I hate christianity. It causes nothing but harm to the world. Does anyone else feel the same way?
2013-10-06 05:44:00 UTC
Before I continue, I have nothing against most everyday christians who simply believe in God. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and in no way am I against freedom of choice. However, I do have something against people who are too stupid and naive to come up with their own way of thinking, and believe that the answer to every single unknown thing in science is god.

Getting back to my point, I simply cannot stand christianity. I am an atheist. I do not believe in divine beings who created everything. I do not believe that prayers work, or that one must devote their life to a religion to be allowed into "heaven". For any christians/religious people who are about to write hate to me in the answers, here is WHY I don't believe in any of it.

There is absolutely NO scientific or historical evidence to prove that "God" exists...
And if he does exist, why is there basically an entire continent that is suffering from starvation, drought, etc. Why does the bible say that homosexuality is wrong (which is a completely natural thing that in NO WAY should be considered wrong), but taking already suffering Africans and using them as slaves is completely okay.

Another point, why does christianity propose that men are superior over women? If God is all about peace, why did/does he make millions of woman suffer because society things they are incapable of doing things by themselves.

Why do christians want evidence proving that God does not exist, when the ONLY supposed "evidence" christians have supporting the existence of God is written down is a book known as the bible, which if you think about it, is filled with complete nonsense. (if you read it, you will discover that the "first muslim" is actually stated as three different people throughout the bible. Christians, explain that before you even THINK about using that stupid book as "evidence".

One last point that christians do that PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH is suggesting that it was "god" who made a miracle happen. Here is an example. I saw a post on facebook a while ago. This post showed a little girl holding up a sign, basically showing her journey beating cancer. The poster of this picture seemed to think that it was "god"that cured her cancer. Well NO, god did NOT cure that little girls cancer, paramedics, scientists, technicians, many nurses, pediatric oncologists and loving parents are the ones to be credited with the curing of her cancer. Saying that it was god is such a stupid and naive argument, because if it was "god", why did he not cure the countless children, men and women who have died of cancer?

That is why I do not believe in God. That is why I am atheist. Because even as a 15 year old young man, I can still very easily disprove any "evidence" or any argument that a god-obsessed idiot throws at me. Does any other atheist feel this way? Oh and to all you christians who think you have better evidence that the bible. then please feel free to answer.

Thank you for reading.
29 answers:
2013-10-06 05:46:07 UTC
I agree. I hate christianity. It causes nothing but harm to the world. Its stories are completely false and childish, and most of its "laws" or tenets are immoral.

Partial list of Christian Wars in Jesus' name:

Partial List of Murders by Christians in Jesus' Name:

...and their "savior" was not very bright either!

"Jesus believed in Noah's Ark (Mt 24:37), Adam & Eve (Lk 3:38), Jonah living in a fish (Mt 12:40), and Lot's wife turning into salt (Lk 17:31)... Was Jesus smarter than a fifth grader?" - No Meek Messiah, p. 38
2013-10-06 06:22:27 UTC
Very well written for a 15 year old. I'm not an atheist. I believe in God but I don't hate you! There is no reason to do so. I don't know If you've really said those different points to umm get an answer or just to prove that Christianity is wrong But I'll try to rant a bit (with my poor English sorry :/ ) since this long text shows that you care about your opinions and what is wrong and right, better than ignorance. especially in your age. Congrats for that :)

"that one must devote their life to a religion to be allowed into "heaven" > well that's not what following a religion is about. IMO following a religion is a lifestyle and if should help you while you are alive and the people around you and that the whole idea of having a religion is to guide mankind for a better life. so in the big picture getting to heaven and stuff like that doesn't really seem important. The religion is designed for our own good. and to make us help others and ourselves actually so If you see religion as like only going to church, reading bible, spreading hatred about the ppl not following your religion,... you're dead wrong. Having a religion is worthy when ppl can see it in your actions! the amount of good work you do for others. help the poor, improve your personality and your ability of thinking,... haha sorry for my gibberish. Hope I could explain it better.

"And if he does exist, why is there basically an entire continent that is suffering from starvation, drought, etc. " > God has given them life, the chance to live and a very fertile land in Africa. A very high potential for food but the western countries have taken all from them and they're governments are just rats betraying on their ppl. that's how I see the problem. It has got nothing to do with God. It's the mankind, It's the greed for power and ignoring the poor. I think little by little the Africans will gwt more aware of the siituation and change for the better and create their future themselves. no matter how much money comes form ppl of other countries(though most of it is taken by the government ol) It wouldn't change it.

"if you read it, you will discover that the "first muslim" is actually stated as three different people throughout the bible. Christians, explain that before you even THINK about using that stupid book as "evidence". > well It's right cause the bible was altered by some ppl for their own profit. That's why it has many contradictions if you read it. The humans brain can make mistakes. If you are really willing to read a book which I believe It's every word is God's word you can read " Koran' and judge for yourself.

haha I guess it's enough. Just hope I helped!!! Have a good day and never stop to think for yourself ;)
2013-10-06 06:18:34 UTC
While you are correct there is no physical evidence to support god there is a historical precedence for religion and following the ideology of powerful beings beyond human capabilities. People were not educated and therefore needed something to explain things and therefore the gods. Many need or want this thing of some supreme being to believe in it gives them comfort and more.

Yes religion has caused a lot of strife and deaths over the centuries. Catholics went through a bad period of upheaval during the 15th and 16th centuries as many questioned the churches teachings and strict rules and the punishments handed out and the protestant movement came about. France for example went through 100 years of religious wars internally with entire villages being eradicated.

Now Islam is at the same point in their history where there internal strife and fighting between different factions and the problem of fanatics fighting to keep the strict rules (as they see them) in place.

However all religions under go evolution and change over time in order to keep up with changes in the world. Today we are more educated and science is now accepted and taught openly. With out these developments most likely we would be under strict religious rule. So religion has its place and it is for some a big part of their lives. Therefore it shall continue even though as you've mentioned people ascribe events to religion that really do not apply but that is their way of thinking.

Me I look at it as I've been given gifts of a brain to think with great mobility in my limbs and dexterity of the hands so I have tools with which to perform. With these tools I conduct my life and make my own decisions for myself and family and these decisions affect me and those close to me. While I've made mistakes and suffered the consequences I've gained knowledge and experience and utilize my tools to continue and live. I can not ascribe to the thinking that god is some how involved everything we do and all our decisions. It just does not make sense that a supreme being would worry about each individual on the planet.
Andy W
2013-10-06 06:12:18 UTC
"paramedics, scientists, technicians, many nurses, pediatric oncologists and loving parents are the ones to be credited with the curing of her cancer."

Well, I agree but any thoughts on how they acquired or developed the intelligence to do so?

In a purely materialistic (physical) world, how would you explain the existence of mind, values, emotions, numbers etc.? In other words, which atoms go to form the above? If you cannot, then you would have to concede that this universe comprises of more than just physical matter and energy.

If you don't agree then please explain to me the development of the above from a purely scientific point of view.
2013-10-06 06:08:20 UTC
I believe NOBODY should call themselves a christian unless they follow the bible completely.

You basically said the only christians you like are the fake versions of them. Real true christians are nice, friendly and respectful.

I am not a christian I just hate liars and fakers.

We as human being should respect others. You bashing christians is no different than them bashing you. People can believe different things but when you start forcing it on people its just disrespectful and annoying.
2013-10-06 06:02:06 UTC
The different religions that claim to be Christians, are not the True Religion.

The most outstanding mark of true Christians is that they have real love among themselves. (John 13:34, 35,) They are not taught to think that they are better than people of other races r scin color.

Neither are they taught to hate or harm people from other countries.

So they do not share in wars.
2014-03-21 20:37:46 UTC
Right on, 100% agree.

If this young man is an example of the standard of intelligence and logic our youth is currently at, then I am not as worried about the state of the future. To all you naysayers and attackers, believe me, you WANT this man to be in charge in the future, of something big, to make decisions.

Christians are the worst decision makers ever. Theological intrusion has reached epic proportions, it has intruded our schools in the form of "creationism" to be taught along side evolution, in a damn SCIENCE CLASS! It has forced it's way into hospitals, where now a christian owned or operated hospital does not have to grant treatments that go against their faith.

There will never ever ever be a truly atheist president of the USA, that's scary. Every candidate simply MUST admit to being a christian, either openly or privately.

Christianity is ruining the world, it's not a religion of tolerance, equality and love. It is an insidious plague, whose very belief requires it to be spread. Like a disease.

Christians have no problem brainwashing children. In fact it's just good practice, get em while they're young, and they too will spread the plague when they get older.

There is no factual evidence to support christianity either being correct (in their belief in god and the bible), and there is no scientific evidence to support anything said IN the bible.

Christians don't provide proof or argument, they just attack when cited with proof against. They have no good points, no good arguments, nothing that can justify "faith". Faith, is scary. It's blind faith, it's belief in a fairy tail. It is to act in reality as if reality were something else, and that is dangerous.

Those of higher intelligence tend to ask more theologically challenging questions, and for a lot of those people, these questions cannot be reasonably answered, and leads to a loss of faith. It is THOSE PEOPLE who have been saved. Not the other way around.

If miracles happen, then why doesn't god ever heal amputees. People with incurable cancerous tumors and diseases supposedly have their prayers answered, and are cured by mystical hand. So, why has god never answered the prayer of an amputee, to give them back their lives, to regenerate lost limb. Why does god ignore the plight and prayer of all amputees, 100% of the time. Was it not jesus who said "ask and ye shall receive".

There are many arguments along this vein which can logically disprove theology. To any christian who is feeling the doubt, just read some of this;

You will see.

You are wasting your lives, the only one you will ever get, on a ridiculous belief, that IS contrary to reality. I feel for you, and I'd pray for your faith to melt away, but prayer does squat.

Instead of asking god to heal you of your faith (in a dashing display of oxymoron), we have to use logic and fact to disprove, and just hope that YOU can be saved.

Last point, if aliens ever come to earth, peaceful aliens who want to help, the first thing they would do most likely, is rid us of this scourge called religion. Hell, if they did that, I personally would ask nothing more of them. That would be enough to create utopia on earth.

Peace out, and god believers, the rest of us are laughing at your stupidity. It's blindingly obvious to us, the fact that you can't see it, is just further proof of "faith denies reality", which you all suffer from terminally.
2013-10-06 08:56:09 UTC
I've got nothing against people believing in God, at all. In fact, if it did make you a kinder person, if you really did good things in His name, then great but here's the rub, it's when I see some of these religious fundamentalists saying that they've told their five-year-old children that if they turn out gay they will burn in hell. That, to me, is child abuse. That has nothing to do with religion or spirituality. That's child abuse.
2013-10-06 05:45:51 UTC
The religion's teaching is incomplete, in my opinion. Relying too much on faith without proper questioning can result in misdescription and personal interpretations like we see today.

Some more elements of eastern religions and cutting out some of its own teachings might make it more modernized.

...sparking on hatred isn't my thing as an atheist. I look for missing jigsaw and think about how can it be better with new pieces.
2013-10-06 05:53:57 UTC
First of all I am gotta say this the Christians on this site.

i honestly feel bad for you that you have to deal with so many absurd accusations against Christianity that are honestly just stupid.

alright now to really answer this question:

What the hell are you talking about that Christianity has only caused harm:

-it's not like Christian churches regularly clothe and feed the poor and provide help the socially less fortunate.... no i don't see that happening.

-or that there a hundreds of christian organizations that provide relief world wide......... I thought the RED CROSS!!!!! was actually founded by atheists........

-The bible only teaches maiming and killing... there is obviously nothing in there about "love thy neighbor" or "love god" or "be kind unto others"....

-Christians are all hateful and want the destruction of the planet, and there are no environmentally friendly christian groups.

oh why should i even bother. You religion bashers; are all the same.

whether its Christianity or Islam. you always obscure the blatant teachings of the faith and ignore the massive good that the religion has done.


(you couldn't add any details about my answer because it basically proved that what you said is utterly contradicted by obvious things that Christianity has done and is still doing now.)
2013-10-07 09:05:23 UTC
I'm totally with ya, I can't stand Christians either. They are the most hateful, bigoted, violent group to ever, and ugly to the very core.
2013-10-07 01:21:49 UTC
Yes, absolutely!
2013-10-06 05:55:38 UTC
1)dinosaurs live under our level.

2)apemen and elephantmen are cursed masons from tower of babel.

3)giants built pyramids.

4)demons fly in ufoz.

5)demons pretend to be ghosts and aliens.

6)666 is given with world passport (grey plastic card).

7)antichrist is white with red eyes.

8)orthodoxy is the only true faith.

9)God is merciful but you have to reject 666.

10)go hide with orthodox christians to escape 666.
2013-10-06 05:50:32 UTC
My main objections to xianity is that they teach their children they are born sinners and indoctrinate them into a fear of a imaginary place of eternal burning. It's the same as teaching the children fear of the imaginary monster under the parents' beds.

And it seriously pisses me off that they feel perfectly justified calling homosexuals deviants, sinners, fornicators, blah blah blah, all because some moldy old book says so.
2013-10-06 05:54:59 UTC
no i believe you are absolutely wrong

1) there is plenty of physical evidence that points to god

2) prayer does work

3) people starve because others hoard resources or the people livein a area that can not grow crops

4) homosexuality is not natural just as necrophilia is not natural

5) christianity does not purpose men are superior to woman

6) god can choose to heal who he chooses, just because god doesn't heal some one and heals some one else does not mean god does not exist

7) you can't dispose of any argument for god

you just ignore it and state its not evidence and you some how thing that makes the evidence become non-evidence or that makes it disappear and not be evidence any more.
2013-10-06 05:52:51 UTC
The institutional Religions all range from stagnant to regressive. It is definitely time for all religionists to take a view of cosmos, to step forward .
2013-10-06 05:51:10 UTC
No-one reads long-winded hate-psychosis RANTS like that.

You should consider finding a good therapist .. soon !! Then

you might be able to think of something constructive to do in

your happy Atheist "life" instead of sucking lemons here.

Your version of the world makes no impression on my life, as

you're not calling the shots. Call NASA and ask them if they

want a pimply know-all to run the place for them.
2013-10-06 05:55:26 UTC
i don't know anything about god... so i have no answer to your question. i think nobody can answer it cause no one know who is god.. the man who help other is the god i think. better you could been change your mind... cause maybe you too don't know god.. god is in your heart so don't hate anybody then automatically you will love every religion
2013-10-06 06:02:32 UTC
Ok, if you hate it so much, then why are you here on the religion side of questions
2013-10-06 05:54:15 UTC
Hi Ben - I don't blame you for feeling as you do. You have a lot of good points. However, you are confused on one point. While there are many different churches and religious doctrines all around you, none of them belong to God.

In fact, there is a warning in the bible for us to get out of religion. If you would like to know why, or why the world is in the condition it is in and what is going to happen in the near future, please contact Jehovah's witnesses and ask that one of them come and explain it to you. You will be very, very surprised. Please don't wait too long, as drastic changes are about to take place and you don't want to be left out. Best wishes.
2013-10-06 05:47:38 UTC
Yes, along with the rest of the other hundreds and hundreds Religions worldwide.
2013-10-06 05:49:23 UTC
Indifference is stronger than hate. Trust me.
2013-10-06 05:59:50 UTC
Only those ignorant of history and the facts would feel this way.

Your entire post from start to end demonstrates that you're ignorant of both.
2016-03-12 05:27:05 UTC
Not enough. *galres at you with spork*
It Is Always Now
2013-10-06 05:46:56 UTC
I agree. The world would be so much more advanced technologically and socially if religion never existed.
2013-10-06 05:59:27 UTC
And your hate causes no harm? You are obviously very rational?
2013-10-06 05:52:04 UTC
a whole 15 years old and you already know all there is to know, I'm impressed and hope you feel better after your little hissy fit
2013-10-06 05:49:30 UTC
I don't get it, what exactly are you asking?
I'm a nice person
2013-10-06 05:48:24 UTC
Jesus loves you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.