Of the over 3,000 gods to chose from, which, if any, is the real god?
More Moral Than God
2012-08-04 03:45:22 UTC
Which god, if any, is the real god and what evidence is there that it is the real one?

With over 3,000 gods to chose from, how is one to know which one, if any, is the real god and what evidence is there to support the claim that it is the real god?
24 answers:
Just wondering
2012-08-04 03:54:56 UTC
A reasonable person should conclude none.
2012-08-04 04:05:53 UTC
The true God is not a nameless God. His name is Jehovah. (De 6:4; Ps 83:18) He is God by reason of his creatorship. (Ge 1:1; Re 4:11) The true God is real (Joh 7:28), a person (Ac 3:19; Heb 9:24), and not lifeless natural law operating without a living lawgiver, not blind force working through a series of accidents to develop one thing or another. The 1956 edition of The Encyclopedia Americana (Vol. XII, p. 743) commented under the heading “God”: “In the Christian, Mohammedan, and Jewish sense, the Supreme Being, the First Cause, and in a general sense, as considered nowadays throughout the civilized world, a spiritual being, self-existent, eternal and absolutely free and all-powerful, distinct from the matter which he has created in many forms, and which he conserves and controls. There does not seem to have been a period of history where mankind was without belief in a supernatural author and governor of the universe.”

There are proofs of the existence of “the living God.” The fact of the existence of God is proved by the order, power, and complexity of creation, macroscopic and microscopic, and through his dealings with his people throughout history. In looking into what might be called the Book of Divine Creation, scientists learn much. One can learn from a book only if intelligent thought and preparation have been put into the book by its author.

In contrast to the lifeless gods of the nations, Jehovah is “the living God.” (Jer 10:10; 2Co 6:16) Everywhere there is testimony to his activity and his greatness. “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.” (Ps 19:1) Men have no reason or excuse for denying God, because “what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”—Ro 1:18-20.

Jehovah God is described in the Bible as living from time indefinite to time indefinite, forever (Ps 90:2, 4; Re 10:6), and as being the King of eternity, incorruptible, invisible, the only true God. (1Ti 1:17) There existed no god before him.—Isa 43:10, 11.
2012-08-04 03:52:52 UTC
God is not real, none of them are.

Religion started in... Egypt I THINK!!!! and "God" was the sun.. and the devil was the night. God was the sun because he brought light, there for plants can grow, light, etc. They got gods birthday and how he died from the sun. When the sun stayed in the exact place for three days they fears the sun died. December 22, 23, and 24 on the third day when the sun "resurrected" God came back to life. The horoscopes had something to do with it as well. So there is no God, people worshiped the sun and made him into a "God" true story.
2012-08-04 14:10:42 UTC
By definition there can be only one... That means all others are either just aspects of the one, or not real gods.

If any of the historical gods are the one, that one would not have 'died' so all the gods of dead religions can then be ruled as not being the one. This leaves us with Hinduism which has a multitude of 'gods' but ultimately recognizes all of these gods are just aspects of the one, and local Gods (often referred to as ancestrial gods) who are not recognized by their followers as the one.

So in the end there is no real choice - there is only one!
2012-08-04 04:08:25 UTC
The true God is Jehovah God Almighty, Psalms 83:18 and people dont have to believe in him or his name but just as in Noahs day his name will be made known when he brings a destruction to this wicked system of things.

No one can really think that it can continue to go on the way it is in the world or we wouldnt have a world or earth because man is destroying it faster than it can replenish itself. So Jehovah God would have to intervene.
2012-08-04 03:49:58 UTC
Choose the God that can do time travel, knows what hyper space travel is,

and can operate and use a computer.

Most of the 3,000 gods are iron and chariot level technology.

Make no mistake there is a supreme being in space,

it just isn't that one from the Middle East.
2012-08-04 16:15:34 UTC
none of the 3,000 gods..

God is the real God
2012-08-04 03:49:53 UTC
The God of the Bible was the only One who ever really did anything.

Even today, 3500 years after first predicting it through Moses, and later through all the prophets, He has brought back the Jews to the land of Israel, intact as a people group, and is fulfilling his promises right under the noses of the rest of the world, and they can't even see it.
2012-08-04 03:58:12 UTC
become a polytheist and believe in all of them but worship according to one religion and for you athiests you always whine about some body bagging on you for not believing in a greater being but you dont have to be a dick to everyone else for what they believe listen to my mothers wise words

"Respect the beliefs of the others around you, So they may respect your own beliefs"
2012-08-04 03:51:03 UTC
You have to look to Hinduism for a plethora of gods, and even they think the various gods are just aspects of the one God.

So, in the modern world, and for all practical purposes, that gets it down to two candidates for the title God.

Why do atheists think they can make themselves sound more plausible by trawling the pages of history for every minor deity they can find?
2012-08-04 03:47:43 UTC
Of the over 3,000 ancient herbal remedies with no medicinal value for a tummy ache, which is the best one?
2012-08-04 03:49:11 UTC
Does Julius Caesar count?
2012-08-04 03:52:42 UTC
The one I am about to invent.

She has no name, but for £60 a month you could get to paradise in the afterlife.
2012-08-04 03:57:08 UTC
God number 2451.
2012-08-04 04:19:16 UTC
Enki is the real one. He created man in his image and called him adapa.
2012-08-04 03:47:35 UTC
No Deity's exist outside of anybody's properly insulated mind.
2012-08-04 04:03:03 UTC
All gods are myths, it is a fact.
2012-08-04 03:46:48 UTC
The one who's part-lion, part-chicken and part-shark.
2012-08-04 03:53:34 UTC
The Creator One Who is Jesus' Father. You can stop your search, praise the Lord!
2012-08-04 04:10:29 UTC
There are many names for the Only One God, the Eternity. Christians say God. Jewish Say ILAI (Arabic word ILAHI). Muslims say Allah (Who Created you, me and whole universe).

Always Pray the Only One God Allah (Who Created you, me and whole universe), not to the creations.

Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) is a creation, not the Creator God. If He is God, "Did He create any? Who took care of the world, when he was here in this world? If He is son of God, who is God's wife?"

Allah Says in Holy Quran

Chapter 4 Verse 32. .... And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing.

22:73. O people, an example is presented, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah will never create [as much as] a fly, even if they gathered together for that purpose. And if the fly should steal away from them a [tiny] thing, they could not recover it from him. Weak are the pursuer and pursued.

- WHERE IS GOD? Chapter 50 Verse 16 And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And "WE ARE NEARER TO HIM THAN HIS JUGULAR VEIN" (by Our Knowledge).

Chapter 40 Verse 60. And your Lord says, "CALL UPON ME;I WILL RESPOND TO YOU." Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.

37:75. And Noah had certainly called Us, and [We are] the best of responders.

57:27 Then We sent following their footsteps Our messengers and followed [them] with Jesus, the son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy and monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for them except [that they did so] seeking the approval of Allah....

61:6 And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad."....

Look Chapter 48 Verse 29 (Because I am not allowed to write more. Y!A says it's too long)

The Holy Quran was Revealed from God Allah [Who Created you, me and whole universe] to Prophet Mohammed by VOICE, through Angel Gabriel, before 1400 years. Later it was written, Since then, there is no change in it's Arabic Origin. You can't find contradictions or a single vulgar word in Holy Quran. Translations may vary. Because they are done by humans. The Quranic Verses are not only for those olden days, they are to follow today and tomorrow. It has many Scientific Proofs.

To learn the Truths, click all the links in Sources, Keep reading until you understand. Get Free books, read all.

To learn about Contradiction & Vulgar in Bible (click 1st in source box), Prophet Mohammed name is mentioned in Old & New Testament  Bibles (2nd), Comparative of Religion or ask questions (3rd), Why did they become Muslims (4th), Guinness confirmation about Which religion is growing fast (5th), Why there is no Popes, Bishops, Fathers, Ministers, Monks, Pastors and Nuns in Islam (6th), Churches for SALE (7th), to receive Free Islamic books, Holy Quran, Quran & Science (in your language) (8th),

PROOF OF GOD ALLAH: Holy Quran Chapter 51 Verse 47. With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof. (This is Scientifically Proofed. Click 9th & Other Scientific Proofs 10th).

CNN: 1.5 Million Converts to Islam Since 9/11.... (Check this in Google, Yahoo or YouTube).

The Only One God Allah (Who Created you, me and whole universe) Says in Holy Quran Chapter 3 Verse 64 :

Say, "O People of the Scripture (Holy Books), come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah ." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].

(You will be the witness on the "Judgement Day", as I informed you about Islam, the True Path).

God Allah gave you the thinking power. Think again and again. Ask yourself, Why? How? Is there any Scientific Proofs? The Holy Quran has the reply. I can't push you to embrace Islam. You have to realize yourself. Nothing to loose, something to gain for the life hereafter. May Almighty Allah Show you the Right Path.

Allah Says in Holy Quran : Chapter 2 Verse 256. There is no compulsion in religion (Islam)....

Islam is easy, Holy Quran Chapter 2 Verse 185. ..."Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you"....

To check: Just say heart fully "Ya Allah" always, even on bed, except in toilet, look the changes in your life after a month.(This has been tested).
Cool Dude
2012-08-04 03:51:06 UTC
That men my know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
2012-08-04 03:46:22 UTC
No God is real, face it.
2012-08-04 03:47:24 UTC
the one which has been holding your attention

the fake ones can't do that
2012-08-04 03:47:01 UTC
<---goddess, lol.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.