The Christian view and the Athesits view on "LOVE"...which are you?
2006-08-03 12:42:06 UTC
1st, The Christian view: God is love, it's a gift given by God that words can not express, it's spiritual and a mystry, to place one above yourself and give a higher value too.

Athesit/Agnostic view: Love is a chemical reaction set off by neurons connected to to synapes thus creating a neuottansmitter in a very
paticulare sequence of synapses, a process that
has evolved over billions of years...merely by chance.

Ask yourself...could you look into the eyes of your child or anyone you "love" and say: My neurotransmitters are in a paticular sequence
that gives me the feelings of happiness as in regards you!

Which are you?
65 answers:
2006-08-03 12:45:20 UTC
2006-08-03 12:59:53 UTC
Neither, Love is a feeling, an emotion, love is the most powerful thing on earth or anywhere else, even more powerful than your "God."

Love is family, love is friends, love is laughter.

I have many questions about love myself-

Do you believe in love at first site? That one quick glance can let you know you've found your soulmate? Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Maybe a little too good to be true. Sure, a passing glance is enough to create an attraction or a little intrigue, but then it's more like lust at first site.

Does love at first site exist?

Does LOVE even exist?

If so, what exactly is love?

Is there just one definite meaning, or is it purely personal opinion and connotation?

How many kinds of love are there?

Is it possible to love more than one person, and in what ways?

Is love really forever, or does it eventually fade away?

How much love is there? Is it limited?

Does each person only have a certain amount of love they can give?

Do different people have different amounts of love?

What would happen if one were to run out?

If someone loves you, does it allow you to give more back?

Are humans the only beings capable of feeling love?

Is it possible to comprehend?

Do you love anyone? Does anyone love you?

In what ways and how much do you love each other? Can they be compared?

Can love really conquer all? If not, what is greater than love?

Can anyone love anything?

Is there really such a thing as love? I guess we'll never know. To some, it's as real as the ground we're standing on right now, although a few existentialists might question even the most basic ideas that we consider reality.

Personally, I believe love exists in some way, shape, or form. What it really is still eludes me; however, I still believe that love, whatever that may be, is really true and truly real.

I Love You!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you ever try and tell us what we think.

~Peace, Love, And Rock & Roll~

2006-08-03 12:48:35 UTC
Well, I'm not's been proven that love is a chemical reaction in the brain, just like all other emotions. However, I'm human, and I believe in love. I don't really care that it's just a particular sequence of synapes. When it comes down to it, every thing you know and hold dear, is just a synapse firing in a certain order. That's called memory, and it's a scientific fact. Romanticizing such things is human nature.
2006-08-03 12:49:32 UTC
Atheist. And yes I could say that and do believe that, because that is what it is. I don't need to pretend that love or any other emotion is anything other then chemicals in the brain, because no other explanation is needed.

In any case, when I do look into my girlfriend's eyes I do not think about the process, I concentrate on the feeling.

Your argument is pathetic. Why would someone be so dishonest with themselves to abandon facts and reality just because christian belief is more pleasing?
2006-08-03 13:52:23 UTC
I have no idea where you got the idea that atheists would subscribe to such a silly reductionist definition of love. The fact that emotions have physiological correlatives doesn't mean that the physiological correlatives ARE the emotion.

By the way, I'm pretty sure that even those folks who think they get it from God also get their neurons pretty fired up. (Hey, you might try some God-given "love" without the neurons & synapses just to see what happens.)

I believe love is a wonderful human emotion. It's a shame you can't even credit us with that.
2006-08-03 12:46:34 UTC
2006-08-03 12:46:09 UTC
2006-08-03 12:46:00 UTC
Meg...Out of Hybernation
2006-08-03 12:47:42 UTC
Loving means putting someone or something else above yourself. The atheist view would not work for someone with a chemical imbalance or a mental problem (and those people have no problem expressing love to others).

I am going with the Christian view.
2006-08-03 12:58:35 UTC
I am a Christian and the love I feel is wonderful. I can look at my children with love and other people's children the same way. They are blessed little beings. I can practice patience in all things. I can be forgiving when they make mistakes. I can answer the forever why question til they quit. I can lead each one with wisdom and knowledge that only comes from above. I have answers to give them, can be happy with them, sad with them and concerned with them. This is the greatest gift that I could give to anyone. I have learned through faith that this can be spread to more than one.
2006-08-03 12:49:21 UTC
Love is an emotion. I do agree that people believe in gods for emotional reason. It's certainly not for logical ones.

I do believe that love is an electochemical reaction in the brain. That has no affect on how I feel love. I can look into a child's eyes and feel love for that child, even though I know something about how that emotion comes about.

Knowing the ingredients in ice cream doesn't change its taste.
2006-08-03 12:52:48 UTC
Hahahaha, I'm agnostic and I don't feel that way or say that. Agnostics generally tend to stay undecided in the whole religion thing. I try to look for answers and always end up confused or stay "if-fy" about the situation.

I think love can be looked at without God having to interfere. When I say 'I love you' to someone, I don't look at it as a chemical reaction or anything like that. I look at it with meaning from within myself and heart, or a descision I make that let's me know this person is truthful in their heart towards me. I only say 'I love you' to someone that I really care about without believing in a higher status out there. You can care about someone without it having to be the happening of God.
2006-08-03 12:48:52 UTC
Lol, so you're an expert on what every atheist/agnostic thinks? The nature of the two views is very often contrary to organization... so what makes you think we all feel the same way?

And how full of love is a religion that teaches discrimination against people who are simply different than them?
2006-08-03 12:49:34 UTC
Well, I think there are other definitions of love! Then again, I'm not Christian or atheist.

Besides, if you are a theist, who do you think created the chemical reactions?

My atheist wife once gave me a page out of Discover magazine when we were still dating long-distance. It showed how the chemistry of love works in the human body. She attached a Post-It note that said "See what you do to me!!!!" I still cherish it.
2006-08-03 12:47:39 UTC
Not only does the Christian version speak the truth! It also sounds better! I agree I could never say to someone my neuro trans whatevers are whoodeehoowhatty!! What the hell......

Love is a beautiful thing and I dont like to think of it being so technical Im a dreamer so I love the way you can just lose yourself in it and there is no particular reason place or time it just is....................and what a wonderful thing it is..........

Thank you Lord!!!
2006-08-03 12:52:59 UTC
Atheist. Science has helped you type, science has given you the choice to use light, the internet, and many other pleasures. God is a belief, don't forget that belief will one day disappear in order to evolve. Life is all about evolving. God is just something man invented to keep from going insane.
2006-08-03 12:47:55 UTC
Too many assumptions! Where do you get the idea that any non christian view of love is biological only? That's like saying that non-christians look at their children as merely biological organisms resulting from the procreative process.
Phoenix, Wise Guru
2006-08-03 12:47:38 UTC
Atheists/Agnostics don't necessarily disbelieve in the soul - meaning they don't necessarily think love is just a bunch of chemicals. There could be another layer to humans that also has nothing to do with God.
Girl Wonder
2006-08-03 12:47:12 UTC
Well, I'm an agnostic, so neither. Love is a feeling, an emotion given from one person to another, and is the best thing in the world. I don't know or particualry care how it came into being, I just know that it is.
2006-08-03 13:01:36 UTC
I'm an Atheist, and I don't think love is just a reaction. Do you really know how ALL Atheists feel about it before coming up with a view that isn't completely acknowledged?
2006-08-03 12:52:04 UTC
Every emotion in you is caused by a chemical reaction, it's a proven fact. Just because it can be explained doesn't make the sensation any less.

If it makes you feel better calling it a mystery, call it a mystery, it still doesn't change the fact it is a chemical reaction.
2006-08-03 12:51:35 UTC
I'm atheist but love isn't just a chemical reaction in our brain, that's lust. We're animals that mate for life and love is the evolution of that. The feeling of love evolved to make mating for life and the sacrifices of having a child worth it to us.
Kung Fu Girl
2006-08-03 12:48:49 UTC
I'm the second. Biological and scientific facts are a LITTLE more in depth than what you unfairly stated. You also need to take into account emotion. I don't love because God made me. I love because I choose to and my neurons help me accomplish that just like every other basic action in life. Like walking to the store. I don't do it because of divine intervention. I do it because I choose to and my brain transmitters help me get it done.
2006-08-03 12:47:12 UTC
Atheists don't necessarily think love is false. We just see no reason to credit it to "Santa Claus".

You can't understand that, though, can you?

By the way, in case you're not familiar with the term, your "question" is what is called a "strawman". You are creating a false argument for atheists, and then refuting it. That seems to be the only way you theists know how to debate.
2006-08-03 12:50:01 UTC
I guess I'm the first but not actually Christian... does there only have to be two options? What about the muslim view? The spiritual view? I don't think you can divide people into those two groups.
2006-08-03 12:48:53 UTC
As usual, you religious people want everything to be cut and dry so you can tell those of us who are not religious that we are wrong and going to hell. Things just aren't as simple as you want them to be. I don't believe either of those things, and I'm neither Christian nor Atheist, I'm agnositc. I don't believe love is magical or anything, but I don't believe that it is purely scientific. I don't believe in soulmates, but I do believe that finding someone you can have a good marriage with is possible. I don't claim to have all the answers, and neither should you.
2006-08-03 12:47:07 UTC
Neither, I am not concerned with Atheist vs. Christian points. I am concerned with Christians acting like Christians, and Atheists acting after an acceptable social path. Who is right? Who cares. I'll worry about heaven when I'm dead. As for now, I ask you this, are you your brothers keeper?
2006-08-03 12:46:45 UTC
I'd go with the Christian view of love because I am a Christian.
2006-08-03 12:46:01 UTC
Bit of both, there has to be some reaction that happens when you find someone you love, and yet it is a gift from god that should never be taken for granted
2006-08-03 12:46:06 UTC
The Christian view point of course.
2006-08-03 12:46:06 UTC
2006-08-03 12:45:59 UTC
I frequently tell my spouse, "My neurotransmitters are in a paticular sequence that gives me the feelings of happiness as in regards you!"

2006-08-03 12:45:30 UTC
I'm an atheist but i believe love is more than chemical reactions. Its all about compatibility and most of the time it can't be defined or explained.
2006-08-03 12:46:39 UTC

God is a marriage of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom which produces a resultant action.
2006-08-03 12:46:26 UTC
I'm a Christian, so I know that God gave us everything including emotions. God is love.
2006-08-03 12:57:59 UTC
I'm neither. For 1... I think there's more to love than just chemicals and 2...I don't think it's a gift from "GOD"....I don't even believe in GOD .
2006-08-03 12:50:20 UTC
Love is love.......why do you have to categorize it??? Don't you think if there is a God that he made love happen using a chemical reaction?? There's no middle ground with you people, it's either black or white. The world is gray my friend............
2006-08-03 12:46:36 UTC
God love is a highly scrificial all consuming love which is a different love than people feel for each other
2006-08-03 12:46:24 UTC
the christian one sounds better. The Atheist one just gets boring by the middle of the explanation.
2006-08-03 12:47:06 UTC
So what do you tell a call a christian who has been living in sin and knows it and says they'll make it up to god later? Answer that....
2006-08-03 12:46:33 UTC
all Christian my friend - I know that God provides us with everything in life, including emotions

who thinks about neurotransmitters and the such when they are experiencing such immense feelings as love anyway?
2006-08-03 12:46:17 UTC
Yeah, I could really picture myself telling my kid that. NOT! I am a Christian and believe that God gave us a spirit of love.
2006-08-03 12:51:53 UTC
1co 13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

What is Charity? LOVE
2006-08-03 12:47:52 UTC
Atheist, my children don't need to know all of the mechanics behind my emotions. All they need to know is that I love them. Do you go around saying God gave me the gift to love you every time you tell your kids you love them?
2006-08-03 12:46:42 UTC
Well, I'm an Agnostic, and that is not my view of love.

So I can't answer your question as you frame it.

Have you actually asked a non-Theist what their view of love is?
Allison L
2006-08-03 12:45:46 UTC
That is not the agnostic view. Why don't you try to understand something before you try to insult it. Do you even know what an agnostic is?
2006-08-03 12:52:18 UTC
Christian! Who do you think gave us those neurons for that chemical reaction!?
2006-08-03 12:46:01 UTC
i am a christian and i believe in the christian view of love
2006-08-03 12:48:47 UTC
LOL thats funny, sooo true! :)

1 Corinthians 13

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8Love never fails.
2006-08-03 12:47:45 UTC
Atheist love. Because it's the truth.
2006-08-03 12:46:35 UTC
I'll stick to Christianity. I didn't take much science in college.
2006-08-03 12:46:57 UTC
I know right! Anybody who really cares could never do that. I take my vote as Christian.
2006-08-03 12:49:42 UTC
Atheist. I think there is more to it than your explanation. Thanks for telling me what I think though. I'm not going to propose to know exactly what this is, but I also don't blame everything I don't understand on witchcraft and magic.

Thanks for trying.
2006-08-03 12:48:10 UTC
love is chemical, but it doesn't make it any less special.

having love be "spiritual" doesn't add anything to it, or make it any better, love is love. it just is. and i couldn't imagine life without it.
2006-08-03 12:46:06 UTC
Atheist. That's just the way things are, in my eyes.
2006-08-03 12:46:30 UTC
Christian LOVE of cause!!!!
2006-08-03 12:46:25 UTC
PEACE if you wish to stop asking this kind of question:


in case the first link does not work. save this:
2006-08-03 12:46:19 UTC
being able to trust God to supply your needs also frees you to care for others
2006-08-03 12:45:53 UTC
i have the christian view
2006-08-03 12:46:07 UTC
i can say both.....both because i am fully aware of god and my emotions and because i have learned about these neurotransmitters
2006-08-03 13:32:55 UTC

coz its one of many dynamicaly UNDESCRIBABLE words :)

many people would believe a different meaning on word 'love'

just like word: 'GOD', 'humanity', 'soul', etc

its undescribable too..
2006-08-03 12:46:35 UTC
my gf and my son totally rock my neurotransmitters!
2006-08-03 12:46:45 UTC
Christian baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Samuel J
2006-08-03 12:47:08 UTC


Imma keep this one! Thanx
2006-08-03 12:45:47 UTC
Agape. Love no matter what...what Christ has toward us. :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.