you're accurate.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a massive publishing house which has accumulatively sent out billions of pieces of literature. This high rolling money machine produces publications that can be compared to slow doses of poison, impacted the lives of countless unsuspecting readers into slavishly devoting their lives to an organization that cares only for the mass consumption of their members finances. Considered Bible aids, Jehovah's Witnesses are tricked into believing that only through Watchtower publications can one fully understand the Scriptures. Yes, in the efforts for mass financial consumption, Watchtower leaders train their followers to believe that it is impossible to grasp the true meaning of the Scriptures without guidance from them and their publications. The financial growth and success of the Society from Watchtower publications alone is certainly phenomenal
and through examining the following evidence one can solidly conclude that the Watchtower organization is nothing more than a business utilizing millions of sales reps everyday to peddle their goods.
In 1991, the Watchtower Society went to a donation arrangement, in turn losing a major source of cash flow. The same thing happened a few years later when they stopped the food service at Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions. In the desperate attempts to maintain financial growth, the Society wrote strongly worded letters to bodies of elders instructing them to make up for the lost cash flow. This approach has gradually proven successful, to the extent that the Society has more than made up for the losses. Although the Watchtower Society is undeniably frugal with their finances, the same cannot be said for Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole. One example is the way they distribute Watchtower and Awake! magazines to subscribers.
The United States postal rates for magazines are low compared to most of the world, and so the Watchtower utilizes the United States post office to mail the magazines to subscribers. In view of this, the Society has instructed local Jehovah's Witnesses to run around distributing the magazines. Of course, this is a real inconvenience both to the Witnesses and to the subscribers. The Witnesses (substitute-postmen) must spend time and money doing what the Post Office can do much cheaper. The subscribers get hit-or-miss delivery of this important "spiritual food". This cheap trick once again reiterates the fact that the Watchtower Society cares more for their own financial gain than the welfare of their loyal followers.
Yes, perhaps no other single religious organization uses the printed page so extensively, comparatively dwarfing the majority of other religious bodies, even the United States Catholic Church. But, how much money actually comes in from the sale of all these publications? Although the United States branch of the Watchtower organization will not provide financial figures, it is estimated that about 30% of its income is from donations for literature. It has been acknowledged that the donations the Society receives from literature covers most of the entire organizational needs including missionaries, branch offices, and so on. In the late 1980's, it was estimated that the income from magazines alone exceeded $1,780,000 per week. In 2007 it is safe to say that this figure is three million dollars per week. The Watchtower Society has undoubtedly created a cash cow with magazines and books alone. To release just one new book at the yearly District Convention brings an automatic sale of at least six million books. Run the numbers, if donations of just one dollar were given for each book would add up to a monumental figure of six million dollars. This is an extremely underestimated figure. According to the 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses on page 32, a print run of 51,663,097 bound books, 18,232,169 booklets and almost a half billion Watchtower and Awake magazines were printed.
When publishers (Watchtower sales people) pick up literature at the Kingdom Halls or assembly sites, they are encouraged and entrusted to pay for the literature by placing their own money in the worldwide work contribution box. When the literature is placed (sold) in the door to door work, and the Witnesses receive donations, they are instructed to keep account of this money by placing it in a specially marked envelope until the next meeting where they will place it in the worldwide box at the Kingdom Hall. Through placing their own money for the literature and the money collected from the door to door work for the literature, the
Watchtower Society makes out like bandits. Yes, the esoteric money making machine known as the Watchtower Society collects money twice for the same publications, hence the term "double dipping". This "spirit directed" organization (business) comes out smelling like a rose. etc