Can anyone actually answer this.......?
2008-01-21 07:01:09 UTC
Does anyone have any proof that there is an afterlife. Maybe not actual proof but stories that might make me change my mind.
33 answers:
2008-01-21 07:17:26 UTC
When I was thirteen, my grandpa passed away. We were really close and I loved him dearly. The night that he passed I went to bed at my house. I woke up in the upstairs of my grandparent's home with my grandpa shaking me and telling me he had something to show me. He was really excited! He opened the attic door next to the bed and I could see all of the stuff in the attic just like it always was. When he closed the door, the room went b;ack except for a pinhole sized light that was very far away. We started walking and talking and sharing memories together. We walked for a very long time, but as we walked the light got bigger and bigger. Finally, the light was very bright and I began to see others. My grandpa looked just like I remebered him, but the others were just spirits...kind of like fog or clouds or whisps of smoke, but I knew who they all were, they were all relatives that had passed on. Some of them I knew in this life, some of them I had never met or even heard of, but they were all members of my family. Grandpa told me that they wanted me to come join them and stay with them. I told him that I really wanted to, but that I still had things that I had to do on earth and that I would join him later. When I woke up, I was laying with my feet and lower legs on the bed and my face pressing hard against the wood floor in my room. I couldn't breath until I rolled over and when I did, I was gasping for air. I woke up my mom and told her about it. she told me it was just a dream and not to worry about it. A couple of days later, we were going through some very old pictures that were in storage and I started telling my little sister who the peopl in the pictures were. My mom's face went white and asked me how I knew who they were. I told her that I had seen them when I went walking with grandpa. These were people and pictures that I had never seen before and never talked about with family. I still believe that I was there with grandpa and no one will ever be able to change my mind. I was not a Christian when this happened, but my grandpa was and so were all of the people that I saw. There were a few people that I didn't see, but thought that I should my great-granparents and a few great-uncles...people that I knew well either in person or through stories and photos. Always thought it was odd that I didn't see people that I knew, but I did see people that I didn't know. Anyway, I became a Christian at 19 and I sincerely believe that I will one day join my grandfather in heaven. Hope that helps as you search for truth. God bless!
2008-01-21 07:34:28 UTC
Everybody now on Yahoo Answers knows one thing for absolute certain about themselves, and that is they are going to die, but nobody knows when. It could be in next 5 minutes or not for another 100 or so years. So that is proof that death happens.

Many people I know, of different Faiths ranging from Christian to Atheist, have told me after somebody they lived close to (such as their wife or mother or a very good friend ) had died they perceived their spirit and that person's spirit did communicate with them conveying information only that person would have known. Surely there are far too many of these kind of reports from all over the world for it to be put down to imagination or fraud? This sort of evidence often comes from people who would never spin a yarn. The communication from the dead person is in some cases from the location the person lived at and sometimes from somewhere hundreds of miles away. The very fact that the person's spirit did stick around, and similar communications verified from so many people is surely PROOF that there is something in existence of that person after he or she was declared dead, and in some cases long after?
2008-01-21 07:08:25 UTC
For years I believed I had proof of an afterlife, because I had a near-death experience in which I spoke to a spiritual guide dressed in a white robe. Then I recently read that neurologists can artificially induce such visions by stimulating a particular part of the brain, or by lack of oxygen or something. (I can't remember the details.) Anyway, they demonstrated that people basically see what they expect to see under those circumstances, and that was what had happened to me: I saw what I expected to see.
2008-01-21 07:12:00 UTC
Read Luke 16:19-31. That is a good starting point.

There can be no real proof regarding the afterlife. The only way to know for sure is to die. It is a better idea to read the Bible and see what it says. You sound like you are genuinely curious. Feel free to e-mail me if you have other questions.
2008-01-21 07:05:33 UTC
Some think that the hallucinations (aka near death experiences) that people have as they die are "proof" of an afterlife. When they are revived in a hospital, they remember the visions and usually are convinced that heaven or hell or ghosts exist.

As far as I know, that's the closest thing to real proof... but those hallucinations are studied and relatively well understood by scientists. Basically the brain is flipping out, as its suffocating.
2008-01-21 07:14:10 UTC
You should read your bible for this question is fully answered.... I am not really sure what your thought are when it comes to an after-life.... But your spirit is suppose to return to God our creator... And since only God can destroy your spirit... There has to be some form of an after-life.. But maybe not is the manner that you carry in your thought........ Also if I were you I would never give up on God... For God also said that we also have a shot at ever lasting life................
2008-01-21 07:54:47 UTC
Proof is in the eye of the beholder! If you beleive in the afterlife then, there is one!

Stories of Neardeath and the changes they make in peoples life is all the proof some people need!

2008-01-21 07:40:32 UTC
Don't worry about what you cannot change . There is no proof either way so live the best life you can and hope for the best . Don't be a ignorant slob who bashes people because you want to feel superior about being " saved " that way leads to a life of hate and prejudice .
☮ Pangel ☮
2008-01-21 07:16:34 UTC
so many

but you should really find your own proof though

anyone can say anything on a screen

dont let that be your proof

but I do speak with spirit and have had many readings from others who do

the best evidential one I had a few years back

a lady was giving me an online reading , and she described my aunt , gave details of how she passed , names , memories etc

everything she said was fitting , but she didnt give my aunts name

which was ok considering everything else she told me

near the end of the reading , she told me that my aunt loved to read with me and that she was enjoying the book i was on at the moment

she then told me to get the book .... which i did

and turn to chapter 4 ... which I did

the chapter was called " gifts from Grace "

my aunts name ..... was Grace
life is too short
2008-01-21 07:18:49 UTC
The Big Proof is : Think upon it that When you were in the fat (womb) of mother could u think, there would be a very big world outside mother's fat. Could you?

No Never you could not even imagine the world outside, It is same situation here that we cannot judge about the life hereafter. There is certainly a lifeafter, and the God has told the details through his Prophets(PBUT).
2008-01-21 07:20:42 UTC
I don't know if this counts but my uncle says that he has dreams about my grandfather asking him to take care of the animals at the farm.

He loved them very much so if there is an afterlife it would make sense that he would still care and try to make sure they are well .
2008-01-21 07:27:38 UTC

If there was you might heard of it in the news everyday because everybody would be interested. All you'll ever hear are hearsay stories or they'll just say read the bible or theology/religous articles.

In this age, there was not one person or account that has proven that God or heaven existed. In the bible, God appears to ordinary people and prophets, why hasn't He appeared to people in this age who are highly devoted to His cause.

If He would appear and show that heaven is waiting, then everyone would likely wish to die from this material world to end their suffering.

Unfortunately, not a single soul has ever returned and say "Dude, be good and just die. It is better here."
2008-01-21 10:33:52 UTC
Its faith and personal account.

Im a pentecostal christian man. I havent had the transformation and meeting of Christ on the road to damacus.

But i have had God talk to me. In medititation and prayer coming out of it i have seen angles. Plus i just know in my heart there is heaven
2008-01-21 08:08:50 UTC
If people were capable of taking the word of someone who IS telling the truth as proof, then I can offer my proof.

I won't bore you with the details leading up to this experience, so I will just tell you what I experienced. There is a heaven. There is a life after this existence on earth. There are no words to accurately convey the feeling of unconditional love that is awaiting us. I can only say if you can imagine never having felt fear, pain, lonliness, despair, worry, etc., this is only an nth degree as to how it feels. There is a peace inside like none other. There is "music" as if a choir was singing all around you. But the voices aren't ones you can distinguish as male or female. It is etheral. I saw an endless sea of people, I didn't know, beyond two gates. They were smiling from within without actually smiling, if that makes sense. They were dressed in white and looked at me with this accepting and loving look. It felt like being home again, but without the memory that this was your home. There is a heaviness we all "wear" as if a lead coat is always on our shoulders here on earth. Even at the times you have felt your happiest here on earth is in no way a comparison to how you feel there. I am frustrated and sad even now because I can not convey to you the peace and love that envelops your every pore. I didn't want to leave, but was "told" I must return. The funny thing is...I knew somehow I had chose to come to earth and I needed to come back to fullfill what I had chosen to do before I ever was born. God didn't make us come here, we chose to do it for Him. We each chose to come here, to the neutral battleground between heaven and hell, as soldiers to fight for our right to either stay with God or follow Satan and the third of angels he took with him from heaven. A third of the angels willingly followed satan, but that wasn't good enough for him. he wanted the other two-thirds as well. God told him he couldn't have us. Satan told Him He should let us choose. We couldn't fight in heaven because it is pure. We couldn't fight in hell because that would give satan the homecourt advantage. So we met in the middle and God made earth. God gave us everything that is beautiful and perfect to make us comfortable. The Garden of Eden. Satan didn't waste any time and jumped right in and lied to Eve to go against God. God wanted to intervene, but satan said that wouldn't be fair. So free will was granted. So God did the second best thing, He gave consequences to our actions. If you place your hand on a hot stove, you pull it back and hopefully learned not to do it again. God hoped by doing this we would have a better chance of staying away from satan's traps.Before we left, God called a huddle with all of us and showed us His game plan. De ja vu's are brief memories of what He showed us while we were still in Heaven. So here we all are, fighting the good (or bad) fight. When you are pulled out of the game, which locker room are you going to? The winning side of God's or the losers of satan. YOUR ACTIONS and YOUR CHOICES while you are here on earth determine whose side you decided to stay on. The battle must inevitably end. That is when Jesus comes back to lead those of us who chose to be on His side against those of us who chose the opposing side. Satan may have gained more souls to the initial one-third or he may have lost more. I hope it is the latter. So my friend, choose now which side you are fighting on. Work hard to bring as many of your brothers and sisters back to the fold. I guarantee you the reward is one that is beyond anything beyond compare.

God bless and fight the good fight.

**Let me clarify one thing. I did not mean to imply that we are angels, we are not. We were made to be above angels and angels are meant to serve us. Hence the reason satan had a hissy fit. He did not want to serve anyone and was resentful God made humans to be in a higher rank than angels. That is when he challenged God saying humans aren't all that and if given a choice, would probably choose to follow him and the third of the heavenly host he took with him. Thank you. :)
fonzatoz 69
2008-01-21 07:10:44 UTC
sure there is talk to anyone who has had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE.....I have had one and believe me there is so much more LOVE on the other side that I didn't want to come back but I had no control over it and must now face a "lifetime" of wanting to get back there
Poppy Pickette AM - VT
2008-01-21 07:09:20 UTC
Sorry, none here. If you do find something out share with us, please.

(((HUGS))) Awwww, don't be scared please. Actually, that's stupid of me to say. I was scared of death at one time too. Well,I still am in a way. But honey, wishing doesn't make it true. Would you rather confront your fear and deal with it or would you delude yourself into beleiving in a magic land and spend the rest of your life contemplating on the possibility of it being true or not? Hang in there.
2008-01-21 07:05:25 UTC
I saw a ghost once. I don't know if it was just some sort of image, or if it was actually some sort of consciousness after death.. but yeah, I saw him twice. Clearly. So I keep my mind open to the possibility.
2008-01-21 07:10:12 UTC
The elements of our bodies will give us an afterlife , perhaps as a tree , shrub , weed , who knows what ?
2008-01-21 07:06:23 UTC
If you would really like a story read this book...

I hope that helps... I know you may not believe in Christianity but maybe you might give it a chance.

Jesus Loves You!
2008-01-21 07:10:34 UTC
I belived in Quraan In Qur-Aan Its mentioned. After the death there is life. Who did good things he is having a heaven and who did sins he is having a hell. Becouse in Qur aan what evare mentioned everything is happening if u will see the practical then you belive it. Just read the Qur Aan insha allah everything will be clear.
2008-01-21 07:10:04 UTC
Whether you change your mind while you breath or you change your mind when you raise you eyes in death, makes no difference. You will change your mind.
2008-01-21 07:08:02 UTC
Read this literature concerning the afterlife. If this doesn't change your mind now, you will know in the age to come.......
2008-01-21 07:10:10 UTC
This isn't proof, but it is thought-provoking:
2008-01-21 07:13:13 UTC
If you read my web site "TheAsender" on google, aol,or yahoo it might take you a step closer.
2008-01-21 07:09:21 UTC
there ain't no CONCRETE proof that there ain't no afterlife but as far as the scientists know , there ain't one

i hope there is one
History of Ideas
2008-01-21 07:27:37 UTC
Yes ,i'm glad you asked

Becos i do
2008-01-21 07:15:01 UTC
Watch this out, may be you will like it
2008-01-21 07:09:44 UTC
Christ has called me by my name twice through strangers, He is real. Praise the Lord.
2008-01-21 07:07:59 UTC
No one has ever come back to tell about it, except ONE. Jesus Christ.

All of us will live forever...the decision you make about Jesus Christ will determine WHERE you spend eternity...heaven or hell. The COVER CHARGE for the entrance to heaven was paid by Christs death, burial and resurrection on your behalf. All you have to do is to take God at His Word when HE says that those FACTS are what reconciles you to Him.

So...YOU choose. You can go to hell by doing NOTHING. You can go to heaven by taking God at His Word (ie: BELIEVING) and spend eternity in heaven.

It was a no brainer for me. I hope I see you in heaven!
2008-01-21 07:05:01 UTC
what to you believe deep in your heart,do you think in the trillions of years of existence that this is your first life
2008-01-21 07:10:38 UTC
The Bible - email me
2008-01-21 07:05:58 UTC
my friends grandma told me she saw a ghost once.

Grandma's don't lie, do they?
2008-01-21 07:03:57 UTC

Get saved & die tonight........and you'll go to heaven

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.