question about dinosaurs......?
2009-09-14 07:05:15 UTC
im confused, i believe in god, but im confused why dinosaurs are not in the bible when god created everything.

i would like answers from christians and athiests.

28 answers:
2009-09-14 07:42:59 UTC
Various religious groups have views about dinosaurs that differ from those held by the vast majority of scientists, usually due to conflicts with creation stories in their scriptures. Religiously inspired interpretations of dinosaurs are rejected by the scientific community

The Book of Job is one of the oldest books ever written. In it, God tells Job of his greatness as Creator and describes an animal, called Behemoth, as follows:

Behold now, Behemoth, which I made as well as you; He eats grass like an ox. Behold now, his strength in his loins, And his power in the muscles of his belly. He bends his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze; His limbs are like bars of iron. (Job 40:15–18)

Leviathan is also mentioned in Psalms 74:14 and 104:26 and in Isaiah 27:1. Both Leviathan and Behemoth are described in the apocryphal book II Esdras. II Esdras 6:49–53 says these beasts were created on the fifth day and given separate territories because of their large size.

What caused the extinction of dinosaurs? The flood. Because dinosaur bones are found among other fossils, dinosaurs must have been living when the flood began. There are dozens of other dinosaur extinction theories, but they all have recognized problems. Most of the food chain was buried in the flood. Therefore, many large dinosaurs that survived the flood probably had difficulty feeding themselves and became extinct.

Were dinosaurs on the Ark? Yes. God told Noah to put representatives of every kind of land animal on the Ark. (Some dinosaurs were semiaquatic and could have survived outside the Ark.) But why put adult dinosaurs on the Ark? Young dinosaurs would take up less room, eat less, and be easier to manage. The purpose for having animals on board was so they could reproduce after the flood and repopulate the earth. Young dinosaurs would have more potential for reproduction than old dinosaurs.

Most, if not all, dinosaurs hatched from eggs. The largest dinosaur eggs ever found were a foot long. Hatchlings, even after a year of growth while on the Ark, would be quite easy to handle.

Possibly dinosaurs became very large, because they lived to great ages. Preflood humans could live for more than 900 years. If whatever caused man to live so long had the same effect on dinosaurs, they could have grown very large. Reptiles, unlike other animals, continue to grow throughout their lives. Perhaps large dinosaurs, which are similar to reptiles in many ways, were just old.
2009-09-14 07:08:21 UTC
The Bible is not a history book.

It is a book of Judeo-Christian Mythology.
2009-09-14 07:10:06 UTC
Dinosaurs were not really discovered until well after the bible was written.

I’m atheist (because I don’t have any good reasons to believe; just like Christians feel about Zeus). But I must point out that Dinosaurs need not be in the bible for it to be correct. (I don’t think it’s correct, but not because it lacks Dinosaurs.)
Shawn B
2009-09-14 07:13:50 UTC
The behemoth is described as having a naval and therefore can not possibly be a dinosaur, as christians try to claim. "Leviathan" is the Hebrew word for whale.

Any christian that says otherwise is either ignorant or a liar.
2009-09-14 07:13:44 UTC
Christian revisionism always goes back and modifies and reinterprets bible verses to fit new discoveries. If we discovered intelligent life on another planet or moon in our solar system, a week later someone would come up with a new interpretation of some bible verse that supposedly refers to it. There's a long history of this kind of reinterpreting bible verses to fit whatever new discoveries come along.
No Chance without Safi
2009-09-14 07:11:46 UTC
When they wrote the bible, the dinosaur bones hadn't been dug up yet. They died off ages before the people showed up, despite the fact that the Flintstones shows people and dinosaurs co-existing (What I wouldn't give for their garbage disposal!!).

That's why they're called PRE-historic.

Captain Klepto
2009-09-14 07:10:47 UTC
The Bible was written before there was anything like what we call modern science and research. The writers simply didn't know. How that fits into your view of things is up to you to figure out.
2016-09-18 03:26:02 UTC
First off, Paleontologists proved that dinosaurs exist, now not archaeologists. Secondly, the publication of genesis does NOT clash with dinosaurs. Each day of construction is known as, within the long-established language, 'yom'. The hebrew phrase 'yom' has more than one meanings, adding the which means for a interval of time. Thus, at some point of construction might had been thousands of years. On most sensible of this, the bible states that the primary animals had been fish. As technological know-how has demonstrated, the primary animals that ever existed had been marine animals. During the following 'yom'/interval of construction the bible says God created animals that crawled in the world... why could not this have incorporated dinosaurs?
2009-09-14 07:14:50 UTC
The MEN who wrote the buy-bull had no way to know that dinosaurs had lived a few MILLION years previously.
2009-09-14 07:13:57 UTC
Dinosaurs weren't discovered until the c18th. The men who wrote the bible had no knowledge of them, and for that reason did not write about them.

Humans and dinosaurs never co-existed, they died out 60 million years before our ancestors even branched off from the chimpanzees.
2009-09-14 07:09:16 UTC
Watch the flintstones.
2009-09-14 09:36:28 UTC
The word "dinosaur" was not made until 1840...

The dragon, the leviathan, the behemoth are mentioned repeatedly in the Bible.

Check online the 1611 KJV Bible and the 1611 dictionary..

Read the book of Job where it mentions the great behemoth with a tail like a great cedar. (that is not an elephant or a hippo, they knew the difference back)

Dragons, leviathans, behemoth, thunder lizards (dinosaurs) are mentioned all through history up to present time. The knights of old fighting dragons, the travels of Marco Polo mentions dragons, Alexander the great ran into dragons, the advancing Romans ran into dragons,Chinese war lords had to clear land and swamps to get rid of them,dragon keepers in the many many castles, etc. etc.

There is abundant evidence and documentation of these creatures which is hidden in the basements of the Smithsonian Institute and hidden in the basements of the Vatican. ( why else would the papacy claim to support evolution? how would they explain all the centuries of with held information?)

Isn't "sanitized history" a wonderful educational tool?
2009-09-14 07:17:05 UTC
I don't think dinosaurs were still around during the time period the bible was written. I wish they were - I love dinosaurs! It would also have made for a much more interesting book, don't you think. "And the lord thy god sayeth 'eat not of the dead brontosaurus for verily the tyrannosaurus rex will eateth of you'". There'd be descriptions of entire villages depopulated by various forms of raptors. It would be like a cheesy 1950's horror flick, but with a deity!

Other things that were definitely around back then (I'm assuming) but that are not in the bible: midgets, black holes and nebulae, cottonwood trees, the Polynesian island chain, glaciers and fjords....

Well, you get the idea. It was geared towards a nomadic desert tribe and things that impacted them. They'd hardly need to know about dinosaurs - or even the same things that impacted my snow-dwelling ancestors of that time. Which is only a small part of the reason why I'm a Nordic Heathen. That book doesn't speak to me or my culture. It's foreign to us. It makes perfect sense to a group of tribal, nomadic desert-dwellers though.
2009-09-14 07:50:06 UTC
I will give you the quick answer.

God caused a flood to come upon the earth. Read Genesis 7 and 8 REALLY carefully.

God says that He will bring to the Ark "every living thing that I have made"


God didn't make the dinosaurs.

Men did.

Genetic cloning?

We think we are smart.

We use 8-10% of our brains.

Einstein used 12%

Adam and Eve used 100%


Think about an antdiluvian race of super intelligent humans who DON'T use their powers for the glory of God!
2009-09-14 07:35:38 UTC
dinosaurs lived long before humans did, and any accurate depiction of human history would not have dinosaurs.

also, the bible was written at a time when nobody even knew what dinosaurs were.

and, the bible is all made up.
Initial contact
2009-09-14 07:21:47 UTC
Simply put, there was no need.

God cleared away the menace of these huge creatures 65 million years be-for our time.

The bible is a library of occurrences pertinent to our existence, that was given to us for our benefit with the experiences of others who preceded us.

If he were to extend it further to cover ALL the things you have interest in, it would take an 18 wheel truck to carry it.
2009-09-14 07:14:33 UTC
There are actually references in the Bible to creatures fitting dinosaur descriptions. "The leviathan" of Isaiah, for instance.

There is also evidence of soft, pliable blood vessels in the remains of dinosaurs which are supposedly millions of years old. How could such soft tissue be pliable after so long a time?
2009-09-14 07:14:33 UTC
at the time of the flood dinosaurs were not on the earth much less in that part of the world
2009-09-14 07:10:42 UTC
Reason one the word dinosaur was not coined until the 1800's. There are animals in the Bible that could be nothing more than dinosaurs. Look up Behemoth and Leviathan.
2009-09-14 07:12:28 UTC
Hello Brethren,

Dinosaurs ARE in the bible.

"You shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under feet" (Psalm 91:13)

Jeremiah 51:34 tells, "he has swallowed me up like a dragon..." which brings to mind the way many carnivorous reptiles swallow their prey whole. Both dragons of the sea (Psalm 74:13)

Good day.
2009-09-14 07:09:51 UTC
If you read the Bible, you would discover that it has over 30 references to dinosaurs within it.

You will not find the word "dinosaur" in the Bible because it was first coined in the 1840's. As the Bible is much older then that, and the English versions date from the 1600s, they use the older word "dragon" to identify what we call dinosaurs today. (As did science until the 1840s).

Two of the most amazing are in the book of Job, where God in chapters 40 and 41 speaks of two beast called the Behemoth and the Leviathan. The first matches what you would think of as a "bird hipped" dinosaur (such as a T-Rex or Raptor), while the another is a "lizard hipped" dinosaurs (the four legged kind). These are the two major categories used by science today to classify dinosaurs. Somehow the author of Job knew that centuries before modern science discovered it.

The author also credit to God a very accurate and detailed description of the creatures, including the bird-hipped dinosaurs powerful tail and their massive size. For them to have known all that, either they had seen living dinosaurs, were better scientist then anyone until the 19th century, or they were told of this by God (like the poem claims). Feel free to pick the explanation that makes the most sense to you.

The Bible also speaks of the dinosaurs being destroyed at a time "in the past" by a great disaster that God brought onto the earth. Again the idea that the extinction of dinosaurs is due to a disaster is a modern idea.

Whether that disaster was the Great Flood, or an event that happened prior to the creation of the plant, animals and humans of Genesis 1 is a debated issue by Bible scholars. There are several statements in Genesis (such as God's command to the animals and humans to REplenish the earth) that imply an earlier creation.

The Bible also speaks of "dragon" remains being found in desolate and wilderness places. It uses them as a metaphor several times for something that was completely destroyed by God. Again, the knowledge that the fossils and bones were part of dinosaurs is an idea that science did not discover until the 1800s.

Now science may have added a new piece to the puzzle to support Genesis 1. The current theory is that whatever dinosaurs survived the disaster (flood, meteor, God's wrath, or whatever) have become today's bird. This would place them before land animals and humans on the developmental tree.

Note that Genesis 1 states that first "fish" and then birds where created. Then it becomes a new day (or era) and the mammals and humans appear. Just what science is now suggesting happened. Birds are the remains of an earlier era. Something it appears the author of Genesis knew, and science is just now starting to guess. The only form that the author of Genesis (or Adam and Eve) would have seen dinosaurs in would be in the form of ... birds!! So if they wanted to write about dinosaurs being created before mammals and humans, it is only logical to say the birds were created first.

So the Bible appears to explain dinosaurs (now represented by their only living members as birds) as being created in an era before humans. They were once mighty and powerful creature divided into two major classes (bird hip and lizard hip). They were destroyed by a disaster that God brought on the earth. And are now only found in the form of fossils and bones.

That explanation appears to match well with what science tells us about dinosaurs. So I find no reason to reject belief in a first Man and Woman because dinosaurs existed since the Bible talks so much about their existence.
2009-09-14 09:37:02 UTC
Believing in god has nothing to do with evolution. It was an evolutionary process.
2009-09-14 07:11:19 UTC
Because they became extinct millions of years before the bible ws written,as a result the authors of the bible had no knowledge of them.
Flying Saucers Are Real.
2009-09-14 07:11:06 UTC
The book was written before dinosaurs were discovered. God knew about them, we didn't.
2009-09-14 07:10:41 UTC
Wild Beasts are dinosaurs that are in the Bible :))
2009-09-14 07:09:41 UTC
I suppose you expected an itemized list of all the things God created? Please! Spend some time reading the Bible and you will see it is a book about the relationship between man and the divine not a biology book.
2009-09-14 07:11:14 UTC
You believe in God... believe also in the Devil! The devil seeded all the fossils in the world... don't you know that?
2009-09-14 07:09:45 UTC
all the animals were created in the beginning

this includes dinosaurs

Adam named all the animals including leviathan and behemoth

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.