I need some clarification about the Garden of Eden?
2009-11-12 00:27:07 UTC
I am writing an essay about Hemingway's "The Garden of Eden"
but I am comparing it to the actual Garden of Eden...which I don't fully understand

1. Why/How was eve tempted into eating the fruit i know it was a snake but maybe a detailed, insightful response would help more.
2. How did Adam feel about her eating the fruit? Didn't she eat it first? Did Adam ever eat it?
3. What roles do gender strength play into this? (are women seen weak or more powerful?)
Ten answers:
2009-11-12 00:37:01 UTC
Let's face it: the story is fiction. Myth. Metaphor. Having said that, I will attempt to answer your questions.

1. The temptation was to gain the knowledge of good and evil; that is, to gain knowledge.

2. Adam at first resisted, but then accepted. That is, woman is temptress. Or tempting.

3. The woman is defined as weak with regard to temptation, but herself strongly tempting.

Add it all up for yourself. (BTW, I had not known until I saw your question that Hemingway had written something titled "The Garden of Eden.")
2009-11-12 00:35:55 UTC
1. Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" 4 But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate.

2. When God questioned them, Adam played the blame game and told that it was Eve's fault (she brought the fruit to him, etc.,etc.) Yes she ate it first, but they were both at fault.

3. Secular feminists might go nuts over the idea that women are weak and naive and what not. However, that was not the original intention. It just so happens the serpent came to her first. In actuality both Adam and Eve were just as sinful in God's eyes. So they both got kicked out.
2009-11-12 01:14:07 UTC
1) In reality it was Satan who used the serpent as a disguise. Though in scripture the conversation was short it is logical to assume it would have been lengthy. Lucifer was the Covering Cherubim, the only created being permitted to stand next to God.

It is beyond us to imagine the intelligence of the this once magnificent angel and the sophistry he used to deceive the angels that fell with him.

Both Eve and Adan would have been warned and told never to engage with him as they would have been "putty" in his hands, and if he had of come in his true form Eve would have known instantly who he was thus the reason why he came in disguise. The tree of knowledge was the only place Satan could have access to them.

2) Satan deceived Eve and she ate of the fruit or disobeyed God. When Eve told Adam what had transpired he knew precisely what had taken place and in eating of the fruit he sinned, not deceived like Eve. Adam knew what Eve's lot would be (death) but with the thought of losing her he ate as well. So he not only disobeyed God but he failed to put his trust in God to "remedy" the situation.

3) This does tell us a great deal about our make up. Females I believe are more "gullible", I do not mean this in a belittling way far from it, and not as conniving as males, more trusting. Males tend to let their loins control their reasoning, perception which I believe are more heightened than females.

I am a great believer in the saying "Behind every good man is a good woman".
The Stainless Steel Rat
2009-11-12 00:44:57 UTC
This is interesting. Lest we forget Eve is number two "wife" created out of Adams rib and therefore submissive to Adam. However Lilith, the first one, is created from mud etc just like Adam and therefore his equal (if you go for all the symbolism involved) Adam has serious problems with her doing as he wants so he goes to God and asks for something more amenable and presto first divorce and Eve. Bottom line you have both a powerful woman and a "weak" woman.

Now to the Snake: In most cultures at the time the snake is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge so it is no coincidence that it lives in the tree of Knowledge. It is weak eve that succumbs to Knowledge and Adam who must be weaker is easily convinced by "Adam you really have to try this" For this womankind is cursed for all eternity to bear children in pain and for Adam to work his *** of to make ends meet. A loving and understanding God.

Here is a religion whose basic premise is the glorification of ignorance seen as Paradise.
2009-11-12 00:39:13 UTC
The story shows the female involvement in the action . Then her partner is reluctant to do the same. Once she gets him into the system then the garden of simplicity is over. Eating from the snake tree is symbolic of the sacred doorway in life entered by female early then she might be able to get her man to do it. Adam says he tired it and wants to get back to the man he could be. Oh that a song too huh.
2009-11-12 01:32:41 UTC
1. eve (and adam) was tested by God not to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. the snake was satan in disguise and tempted eve and lied to her that if she ate the fruit she will not die, but know good and evil and be like God. it was their selfishness to want to be like God and not trusting in Him to take care of them that made them eat the fruit. also it was not because they ate the fruit that God punished them and they lost Paradise, but because of their disobedience to Him and therefore proving that they were not worthy to live with Him in Heaven.

2. she did eat the fruit first as satan/the snake approached her first. after eating the fruit, she went to adam and tempted him to eat it and he ate it. it doesn't mention how he felt about her eating the fruit.

3. men are naturally strong in strength while women are strong emotionally (for example women tend to handle a break-up better than men), but women suffer more in the world because eve ate the fruit first.
2009-11-12 00:30:19 UTC
Well Eve could have done with trying a few lies at first. like "Well, you know Lord,.....i was walking by this tree while knitting some undies, and then the fruit just FELL in my mouth"


Eve "OHHH, did you mean THAT tree.....silly me"


if she was like many women Eve would have just Ignored God with the sulks


she could have said "well LORD, remember 2 years 4 months and 3 days ago when I asked you NOT to walk around here while I was naked?!?!..hmmm??"

1. The serpant beguiled her into thinking that it was good to eat

2. Adam said "huh, WOTEVA, I am a MAN"

3. "Dumb & Dumber" comes to mind
2017-01-09 22:31:02 UTC
Why replaced into the solar called the solar , or the moon called the moon? Why replaced into the solar created= so we could have sunlight hours. Why replaced into the moon created= so we could have a mild at night. Why replaced into the backyard of Eden created= so Adam and Eve might desire to stay there. Why replaced into the Earth created= so we could stay here.
Lha Bho
2009-11-12 00:30:54 UTC
A Metaphor

A Metaphor

After they ate the fruit they realized they were naked and then Eve was Pregnant ???

A Metaphor
2009-11-12 01:30:37 UTC
When satan was forced out of heaven,see revelation12:12, he was thrown on earth, and by that time the earth was without any form, (it was waters only) and satan fall into the waters. meaning that satan was the first one to be on earth before adam and eve. then God started creating the earth,see Genesis1:1...., after God terminated creating the whole earth, he than created adam and eve,see Genesis1:27, by that time God had created the both of them, but they were in a form of spirit, without a body, note this: God created both adam and eve to be like him but spiritually, that is why there is no black or white or colored in spirit, and because God will never die and He created our spirit out of His likeness, also our spirit will never die,is either you we go to hell suffer for internal or to heaven and live for internal, the thing that dies is our body only and it remains here on earth as it was MADE not created but MADE, through the soil.

After creating them both being spirit,GOD than made the garden of eden and than He made the body of adam first after that He took the spirit of adam and deposited it into the body of adam and through adam God made the body of eve, that was to mean that they are one thing, that is why He made the body of eve through the body of adam because they are one spirit the difference was there physical body(sex). (God knew before He created the garden of eden that adam would live there with eve his partner) and He put them in charge of the garden of eden.

coming back to satan, when satan was thrown to the earth, He was thrown with his powers, God had created satan through a star and his name was lucifer, God trusted him and he was in charge of the other angels and he was different from all the other angels because he had been created by a star( that is why some of the churchs worshiping satan they have a symbol of star placed on there clothes), God had blessed lucifer and had given him the powers to change himself 24 times, and the power to sing, satan was a perfect singer in heavens and had a beautiful voice,( that is why today satan destroy the you through songs, he invent new styles of songs, specially RnB and Kwaito).

When ever God blesses you, even if later you act againt God, He doenst take back the blessings, he just step away from your life and the devil comes and destroys you with your blessings. satan had those powers after being chased away from heavens.

He used those powers he negotiated with a snack and used the body of the snack and tricked eve about the fruit that was in the garden where by they had been told not to eat it. because by that time animal could talk and were fried of adam and eve, after that God put emnit between animals and adam and eve and he said that they would be enemies.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.