2009-05-21 03:04:32 UTC
the research into the above remains biased and unproven, while history, geology, basic science, and both physics and quantum physics suggest the likelihood of the above theories serving a place in reality is undoubtedly impossible.
the many arguments posed by supporters of these theories conflict within themselves and contradict each other on a numerous amount of levels, which, to put it simply, have supported not the theories themselves, but instead, the idea that these theories have reached their schizophrenic impasse.
the one argument that both opposes the above while standing on a strong foundation of logic, science, reason, history, geology and above all truth, is that which includes God and His involvement in how everything has come to be the way it is. with so much supporting evidence, it cannot be disproved, and moreover, it proves beyond a doubt while giving more than enough reason that we are here in this environment with a purpose.
question: the term 'creationism' falls short of the total explanation. shall we instead call this truth the 'theory of everything'..?
... for further information on the above statements, i recommend watching "the elegant universe" ...