The result is an eternal existence without God and his blessings. It is pure torment.

Believe the truth. Jesus and the Bible are the truth.
2016-05-02 06:59:35 UTC
It's clear that you did not research the Bible. Sorry to say, but you wasted a lot of time. Read your Bible. God does exist.
2016-05-02 02:47:00 UTC
Check out a documentary about the NON biblical evidence for Jesus Christ.
2016-05-01 01:28:45 UTC
Christianity is false religion based on fiction.
2016-05-02 17:01:09 UTC
Of course
2016-05-01 00:27:51 UTC
Plainly, you have not studied at any depth.

There is more near-date material referring to Jesus than any other character of that era.

The evidence of transformed lives, and I have seen many, is the best evidence of all. Yeshua liberated
2016-05-03 20:08:07 UTC
if Noah's ark and the holy shroud arn't good enough evidence i don't know what would
2016-04-30 17:44:29 UTC
You obviously need a proper Bible study. For you cannot understand the Bible by yourself (Proverbs 18:1). Hebrews 11:1 says that what we put our faith in should be assured. Not blind faith. Which is what you gained through the Bible study that you

received .
Paul S
2016-04-30 13:33:19 UTC
Begin by studying the works of once vehement atheist Sir William Ramseys and then get back to me
2016-04-30 12:08:55 UTC
Jesus Chris is evidence of God.
2016-05-01 22:06:37 UTC
Jesus Christ IS NOT a religion.....

why do you follow yours ? and yes atheism Is a religion by definition
2016-04-30 17:19:55 UTC
First, the bible is not just words on a page since investigation reveals that much of the bible is affirmed in separate historical sources. Even though some parts of the bible do not have a secondary source affirming them, there is no part of the bible that has a reliable secondary source disproving it. You can't use the absence of a secondary historical source as evidence that parts of the bible aren't true. It was once said that the Hittite nation could not be verified by archaeology, so the bible was not true, but sure enough evidence of a thriving Hittite nation were discovered early in the twentieth century, affirming the biblical account.

That being said, Christ claimed that he was fully God and fully man, and that he was were here on earth to pay the price for the sins of the world. He also said that he would be killed and then resurrect from the dead three days later.

The only conclusions are either that Christ was out of his mind, or that he was who said he was.

Try to go back in history and truly disprove the resurrection of Christ. How is it that the entire calendar system was changed because of a poor carpenter? How is it that the Old Testament has hundreds of prophecies predicting what would happen to Christ which were fulfilled? Or how five hundred plus people saw Christ post resurrection, with many willing to die for the fact that they wouldn't recant their beliefs? Why would they die for something that they knew to not be true?

I pray that you are blessed if you actually do seek answers to these questions.
2016-05-01 09:18:17 UTC
The only physically existing proof they have are the real locations that are symbolic to their beliefs. If you're simply asking if they have proof that God alone exists, they have none.
2016-04-30 12:04:25 UTC
Christianity is not knowledge-based, it is threat-based. True, god does nothing in this life, but in the next life, where nothing can be proven, he will.
2016-04-30 12:51:26 UTC
no they don't have real evidence - that is why they try so hard to keep control over others.
President Michael Vicks Dog
2016-04-30 12:03:17 UTC
They have a condescending attitude and scoff that people don't buy their silly bullshit.
2016-04-30 12:04:43 UTC
No, only faith. I may be beaten for spreading the truth but I accept that. You can break my body but you can not break my spirit.
2016-04-30 20:16:23 UTC
The bible is more than "words on a page." It tells of our existance and the purpose for it which is what people everywhere seek to understand as well as try to explain. The scripture says at 2Tim. 3:16, 17: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.”

The Bible enables us to understand the purpose of life. It answers such questions as: Where did life come from? (Acts 17:24-26) Why are we here? Is it just to live a few years, get what we can out of life, and then die?—Gen. 1:27, 28; John 17:3; Ps. 37:11; Ps. 40:8.

2016-05-01 09:42:34 UTC
I suggest you read Quran. In Islam Jesus is regarded as a great prophet and messenger of God. Keep aside the bias from media, and you can use your own mind to judge by reading and thinking what Quran says. Not a single letter in Quran (in the Arabic form) has been changed over the last 1400+ years, which is not the case with Gospel, as originality has been lost due to changes intentionally or unintentionally over the centuries. You can listen to some talks of Yusuf Estes or Zakir Naik and you can find their talks online on youtube also. I am not telling you to believe, I am suggesting you to read, or listen or watch and reflect on it using your mind. The main difference with all other religions is Islam calls for absolute monotheism, and recognises that all true prophets including Adam, Noah, David, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them) instructed the same monotheism although over time the messages were forgotten or currupted. if you already have some opinions based on what you heard, you can keep that in mind and start reading if the conceptions are true or not. Read in the name of the Creator Who Created you, and reflect on what you can read. I hope I suggested this in a peaceful way to you. Thank you.
2016-05-02 11:12:37 UTC Marzulli and Genetics
2016-04-30 14:20:22 UTC
There is tons of evidence for belief in God. Read the book Cold Case Christianity.
2016-05-01 21:00:03 UTC
Stuart Chase: “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”
2016-04-30 12:43:40 UTC
So,billions of people are wrong,& you are right..

Typical atheist thinking.

You buy into the evolution theory lie that apes evolved into humans?

OK,then why are there still apes?

Why aren't there evolving,or partially evolved apes?

Why are there just 100% apes,& 100% humans?

So,you think a few apes completely evolved into humans,& then the whole evolution thing COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN?

Why don't people just live off of instincts like every other animal on this planet?Apes do,monkeys do,every animal does accept for humans.We can choose to ignore our instincts,& not run away from fire,like apes do.

We then mastered fire,& used it to ward off predators that would have eaten us into extinction,cooked our food with it,& used it to keep from freezing to death on cold nights,& through the ice ages.If we would have evolved a little smarter than apes without free will Mother Nature would have set us up for extinction.

Free will is not a natural thing,or evolution thing.Humans are freaks of nature on this planet because of our free will.You would not have typed this question without free will,because you would just be worried about surviving day to day without free will.

God imbedded free will into our DNA,& modern DNA scientists have discovered,classified,& labled the genes that allow us to have free will.There are about 300 genes in the human DNA that give us free will.The scientists also know apes & monkeys do not have these unique genes;Only humans have them.

Darwin had NO clue what genes,or DNA EVEN WAS.So,are you still going to believe dumb@ss Darwin?

If you do,say hi to him,& thank him,when you see him in Hell.
Mr M
2016-04-30 13:44:59 UTC
Yes. It's called the Bible and everything described therein.
2016-04-30 13:57:00 UTC
I realize that there is absolutely no evidence for Christianity at all.

- You need to do some actual thinking. Christianity is real. It is all based on fantasy, but the "religion" is real.
2016-04-30 12:01:48 UTC
ok dont believe. but what if your wrong and you die. so your basically gambling eternity. you better be 100% sure my friend. jesus is LORD.
2016-05-01 09:43:21 UTC
God=love.we love others.
2016-05-01 10:30:06 UTC
Religions require faith, not facts.
2016-05-01 16:37:37 UTC
The Jews Jesus Christ is Lord
2016-05-02 18:16:36 UTC
Yes, they do.
2016-05-02 05:21:06 UTC's all in the bible.
2016-05-01 08:46:48 UTC
God is love.
2016-05-01 13:35:04 UTC
No, they are ******* who compulsively lie.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.