1) What do Jews think about progeny of Ishmael overtaking and far exceeding progeny of Issac?
Being Shabbat, you probably won't get too many Jewish answers today.
However: they probably think that it's a crock. I mean, if I declared, "all Eastern Asian people are progeny of Jacob" then the declared descendants of Jacob would have the declared descendants of Ishmael soundly beat in numbers - wouldn't they? The very same thing occurred when Mohammad declared, "Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael" - despite the **complete and total** lack of evidence supporting that claim, and the fact that all the evidence that *does* exist contradicts that claim.
2) As promised by G-d in Hebrew Bible, He raised a big nation out of progeny of
That is true. And according to the Bible that prophecy was fulfilled **in Biblical times** - in fact, long before the time of Moses. Here you can read in the Bible how that prophecy was fulfilled:
3) and put them in control of the promised
land from Euphrates to Egypt and from wilderness(Arabia) to Lebanon
This is not promised in the Bible.
This is not described in the Bible.
As far as anyone knows, this has never happened in history.
4) Does this mean holy land was promised to righteous progeny of Abraham ?
Please research the nation known as "Israel". If God promised the Holy Land to "the righteous progeny of Abraham", then you *must* believe that the government of Israel is "the righteous progeny of Abraham".
- Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/