How come people who dont believe in the bible,yet love to quote from it?
2008-07-27 22:21:12 UTC
Whether in movies or on the streets people love to quote a lot from the bible, but a lot of people dont believe in it. They rather make mockery of things they dont understand or refuse to. My thing is, if a person does not believe in the bible, why quote from sthg u dont believe in.....What are ur vieiws?
24 answers:
2008-07-27 22:29:05 UTC
Great question Dear Heart! I would suggest that many here and elsewhere know God and HIS word, as we are already told by God, "Every man will know me and my Word." So I know that it has to be etched in our hearts and minds even though we deny HIM and the Words. But some of the billions are confused, some are angry at .....they don't even know what and why, and many just hate life and blame God for their confusion and for their own misjudgements and faults.

Which is easier , to blame someone else for your own shortcomings, or to take responsibility for them yourself? You only have to witness out in real life those who are too quick to blame others for their errors and ignorance because of their pride and arrogance!
2008-07-27 22:39:24 UTC
Keep in mind that the Bible is the best selling book in history. If you don't believe that, look it up. By percentages alone a good many people will quote the Bible. It's only harmful when they misquote it or don't fully understand the text they are quoting, but that can be said of any quote. When non-believers quote it, they are usually trying to make a point which shows they are trying to understand. When someone uses a quote to slander anything or anyone instead of using their own words, they are uneducated.
2008-07-27 22:38:38 UTC
From my own observations some do not realize that they are quoting the Bible. Some of the Bibles wisdom has been handed down to them or they have heard it from other sources that they don't quite remember. Oftentimes however, it is misquoted. An example that comes to mind is "money is the root of all evil". Read 1Timothy 6:10 carefully and see what it really says.

For others there is a more sinister reason: They quote the Bible and misapply it in order to subvert the faith others. That is why it is important to study the Bible yourself to grasp what it REALLY teaches. Remember Satan himself quoted the Bible. (See Matthew 4:5,6 and Psalm 91:11-12) His objective was to convince God's own son to do something totally opposite of his Father's will.
2008-07-27 22:39:50 UTC
I suppose you need to specifically ask those people why they do that.

I don't do bible quotes, even though as a deprogrammed christian, I can throw them out all day and night too.

The only time I will ever reference a biblical quote, is when it is relevant. I see quotes posted here constantly that have no bearing on the question asked or the topic being discussed, and it's not the non believers doing it!
E. F. Hutton
2008-07-27 22:34:00 UTC
I'm assuming by believing in the bible you mean believing the content within it is true.

Because people that believe in it quote from it. They use the bible as proof of the bible. A very effective way to counteract that is to do the opposite, use the bible to impeach the bible.
2008-07-27 22:41:09 UTC
i guess since they don't believe in it and the other person does then it'll be an easy way to prove them wrong by using there own weapon against them.

they use it as a shield in way to protect themselves from being hit where it hurts most.

and the bible is simply a well known source. you would use Websters not some little known dictionary, no?

so i guess it just being well known makes it a good source to quote from.

BUT your completely correct!

if i don't believe in communism I'm not quoting from the Communist Manifesto!

its an oxymoron at its best!
2008-07-27 22:45:45 UTC
I love to quote from many books of fiction some of my favorite quotes from the bible are: Jeremiah 19: This is what the Lord says: 9 I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another's flesh during the stress of the siege imposed on them by the enemies who seek their lives.'

Deuteronomy 28: 56 The most gentle and sensitive woman among you—so sensitive and gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot—will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter 57 the afterbirth from her womb and the children she bears. For she intends to eat them secretly during the siege and in the distress that your enemy will inflict on you in your cities.

2 Kings 6:26 As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, "Help me, my lord the king!"

28 Then he asked her, "What's the matter?"

She answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' 29 So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him."
2008-07-27 22:33:52 UTC
The Bible is the most profound work of literature in the history of mankind, hands down. It gives moral, after moral, after metaphor, after prediction...Everything from the history of Creation, to the the birth and death of our Savior, to the prediction of the world's end is in that book! The very thought of it being written by man alone is ridiculous! It had to come from a higher power...and THAT is what drives atheists up the wall!! HaHaHa!!!

It is more brilliant than any other work since it's time.

THAT is why ppl quote it, even though they aren't believers themselves. It has such good advice and lessons to live by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-07-27 22:29:04 UTC
First of all, saying "I don't believe in the Bible" is weird in itself. What does that mean? That someone doesn't believe the Bible exists? That they don't believe in Jesus as the messiah? Or they don't believe in God? But to answer your question, as somebody who does not believe in Jesus, just because someone doesn't believe in Jesus, God, or believe that the stories are true, doesn't mean that they don't learn from it. I don't believe in jesus, but I think that the Bible is something that we can learn a lot from. There is a lot in there about morals, hope, etc etc.
2008-07-27 22:55:41 UTC
Just because I don't believe that it is inspired word of god does not meant that it does not contain any wisdom or interesting stories. I'm sure that you could find some passages in the Tao Te Ching, Quran, or the Bhagavad Gita that you like
2008-07-27 22:27:29 UTC
First of all, jews and Christians do not 'believe' in the bible. the accept it as the word of god. they believe in god.

secondly some quote the bible to show how ridiculous it is, or to prove a point.
2008-07-27 22:29:19 UTC
This is a fallacious argument. People quote from sources they know are fictional, all the time. If you don't know the difference between quoting and mocking, you don't know the Bible.

May the Force be with you.
2008-07-27 22:26:12 UTC
It's helpful to know what you're talking about.

Some christians comment on evolution when they don't know the first thing about it... or only know what they've read on some ridiculous "creationist" website.

Same difference.

Actually, reading the bible reinforces my belief that it is nothing more than fables, myths, and half-truths.

There is nothing sacred in it, whatsoever.
2008-07-27 22:24:19 UTC
Because the Bible has many morals that are true and worthy of quoting. And the quotes come from the oldest book ever.
virile romulus jedi ghoul
2008-07-27 22:29:37 UTC
Why wouldn't they believe in it? I see them everywhere. The proof that they exist is not hard to find. I think that maybe only you think that other people don't believe that the Bible exists. Think about what you are saying.
That Atheist Lady
2008-07-27 22:28:04 UTC
There are some pretty funny scriptures in there. I'm either trying to prove a point, or I'm just having a bit of fun.
Solly Llama NOR★CAL R&S
2008-07-27 22:25:42 UTC
There is plenty of reason to recommend the Bible.

It is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies.
2008-07-27 22:23:57 UTC
i quote from the bible when im talking to christians or if the subject is christianity in general.
2008-07-27 22:28:20 UTC
If we don't quote the bible how will we ever show you the contradictions?
2008-07-27 22:28:13 UTC
a) many atheists are ex-Christians

b) I also don't believe SF movies are real, but I love to quote from them

c) learn to write
2008-07-27 22:24:38 UTC
I think its kind of like...if you want to make fun of a show your little sister watches, you have to watch an episode first to rightfully make fun of it

2008-07-27 22:25:55 UTC
thye like the quote so...
2008-07-27 22:25:07 UTC
That's a good question. I never hear them use any quotes from Charles Darwin's book of lies to support what they are saying.
2008-07-27 22:27:50 UTC
they use it as a form of attack not understanding what it says.

They believe they are more intelligent then christians

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