conundrum, no invite no go? May our lord speak with you openly, and soon at that.
I prefer not 'quoting' scripture though the instructions are clear enough so a child
may understand.
Growing up under JW teaching, I have discovered much for myself and more
assuredly from the greatest of all. Ask and you will receive.
The 144,000 spoken of, is NOT of only 'those to be saved' if many believe this
at all. The 144,000 are of those worthy enough, strong enough, that stand firm
enough in fullest of instruction from God himself. No you won't find this in a book.
You can gain the full, understanding if you step out of your adult-hood methods of
thinking and truly hear the words as you read them to yourself.
The mentioned 144,000 are of the caliber that they alone shall be THE ONLY ones
left for anyone interested to fully seek out to obtain their last and only chance to
offer their being entirely committed to our father... through full repentance.
It does NOT read they will be the only ones 'saved' or 'allowed into heaven'.
If you look at this in simpler form, each of us as an 'experiment', given our own
ability to 'think', it is for us to come to terms with that which is presented before us.
Live, or Die.
Many think we 'live' now. Here, we are truly 'dead', unless we choose to awaken
and offer ourselves completely to our father.
Here, our father uses a belt to bring us around. Our father of creation, knows what is
right but awaits our own 'decision' to how we wish to 'end' things. This is part of the
ongoing 'game' if you will - to determine those truly intent on being with him without
'messing up the house', knocking things over, yelling at one another, or worse, going
against him ever again.
Oh, right, no one remembers the 'heavenly battle' that ultimately ended with the opposing foe being tossed down to live among us.... we'll just skip that part.
None of us were, ever have been or are a part of that battle I take it. Little sis didn't aggravate little bro, making him mad to 'slap' little sis or neither did anything to get the
other in trouble up in heaven right? No, no fighting what-so-ever.
None of us EVER make any noise I'm sure. Hmm, anyone have kids?
If you ask me, it sure seems one is trying to pull me one direction, while the other is trying
to get me to go another. How about you? Nah, there's just no way the on-going battle up there could ever have anything to do with us being down here now could it?
Rather than have 'beings' slamming eachother around up there, why not 'encase them' ( humanly ) and let them fight inside themselves, or take it out on eachother, in a different manner - teach them how to behave if you will - then maybe those that can understand can come on back home and we can finally have some peace around the place?
Right, too far fetched. Kids NEVER step out of line do they?