Jehovah's Witnesses, why do you ignore the bible and Christ words concerning the Lords evening meal?
2014-09-27 17:34:33 UTC
Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." John 6:53

One day hopefully you folks who say you love Jesus Christ will actually listen to and love him more than the WTBTS.

The WTBTS says that the bread and wine is only for the 144K, meaning that 99% of you don't partake. In essence, every year you reject Christ. That is the ritual. You reject Christ and accept the WTBTS.

There is NOTHING in the bible that restricts WHO can partake of the bread and wine. Paul's direction was that those who do partake make sure they are worthy in a spiritual sense and that they are not eating just to eat out of physical hunger. 1 Corinth 11:23

You will find nothing that restricts who, therefor your religions understanding is based on opinions, MANS opinions and not on the actual authority which is Gods word MAKING THEIR CUSTOM INVALID.

You will not find a single occasion in the first century Church where certain members did not eat. So was every person in the Church part of the 144K or was it ok for everyone to partake long as they believed and understood the signifigance? It is either one or the other.

No more games with you people who say you are the "truth"...
Twenty answers:
2014-09-27 18:13:40 UTC
It's not ignoring, it's how it is understood. Jesus spoke of two groups. Luke 12:32 he spoke of a "little flock".

At John 10:16 - Jesus talks of "other sheep, not of this fold."

The little flock are the ones going to heaven. Rev 14:1-3 shows this number to be 144,000.

Luke chapter 22 talks about the passover evening. Luke 22:28-30 shows that a new covenant was made with these ones (the little flock) and they would be the ones that sit on thrones in God's kingdom. So this evening set up the new covenant for the little flock, those that would have thrones in heaven. This group were to continue taking the emblems. Rev 5:10 shows that these ones are to rule over the earth. Who are the ones remaining on earth - The other sheep or the great crowd. Psalms 37:29 shows that there would be good people on earth forever.

The other sheep or great crowd do not partake of the emblems but they are present and celebrate the occasion to remember Jesus. Showing respect for what Jesus did and for those that are part of that little flock that will rule over the earth.
2014-09-28 22:07:18 UTC
Actually this questions answers what is recorded at John 6:44. The anointed Christian congregation is made up of those specifically invited by God to be kings and priests of God. See Rev 20:4-6. These ones are spoken of as being unique at Rev 14:1-3. Only they can sing the new song. Only they are bought from the earth. Only they are clean of defilement. (Why this latter? Only they were adopted by God to be with Jesus. They are declared righteous. The rest of us have to learn righteousness before the final test of Rev 20:7-15.)

The partaking of the "Lord's Evening Meal" is to signify that each one of these has been selected by God to be an heir along with Jesus. See Romans 8:9b, 12-17.

Bottom Line

JWs do not ignore the word of God. They do not ignore Jesus. Instead they are the only ones who truly honor Jehovah God and his wonderful Son, our King, Jesus the Christ.
2014-09-28 09:04:25 UTC
We are doing things scripturally. Just what is your interest in us? Don't you have your own religion to occupy your time. Why devote your time going on a fault finding mission against a religion of which you do not belong? If you have truth, I suggest you go about promoting it, and not just to us, but to everyone. Matthew 24:14 said the good news would be preached earth wide. It didn't say: "Tell Jehovah's Witnesses they are wrong, in all of the earth." There are many religions in the world. Don't single out one. It is also better to share your own beliefs first and foremost. JWs do themselves, point out what we believe to be false teachings, but we put an emphasis on the Kingdom message itself.

You will see some questions from us on this site about the Trinity, Hellfire, etc, but most frequently we talk about the future Kingdom to encompass the earth. Psalm 37:9-11, 29.

If I were to go on a job interview, I would sell myself to the prospective employer. I wouldn't tell him, how the other candidates for the job were bad.
2014-09-29 00:29:58 UTC
It was never to be observed several times each day. The same night and as a replacement for Passover held once each year, after sundown.

The wine and bread never turned into blood and flesh. The correct Greek word is "means". As in, "This MEANS my blood, flesh."

To take it literally as you desire, that would have caused Jesus to violate God's laws--to sin--and disqualify him as the perfect acceptable Ransom Sacrifice for mankind. Genesis 9:2-5 forbids consuming blood. Your idea of the wine and bread emblems actually BECOMING Christ's blood and flesh then, is entirely wrong.
2014-09-27 18:10:26 UTC
People who love the truth will continue to become Jehovah's Witnesses right up until the great tribulation and there is nothing you can do to prevent them from doing so. Jehovah's draws those whom he deems worthy of eternal life, those who are meek and teachable. Jehovah is speeding up the gathering in of the "great crowd" in these last days.

In answer to your question---

Only the anointed "brothers of Christ" partake of the bread and wine on Nisan 14th each year. They are the ones he made a covenant with and they are to rule with him in the heavenly Government. Only the apostles of Jesus who were among the "little flock" of anointed Christians were present at the "last supper"

Jesus didn't invite others to join him in partaking of the emblems.

Those of us who have no desire to rule over others or the earth, attend the Memorial as faithful observers only.

Jesus called the anointed ones a "little flock" for a reason.

144,000 is indeed a small amount compared to the earths population. The rest of us hope to reside on the earth forever under perfect conditions and we will be grateful that such loyal brothers and sisters who are part of the 144,000 co rulers will be ruling over us along with our King Christ Jesus. They endured to the end and are rewarded with eternal immortality for their faithful endurance.

The reward of the "other sheep" is earthly, not heavenly.

So, the only ones who are ignoring the Bible and Christ's words are you and the others who decide they qualify to rule as priests, kings, and judges over the earth and mankind.

You don't get to make that choice. That decision belongs to Jehovah and his Son.
2014-09-27 17:53:04 UTC
You're not going to get through to them. Only God can open blind eyes. I spent a week trying to prove the trinity to a JW, and we couldn't even make it through John 1:1 without him objecting to everything and playing hopscotch through The Bible. Not even the sound exegesis of the text in the original language by respected scholars had an impact on him.

All he cared about was that John 1:1 didn't teach the triune nature of God. and therefore he thought he won the argument. The guy was too blind and too enslaved to the Watchtower to realize how the text blew away his understanding of God and of Jesus.
2014-09-27 17:47:58 UTC
Jehivahs witnesses think only 144,000 are allowed to partake of communion. This is a insult to the Lord Jesus and his sacrifice. The new covenant is for ALL. They are not limited to an elite group of men in Brooklyn NY. Jehovahs Witnesses CHOOSES to exclude themselves from the new covenant so they are not Christian. Doesnt matter if they preach or be a good person they still are not Christian for rejecting christs offer of Salvation.
2014-09-27 21:02:11 UTC
Actually we are the only ones who follow Jesus command in passing the bread and wine once a year to remember how Christ gave his life for us. No one I know does that except the Witnesses. Others my celebrate their Easter holiday but that is for the resurrection, not the death of Jesus Christ. By being present at the Memorial of Christ's death, it is showing honor and respect to Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ for the life given for mankind,.
2014-09-27 18:01:21 UTC
The truth is that Jehovah´s Witnesses know the Bible very well

1 John 2:20

And you have an anointing from the holy one, and all of you have knowledge.

If most of them knew they had an anointing, they would partake, wouldn´t they?
2014-09-27 18:44:32 UTC
Jesus had many, many followers - some are even named in the Gospels.

But he only INVITED certain ones to be there with him to partake of the bread and wine. If it were meant for all, he could have set them up outside and "fed them" like he did with the fish and loaves.

But it was LIMITED to those that were to be the foundation of those who would be also selected later. - Ephesians 2:19-22.

Romans 9:16 shows that WE DO NOT make that selection for ourselves - it is a "bearing witness" or an "awareness" that becomes evident in our hearts and minds as to the hope that is selected for us. - Ephesians 1:18.- SEE BELOW

No one grows into an anointed one and begins to partake. They KNOW from the moment of their selection that they are to partake. But it is a SELECTION.

1st John 2:27 shows that the anointing is RECEIVED, not earned or taken upon ones self as if entitled to it.

1st Corinthians 11:27-29 shows that there is to be a personal scrutiny by the person as to whether they are of the "body" - vs 29. If they do not properly "discern" their position before Jehovah and they "eat the loaf or drink the cup unworthily", they eat and drink judgment to themselves.

And in verse 31, it says "But if we discerned WHAT we ourselves are, we would not be judged."

The discerning is whether that person had TRULY received the "witness" or "selection" or "anointing" from Jehovah, or whether they had been selected to be future earthly inhabitants of the paradise under God's kingdom.

Those who do not partake are making a CONSCIOUS choice based on what Jehovah has REVEALED to them.

And conversely, those who do partake are making a CONSCOUS choice based on what Jehovah has REVEALED to them.


Ephesians 1:18 is limited to the heavenly hope by looking at Ephesians 2:6.

As for Romans 9:16 it is a stated principle, that Jehovah God does not make choices based on personal efforts or desires of humans. It is HIS choice as to what blessings he bestows on a person, and that would also include the hope of heavenly life.

Even King David and John the Baptist are not among those who will gain heavenly life, and yet Jesus himself said that there has not been a greater person born of a woman (other than himself as the Son of God). - John 3:13, Acts 2:34, Matthew 11:11.
2014-09-28 04:30:12 UTC
Once again the Watchtower cult leadership comes down on the unfortunate side of prophet fulfillment. By telling their followers they can't partake of the blood of the lamb.....

Mathew 24:13 - "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in."
2014-09-27 19:53:51 UTC
Because they believe the twisted reasoning of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society more than they believe the bible itself. They rather believe the fallible interpretations of an organization which at one time did not even understand something as basic as the significance of the bread at the last supper; rather than believe the plain, unchanging and infallible words of scripture. They have learned nothing from their embarrassing history. They continue to blindly follow their organization despite its long history of getting it wrong when it comes to its unique teachings and interpretations. JWs suffer from strong delusion and blind loyalty to an organization.
2014-09-27 20:01:23 UTC
I think you have a problem with context. John 6:53 was spoken to a large crowd. It was NOT about the "last supper" or "communion" to you. It was about listening to his words and obeying him. Among the crowd, only Peter and company understood what Jesus meant. (John 6:68)

On the other hand, when Jesus instituted the memorial of his death. Only his chosen disciples were there. On that last meal he told them that he was instituting a covenant with them about a kingdom. They will sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. (Read Luke 22:19, 28) Naturally, there are only a few--NOT everyone--who will become kings and judges.

If you read further what Paul wrote to the Corinthians, you would have noticed his warning. He said: 'so whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and blood of Christ.(1Corinthians 11:28)

My advice to you is do not cherry pick scriptures. Consider also the scriptures cited by @ angel music so you can have the true picture.

I also advice you that before opening your piehole to criticize JWs, be sure to know the Bible really well.
C.C. A.
2014-09-28 22:34:09 UTC
Their not of the 144000 plus 1 which will be lonely In there so called heaven. Most don't know when the 1st kingdom was started! Tell me what's wrong with the picture!! They the (jw's) don't know!!!!!!
2014-09-27 17:56:06 UTC
Communion is kept everyday we commune with God the flesh and the blood , is spirit and word of God. We commune with his body of believers daily. The blood was the perfect sacrifice of Jesus , God is the word that we are to eat everyday. The scriptures didn't count how many could commune with him. His body is s many membered Body.
2014-09-28 08:16:35 UTC
angelmusic uses Rom.9:16 to show "WE DO NOT make that selection for ourselves" this would seem to me to be out of context. Because if one reads before in Rom. 9:13 "Jacob I have loved but Esau have I hated" These scriptures before, and leading up to verse 16, are talking of righteousness and unrighteousness, coupled with God's mercy, a comparison. It's seems to me that it is not therefore making a comparison of a Heavenly and earthly contrasting classes. AND, Eph. 1:18 (again, reading before and after) appears this is a prayer of/for Spiritual knowledge, because WE ALL have a inheritance in the Lord and he a inheritance in ALL of us, and understanding our life, how to live it thru the knowledge of that inheritance and grace. (Rom. 10:9,10)

And the use of Romans 8:16,17 does not appear to me to be distinguishing between two different separate classes, heavenly & earthly, but rather by reading the context from the very start of the chapter the Apostle Paul was indeed writing about two classes, but NOT two classes divide by either a Heavenly hope or earthly life. Paul clearly shows these two classes were: those guided by God's spirit, on the one hand, and those ruled by the sinful flesh, on the other. So the contrast Paul set forth was not between hope of life in Heaven or of life on earth, BUT between life and death themselves, between friendship with God, or enmity with God, As verses 6-9 clearly state (..."minding of the flesh means death, but the minding of the spirit means life", etc., etc.)

So in Paul's discussion there was no question about heavenly or earthly life but simply whether one was living by God's spirit or was instead living according to the sinful flesh. It clearly shows it was one or the other. Either one had God's spirit and produced it's fruitage, or, one was at enmity with God and did not produce good fruit and did not belong to Christ. Without that spirit there could be no "life and peace", only death. If a person DID have God's spirit then he was (is) a son of God, for Paul states in verse 14 "For ALL who are led by God's spirit, these ARE God's sons"

Note "all", NOT some, who are led by God's spirit, "ALL" are his sons, children. Those led by that spirit would have the 'witness' of the spirit to that effect, including evidence of that fruitage in their lives.

Edit - Eph. 15-21 Concerns the prayer for knowledge and power, which would and does, encompass all believers or Christians. verse 22, 23 shows Christ's exaltation to be the head of his body, the church.

In Eph.2:1 "were dead in trespasses & 2:5 it says "we were dead in sins" was it real physical deaths ? No. So if its not literal, it tells us something then in verse 6. Is it literal, and referring to a separate class and number? I'm not seeing it. It's speaking in spiritual tones. We don't sit in heavenly places WITH Christ, but do sit in heavenly places IN Christ. Just as we are not literally dead IN sins or trespasses, we are not literally IN Heavenly places IN Christ (yet). It is showing here that to be 'IN heavenly places' is to be in God's domain instead of Satan's. Colossians 1:13 proves this, and Eph.1:3

Who has he 'raised up together,' a select few ? or All who were all part of the world, who all were sinful? This speaks to the Gentiles, Gentile salvation, concerning Christ's church, the spiritual body, as a whole.
Roberta B
2014-09-28 13:41:10 UTC
The Lord's evening meal partakers are confined to only those to whom his words apply, in Luke 22:14-30

14 So when the hour came, he reclined at the table along with the apostles.+ 15 And he said to them: “I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.” 17 And accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: “Take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves, 18 for I tell you, from now on, I will not drink again from the product of the vine until the Kingdom of God comes.”

19 Also, he took a loaf,+ gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body,+ which is to be given in your behalf.+ Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”+ 20 Also, he did the same with the cup after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant+ by virtue of my blood,+ which is to be poured out in your behalf.+

21 “But look! the hand of my betrayer is with me at the table.+ 22 For, indeed, the Son of man is going his way according to what has been determined;+ all the same, woe to that man through whom he is betrayed!”+ 23 So they began to discuss among themselves which one of them could really be about to do this.+

24 However, there also arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them was considered to be the greatest.+ 25 But he said to them: “The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those having authority over them are called Benefactors.+ 26 You, though, are not to be that way.+ But let the one who is the greatest among you become as the youngest,+ and the one taking the lead as the one ministering. 27 For which one is greater, the one dining* or the one serving?* Is it not the one dining?* But I am among you as the one serving.*+

28 “However, you are the ones who have stuck with me+ in my trials;+ 29 and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom,+ 30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom,+ and sit on thrones+ to judge the 12 tribes of Israel.

So those who partook, were those with whom Jesus made a covenant for -- what?


This does not mean that those who will be living on the earth are not benefiting from this covenant, the great multitude who will be standing BEFORE the throne will have their robes "washed in the blood of the Lamb" They also declare that "Salvation we owe to our God and to the Lamb." Revelation 7:9-14

So, the eating of the bread and drinking of the wine is in connection with the covenant where the partakers would sit on thrones and judge. This is in agreement with Revelation 5:9-10 and Revelation 20:4-6

This is quoting God inspired scripture.
2014-09-28 10:03:39 UTC
So you eat Jesus and drink his blood ?

Got DNA proof ?

Didn't think so ~~~
2014-09-27 19:18:11 UTC
Willie, JWs do not "ignore the Bible and Christ's words concerning the Lords evening meal" at all.

We discern that partakers are those who align with specific scriptures.

Note, for example, what the apostle Paul stated, at 1 Corinthians 11:23-28:

"For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night on which he was going to be betrayed took a loaf, 24 and after giving thanks, he broke it and said: “This means my body, which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 25 He did the same with the cup also, after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes.

27 Therefore, whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 First let a man approve himself after scrutiny, and only then let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup. 29 For the one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment against himself."

It is clear from that passage of scripture that not everyone in the Christian congregation would partake of those emblems. That would be because they did not personally align with what is said at Romans 8:16,17:

"The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 If, then, we are children, we are also heirs—heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ—provided we suffer together so that we may also be glorified together."

So then, if they did not identify that they had been chosen by the holy spirit to be "joint heirs with Christ," then they should not be partakers of the bread and wine, as they would be doing so "unworthily."

The vast majority of JWs [myself included] do not see themselves as "joint heirs of Christ," ruling with him as kings and priests in God's kingdom. [Revelation 20:4,6]

They do not see themselves as part of that limited number at Luke 12:32 to whom Jesus said:

"Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom."

They do not see themselves as part of the covenant he made with those ones, at Luke 22:29,30:

"and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, 30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel."

It was to those with whom Jesus made that covenant that he had said in verses 19 & 20 of that chapter:

"Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 20 Also, he did the same with the cup after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf."

If, as Jesus said there, "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood," why would anyone who is NOT in that kingdom "covenant" partake of those emblems?

They would be doing so unworthily, according to what Paul said.

As to your "No more games" comment, I find that it is Jehovah's Witnesses here on y!a whose answers display a sincerity that is quite removed from playing "games."


Edit: Willie, hiding my answer does not invalidate what I have said.
2014-09-27 17:41:59 UTC
Signs of Jesus as God:

Some say Jesus never said in the Bible "Worship me I am God," but they cannot show me a passage in which Jesus said that "I am not God, don't worship me." Thomas fell down worshiping the resurrected Jesus saying, "My Lord and my God!" and what did Jesus say? "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are the people who have not seen and yet have believed." Jesus never refuted being God, did he? (John 20:28-29)

John 10:23-30 affirms the unity of the Father and Jesus, "I and the Father are one." Jews get a little pissy, ready to stone him, I wonder why? The Jews answered, "For a good work we do not stone you, but for blasphemy; and because you, being a man, make yourself God." The Jews knew what Jesus meant, yet even here some still insist that the Bible doesn't say Jesus is God.

There is one interesting scene in the Garden in which Jesus, frightened in his humanity, called on the Father, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." That some will use to say, "See, Jesus is praying to God, therefore he isn't God, but in one scene before, Jesus prayed, "And now glorify me, O Father, with your own self, with the glory which I had with you, before the world was." God shares his glory with no creation, notice also Jesus preexisted creation, he must be God, One with the Father. (Luke 22:42, John 17:5)

Can God die? Yes and Yes. God (the Son) can take on human nature, veiling his glory in mere flesh, experience human life, though without sin, he ate, breathed, drank as we do, and yes, even die on a cross, as Paul wrote in Phillippians 2.

Remember Jesus said also, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM," again the Jews took up stones to throw at him. And some have no clue? At this point some seem to pretend to be stupid, because here the Jews knew well of Jesus' applying "I AM" to himself is to identify himself as God. (John 8:58-59)

Some will say Jesus is the Son of Man, which is right, but would that not be the case if he was born into the world through a human being? Jesus is both God and Man, Son of God and Son of Man. Son of David? Of course, Jesus is of the line of David, but his spiritual existence preceded David, remember what Jesus said, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world." (John 8:23)

Recall also when Jesus asked the Pharisees, "What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?" and when they replied, "The son of David," Jesus made use of David's own psalm (if you look in pre-Masoretic Hebrew, "'The LORD (YHWH) said to my Lord (Adonai): 'Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet'," and asked, "If then David calls him 'Lord (Adonai),' how can he be his son?" And no one could answer Jesus. Did you miss it? On purpose even? Right there Jesus was implying that the Messiah is God Himself. (Matthew 22:42, Psalm 110:1)

Christians ought not to be interested in QUANTITATIVE evidence, for if God says something one time, it's true. Many however, are more concerned with the frequency of what Scriptures say, as if God has to say something 100 times before it's true, which is just nonsense.

Paul identifies Jesus as God in all of his letters, as does John in the first chapter of his Gospel, even in his Revelation, Jesus said, "I am the First and the Last," seen in Isaiah as the words of only YHWH, God, only God is the First and the Last, but clearly Jesus is the First and the Last, so he must be the same God as the Father. (Revelation 1:7-8, 17, 22:13, Isaiah 41:4, 44:6, 48:12)

Peter calls Christ God in his letters as well, didn't you see that? And who spoke to Moses from the burning bush? The Lord? Exodus says it was an Angel of the Lord, who says "I Am that I Am." Who is this angel who calls himself "I Am that I Am" as if he were God? Oh yeah, pre-incarnate Jesus, using "Angel of the Lord" as an epithet. From the beginning he has been telling us, just as the Jews asked, "Who are you?" Jesus said to them, “Even what I have told you from the beginning." (Exodus 3:14, John 8:25)

There will come a time when every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Whether in Heaven or on Earth or in Hell, everyone will have no choice but to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, our great God and Savior (as Peter would put it), the Word made Flesh (As John would say), He who is in the Form of God (as Paul would put it). (Philippians 2:10–11, John 1:14, 2 Peter 1:1, 11, 18, Philippians 2:6)

Jesus says, "Surely I am coming soon," (Revelation 22:20).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.