Wanted--a boy that is manly and just,
One that you feel you may honor and trust,
Who cheerfully shoulders what life to him brings,
Its sunshine and pleasure, or troublesome things;
Whose eye meets your own with no shadow of fear,
No wile on the face that is open and clear;
Straight forward in purpose and ready to push,
For a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush;
Who scornfully turns from a something to gain
If it brings to another a sorrow or pain;
Who is willing to hold what is right over dear,
And is patient, unheeding the scoff or the jeer--
That is the boy that is wanted round here.
Wanted, a girl--not a butterfly gay--
Who is gentle and sweet in a womanly way;
No beautiful picture, so languid and fair,
That always seems labelled "please handle with care;"
But one in whose heart there is hidden true worth,
Who faithfully follows her mission on earth;
Hopeful and earnest in helping and giving,
Finds plenty to do in the life she is living;
Filling its duties with quiet content,
Whether adverse or pleasant, just as they are sent;
In the garb of a queen, or in homespun arrayed;
Wanted always--that kind of a maid.