What's the best argument FOR the existence of God?
2008-10-20 07:55:54 UTC
For you, why do you believe or why do you think you SHOULD believe in God?

Note: I've posted the opposite side of this question "AGAINST" the existence too.
24 answers:
Arcane Intellect
2008-10-20 08:02:27 UTC
Probably the Watchmaker/Teleological argument, it's the one that stuck.

"Look at the world. It looks designed. Therefore, it is designed."

It's what (un)intelligent design is based off.
2008-10-20 15:03:11 UTC
NOte that this assumes human nature is not functioning. As Blaise Pascal notes :

"We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others." You are asking for what convinces 'Everyman'. But I'll bite.

I would say 'conscience'. See what Plato and Socrates said in part 1 of the Republic 2500 years ago :

"For let me tell you, Socrates, that when a man thinks himself to be near death, fears and cares enter into his mind which he never had before; the tales of a world below and the punishment which is exacted there of deeds done here were once a laughing matter to him, but now he is tormented with the thought that they may be true: either from the weakness of age, or because he is now drawing nearer to that other place, he has a clearer view of these things; suspicions and alarms crowd thickly upon him, and he begins to reflect and consider what wrongs he has done to others. And when he finds that the sum of his transgressions is great he will many a time like a child start up in his sleep for fear, and he is filled with dark forebodings. "
2008-10-20 15:20:57 UTC
Well, I believe in the Bible's claims about the Christ.

I believe that something can't be made out of nothing, therefore I believe that God did the creating. I believe that the universe is so perfect and precise that if it were so altered in the slightest then we could not function here. How could one say that God didn't create the world? I find it unintelligent to believe otherwise.

Look at the way nature works and the birds fly south at the same time every year and go to the same location also. I find this amazing as well.

The Bible is an amazing book, read this and then tell me. Look over my links on my profile also if you'd like.
Andrew K
2008-10-20 15:21:26 UTC
Human made artificial intelligence and video games. It's the only example of sentient beings consciously crafting other beings in the type of intelligent design attributed to god and at least creates some precident for the possibility of another being having been resposible for designing us.

Until self replicating proteins or self replicating proto-cells are created in a lab from base materials it is actually the more proven if not more likely explanation for the creation of eary life, though in reality it more addresses a non-divine creator and fails to address the regress of what created that creator.
2008-10-20 15:11:32 UTC
There are many, but the first page in the Bible is as good a place to start. God created us from the soil not just us but all life! what does science say? yes this is true we find all common Dna in everything and everything can be traced to the Earth.,

But then man, God blew the breath of life into the nostrils and man became a living being(the life of us is in the blood) now what does science say? 25 trillion red Blood cells carry oxygen around the body and these are the only thing that has NO Dna.

Proof enough and we're only on the first page.
2008-10-20 15:25:03 UTC
The arguments about God being perfect by definition and therefore, bieng perfect, he must exist, and the watchmaker one already mentioned were what make me doubt my aethieism.

Oh, and a mathmatician showed that believing in God was logical, as

- if you dont and he doesn't exist nothing happens

- if you do and he doesn't exist nothing happens

- if you don't and he does exist you're in trouble

- if you do and he does exist you are rewarded

Therefore all that can come of not believing is nothing or problems.

That was simplified a bit I admit, but enough to get you started if you wanted to read into it.
Jaffs G
2008-10-20 15:38:53 UTC
It needs Traffic Rules and Laws to drive a car safely from one place to another. If there is no such thing then your car might crash to some-body's vehicle and you may die or become handicapped.

GOD has given you a physical body to move around this physical world and ask you to drive your Life in it. Through different Messengers/Prophets he showed you how to drive your Life car safely. It is your duty to drive the car to the right path.

In driving a real car you have to strictly follow the traffic rules but in your Life drive, GOD give you the freedom to chose any path you like. You can either follow Muhammad or Jesus or Moses and so many other Prophets(peace be upon them). You can stay out of those and can just be an Atheist also.

Being a wise Gentleman, which path you will chose? A path where there is no traffic lights? Or a path that have correct Rules and Laws?

I believe in GOD and his rules, I don't mind whom should I follow? Jesus, Muhammad or Moses(peace be upon them). For me all of them came to this world with one Message, that is "There is only one GOD".

I believe in all of them but follow Mohammad (p.b.u.h) because he is the last Messenger from GOD.
The System Orange
2008-10-20 15:04:05 UTC
People act as if the bible is the only book that speaks of God...

I believe the bagavahd-gita is a great book, it isn't proof, but it makes sense...

How about the law of physics... energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred? Something could not have come out of nothing. How about the fact that science hasn't, and cant give us the reason as to why or how we are conscious, or even what consciousness is. BECAUSE CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE SOUL.
2008-10-20 15:19:11 UTC
The air we breathe

The perfection of a baby

The tilt of the earth

The wind in my face

The beauty of a flower

The love in my heart

The exactness of the universe

The answers to prayers

The promptings of the Holy Ghost

The Food I eat

The animals I love.

All things attest that their is a God and that he loves us deeply. Those who can not see this are as a horse who is thirsty but when brought to a stream of cool clear water refuses to drink. I'm sure the horse had his reasons.
2008-10-21 17:34:31 UTC
God does not force us to believe in him, though he could. Instead, he has provided sufficient proof of his existence for us to willingly respond to him.
2008-10-20 15:09:15 UTC
Aristotle's Cosmological argument.
2008-10-20 16:28:25 UTC
First I would say Israel and the fulfilled Scripture to regather Israel to their land as God promised. A nation in a day, speaking same language, fly back on wings of eagles-airplanes, blossum like a rose,etc.

Second - recent example - Talking about getting the attention of Galveston, Texas, and those familiar with the Supreme Court ruling to keep prayer out of football games as well as out of every school in America thanks to Madelyn O'Hara that 1960's Jezebel, Hurricane Ike got their attention. And guess where the shelter from the storm was - Ball High School where there was no water, no food, and no toilets. The high school was only a loading point to move the citizens out of Galveston totally. The shelter could not sustain them. God had been kicked out of the shelter which was Ball HS. We reap what we sow.

God gave Galveston, Texas, a wake up call. A property rental manager told Thayer Evans a contributing reporter, "I thought we were going to need Noah's ark, " she said. "It was horrific; I would not wish that on anybody." She added, "Anymore, if they say a hurricane is on its way, I'm leaving two days before." Connie Travis(53) said that it was the scariest night of her whole life and Crystal Beach was totally under water.

I am a Christian and can you imagine the Christians praying at Ball High School asking God for help and not caring the least about what a Supreme Court judge said about prayer in school. If the truth is known, Galveston was praying fast and furiously that night of Hurricane Ike.

And for those who say that God didn't cause Hurricane Ike to hit Galveston, all I can tell you is that you do not know the Scriptures. God is fully in control of creation, at all times. God sends earthquakes and fires. God sends snow, the cold and frost. God controls the lightning. God sends the wind. God sends and withholds the rain and floods. God sends hailstones. God sends famine. God does use weather catasrophes - even resulting in deaths, or the destruction of beasts or property - but with a purpose: to unsettle the apathetic, to punish and judge, to alter our course of action, or to iinstill the fear of God.

Fear is a common reaction to a powerful display of God's authority in creation. God will get our attention. However, God provides for and protects His own in the midst of storms and troubles, unless it is His purpose to test us (Job 1:10, 12,19)

Diane Dew did an intense study called "The Weather, A Study in the Scriptures"

Ms. Dew gives many hundreds of Scripture verses to back up what I have said.

Galveston is reaping what they have sewn and God is telling all Americans to repent and turn back to their God.

I live in Houston, TX, and I got the message. We were eleven days without electricity. I prayed long and hard all night long during Hurricane Ike. The fierce wind shook the windows. God is getting the attention of the Christian people in America. I went through a very humbling experience that brought our entire community together. God blessed my family and we fed our neighbors two nights with a gas stove and a large generator for our refrigerator. Our local CVS Pharmacy, God bless them, gave us 4 gallons of water and 2 large bags of ice free. They parked two 18 wheelers in their parking lot and gave to their neighbors what they could. God bless CVS Pharmacy.

Kansas City Electrical came all the way down to Houston to restore our electricity in our neighborhood. Eleven days without electricity and when we saw them drive in we were thanking God for them. God knows how to bring America together, but how soon we forget God when the storm is over or 9/11 is over.

Repent America and return to the Lord who has blessed you. During a storm it doesn't really matter what Supreme Court judges say about prayer or where you pray: you want God, never once have I heard a person say - give me a Supreme Court judge to protect me. No, they say Lord, please have mercy and protect me. At that particular moment in their life, that Supreme Court judge's decision is the furthest thing from their mind. We always want God, because only God can protect and provide against everything.

What's the best argument for the existence of God? Try a Hurricane my friend, try a hurricane.
2008-10-20 15:05:16 UTC
I personally do not believe there is only one best argument, I think there are several that work together.
2008-10-20 15:01:20 UTC
The one that "the other side" agrees with. Isn't this the purpose of any argument?
Little Miss FreakShow
2008-10-20 15:10:38 UTC
Some old book. Yes, that's the best they can do.

2008-10-20 15:02:31 UTC
Love. Plain and simple.

I don't think a big bang followed by evolution from primordial soup could create the fathomless emotion I experience when I see my kids.
2008-10-20 18:53:56 UTC

The best argument for the existence of God is ones own being here.Let me clear one thing out of peoples mind is evolution which is man's own theory to escape from a belief in that man can have a easy life not worry about ones actions and can be honest about that how many of us has to lie one way or the other,politicians lying to public husbands lying to wives vice versa,kids lying to parents. and if there was public census on that I don't think you would find any body who hasn't lied.But one thing I can tell you that all the messengers who came to mankind from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad(pbut) never lied.because this is one of God's basic principle.coming back to evolution, we know that the world has been going for a very long period; generations and generations have passed by.and if you look at their lives religion played a very important part,and they were prosperous and genius. and some of their work even up to now is a mystery to us and I don't have to give you examples, you are all familiar with the past history even including the kids.

We are in no sense any better then them in-fact reflecting on their civilisation they seemed to be more cleverer.(still believing in higher being)) I ask you a question that how old is evolution theory?not very long compare to the man first put foot on this's in man's nature to look for shortcuts so that one doesn't have to put lots of can look at this sentence in every angle and you'll agree with me "I hope"! Short cut in not believing in God thinking it is easy way out.

For me this a wrong way out.The best way is to believe Him and love Thy Lord.He means love so I don't no why people are trying to escape from him? Till we start to believe in him we wouldn't know about his existence.Our love in him will reflect his love on us.One thing people have to understand is God is every where so you don't have to go any where to find him. There is one simple step be sincere in your quest for him.and will(God) then guide people to the one and only true path.With out effort he will not exist.His existence only comes in us after we remember him.For far as his existence(people who question his existence) is concerned one has to reflect on his creation,look at the sky do see any flaws or rift; just imagine it didn't rain for a long time,or the sun did't rise,what would happen to our provision who would give us food then. what would happen to mankind how long would he be able to survive for without any crops(with out sun). How many children's are born every day every one comes with the new face so people don't mistaken them for each other.just imagine if peoples identity wasn't different there would have been problem finding the real criminals every person born comes with different fingerprints.People do you ever wonder who is keeping this perfect order?who is behind all this keeping perfect balance of every thing.To say every thing is happening by it's self in such a systematic way is a BIG Question mark.

Can any one on this planet believe me if I said to them that every thing they see for ie,these houses,cars,planes etc any thing what man has made.that it wasn't the work of man but they just appeared.How many of you will agree with me with that statement.None! So we agree that man is behind in their makings and none of them operate without man's help.But one can very quickly and easily disagree in the creation of universe by God. with out contemplating to say "our universe has just come about, and just appeared in a very beautiful manner".Every thing in the universe is in perfect order with out It's Creator,Manufactrer! It is IMPOSSIBLE. For that reason majority of the scientist are agnostics because they can not prove God doesn't exist.In Fact every step(in their research) is taking them closer to their creator, Allah the Almighty.Allah means he is unique.

In the end we must remember that we all have to depeart from this world one day.So please think what would be man's best action!

This is a such argument that one can write books and books on this subject.
Keith Partridge
2008-10-20 15:02:54 UTC
Creation itself testifies for His existence.
2008-10-20 15:03:16 UTC
Look in the mirror.
2008-10-20 15:00:46 UTC
The Bible? Guess it had to come from somewhere.
2008-10-20 15:00:22 UTC
just a bunch of anecdotes.
Take it from Toby
2008-10-20 15:03:38 UTC
2008-10-20 18:03:51 UTC
World T
2008-10-20 15:40:35 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.