Well that was a bit unti-sociable and kinda queer of Jesus not wanting to shake hands with anybody... but he had a rough time on the Holy Cross!
The Bible writers say that when God the Son Jesus Christ was teaching his “GOING AWAY” lesson he became unstable. He had a seizure of some sort. HE COULDN’T CONCENTRATE AT ALL!
John 13:36 (NIV) Simon Peter asked him, "Lord, where are you going?"
John 14:5 (NIV) Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know THE WAY?"
He didn’t answer any of them! After 3.5 years of “following Jesus” they ought to have known that “JESUS IS THE WAY!” But in any case, Jesus Christ is still complaining that nobody is asking him which way he is going!
John 16:5 (NIV) Now I am going to him who sent me, YET NONE OF YOU ASKS ME, “Where are you going?”* (*At this point Saint Peter and Saint Thomas started to bang their head against the wall!).
If God the Son Jesus Christ ever existed he must have been very depressed about getting crucified for anybody!
Jesus Christ went as far as to consult with the DEAD on his LAST TRIP to Jerusalem!
Luke 9:30-31 (KJV) And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: WHO APPEARED IN GLORY* (*they had “GLORIFIED BODIES” before Jesus had a chance to be crucified for anybody!), and spake of his decease which HE SHOULD ACCOMPLISH AT JERUSALEM* (*they had a long chat! Hardly any Christian checks with the dead any more!).
Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane SWEATING BLOOD in a horrifying fear of dying! He kept asking his sleepy Holy Apostles to PRAY FOR HIM! He was in need of a comforter, but his Holy Trinity peer God the Holy Spook, aka “Another Comforter” was nowhere to be found so an “angel” showed up with a box of napkins (Luk 22:43). The Preachers are covering up the fact that Jesus was yellow-bellying at the idea of getting nailed to any Cross no matter how Holy!
Luke 22:44 (KJV) And being in anguish* (*GOD THE SON JESUS CHRIST IS IN ANGUISH!), he prayed more earnestly, AND HIS SWEAT WAS LIKE DROPS OF BLOOD FALLING TO THE GROUND* (any self-respecting Muslim bomber would die laughing at Jesus!).
It was in a pitch dark night when NOBODY could see anything that Jesus started to sweat blood! The Bible writers say that he was scared about his arrest and his ultimate crucifixion, but when he was finally crucified he hardly bled or suffered any pain at all! He was VERY BUSY chatting with almost everybody around at the crucifixion site…!
Hebrews 5:7-8 (NIV) During the days of Jesus' life on earth* (*33.5 years!), HE OFFERED UP PRAYERS AND PETITIONS WITH LOUD CRIES AND TEARS TO THE ONE WHO COULD SAVE HIM FROM DEATH, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. ALTHOUGH HE WAS A SON, HE LEARNED OBEDIENCE.
Proverbs 19:18 (NIV) Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death* (*God led the Roman soldiers to do it for him).
1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers’ spit!): who verily* (*NO BULL CRAP!) was foreordained BEFORE the foundation of the world!* (*Most Christians don’t get it that according to the Bible stories “God the Father” created this humongous universe PLANNING THE SLAUGHTER BY CRUCIFIXION of God the Son Jesus Christ. In any civilized country, this is a 1ST DEGREE PREMEDITATED MURDER!)
Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.
Jesus is admitting to follow a Bible script, but he is really scared to be nailed to the Holy Roman Cross featuring a sporty foot rest, otherwise Jesus’ body wouldn’t hang in there from just one nail in each hand! Out of respect for Christians, the Roman soldiers wrapped Jesus’ genital area with a clean white diaper, so his circumcised PENIS wouldn’t show! Christianity trashed the circumcision ritual, except in America! We are still circumcising babies, for a fee, or course! There is no historic record that the Romans ever crucified anybody in Jerusalem outside of the Bible stories.