Should I change my religion?
2007-02-13 20:58:38 UTC
I've been thinking about another college after I graduate from the one I'm in now. The thing is, the college I want to go to later, is a religion-based school. I am a different religion from that school, but everything about that school makes me want to go there. i really want to, and now I'm thinking about changing my religion just to go there. My parents think that it is my decision, and are behind me 100%. Do I really have to change, and is what I'm doing right?
31 answers:
2007-02-13 21:03:10 UTC
You should not have to change your religion to go to a religious school of another religion. There are Jews at Jesuit Universities, as well as atheist and protestant schools. Unless it is a school to train Clergy, they should not care about your religion...
2007-02-14 05:09:17 UTC
Religion is a personal thing. In this school you will more than likely be subjected to that religion from a minimum of being around a majority of people who are that religion, to a maximum of having to attend mandatory religious get togethers. If you can live with that, stay yours. You could give it a shot, but religion is one of those things that is who you are. Its really great that your parents support you, that takes a LOT of possible stress off your shoulders. You should find out if you have to be that religion to attend. Maybe you only have to tolerate that religion, by accepting it ,and not speaking badly about it. Mostly being courtious towards the other members. With religion, you will feel wheather your are doing the right thing or not. If you can give up your religion that easy, it probably wasnt the religion for you. Good luck, and make a decision from the heart.
2007-02-22 04:34:27 UTC
I would say it depends alot on your personal convictions. A university is not a religion so I don't see why you would have to change religions to go there. Anyway, is it a different religion altogether or is it just of a particular persuasion of the same religion? For instance, within the religion of Christianity, there are many different persuasions, Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic, etc. Mostly the differences are doctrinal ones and shouldn't be that big of a deal if you are just going for an academic education. I would imagine you could personally disagree doctrinally and still attend the university. Where you might run into more trouble is through social and peer pressures from friends or church groups etc so if that's what you are talking about then that is something you would have to decide on your own if it is worth it for you. I know for instance if you were a member of Judaism and say you wanted to go to a Pentecostal university, you might run into some objections from your peers!!! You would have to really want to go and have a personal conviction about it and hopefully your family and peers would accept it. There's alot to consider but ultimately, we have to follow our convictions. I think it's difficult to give you a yes or no answer about whether or not it is right to change your religion. That's something you have to decide and have faith for.
2007-02-14 05:07:02 UTC
Contact a counselor at the College you like so well.. Ask if there are classes required that you would have to be a member of religion X to pass successfully. My daughter went to what they told her was a non-denominational school.. but one of the classes was designed by the teacher to favor the religion of the founders and the teachers. She barely passed this class but Only after she complained to the Dean of Women that this class was not passable unless she had been religion X for all her life or had spent a year studying it... which was not in the book which described all the courses she would have to take... You will have to have a lot of guts and luck to get thru a religious college that you have no background on.. good luck and make inquireys first before you jump in with both feet..
2007-02-14 05:16:00 UTC
Would they only accept you if you changed religions? I know a lot of private institutions do prefer that you believe like they do, and they can make you sign a contract stating you will live according to their standards, but it's hard to imagine forcing someone to change religions for it - thats a pretty big commitment.

I think If you're just doing it for school - is that really a legitimate reason to change religion? What would happen once you graduated- switch back to your old beliefs? But if you believe what they do and think it will be a positive change for your life, if you thinkthat they teach the truth then I say do it. I take my beliefs seriously, so my advice is to think before changing for the wrong reasons.
2007-02-14 05:07:15 UTC
You can only do what you think is best.

Its a really big decision so I would suggest for you to think hard about it.

But in any case, I dont see anything wrong with going to a different religion school.

Its not like you have to convert. You can just observe what they do and what they believe.

Just because you go to a school of a particular religion it doesnt mean you have to be that religion.
2007-02-14 05:04:35 UTC
Chances are that the school you want to go to would not require you to be a member of that religion. I don't know which college you are talking about, but look on the school's Admissions web page and it should give you more information. If you feel you should change your religion, that's your choice. I encourage you to pray to God and ask Him whether the decision to change religion is right.
2007-02-14 05:07:04 UTC
Why do you have to convert just to attend this college?

Universities can't deny you admission based upon your religious background, they can however make you follow their honor/ethics codes.

My cousin is attending BYU which is THE Mormon college for the entire world.

He's not a Mormon but had to sign the "Honor Code" swearing that he will not drink, smoke, do drugs, drink coffee, have long hair, piercings, wear sandals without socks, work on Sunday's etc, for as long as he is a student. Doing such can be grounds for expulsion.

I'd attend the college without converting. Conversion is a HUGE decision, it shouldn't be taken lightly.

It's probably a better idea to first investigate the religion itself. Even if you're not a member of that religion, but attend their school, it will still control many aspects of your personal life that you may resent later.

Best of luck.
nici a
2007-02-14 05:13:12 UTC
I would not change what I believe in for any 'man'....I think it is possible to attend the school without believing in their religion....I am a Christian, and I went to a Catholic private school (I do NOT believe Catholics are Christian for MANY reasons that aren't important, nor do they need to stated to answer your question) and I did not convert. But, the Catholic Church believes in God, and to me THAT is the most important thing. I would have second thoughts if it was a church that did NOT believe in God, or if I had to go against what I believe in, or deny Christ in any way.

You know what is know in your heart if it is something that you could live with. And if you believe that one day you'll be held accountable, then you know if it would be 'right' in the eyes of God.

I would pray about patient and think awhile about it before you make up your mind.

Good Luck!
2007-02-20 16:56:06 UTC
Well, if it is a condition that to get a place in that school you should belong to that particular religion, then maybe you dont have a choice if you want to go there. But if it is not compulsory for you to change, then dont. Unless you feel the need to change. Its not about just being religious for the sake of it, its about making choices which suit you and set you free. If you change religion just because someone is doing it, then it shows that you dont really know what you YOURSELF want. Pay attention to YOUR needs, and pursue practical self help principles and dont just change just for the sake of changing unless you really have to.
2007-02-21 20:52:27 UTC
Chances are, you do NOT have to change your religion to attend the school. Check with the admissions office. In any case, a school cannot regulate what its students believe. If you are currently committed to a specific faith, and believe in it, are comfortable with it... then you should absolutely stick with it. If you do your homework, and a new doctrine resonates and rings true for you, then you might consider a change. Cheesy as it may sound, follow your heart!
2007-02-14 07:38:39 UTC
You should only change your religion if you believe it is not the true religion. The first visible result from God's Kingdom coming to rule over the earth will be when God puts it into the minds of all the world rulers of the earth to permanantly close all of the false religions. Only one religion will remain--the true one. Will you be in it??
2007-02-22 02:53:12 UTC
Religions are like automobiles and like automobiles, you have to test drive them to make sure you like them. Not everyone will love a Volkswagen or a Lexus but the bottom line is, they all will get you from point A to point B. It becomes a matter of personal choice.
Liz M
2007-02-14 05:03:59 UTC
FYI to go to a private college you do not have to be their religion they can not shun you by law. The only reason to change your religion in my opinion is if that is what your heart says.
Evan R
2007-02-14 05:05:40 UTC
your parents are right about that, you should make your own decicion but changing a religion is a you do it and you stick with it thing. whatever religion you have is gods choice that he gave you. im not saying not to change cause its your right but take it from me i wanted to change religion but i stuck with it and was even happier than before
jared l
2007-02-14 05:03:03 UTC
If that school is BYU then yes i suggest you change your religion if it is a different school it wont lead you as far. But if it is a good school, go there anyways =) lolz.
2007-02-20 21:24:14 UTC
Doing the right thing leaves no mess. If you feel convicted about changing, you will always and it all adds up to hardening..please be careful, and follow the right thing, . I live in California, what do i know?
2007-02-14 05:08:41 UTC
Follow your heart and brain. As long as your change doesn't promote or provoke unkind words and deeds to others, who cares. Religion is just man's interpretation anyway and wasn't it said that the "temple of God" was within us???
2007-02-14 05:08:22 UTC
Islam is final and best religion from the God.

Come towards Islam

contact me
2007-02-22 02:16:36 UTC
It might be a cult I be very careful and I would not change this is what happen to my sister enjoy going to school and learning.
laila a
2007-02-14 05:05:18 UTC
if youre parent are not sure in what they believe and gave you the choise to choose so try to ask a religeon man and you didnt mention what is your religion so i cant help you until i konw good luck
2007-02-14 05:03:32 UTC
It Will be ok if you change to get the collage of your choice all religion is a bunch of crap anyway.
2007-02-14 05:02:53 UTC
Believe in what you want to believe in...and go to school where you want to go to school. I'm pretty sure that a school can't deny you acceptance if you don't follow their beliefs. Then again, I could be wrong...

2007-02-14 05:02:57 UTC
Religion tadition & practices is what makes you uncomfortable.

There will be kids there just like you and you will hook up.

2007-02-14 05:02:39 UTC
If you want to go to that school, go for it. Just don't let it try and change who you are.
2007-02-14 05:04:10 UTC
Do you not have strength and enough faith to withstand a different view ? If not, maybe you should stay away from something you cannot defend against.
2007-02-14 05:02:33 UTC
Enjoy going to a college where people's beliefs are different from yours. Learn why they believe what they do as part of your education. I teach students of all kinds of backgrounds, and they learn from these differences.
2007-02-22 01:12:05 UTC
what you are doing is right. The choice, really, is not which religion?

It is: either Christ, or a thousand other things, which Jesus called, "these". Lovest thou me more than these?
2007-02-14 05:56:14 UTC
you shouldn't change ur religion if wanna go there. just believe in ur deepest heart. all religion is good, depend on us how we do our "task" in this earth.

God Bless U...
2007-02-20 04:33:02 UTC
NO do not change!
Courtney L
2007-02-21 20:49:12 UTC
not sure. sorry

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