Why do you have to convert just to attend this college?
Universities can't deny you admission based upon your religious background, they can however make you follow their honor/ethics codes.
My cousin is attending BYU which is THE Mormon college for the entire world.
He's not a Mormon but had to sign the "Honor Code" swearing that he will not drink, smoke, do drugs, drink coffee, have long hair, piercings, wear sandals without socks, work on Sunday's etc, for as long as he is a student. Doing such can be grounds for expulsion.
I'd attend the college without converting. Conversion is a HUGE decision, it shouldn't be taken lightly.
It's probably a better idea to first investigate the religion itself. Even if you're not a member of that religion, but attend their school, it will still control many aspects of your personal life that you may resent later.
Best of luck.