Is there any evidence that "God is real"? Is it a fact, or a mere belief?
Dreamstuff Entity
2011-04-05 20:13:37 UTC
Posted a few minutes ago:

"Isn't it great that God is real, loves us, and no matter what anyone says that will never change?"

Is that a fact, or just a belief?

If it's a fact, it means there is evidence for it. What is the evidence?

Note: logical fallacies like appeal to ignorance, negative proof/burden of proof, and special pleading are not evidence; neither are quotes from the bible, insults, claims that I already have evidence, links to websites that allegedly have evidence, personal experiences, self-fulfilling or vague prophecies matched against millennia of history, or anecdotes which have a natural explanation or no supporting evidence.

If there is no evidence, that means it not a fact, just a belief. Why misrepresent it as a fact, then? Isn't that dishonest?
23 answers:
2011-04-05 20:27:26 UTC
It's a belief. People choose to believe or not. So it's a choice that one makes. There is no evidence that a God exists. Religions ask or tell you to simply "believe," or have "faith." That's not proof. It's an idea and one chooses whether or not to go along with that idea. You are not given actual evidence because there isn't any to give. It's all based on faith (belief).
2011-04-05 20:17:02 UTC
Does God Exist?

Some Scientists Answer

PHYSICS professor Ulrich J. Becker, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated when commenting on the existence of God: "How can I exist without a creator? I am not aware of any compelling answer ever given."

Did this contradict his scientific views? The professor's thought-provoking answer was, "If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns—you may speculate how the rest move, but you are not entitled to call this scientific and better leave alone the question of who wound up the spring."

Contrary to the opinion of some, many respected men of science do not rule out the idea of there being a God—a Great Mastermind behind the creation of the universe and man.

Consider two more examples on this point. When mathematics professor John E. Fornaess, of Princeton University, was asked for his thoughts on the existence of God, he replied: "I believe that there is a God and that God brings structure to the universe on all levels from elementary particles to living beings to superclusters of galaxies."

Physics professor Henry Margenau, of Yale University, said that he was convinced that the laws of nature were created by God, adding: "God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence." He then noted that in the book The Mystery of Life's Origin, three scientists explain that a Creator is a plausible explanation for life's origin. Supporting this view, astronomer Fred Hoyle has stated that believing the first cell originated by chance is like believing that a tornado ripping through a junkyard full of Boeing 747 airplane parts dismembered and in disarray could produce a 747.

To these answers can be added the words of the Bible writer Paul: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship."—Romans 1:20.
2016-11-06 14:05:30 UTC
Definition of "reality"-a million. a concern it is truly the case. 2. concepts used as data or as component of a checklist or information article. A declare of reality won't be able to be used while in connection with the bible because it truly is the bible itself it is in question. Frigging christians in simple terms don't get it. particular that's cheating to symbolize a theory as a reality. in simple terms because of the fact they're persuade some thing is authentic does not make it so. human beings (theists) may well be very attempting on occasion.
2011-04-05 20:22:07 UTC
The belief of God is all in the person's mind. The belief in God is all part of Faith, to believe in what you cannot see. There has been stories in the bible of his existence, but besides that there's no evidence of His existence. The only evidence there is, is the bible and old artifacts portraying his image through many figures.

God is not a fact, for there's no solid evidence of his existence and power; merely stories. It really all depends on what you choose to believe in.
2011-04-05 20:23:29 UTC
What evidence would you accept with the same attitude as you would your Coveted Evolution


See bias lack Of Objectivity, Bias Bias Bias

You cannot have one shred of emotion n your Body or Bias,

But you do, hence your question is Flawed cause You don't want evidence, I have seen you here for a while, You constantly post against and belief in God in any way, Get rif of the bias

and according to some of my contacts, You block every Christian who can effectively refute you, That tells me you are scared,

But To answer the question for those who are not Close-minded and bias?

The question of whether there is a conclusive argument for the existence of God has been debated throughout history, with exceedingly intelligent people taking both sides of the dispute. In recent times, arguments against the possibility of God’s existence have taken on a militant spirit that accuses anyone daring to believe in God as being delusional and irrational. Karl Marx asserted that anyone believing in God must have a mental disorder that caused invalid thinking. The psychiatrist Sigmund Freud wrote that a person who believed in a Creator God was delusional and only held those beliefs due to a “wish-fulfillment” factor that produced what Freud considered to be an unjustifiable position. The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche bluntly said that faith equates to not wanting to know what is true. The voices of these three figures from history (along with others) are simply now parroted by a new generation of atheists who claim that a belief in God is intellectually unwarranted.

Is this truly the case? Is belief in God a rationally unacceptable position to hold? Is there a logical and reasonable argument for the existence of God? Outside of referencing the Bible, can a case for the existence of God be made that refutes the positions of both the old and new atheists and gives sufficient warrant for believing in a Creator? The answer is, yes, it can. Moreover, in demonstrating the validity of an argument for the existence of God, the case for atheism is shown to be intellectually weak.

To make an argument for the existence of God, we must start by asking the right questions. We begin with the most basic metaphysical question: “Why do we have something rather than nothing at all?” This is the basic question of existence—why are we here; why is the earth here; why is the universe here rather than nothing? Commenting on this point, one theologian has said, “In one sense man does not ask the question about God, his very existence raises the question about God.”

In considering this question, there are four possible answers to why we have something rather than nothing at all:

1. Reality is an illusion.

2. Reality is/was self-created.

3. Reality is self-existent (eternal).

4. Reality was created by something that is self-existent.

So, which is the most plausible solution? Let’s begin with reality being simply an illusion, which is what a number of Eastern religions believe. This option was ruled out centuries ago by the philosopher Rene Descartes who is famous for the statement, “I think, therefore I am.” Descartes, a mathematician, argued that if he is thinking, then he must “be.” In other words, “I think, therefore I am not an illusion.” Illusions require something experiencing the illusion, and moreover, you cannot doubt the existence of yourself without proving your existence; it is a self-defeating argument. So the possibility of reality being an illusion is eliminated.

You can read the rest here
Mike N
2011-04-05 20:50:01 UTC
"Mere" belief?? What appalls me is the ignorance of the FACT that belief is a higher form of thought than any FACT that can be recorded or "proven". In my career in the mental health field, I learned LONNGGG ago that believing takes greater mental / psychological energies and skills than recording or repeating or "spewing forth" any "fact", so, the evidence that God exists is in a much higher cognitive and psychological realm than any low, base, thought known as fact. I sure wish you people clamoring for "proof" or "evidence" and such nonsensical factors would elevate your personnas to the height of belief. Then you wouldn't have to ask such nonsensical "questions". I'll pray for ya'll, whether you want it or not. God Bless you.
2011-04-06 10:07:47 UTC
If there is a design, there must be a designer. If there is natural law in the world, there must be a lawgiver. if there is structure and consistency in the creation, there must be a creator. Suppose your are walking through the woods and notice a wristwatch in the leaves. You would have to assume that someone had lost it and that the watch originally was made by a watchmaker. Since the universe is incredibly more complicated than the watch, we must assume that it has a maker.
2011-04-05 20:15:39 UTC
Facts are based on evidence. There is no evidence to support the existence of any god. Hence, god existing is merely a belief, not a fact.

Misrepresenting belief as fact is one attempt at obfuscating and lying to convert unbelievers.
2011-04-05 20:16:35 UTC
Evidence means different things to everyone, I have evidence that God is real, its from my own personal religious experience, and the millions of other people on this planet, and their connection to the Most High, just because you can't see what we see, doesn't make us delusional, on the contrary, you're the closed minded one.

"Hold fast to the grace which you have; never let it become a matter of habit; never measure it by merely human standards or expect it to be logical or comprehensible to those who understand nothing higher than what is human. "

Saint Seraphim Rose.
2011-04-05 20:17:58 UTC
People who believe in God and refuse to look at both sides of the God vs. No God argument will believe in God to the grave. They are determined to deny any and all evidence of Evolution that you show them with their lack of proof from the Bible.

Also I never understand why people say they "know" god? Have they literally spoken to him face to face? It just doesn't make sense. How can you know someone if you've never physically spoken with them. (Praying doesn't count because you get no response) That's like me saying I know Adolf Hitler or Sophocles or Shakespeare....and those people existed.

"Is there any evidence that disease is caused by bacteria? I can't see them; can you? Only if you have a sufficiently powerful microscope -- and forget viruses. Yet we believe they exist although they are not evident to our senses. Why? We have equipment that enables us to detect them. You, on the other hand, do not have equipment (spiritual senses) to allow you to detect the spiritual world. Others do. So, we believe and you don't, and I'm okay with that. Aren't you? If you want to know God, He will give you what you need to do that, but if you don't want to know Him, why would He supply that to you? It would be like giving out scuba gear to people who don't want to swim."


regardless if you can't see them with your physical eyes you need to use a microscope to be able to view them magnified under a microscope. Which is a PHYSICAL TOOL. Your argument fails to make any kind of point. Your "god senses" aren't a physical tool. You can't physically see god with it. Based on what you said if you can use a microscope to see bacteria and viruses then you would be able to use a telescope to see god. Therefore your argument is thrown out the window.

I used to go to church. I used to believe in God. I used to pray. Never did I have ANY kind of sense that he was there. I wanted him to be. I even prayed for him to show a sign that he was there, that he was listening to me. But I got nothing. Thus, I began questioning why I never "sensed" him began questioning religion and today I'm an atheist.
2011-04-05 20:20:06 UTC
Is there any evidence that disease is caused by bacteria? I can't see them; can you? Only if you have a sufficiently powerful microscope -- and forget viruses. Yet we believe they exist although they are not evident to our senses. Why? We have equipment that enables us to detect them. You, on the other hand, do not have equipment (spiritual senses) to allow you to detect the spiritual world. Others do. So, we believe and you don't, and I'm okay with that. Aren't you? If you want to know God, He will give you what you need to do that, but if you don't want to know Him, why would He supply that to you? It would be like giving out scuba gear to people who don't want to swim.
2011-04-05 20:21:52 UTC
My wife and I began to be led by Theos over 30 years ago. We have seen countless miricles.I saved my wifes life 5 times. I have been rescued from certain death and attacks over 20 times. We

have witches next door who loosened the ropes that i was using to secure myself when I was repairing my roof at the age of 65. Do you want more?
2011-04-05 20:17:03 UTC
I agree with you its merely just fiction i have a quote here

Paul Henri Thiry, Baron d'Holbach, an 18th century advocate of atheism. "The source of man's unhappiness is his ignorance of Nature. The pertinacity with which he clings to blind opinions imbibed in his infancy, which interweave themselves with his existence, the consequent prejudice that warps his mind, that prevents its expansion, that renders him the slave of fiction, appears to doom him to continual error." The System of Nature [54
2011-04-05 20:15:22 UTC
To people who have seen/ experienced God, it is a fact. It has to do with perspective.
2011-04-05 20:19:07 UTC
So are you saying that if YOU don't consider something as evidence, it isnt? Who made you an expert? And apparently no one can communicate with you since you don't accept any viewpoint that doesn't coincide with the very narrow and carefully erected confines of your worldview.
2011-04-05 20:16:27 UTC
A silly belief if you think about it.
2011-04-05 20:14:56 UTC
no there is not and i dont count the bible as a fact. their is only people and their faith. no science or facts
2011-04-05 20:14:52 UTC
For those who know Him, no further evidence is needed. For those who do not yet know Him, no evidence is sufficient.
2011-04-05 20:16:13 UTC
God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that God is real because the bible says that
2011-04-05 20:16:13 UTC
I don't know Jesus said know ye not that ye are gods..are we real?
2011-04-05 20:14:55 UTC
No.. God doesn't exist
2011-04-05 20:17:33 UTC
2011-04-05 20:14:52 UTC
Nothing more than ignorance and speculation

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.