I deal with it by understanding that people have a right to free speech. They can say things I don't like. They can insult me, my family, my religion and anything else, and they've got a right to do it. Yes, certain comments can be hurtful or irritating, but if I want the right to speak freely (and believe me, I do), then I have to grant that same right to others.
Having said that, I usually deal with hostility by walking away from it. As I get older, I'm learning to choose my battles more wisely. Not every fight is worth having. In fact, most aren't.
As for negative comments about my faith, I know that God is bigger than I am. He doesn't need my help in defending him (in fact, the very thought is laughable). It's not as if God is going to be hurt by some fool's random comments. Let people say what they're going to say, and move on.