A problem with religion that i am having, please help.?
2009-10-17 01:13:16 UTC
I have a problem thats been bothering me for a long time. I was just laying in bed and began to think about time, and the time i have wasted on doing stupid things, and then i thought, Time, that is what i have been having a problem with. Time, what is time? when did it begin and how? what was before the beginning of time? In itself time is a paradox. In genesis it says that god created all things in 7 days right? What happened before that? was that really the beginning of everything? I cant get of the notion that everything is a paradox, that we should not be here, or rather that we never should have been here. I know we were made by god, and i know that god made time but in doing so he made something that should never have been made (in my opinion). because then i ask my self if i keep cycling back through time i have to get to the beginning but because of time i feel there never was a beginning, and in doing so for some stupid reason i asked myself when was god made. there has to be a beginning to god also. for because of time everything has a beginning, there in you find my problem. i cant stop thinking about why we are here? what is time? does it have a beginning and if so when? and what was before that? its just one large paradox after another after another. you can keep asking what was before that, and what was before that over and over because of time.
Thirteen answers:
2009-10-19 08:00:19 UTC
Many'll do anything 2 keep God out of it. Stars/objects hv a measurable area/amount of energy [time] - means they had a beginning (their energy isnt infinite = they'll hv an end). Only 1 God can occupy infinity & that God is the God of Israel (no other gods) - only place u can rightly claim u dont need a cause 4 ur existence. Its only fully provable b/c Jesus is 1 & only true Son of God & He wasnt speaking out of 2 let alone 1000s of the sides of His mouth (no confusion - God spoke the universe in2 being [7 periods of time not days]/declared the end from the beginning - only possible if ur infinite).

1. The crux of the problem is many (having limited knowledge) try 2 know what God did by imposing human limitations 4 understanding things 2 God's abilities. The BB/Ev/Abiogenesis r theories 4 a billions of yrs old cold case - cant b proved by scientific method - we didnt see it take place = speculation - we cant b sure if we see the actual ends of the universe (b/c of curvature of space).

2. Many scientific finds r true but it doesnt mean "all" claims r true (many dont take time & energy 2 carefully think thru things b4 making a claim). Many dont properly take in2 account all it takes 2 create a universe/life (they tend 2 focus on things "seeming" 2 support what they want 2 &/or u 2 believe).

3. Theres no way 2 prove the BB is the cause of the universe. Whether the universe is expanding or not we cant prove the driving force of the propulsion is due 2 force(s) from outside of the universe/the BB/other forces or if acceleration is due 2 the universe collapsing/being sucked outward (we cant get outside of it - quantum mech particle out of nothing claims cant b proved w/o erasing the universe/u 2 do a "clean" experiment). & u cant test red shift claims.

4. The "1rst" cause of everything (no matter what scientists claim) must b an uncaused cause. 4 singularity 2 pop in2 existence @ 1 small point with the colossal energy needed 2 produce a universe is 1 tall order (It would take @ least a near infinite force [like gravity] 2 cause & keep enough energy 2 go from 0 2 billions of degrees kelvin within it if it was even possible). Even the so-called perpetual regression type theories double-talk (like the 1800s perpetual motion scams) ignore the fact that there had 2 b a 1rst cause no matter how many universes/dimensions 1 proposes existed prior 2 our universe. The process (work) of creating singularity/a universe uses energy & unusable energy like gamma/x-ray radiation escapes thus perpetual universe regression isnt possible.

5. Ignoring #4, even if a singularity "blob" was present prior 2 the BB we'd hv problems. Singularity can only hv 1 property (whatever "it" is) or it isnt in the state of singularity. This supposed blob could only b created thru full annihilation of all atomic structures of any matter/fabric of space entering it. Since this blob only has 1 property it can't react 2 itself, heat, pressure or other particles in the vicinity (no matter how unstable their atomic properties r b/c of the presence of the super immense gravitational field/annihilation in2 a single property blob).

6. The blob cant reach a "critical mass" threshold b/c of the state of its existence (& inertia problem). B/c the force of gravity would b billions of trillions of magnitudes greater than @ the center of a Super Nova, it couldnt act/react like a Super Nova.

7. 4 the singularity blob 2 expand/explode there must b some kind of "super" detonator present 2 cause an expansion/explosion reaction. The immensity of the gravitational force necessary 2 cause singularity 2 form & retain that state (2 gather & contain enough singularity "stuff" 2 make our universe), would cause another problem. That is, It would also prevent anything having the capability 2 serve as a detonator from lasting long enough 2 get near the blob 2 cause a reaction (let alone the tremendous forces necessary 4 the kind of colossal reaction needed 2 commence a universe).

8. Even if some type of detonator could get near the blob w/o being torn apart & annihilated 1rst, 2 split/scatter/expand the singularity blob would require it 2 penetrate 2 the center of the blob b4 causing a reaction even within the detonator/explosive (most likely impossible b/c of the gravitational force). Even if such an immense explosion could take place in the vicinity of the blob it would do little more than slightly move or vibrate the blob, which would more than likely remain fully intact (@ most it might rip off a very minute surface area which would immediately b pulled back 2 the blob along with all explosion particles). Even if something could last long enough 2 cause an explosion anywhere near the blob, the reaction would b akin 2 lighting a match as u put it in water.

9. The necessary gravitation field has 2 b so great that light cant escape. This means that even if the blob somehow expanded I doubt very much it could get beyond the threshold/event horizon where it could reach the necessary escape velocity/distance needed 2 outlast the force of gravity & remain @ that expansion level long enough 2 allow formation of atoms. B/c the center of gravity would still b @ the blob center point not @ the outside "surface" the vector angle of force would b greatest towards the original center. This vector force would cause any attempt 2 form atoms 2 be interrupted b/c it would exert such a tremendous force in 1 direction that it would pull atoms apart, back 2wards the center of gravity.

10. Setting aside par 4-9 - even if the proposed cooling process reached a point where quarks & anti-quarks could supposedly form there would hv 2 b zillions forming in some uniform distribution pattern @ near the same instant over a huge area. @ the sub-atomic level the same conditions would hv 2 exist thru out the entire area @ nearly the same instant or the atomic formation process would most likely fail. If only a few 2 a few million atoms formed they would most likely disintegrate in a very short period of time.

11. Contrary 2 popular belief atoms hv 2 b "forged" 2gether which can only take place by the 4 basic forces acting from "outside" its atomic structure while controlling & overcoming the forces that must b present & properly coordinated 2 keep the atomic structure intact (strong force vs weak force, etc.) while in the presence of the tremendous vector force toward the center of gravity acting against this formation process. 4 enough atoms 2 hv a chance of surviving, it would require formation of zillions of atoms 2 go thru the same process @ nearly the same instant (4 1 thing - 2 hv a chance of producing anywhere near enough of an opposing force like gravity [but any new center of gravity, while gathering atoms would also increase its attraction back in2 the immense force from the original center of gravity] 2 cancel out @ least most of the vector force of the original center of gravity - impossible).

The chances r so great against even 1 atom forming without an incredibly Intelligent Being, possessing a much greater area than the universe & having possession & control over many more times the energy needed 2 create a universe, creating it - u'd hv a better chance of having a million monkeys creating the US Constitution by randomly pressing keys on a million typewriters, which we know would b impossible (even if they did they wouldnt know what it was or what 2 do with it). 4 each event in the universe the laws of probability apply, those of which r dependent on other events only compounds/multiplies the odds against it taking place without God causing it.

The amount of dark matter in the universe can never b fully known as we would hv 2 visit all ends of the universe.

i aint know
2009-10-17 01:49:20 UTC
Well yeah .. if u see time as u see it than it becomes a problem .. god knows the end from the begining he knows the end he knows the middle .. he never says .. "wow i didn't see that one coming ".

We are like a world dvd sitting on gods shelf complete and finished yet we are in a time he isn't constrained by .. so the concept of before and after don't exist any more .... unless we are talking to humans who have to see things this one way or their head gets tired........Time isn't like a timeline or a clock , or a path . instead it's like soda pop with fizz that has little bubbles going every different direction ..
Ancient Astronaut
2009-10-17 01:32:28 UTC
We're never going to know all that so instead of allowing your mind to swim aimlessly in circles give it a direction.

For me, life and human existence is about struggle - the struggle to make ourselves strong and compassionate and the struggle to make the World a better place to live.

This makes each and every one of us a warrior, but not one who destroys, but one who creates and loves.

Let all your battles occur in your own heart and soul. The only truths regarding existence are the ones we create and abide by.

Action is all, no one can judge you for what you think, only how you act.

You can take responsibility only for yourself - your words and actions - no one elses.

When you have taken this rsponsibility, the the only time that matters is RIGHT NOW, and that is where you will find eternity and the Eternal within you and with-out you.

Peace, bro' -J (can't sleep)
2009-10-17 01:28:24 UTC
If you are truly a person sincere about finding answers about those questions and you would like to find them in the bible I recommend for you to visit

You also can fill out a form if your interested in learning more from the bible on a personal note, they will send someone from your local Kingdom Hall to study with you. I also recommend for you to write down every question you have about the bible....they will be able to answer them from the bible. I had two pages back and front of questions. I have never regreted taking the time to study with JW, and I'm sure you will not either. Despite what people say, everyone who studies the bible do not become JW, one has to be deserving of that prospect...and only God determines that. Matthew 10:11-15 (read) They will provide a bible aid that you will study from, with your bible called What does the Bible Really Teaches! Excellent Book!

Hope this helps. Sincerely Dekay
Mr McKenzie- Tears of Joy
2009-10-17 15:44:12 UTC
The discovery in twentieth century that the universe is not an unchanging, eternal entity was a complete shock to secular minds. It was utterly unanticipated.

Early Christian and Muslim scholars used mathematical reasoning to demonstrate that it was impossible to have an infinite past. Because an infinite past would involve an actually infinite number of invents, their conclusion was that the universe's age must be finite. That is, it must have had a beginning.

Here is an example involving marbles: Imagine I had an infinite number of marbles in my possession, and I wanted to give you some. In fact, suppose I wanted to give you an infinite number of marbles.

One way I could do that would be to give you the entire pile of marbles. In that case I would have zero marbles left for myself. Infinity minus infinity equals zero.

Another way to do it would be to give you all of the odd-numbered marbles. Then I would still have an infinity left over for myself, and you would have an infinity too. Infinity minus infinity equals infinity.

Or I could give you all of the marbles numbered four and higher. That way, you would have an infinity of marbles, but I would have only three marbles left. Infinity minus infinity equals three.

Do you realize how the idea of an infinite number of things leads to contradictory results? In the first case, infinity minus infinity is zero; in the second case, infinity minus infinity is infinity; and in the third case, infinity minus infinity is three. In each case, we've subtracted the identical number from the identical number, but we have come up with nonidentical results.

That's because the idea of an actual infinity exist only in our minds. Working within certain rules, mathematicians can deal with infinite quantities and infinite numbers in the conceptual realm.

However, and here's the point, it's not the descriptive of what can happen in the real world. The point of the illustration is that you couldn't have an infinite number of events in the past. Substitute past events for marbles, and you can see the absurdities that would result. So the universe can't have an infinite number of events in its past; it must have had a beginning.

In light of all the evidence for a beginning of the space-time universe, the Beginner must be outside the space-time universe. When God is suggested as the Beginner, then who made God? If everything needs a cause, then God needs a cause too.

As we have seen, the Law of Causality is the very foundation of science. Science is a search for causes, and that search is based on our consistent observation that everything that has a beginning has a cause. In fact, the question "Who made God?" points out how seriously we take the Law of Causality. It's taken for granted that virtually everything needs a cause.

So why then doesn't God need a cause? Because the skeptical contention misunderstands the Law of Causality. The Law of Causality does not say that everything needs a cause. God did not come to be. No one made God. He is unmade. As an eternal being, God did not have a beginning, so he didn't need a cause.

But wait, if you can have an eternal God, then I can have an eternal universe! After all, if the universe is eternal, then it did not have a cause. Yes, it is logically possible that the universe is eternal and therefore didn't have a cause.

In fact, it is one of only two possibilities: Either the universe, or something outside the universe, is eternal. Since something undeniably exists today, then something must have always existed; we have only two choices: The universe, or something that caused the universe.

The problem is that while it is logically possible that the universe is eternal, it does not seem to be actually possible. For all scientific and philosophical evidence tells us the universe cannot be eternal. So by ruling out one of the two options, we are left with only other option, something outside the universe is eternal.

When you get right down to it, there are only two possibilities for anything that exists: Either, one, it has always existed and is therefore uncaused, or, two, it had a beginning and was caused by something else, it can't be self-caused, because it would have had to exist already in order to cause anything.

According to the overwhelming evidence, the universe had a beginning, so it must be caused by something else, by something outside itself. Notice that this conclusion is consistent with theistic religions, but it is not based on those religions, it is based on good reason and evidence.

So what is this First Cause like? One might think you need to rely on a bible or some so-called religious revelation to answer that question, but, again, we don't need anyone's scripture to figure that out. Einstein was right when he said, "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind."

Religion can be informed and confirmed by science, as it is by the Co
2009-10-17 01:21:45 UTC
The Einsteinian theory of General Relativity tells us that time is an attribute of space. It says that time and space are inseparately linked. That means both time and space are attributes of our Universe. Since the Universe had a beginning ~13,7 billion years ago, you can't ask what was before that since there was literally no time before the Big Bang.

Or you can, but there's no answer to it since we don't have access to data from beyond the Big Bang. It's just one of those unknowable questions.
2009-10-17 01:24:15 UTC
Your problem is that you allow your brain to accept a god. That god was the god that the Jews were told to worship and those intelligent Jews who wrote their Torah, the Old Testament knew that their religion was not true, so that means your god is the same god and he is not true and neither is Jesus. Forget about all of that hogwash and grow up and live your own life.
2016-11-30 01:30:46 UTC
there is frequently continually going to be a dispute on the translation of particular issues in faith. something that may no longer stated needless to say interior the texts/scriptures that help style the inspiration of a faith will frequently be disputed; and those disputes carry approximately divisions. Christianity is without doubt one in all the main exemplary occasion of this, as we are able to work out only what number differing ideals platforms exist in the only faith. The style of church homes selection of their hundreds. sometimes, even whilst something is obvious interior of a scripture, particular communities interior of a particular religious concept equipment will recommend exchange with the intention to extra smart healthy the context of the situations, place and so on. explanation why the Catholic Church grew to become a considerable political stress in Europe after Theodosius' religious reforms of the Roman Empire, explanation why it grew to become Christianity from a faith of passivity to a faith which demanded obedience and punished people who disobeyed; became through fact as a state faith particular basic doctrines ought to no longer be upheld lest the state disintegrate. The chief of a u . s . ought to no longer only enable somebody slap his left cheek after first slapping his real cheek. there are hundreds of alternative examples of this, the place branch occurs through fact of a will to alter the way particular issues are accompanied. otherwise, we've the skill war. Religions can divide through skill subject concerns, economic subject concerns, territorial subject concerns and so on. the great Schism interior the 11th century advert became very plenty a results of disagreement between the Emperor of the jap Roman Empire and the Pope interior the West; and those disagreements based very plenty around who could rule over Christendom. hence, greed could additionally chop up religious communities. In different religions we've comparable issues. The middle ameliorations between Sunnism and Shiaism focus on frequently political ameliorations surrounding the management of Islam after the prophet Muhammed. To Sunni's, Abu Bakr became the 1st rightful caliph after Mohammed, yet to Shia's, Muhammed's cousin/son-in-regulation Ali became to handbook.
2009-10-17 01:24:48 UTC
Well as humans we can only perceive time in a linear fashion. I suppose its possible to experience time in a different form but obviously I can't grasp it with only my human potential. There are no answers to your questions but that doesn't mean you should stop looking! Good luck in your quest for knowledge.
Eye of Innocence
2009-10-17 01:30:14 UTC
I believe there was no need to keep up with time until the fall of man. Like the prison inmate who makes scratches in his wall to mark his time of incarceration. For us, time marks our separation from God...
2009-10-17 01:38:33 UTC

it asks these types of questions

everything you typed up there is insignificant

god is not a HUMAN

god does not go by the RULES on EARTH

like TIME

god does not go by TIME

its a whole DIFFERENT thing with god

the human brain will never understand

CHRISTIANITY is not a religion by the way


2009-10-17 01:17:58 UTC
So, what's your question?
2009-10-17 01:17:04 UTC
too long, too boring, goodluck

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.