Did you know that Noah's Ark is a made up story and not an accurate account of anything at all?
2016-09-08 17:18:41 UTC

Education will always destroy the evils of indoctrination if you chose to accept the reality of the world you live.
115 answers:
2016-09-09 06:05:36 UTC

To put things in perspective, look at the issue of population. In 1804 there were 1 billion people, 2012 there

were 7b, 2024 8b, and 2048 9b. Working forward from Adam & Eve there should be 2.2 Trillion. OK, add Noah's

Ark with 7+billon lost in flood. From 6 people (Noah's 3 son's and wives) it works out to 7 billion+ today.

These simple facts are ignored by evolutionist elite.
2016-09-08 17:37:44 UTC
NO! only the ignorant would say yes ~


Good Seakeeping

The ark’s length was six times its width and ten times its height. Many modern ships have similar proportions, although for them the length-to-breadth ratio is chosen with regard to the power required to move them through the water. The ark, on the other hand, had only to float. How well would it have performed?

The manner in which vessels respond to wind and waves is called seakeeping behavior. This too is related to a vessel’s proportions. The Bible describes the tremendous downpour that produced the Flood and also says that God later caused a wind to blow. (Genesis 7:11, 12, 17-20; 8:1) The Scriptures do not say how strong the waves and wind were, but likely both wind and waves would have been powerful and changeable, even as they can be today. The longer and harder the wind blows, the higher and farther apart are the waves. In addition, any seismic action could have produced strong waves.

The ark’s proportions contributed to its stability, preventing it from capsizing. The ark was also designed to deal with the forces that could cause it to pitch lengthwise in heavy seas. Extreme pitching—when each wave lifts one end of the vessel and then allows it to plunge downward—would have been very uncomfortable for the people and animals on board. Pitching also puts heavy stresses on a vessel. The structure must be strong enough to resist the tendency to sag in the middle when large waves lift both ends of the vessel at the same time. Yet, when a large wave lifts the vessel at its midpoint, with nothing to support its ends, the bow and stern may bend downward. God told Noah to use a length-to-depth ratio of 10 to 1. Later shipbuilders would learn only by hard experience that such a ratio can accommodate these stresses.
2016-09-09 09:38:21 UTC
It is a story taken from the babylonians. In the London museum of Ancient Artifacts is a clay tablet with instructions to Build an Ark because of two Riveres that Breach their banks every 10 years and will flood the land for two months. This tablet gives the measurement of the Ark and was given to every family in Babylon. the Tablet was written 1, 250 before the story of Noah and the ark. In the bible the Size of the Ark is given in Cubits which is an old measurement from your wrist to your Elbow.

Theses measurements would never accomodate Two of every animal known at that time. Now addall the varieties of food for these anilals and noah and his family numbering about 5o persons. Then we are told the Ark Rested on Mount Arrarat, which is in Turkey. The Ararat mountain range is similar to the alps. With sheer sided mountains . at its top it is always 6 degrees below freezing, Now how the Heck did all these animals get off the Ark and down these mountains. It is a very dry area as well so how do these animals find water and food in a completely different enviroment to live. A complete fake of a Bible story.
2016-09-08 18:50:50 UTC
Did you know that Noah's Ark is a made up story and not an accurate account of anything at all?

No shirt Sherlock.
2016-09-09 07:35:56 UTC
There are hundreds of flood myths among ancient cultures from all over the world. It is one of the most universal concepts among ancient cultures.

Geologist Robert Schoch said, “Noah is but one tale in a worldwide collection of at least 500 flood myths, which are the most widespread of all ancient myths and therefore can be considered among the oldest”

Rather than discrediting the story of the flood, it helps substantiate it!

If the flood did not happen, why would it be such a universal story among ancient cultures on every inhabited continent of the earth?

May of these myths have differences in the accounts, but many of them show surprising similarities. For example, a Chineese myth has exactly 8 people surviving the flood in a boat.

Many of the legends state that the reason for the flood was because mankind had become evil, the occupants sent out a bird to look for land, the boat came to rest on a mountain, and other details that coordinate with the Biblical account.

Many legends have a foundation in some truth. If there was not a flood, how did this story permeate so many cultures among Africans, Chinese, Native Americans, Babylonians, Greek, and so many other cultures?

I contend that it was originally based on a true account!
2016-09-09 08:25:21 UTC

I can understand that Noah's ark story is a kind of a myth. But humanity had learned a lot from 'legends and myths' even if many were not true! We learned stories about dragons, witches, wizards etc but we had enjoyed them because they all contributed something towards our formation.

Now the Bible must have many of them and surely we had used them either to reflect something horrible (which sometimes we have roots of them) or instigate us to help others less fortunate than us.

Any nation deprived of books in the likes of the Bible would need other moral and ethical lessons perhaps in a different style.
2016-09-09 02:49:54 UTC
Modern education system in the U.S. IS indoctrination. The Smithsonian is at the heart of determining what viewpoint of history is politically acceptable and goes about destroying/hiding evidence that is contrary to this accepted viewpoint; and has done so since its inception. The Wright brothers were not the first in powered flight; they just had an American sounding name and had a lot of reporters present. Columbus didn't discover America by a long shot. I can name at least 3 other groups who were here earlier, and again, the Smithsonian has destroyed/stolen evidence of at least one of these discoveries (Rhune stone from Minnesota). IF you had bothered to do a more extensive research besides the Bible (books of Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees) (I doubt you even bothered to read the full account from the Bible but took other's critique of that writing as "gospel") you would find elaboration that makes it clearer. In some instances Genesis is a brief outline of ancient history, you have to read those other Hebrew sources for the details. There is even evidence that appears chapters later (Genesis 10: 25), which supports a much more recent beginning to continental drift, but again, you didn't study the entire work, but instead just make rash statements based on religious (or lack thereof) bias. Go study the whole Bible and then come back and argue intelligently.
2016-09-09 01:13:08 UTC
Did you know that Noah's Ark is a made up story and not an accurate account of anything at all?

It is evident that you have no idea about the principle enacted by the events that are recorded in Genesis chapters 5 to 9.

The account of the flood and the ark is referred to later in the Old Testament on at least 4 occasions

1Ch_1:4 Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Isa_54:9 For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.

Eze_14:14 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD.

Eze_14:20 Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.

The members of the early Christian church also accepted the Old Testament record of the ark and the flood.

Heb_11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

1Pe_3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

2Pe_2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

In many of the world’s oldest aboriginal peoples like the American Indians right round the world to China via the South African continent have flood traditions in their history.

So why accept the word a number of mankind wise in their own wisdom, who wish to put the Bible narrative down.
2016-09-09 11:14:49 UTC
There was a great flood yes, but that was accepted by all at the time that that happened thousands of years ago, butt it was still a part of accepted history.

Now comes to how you explain such an event to the population as to its origins.

It was the current held beliefs at the time that anything bad mean youve offended whoever controls that bit of the world, or in this case the sea.

Prior to the christian story, it was used by other religions as proof their religion was the right religion.

Now, as it was known this happened many moons ago the story needed some details, to pack it out with and to make it believable.

Who induced such rage that the sea would rise up. What did they do ? Who were they ? etc etc.

You need something plausible, but at the same time fantastic and frightening.

The best girls/gold/excitable's dont come easy unless you can weave a tale that encompasses the known flood , who caused the displeasing of the sea, why/where/when.

Now, would you want to mess or disagree with these people ? or their god, who might just send another flood.
2016-09-09 11:10:39 UTC
Or you can take the wrong turn pill and wind up in hell for eternity. Choices. Decisions. Consequences.

Instead of trying to "refute" the Bible's account by the assumed plagiarism of one other account, consider and explain that there are nearly two dozen world-wide independent flood accounts - including Chinese, Jewish, Greek, Mexican, Hawaiian, Babylonian, Sumerian, and Algonquin Indian traditions. The fact that the "Noah" account is written later than some, in no way defeats its truth. Many historic accounts found in the Bible have been demonstrated to be true by archaeology and no accounts have been demonstrated to be false. None. Thus, Noah's account has the likelihood of being accurate and true.
2016-09-09 00:12:23 UTC
Yawn. This is supposed to be news is it? The story of Noah's Ark is just one take on the ancient 'Flood Myth' which recurs in the literature of many ancient cultures including of course that of Samaria. A version, drawn from Greek myths is even restated in Metamorphoses by Ovid. Of course the story in the Bible is made up. It is an aetiological myth. That fact in no way detracts from the power of the myth as a good story containing certain moral precepts.
2016-09-09 05:26:23 UTC
The ark and Noah, and all the stories of the Old Testament and the New, did not take place the way CNN and media. Yes, most cultures include a flood in their Creation stories, and in fact we do not have to swear off a Creator God, or deny the many miracles that happen all around us every day
2016-09-10 13:55:39 UTC
Its your choice to believe or not to believe. But there is evidence that Noah's Ark is real and its not a made up story.
2016-09-09 00:27:20 UTC
Check tales and myths of a boat carrying 8 persons with animals staying afloat for a period of time. For survival.

Considering the irony of the different isolated lands and isles they stem from, with languages that wouldn't communicate with each other - the Bibles version is true. All carry the thread - man angering God and survival of men.

Theres no verification of mens suspicious, doubtful, sceptical nature. Fitting accounts of things after the Flood is a good trick. Even Crowe made his weird story which was further from the truth and inacurrate. Even my daughter asked questions because it looked farfetched.

Let God be found true though every man should proved to be a liar.
2016-09-08 19:22:19 UTC
Most Jews and Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. We believe the stories included in first 11 chapters of Genesis tell religious truth through figurative language and not necessarily historical fact.

People often reflect that every ancient culture has a flood story like that of Gilgamesh and this fact discounts the story of Noah. Or they claim the Jews stole the story from another people. But wouldn't a truly worldwide flood prove the "flood" instead?

About 10 to 12 thousand years ago the last ice age ended, melting a lot of ice. So much that sea level rose about 400 feet. This "flood" was worldwide and it is reasonably expected that the story would live on in every culture.


Anisimov et al., Chapter 11: Changes in Sea Level, Section Sensitivity to climatic change, Figure 11.4, in IPCC TAR WG1 2001.

Science Daily: Lost civilization under Persian Gulf?

Current Anthropology: New Light on Human Prehistory in the

Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis

With love in Christ.
2016-09-09 10:22:29 UTC
The remains of Noah's Ark is said to be at rest on Mount Ararat - some research has been done at what appears to be a massive shipwreck site high up on the mountain side.

Map showing location of Mount Ararat in Turkey,44.2378044,8.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4014d232638342ad:0xaaa6fa54b6b1247c!8m2!3d39.7024393!4d44.2990761

Noah's Ark links to

The one thing which bothers me about all of this is that it's all at in the wrong place.

There was a massive Tsunami in the Western Mediterranean Sea which destroyed the Minoan Culture on the Island of Crete - it is a well documented event.


The Cretans even carried out a human sacrifice of a boy aged about 18 but to no avail.

The earthquake was somewhere to the north of Crete it resulted in a massive Tsunami and flood right across the Mediterranean the centre of European Civilization at the time, 1,650 BC.

Way back then the Cretans were paying taxes to Egypt. Thousands of Cretans made it to the island of Cyprus soon after the Tsunami.
2016-09-09 13:17:24 UTC
I believe the bible, because I know God is real. if there is anymythology to the stories of Noah. then blame the Jews and Israel for corrupting it.

one thing that is new doctrine is the pearl of great price, it claims that Moses literally saw the creation and all the "particles" of it, by the power of the holy spirit. it is assumed that Abraham also saw the creation, and I think the vision lasted 6 days. if Israel preserved any part of the Noah flood story as true, than what we have is truth. other nations corrupt the stories and embellish, some stories are not even related to Noah but the entire world has some form of a Story of Noahs flood.
2016-09-09 16:02:13 UTC
If these events described in the Bible actually happened then of course you would get similar myths and legends in other cultures because the folk memory of the event would be passed down through the generations. If surrounding cultures hadn't mentioned the flood or a person like Noah this would be an arguement against.
2016-09-08 17:42:31 UTC
A 600 year old man builds an ark. collects a male and female animal from all over the world. lives on this ark for a year. Then when they find dry land the Koala bears walk to Australia and the Polar bears decide to go to Northern Canada. Yes that really makes sense.
2016-09-09 03:50:25 UTC
Christians will try using logic until you ask the technical questions about the Noah story then they start saying 'God works in mysterious ways' , Why bother using logic in the first place when you could have kept to 'magic'.
Ronald 7
2016-09-09 10:32:43 UTC
Natural History has shown Black Sea was formed when rising sea level breached the Bospherous,

This was around 4, 000 years BC,

Ancient dwellings have been inexplicably found below the Black Sea surface..

A Biblical Tragedy, of Biblical Proportions, by a Biblical flood In Biblical times.

More than coincidence? Maybe?
2016-09-08 18:02:07 UTC
No, you are over-reaching and taking it literally. I have no problem with someone building a boat and saving his family and his animals from a local flood. Remember Katrina in New Orleans?

It's the folks who insist that it covered the whole earth, that Noah must have had polar bears and penguins in there, and get carried away with it that make it silly.

Since it is not a Christian belief, why not ask Rabbi Marc Gellman, who writes the "God Squad" column in many newspapers, for the Jewish explanation?
2016-09-10 10:49:44 UTC
You think it's a myth just because Wikipedia happens to have an article on "Noah's ark myth?!"

If you're that gullable, you need to go back to school.
2016-09-09 10:55:38 UTC
Why, because someone in this day and age says it is? The Bible is the Word of God so it is true. You can believe it or not, either way, those that don't believe will still prove the Bible is correct. How? The Bible says there will be those that believe and those that do not.

Jesus refered to the flood of Noah's day so I'd have to say he would be the one that would know.
2016-09-08 18:14:21 UTC
Trying to disprove Noah's Ark (Genesis) by telling us that the boat described in a different account (Mesopatamia) was round? VERY POOR LOGIC.......

The Epic of Gilgamesh is clearly an embellishment of an eyewitness account (Genesis).
2016-09-09 14:38:26 UTC
Using the heading of Science you could be made to believe that you are related to cabbages, i'd be comfortable about that however the Ark is and was real, accuracy is not the point here Truth is, Science has been made to create many falsehoods.
2016-09-09 09:12:46 UTC
I belive tha Ark story is an account of a flood when the land bridge between Africa and Europe at Gibraltar broke down as the ice melted. The ship was just a good explanation of why we did not all die.
2016-09-09 18:11:15 UTC
Religion is a made up story and not an accurate account of anything at all.
2016-09-09 08:37:03 UTC
Noah's Ark is a true story. Every word of the bible is true.

Nonbelievers have been deceived by Satan.
2016-09-08 20:41:32 UTC
The flood myth had been around hundreds of years before and besides there's no record of any civilization being wiped out by a flood, plus, where did all that water come from?, enough to cover the earth up to mountain tops, and then suddenly disappear to where?
2016-09-08 22:07:29 UTC
You actually think Christians are "indoctrinated" by reading a book? Then why aren't you "indoctrinated"?

"Did you know" that pigs can fly? No? Without evidence, your OPINION is pointless. Did you just come here to expose your ignorance and proclaim your false OPINION? Your big mouth is not evidence.

You are probably using the Egyptian chronology that is littered with problems as to accuracy. If you've studied history, rather than simply read about it, you would know that the chronology by Manetho is unusable as fact.

Perhaps the proto-Hebrew texts dating back to the 11th century BC? That and other evidence suggest the Bible was written as events were happening since the Davidic period... Those same texts explicitly refer to the Books of Moses pushing the books of Moses back to 1450 BC.

Parallel historical accounts of Noah's Flood are found in the records of more than 500 civilizations around the world, many with no clear connection. Independent from the Bible, Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list.

Then you have non-textual physical lines of evidence indicating a global event about the time (based on genealogies) that are consistent with the flood or the likely aftermath.

While a study of the Sumerian list is a fascinating journey in discovering the way Sumerians looked upon their ancestry and how their numeric and commercial systems worked, the quality of the biblical text is distinctly superior in both completeness, information, and spiritual and moral quality. The biblical text does not reflect a borrowing from an inferior text. If anything, the very mention of this kings list that matches so closely to the biblical account is a confirmation of biblical authenticity.

The Near Middle Eastern Flood epics have three main versions: the Sumerian Epic of Ziusudra, the Akkadian Atrahasis Epic, and the Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. The Gilgamesh Epic is the most complete with 12 tablets decipherable and the eleventh tablet with the most complete flood account of the three versions. These flood epics reveal many internal inconsistencies, which rule them out from being the source of the Genesis text.

As to similarities with Gilgamesh and the Bible other than a flood (local in the epic) and a boat (small in the epic) there really aren't any! There are far more similarities in the Sumerian Eridu, Atra-hasis and the Shuruppak than in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Actually the Epic of Gilgamesh dates to about 1050 BC.. References to the Books Moses wrote date to the same period about 1000 BC indicating first there were indeed texts written by Moses, and that those texts were known and fairly widely distributed by that time. If we examine the Genealogies we find that those texts by Moses had to be written no later than 1450 BC a full 400 years before the Epic of Gilgamesh.

It is not difficult to rule out the Ancient Near Eastern mythological texts from being the source of influence for the account of Genesis. While Genesis is reliable, they are not.

Foolish men like the Anonymous coward hiding behind the blue tag have been attempting to take apart or add to the Bible for millennia, yet it still stands, unchanged truth, more verified by time.

Moses corrects the Egyptian chronology problem, Noah corrects the geologic column problem, and it all makes sense when you are able to confirm so much evidence in fact of reality.

The preponderance of evidence clearly denies evolution as a complete and utter failure, yet supports the assertion of Creation and therefore a Creator. If you were not already indoctrinated into the disproved philosophy of materialism you would recognize this.

You don't seem to be able to recognize "a demonstrable historical fact."

You are proven to be a propagandist liar. Go away and shut freaking up.

Can we believe what the Bible says?

Eight Evidences for a Young Earth

Young Earther Christians, what's your scientific proof the earth is young?

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

Why don't Christian fundamentalist just give and admit that Noah the Ark is just a made up fairytale?

Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)

Did The Biblical Flood Happen?

Geology of Grand Canyon & Noah's Flood

In what ways do you justify that the Earth is some 6000 years old?

Radiometric Dating with a thermal ionization mass spectrometer

How many SCIENTIFIC reasons can you think of to illustrate why Evolution is not a good theory?

Do you believe the great flood actually covered the whole earth?
2016-09-10 04:28:42 UTC
if you look deeply in the moral lesson of the story of the ark of noah ,we can find out that it is just a way to how god punish the evil people and how he award the good ones..!? obviously ,the person who caused the lead to that tale make blieve folks that they will get same end if they disobey god or just having safety of god if they obey him. that all, it is such 1+1=2 no further operations . the story of the ark of noah could be a lie or fake or just made up ,in one situation only , when we oppose the protagonist of the story to accuse him of fabricating the events in order he get respects of his people to make them scared about his closeness to god. normally, the one who didn't occur the event would be thousand times vulnerable to assume such reality ,and if he believe he can't prove it ,unless to cover up both the holy book and the protagonists ....niether of the situation acceptors nor the rebellious could achieve a great victory over the other ,so we can not find the truth or just accuse the prophets and their followers of manipulating god when they fabricate such mythology and hallucinogènes thoughts .
Wellll... hello then!
2016-09-09 13:06:36 UTC
If you find one falseness in God's word,it's no longer truthful and God can't be trusted! So far God's word the KING JAMES bible has never been proven wrong,..EVER! In fact it's passed every test given it for authenticity!

The fact is you don't know God personally,so don't listen to Him,but believe what the devil tells you,the devils been a lier from the beginning,JESUS CHRIST said so in that book~!
2016-09-12 07:42:11 UTC
yawn... this is supposed to be news is it? the story of noah's ark is just one take on the ancient 'flood myth' which recurs in the literature of numerous ancient cultures including of course that of samaria... a version, drawn from greek myths is even restated in metamorphoses by ovid... of course the story in the bible is made up... it is an aetiological myth... that fact in no way detracts from the power of the myth as a good story containing certain moral precepts...
2016-09-09 11:07:01 UTC
The reasons behind it are more fabricated, if it was in Scotland and we were told of 40 days and nights of rain we would be very confused as it would prob be on about day 60. One year we had 283 days of rain! But no ark needed...
k w
2016-09-09 15:24:11 UTC
Really ? How do you know the gilgamesh story wasn't retelling the Noah Flood ? What is your PROOF ?..........

Did you know the chinese have a similar story, but the name is Fo Hi ?.........

Did you also know, there has been a war between good and evil since the beginning of time ? and this is how it is fought, one story at a time, telling lies as if they were truth........

Have fun with all the propaganda.......I already know the truth
Tad Dubious
2016-09-09 11:44:27 UTC
Yes, I know it is a symbolic story, and a good one. As to whether it is an accurate account of anything - that is too broad so I will not challenge.
2016-09-09 14:42:45 UTC
Noah's arc is a true story. The story you're bringing up is just a mocking story of the real one. You think the person who wrote that lived in Noah's time? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
2016-09-09 21:27:34 UTC
No **** it's a myth. Anyone over the age of 8 shoud be able to figure out that story is BS.
2016-09-09 14:03:54 UTC
The story on tables about Ghilgames came after noah....a lot of time ..and doesn t have to do with noah..

It could be from people who left the parental home..loosing memories faith,obeying idols a d demons could fight them ..if they don t listen to god.

The devil could show up those times like a dragon a dinosaur...
2016-09-08 17:24:52 UTC
World's oldest winery discovered

Genesis 9:20 KJV And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.

No man made story pre-dates the stars. God wrote His plan in the stars and Cain knew the plan, but Cain did not understand the plan. When he was kicked out of Eden, he taught what he knew of God's plan without understanding. Cain lived a long time and influenced many people.

"Sargon The Magnificent" is an interesting read on the subject of Cain's teachings

The fact that God wrote His plan in the stars and many people tried to teach what they interpreted His plan to be, instead of letting Him lead and fulfill His plan through Jesus Christ, (John 3:14-21 KJV, 2 Peter 3:9 KJV), is also brought out in Genesis 11:4 KJV.

From The Companion Bible King James Version - side column notes 4. "may reach". No Ellipsis here. Hebrew "and its top with the heavens", i.e. with the Zodiac depicted on it, as in ancient temples of Denderah and Esneh in Egypt.

"The Witness of The Stars" - printable downloadable file - E. W. Bullinger

The Glory of The Stars" - E. Raymond Capt
2016-09-09 03:53:45 UTC
I studies paleontology, soil science, environmental geomorphology and environmental climatology at university.

I suspect that there is evidence of the great flood locked up in subterranean salinity levels and specifically related to the rate at which salt water is leached through different soil types.

Just a thought.
2016-09-09 20:38:32 UTC
Sorry, the Epic of Gilgamesh is just a retelling of Biblical truth from the bad guy's perspective. Don't you realize that the son of Cush, Nimrod is Gilgamesh?
Aortas Insotomia.
2016-09-09 17:58:31 UTC
Yeah! Everything is a made up story even the Holocaust, 911 terrorist attacks,Vietnam and Cold Wars, were all made up stories for us to watch in movies and tv series.
2016-09-11 08:00:23 UTC
It's not a made up story. It will be found in Greenland.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-09-10 08:35:31 UTC

Act of Random Kindness.

That was the best explanation for the story I ever heard.
2016-09-10 05:18:59 UTC
Of course. The earth is an arid wasteland. You would think if there was a world-wide flood at some point about 2/3 of the surface of the earth would be covered with water. Of course there is no water to be found on the surface of the earth is there?
2016-09-10 09:25:04 UTC
It was long ago that judgement came to mankind that way.

"So as in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the son of man be"

Jesus Christ is the son of man in this case.

God did say in the bible too that ," heaven and earth shall pass away, ..."

I believe the account of Noahs ark. I have seen numerous visual proofs of its existance.

Museums also have remains of creatures found withing stone from sedimentary to hardrock.

Noah a righteous man made the tremendous vessel as judgement of ongoing vile sins caused God to raise up Noah .

God in fact destroyed vile humanity and save Noah, his sons and animals.

The vessel was replicated in our modern times.

Noah spent much time to build.

The Lord our Righteousness saved Noah just as God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ to save us

mortally and eternally.
2016-09-09 08:19:14 UTC
Yes, I've known that since I was 7.
2016-09-08 17:21:40 UTC
No, I'll go along with the bible, and you can keep on putting together bits and pieces.

But exactly how, when and such, I leave to others.

Education ...the purpose is to lead away from God.

Find out the religion of those who post these things, and THEIR MOTIVE.

Sadly it is NOT SCIENCE at all, but pseudosciences, and wishes to prove

atheism, or evolution.

Check out 'flat earth'. More people are following this.

Do you FEEL like you are spinning? And those stars HAPPEN to SPIN exactly

WITH you, huh?
2016-09-08 18:10:12 UTC
Actually, according to one study, it was more boat shaped, than most depictions show; it was also made of composite material of which fossilized material has been found. Thus the problem with identifying gopher wood.

According to the study, it probably had a very large hole in its middle to help it deal with high waves, and to give access to water from within. This is called a moon pool.

Please look at the following video from min 38 to 42:

As to it being a made up story, that is your opinion. The story gives us just the bare basics without any of the details we would like. If we had been given the whole story, it would probably consume several encyclopedias, at least, and would entail information about what God did to save earth's species.


This claim of Gilgamesh is just pure nonsense. The reason there are 600 flood accounts around the globe with glaring similarities is because all humans today sprung from Noah and his sons and their wives. Thus, when God forced mankind to spread out over the globe at Babylon, they each took their variant of the account with them which then kept on being handed over to others as humankind became more and more fragmented into tribes and nations.

Atheists do not like to admit that this is what happened. The Biblical account came through Shem and Abraham, and with the help of God has the accurate details of this.

When you see depictions of Gilgamesh holding a lion, it is clear he was one of the Nephilim. The rest of the story also is what atheists like since it permits them to brush it all off as pure mythical stories. Look at how large he is next to his slaves who drag mine equipment around, or is it pyramid building equipment?!
Serene E
2016-09-08 20:34:30 UTC
Of course. the bible is a SPIRITUAL BOOK,full of allegory and parables.

I'm a Baha'i, a member of the Baha'i Faith. We believe there is only one God, that sent Buddha, Jesus, Moses, etc to humanity, now Baha’u’llah has come.
2016-09-09 18:20:59 UTC
Paul Preston
2016-09-08 20:50:08 UTC
No, that's a story that makes no sense, after the flooding all herbivores would get extinct in one day after the carnivores needed to eat
Black Happy Woman
2016-09-09 05:49:00 UTC
Of course you get stupider by the day,....Logically the very very first answer that must be considered is whether BOTH stories have a 3rd predecessor, which allows that one conveyed the story correctly and the other didn't.

God, you are one stupid clod
2016-09-09 14:50:11 UTC
Let me see. Jesus talked about Noah as a real person and about the flood as a cataclysmic event that destroyed all land animals on earth except for what was on the boat.

And some ... scientist with a Doctors degree in stupid, says the world cant possibly have been flooded. But then that same group of no it all scientists also said that the coelacanth was extinct, that life could not exist on the earth in any place where the sun could not reach so there could not possibly be any life on the bottom of the ocean....Oops! Nothing Jesus ever said was ever wrong and the older i get the more scientists are proven wrong.

Never mind that the top of the grand canyon was the bottom of an ocean at one time, never mind that the Sahara desert used to be full of water, never mind that death valley used to be an inland sea. Never mind that they found a boat and several rock boat anchors in turkey on a mountain. Just ignore the obvious truth and follow the learned scientist.

No thanks, i am going with Jesus.
2016-09-08 21:05:02 UTC
It's true
2016-09-08 17:56:20 UTC
Of course I know.

The last global mass extinction of life on Earth occurred 65 million years ago. There has been no major mass extinctions of that scale since then.

Do the math.
2016-09-09 19:02:44 UTC
Do you know the History of Life and evolution is based on correlations and not the scientific method

Jesus Christ is Lord and Noah flood happened cause as you begin to see it will be like the days of lot and noah when Jesus Christ returns
2016-09-08 17:43:49 UTC
Interesting article relevant to your claim regarding education

(And I say that as someone who has more education than most people.)

A quote from that article, which is from the very reputable BBC:

"Other research shows that people with the most education, highest mathematical abilities, and the strongest tendencies to be reflective about their beliefs are the most likely to resist information which should contradict their prejudices."

Similar results from similar studies are described in the article.
2016-09-08 17:24:39 UTC
Since no species (specially mammals) can develop from only 2 individuals that made a long time that it is known that it is a myth, moreover they did not even know that there were kangaroos or penguins somewhere on Earth .
2016-09-10 10:52:41 UTC
Hannah J Paul
2016-09-12 11:43:49 UTC
No, I didn't know that.

Hannah J Paul
2016-09-09 13:29:30 UTC
Where's your proof,blue boy⁉️

Oh,you don't have any.

2016-09-09 13:46:40 UTC
2016-09-08 17:40:05 UTC
Epic of Gilgamesh has nothing to do with the bible acct.

Just like all flood stories, false stories of what actually happened
The Goat Nose
2016-09-09 13:08:50 UTC
Your are kidding me! Every picture shows the giraffes heads sticking out of the roof of the ark - what more proof do you need.
2016-09-11 13:29:18 UTC
Yes the book of Genesis is mostly all made up, and the stories just provide symbolism
2016-09-09 02:28:58 UTC
As in almost all of white history books,and accts. of the past involving European & North American cultures. They wrote them as they saw the world and not how history really happened and other races/cultures actually lived.
2016-09-10 07:22:18 UTC
Wow, I didn't know that my love. This info will change my life completely.
2016-09-09 02:57:13 UTC
2016-09-09 01:48:35 UTC
This is what athiests consider "enlightenment." No wonder most people preceive them as complete crapheads. Who is this moron's audience?
2016-09-09 12:22:37 UTC
You mean to tell me that the Ark in my backyard is fake
Black Feminist
2016-09-10 02:29:49 UTC
Only three year old children believe that story.
2016-09-08 17:29:58 UTC
No. I don't know that because it's not true.
2016-09-09 06:59:52 UTC
Evagelical Christians and Muslims know this, but it contradicts with their cherished fairytale so they will ignore all the evidence to the contrary
2016-09-09 10:14:54 UTC
60% of all the world believes it is a historical event. See video below so you are in the minority most people believe in it.
2016-09-09 17:37:45 UTC
Surprise; Genesis consists of what are called Creation myths.
2016-09-08 21:57:11 UTC
When the end comes

every knee will bow

every tongue confess

that Jesus Christ

is Lord.

oh you didn't tell me


yes I did. just now


Jesus sent me to you

in here here and here.
2016-09-27 09:32:48 UTC
2016-09-09 09:15:23 UTC
I beg to differ.
2016-09-09 10:50:26 UTC
2016-09-10 10:15:30 UTC
Wikipedia is not a reliable source, it can be edited by anyone at any time.
2016-09-11 12:35:30 UTC
remnants of the ark have been found on Mount Everest
2016-09-09 11:30:05 UTC
It's you who has been "indoctrinated".

DID YOU KNOW that there have been many expeditions to the site on top

of Mount Ararat, to the REMAINS of the ark? .. no, I bet you don't know ...

You sit there tapping away on your keyboard, blindly posting false garbage.

A Frenchman, Fernand Navarra, has led FOUR expeditions to the Ark. He

first saw it in 1952, but was unable to get close enough. A second time he

tried in 1953 but was beaten by the cold and the treacherous conditions. In

his 1955 expedition he reached it, and took samples and many photographs.

Navarra went back again to the Ark in 1969, keeping a detailed diary of the

expedition, with abundant evidence. The scientific test reports are all there

reproduced in his book, confirming the timber species, carbon dated to about

5,000 years - and 100 photographs are in the book: "Noah's Ark: I touched It".

Mr Navarra first heard it was there from a friend whose Armenian grandfather

lived in a town called Bayazid, right at the foot of Mount Ararat in Turkey.

Many people have been there - from as long ago as 475BC, bringing back

pieces of bitumen scraped off the Ark's hull.

These visits have been recorded by Berosus of Chaldea, Josephus in his

"Antiquities of the Jews", Hieronymus the Egyptian who wrote Phoenician

Antiquities, Mnaseas and others, such as Nicholas of Damascus, and St

Theophilus of Antioch wrote about it.

Flemish traveller William of Ruysbroeck heard many accounts about the

Ark from local people in the 13th century. Marco Polo (1254-1324) spoke

of the existence of the Ark. Sir John Maundeville was told an account of

Jacob of Nisbis, who brought back a fragment of the Ark in 330AD, and

the same story was recounted by 17th century traveller Jean Chardin.

In 1800 the remains of the Ark were seen by Aga Hussein, according to

American writer Claudius James Rich ... and in July 1840, after a major

earthquake the Turkish government sent several teams of workers up to

construct protective avalanche barriers.One of those teams reported the

discovery of the front of a very old ship, divided into 3 rooms, jutting out

of a glacier ... Several other unsuccessful expeditions were made that

century until 1876, when Englishman James Bryce reached the summit

and said he found, "in the middle of blocks of lava, a piece of hand-hewn

old timber about four feet long and five inches thick."

In August 1883, a Constantinople newspaper announced the discovery of

Noah's Ark. A Turkish expedition saw "a huge carcass in very dark wood"

protruding from a glacier in a gorge of Mount Ararat. The Turks recognised

the Ark immediately, the sides had some damage but it was otherwise in

good condition. They could only go into three compartments that were 15

feet high. The rest were full of ice, so they could not estimate how far the

Ark stretched back into the ice. The timber was gopherwood, as the Bible

had said, "which as everybody knows only grows in the Euphrates plains."

In 1893 a Nestorian named Nourri successfully reached the Ark, reporting

that "only the bow and the stern of the boat were accessible." The central

part was caught in the ice. It's made of dark-red beams of very thick wood,

and he said its dimensions corresponded with the Genesis measurements.

In August 1916 a Russian aviator, Wladimir Roskovitsky flew over the top

of Mount Ararat and said he saw, on the eastern side, what appeared to

be the skeleton of a huge ship sticking out of the ice, about the size of a

"city block". A quarter of it was caught in the ice, one side was ripped

open and the other side had space for a big double door, half of it missing.

He informed his superiors of the discovery, and they flew over and sighted

it for themselves, reporting it to Moscow and Petrograd. Nicholas II gave

orders for an expedition of 150 soldiers to be sent. They worked to make

the summit accessible, and a scientific mission climbed to the site, took

measurements of the Ark and photographs, cut off samples and sent all

of those back to Petrograd.

During World War II, Major Jasper Maskelyn reported that one of his men

flew over Mt Ararat and spotted the wreck, partly submerged in a frozen

lake. An expedition sent afterwards had "found the remains of an ancient

vessel." But the Soviet Encyclopedia defines the story of Noah's ark as

a "legend which is harmful to science."

Egerton Sykes, former secretary to the British Embassy in Warsaw has

an extensive collection of historical and geographical information on the

Ark and Mount Ararat - with over 600 items of source material.
2016-09-09 08:12:16 UTC
I believe that it actually took place and what others believe is entirely up to them.
2016-09-08 18:56:38 UTC
The Bible isnt real and neither is science.Its all misconception used to perplex society and manipulate US
2016-09-10 04:08:42 UTC
When man’s word conflicts with what God says in his Word, we “let God be found true” by trusting in the message of the Bible.
2016-09-09 09:06:50 UTC
"Forthwith he (starts) constructing the Ark: Every time that the chiefs of his people passed by him, they threw ridicule on him. He said: "If ye ridicule us now, we (in our turn) can look down on you with ridicule likewise!" (Koran)
2016-09-09 14:45:24 UTC
Not a actually happened. If God Almighty can create the universe and everything in it (Genesis 1), including all life on earth, why couldn't that same God Almighty destroy all life on earth while protecting those eight people and all the animals on the ark? God Almighty is supernatural and the gathering of all the animals, Noah's protection on the ark, and the actual flood and was a supernatural event.

Take a look at this site -

I'm not saying that it's Noah's Ark for sure, but it certainly COULD be. The locals are certainly convinced. If it isn't the actual ark, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Take look at these clips and listen closely:
2016-09-09 02:56:18 UTC
I really thank you for correctly clarifying the real position. Earlier I was not knowing it.
2016-09-08 17:31:11 UTC
I agree with you. If I say that it forms part of the folklore of the Israelite people, his answer will be deleted.
2016-09-08 22:48:22 UTC
It is? You have totally overturned my entire world view
2016-09-09 09:18:31 UTC
Yes I knew that
2016-09-10 04:24:09 UTC
Spoiler alert...

Brigalow Bloke
2016-09-08 17:40:14 UTC
It is one of the many things in the "books of Moses" for which there is no evidence whatsoever.
2016-09-08 17:20:53 UTC
The fallacy of a false attribution.
2016-09-09 00:20:14 UTC
yes when i read it i i knew it was a false story
2016-09-09 04:16:27 UTC
2016-09-08 18:02:15 UTC
WERE YOU THERE? how do you know its not true? or are you basing it off a book, or from your own bias opinion.
Elsie Treize
2016-09-09 12:24:28 UTC
Yes, I knew that.
2016-09-09 11:38:27 UTC
is this even a question...? ur supposed to be asking questions, not airing your opinion.
2016-09-11 07:06:01 UTC
Yes, I knew it it was fake.
2016-09-09 11:30:20 UTC
I never knew that
2016-09-08 18:16:57 UTC
2016-09-08 17:28:11 UTC
Yes, I knew that.
2016-09-08 18:09:48 UTC
2016-09-08 20:14:27 UTC
News flash! water is wet. fire is hot.
2016-09-09 18:41:35 UTC
Did you know that YOU are a flaming IDIOT?
2016-09-09 12:49:12 UTC
Surely not!
2016-09-09 08:28:40 UTC
2016-09-08 18:01:42 UTC
it has all to do with Baptism
2016-09-08 17:19:46 UTC
The entire Bible is horseshit
2016-09-09 07:56:15 UTC
The bible is crap.
2016-09-10 07:45:51 UTC
Did not know that. Thanks for the update.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.