Do the Jehovah's Witnesses see where Jesus said "flesh and bones", not "flesh and blood"?
Yes. We can read. But what exactly is your point, i've read this over and over again and it doesn't make any sense. There are a lot of questions here that don't belong with the main, themed question.
What exactly is your point?
Jesus had blood?
Jesus had only flesh and bones?
What exactly are you trying to imply, or indirectly suggest?
Do the JWs agree that Jesus' blood was drained on the Cross, and He had no blood when buried and then raised?
There is a technicality in your question. The Cross. Are you talking about the Byzantine Cross, or the Crux Simplex? The Byzantine cross did not arrive until the late 400AD to the early 500AD. But a symbol was introduced by Constantine I. He said that god told him, "In this sign conquer." Do you know what that sign was? I was not the Christians cross, but the Chi Rho, or XP. So i dont agree with you about the Cross.
Ok, about your question. Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus' blood was drained?
(John 19:34) Yet one of the soldiers jabbed his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.
Shortly there after, if you keep on reading, Jesus died.
Blood stops flowing when the heart stops, unless it is hung upside down. You live in Canada, and if you hunt wild game you should know the process and styles of properly draining blood. Which wasnt the case in Jesus Christ. Soon after his death, Nicodemus, had him taken to his tomb. So, no, he was not drained of ALL his blood. I'll be lieing to you if i said that he didnt bleed. He did, but not the way you suggest. If, so show me the scripture.
How is it that JWs will say we believe Jesus the Man presently has blood, when the Bible stated what Jesus said..."flesh and bones", not... "flesh and blood"?
Have you ever seen a dead person that died of blood loss? That’s a scary sight, I don’t think Jesus wants to scare his disciples. There is also something wrong with you Bible. The King James Version renders the Word, Ghost , as Spirit. So does our bible the New World Translation, The Tyndale says Ghost. But the Word, pneuma is translated as Spirit, not Ghost. That is taken from the Vatican Manuscript 1209, dated to the 4 century AD. So 3 to 1 your bible is wrong.
In John 6:53-56 Jesus was describing His flesh and blood in all the verses. Why didn't He just say "a ghost does not have Flesh and Blood..." instead of "...flesh and bones..." in that verse in Luke quoted at the top?
Thies question cannot only be directed to JW’s, because it the King James Version it also says, “Flesh and Blood.” Other Bibles say the same thing. I think you should just ask the General Christian Population, I’m pretty sure other wont agree with you. You seem to only be picking on JW’s.
How can a spirit of Jesus place His hand and touch John's shoulder in Revelation? Did John actually physically feel a spirit???
Well, the Book of Revelation is all symbolic. Even if he did, what is to say that a spirit can’t touch a human. Jacob even wrestled an angel. How can a man wrestle a spirit?
(Genesis 32:24-30) Finally Jacob was left by himself. Then a man began to grapple with him until the dawn ascended. 25 When he got to see that he had not prevailed over him, then he touched the socket of his thigh joint; and the socket of Jacob’s thigh joint got out of place during his grappling with him. 26 After that he said: “Let me go, for the dawn has ascended.” To this he said: “I am not going to let you go until you first bless me.” 27 So he said to him: “What is your name?” to which he said: “Jacob.” 28 Then he said: “Your name will no longer be called Jacob but Israel, for you have contended with God and with men so that you at last prevailed.” 29 In turn Jacob inquired and said: “Tell me, please, your name.” However, he said: “Why is it that you inquire for my name?” With that he blessed him there. 30 Hence Jacob called the name of the place Pe·ni′el, because, to quote him, “I have seen God face to face and yet my soul was delivered.”
If a person can’t touch a spirit, please explain that verse. How did the demons materialized themselves in the Time of Noah? You’re argument is not solid.