First I would say Israel and the fulfilled Scripture to regather Israel to their land as God promised. A nation in a day, speaking same language, fly back on wings of eagles-airplanes, blossum like a rose,etc.
Second - recent example - Talking about getting the attention of Galveston, Texas, and those familiar with the Supreme Court ruling to keep prayer out of football games as well as out of every school in America thanks to Madelyn O'Hara that 1960's Jezebel, Hurricane Ike got their attention. And guess where the shelter from the storm was - Ball High School where there was no water, no food, and no toilets. The high school was only a loading point to move the citizens out of Galveston totally. The shelter could not sustain them. God had been kicked out of the shelter which was Ball HS. We reap what we sow.
God gave Galveston, Texas, a wake up call. A property rental manager told Thayer Evans a contributing reporter, "I thought we were going to need Noah's ark, " she said. "It was horrific; I would not wish that on anybody." She added, "Anymore, if they say a hurricane is on its way, I'm leaving two days before." Connie Travis(53) said that it was the scariest night of her whole life and Crystal Beach was totally under water.
I am a Christian and can you imagine the Christians praying at Ball High School asking God for help and not caring the least about what a Supreme Court judge said about prayer in school. If the truth is known, Galveston was praying fast and furiously that night of Hurricane Ike.
And for those who say that God didn't cause Hurricane Ike to hit Galveston, all I can tell you is that you do not know the Scriptures. God is fully in control of creation, at all times. God sends earthquakes and fires. God sends snow, the cold and frost. God controls the lightning. God sends the wind. God sends and withholds the rain and floods. God sends hailstones. God sends famine. God does use weather catasrophes - even resulting in deaths, or the destruction of beasts or property - but with a purpose: to unsettle the apathetic, to punish and judge, to alter our course of action, or to iinstill the fear of God.
Fear is a common reaction to a powerful display of God's authority in creation. God will get our attention. However, God provides for and protects His own in the midst of storms and troubles, unless it is His purpose to test us (Job 1:10, 12,19)
Diane Dew did an intense study called "The Weather, A Study in the Scriptures"
Ms. Dew gives many hundreds of Scripture verses to back up what I have said.
Galveston is reaping what they have sewn and God is telling all Americans to repent and turn back to their God.
I live in Houston, TX, and I got the message. We were eleven days without electricity. I prayed long and hard all night long during Hurricane Ike. The fierce wind shook the windows. God is getting the attention of the Christian people in America. I went through a very humbling experience that brought our entire community together. God blessed my family and we fed our neighbors two nights with a gas stove and a large generator for our refrigerator. Our local CVS Pharmacy, God bless them, gave us 4 gallons of water and 2 large bags of ice free. They parked two 18 wheelers in their parking lot and gave to their neighbors what they could. God bless CVS Pharmacy.
Kansas City Electrical came all the way down to Houston to restore our electricity in our neighborhood. Eleven days without electricity and when we saw them drive in we were thanking God for them. God knows how to bring America together, but how soon we forget God when the storm is over or 9/11 is over.
Repent America and return to the Lord who has blessed you. During a storm it doesn't really matter what Supreme Court judges say about prayer or where you pray: you want God, never once have I heard a person say - give me a Supreme Court judge to protect me. No, they say Lord, please have mercy and protect me. At that particular moment in their life, that Supreme Court judge's decision is the furthest thing from their mind. We always want God, because only God can protect and provide against everything.
What's the best argument for the existence of God? Try a Hurricane my friend, try a hurricane.