If you believe that murder is wrong, for any reason, then abortion too has to be wrong. In some ways it is worse, because it is taking away any choice of an individual to ever experience life. In my opinion, it is a particularly shocking thing for a mother to kill her own child (often because she puts her own selfish choice/needs as a reason to do it. She gets rid of another human being, who is her own child, in order that her own life is not affected, or because it is an inconvenient time).
If someone cannot kill someone because they "might" hinder their social life, or just because they didn't want them in their life, then why is it right to kill an unborn baby for this reason? If a healthy child was already born and was involved in an accident and became dependent upon the mother, you could not kill them for the sake of the child, or because you felt you couldn't/wouldn't want to look after them any more, otherwise you would be charged with murder. So why do that to a child who hasn't yet been born. If someone is in pain, or is disfigured, or disabled, should we offer them euthanasia, because we deem their lives as awful (because we personally can't understand why they would want to live), where do you draw the line as to what is acceptable. Should there be a panel who decides who should live and who should die? This would be sick and equivelant to how Hiltler thought about people who were not perfect. It is also extremely offensive to people who do come into these catagories, that some people deem their lives an unworthy. If your child turned bad as an adult and did a terrible crime, you could not kill them, otherwise you would be sentenced for murder. So why is it ok to kill a child who was the result of a crime (ie rape). That child is also half of the mother and is still a human being. Just like the victim of the rape did not ask to be raped, neither did the child ask to be born. I personally would prefer to be born and have a chance to live, than to be killed because my father was a rapist. (You wouldn't kill the offspring of rapists, or presume that his children would be the same, so why kill and unborn child).
Some people also use the excuse that the child will be born into difficult circumstances, maybe to people who are very poor etc.... Does this mean that all children can be killed if they are already born to parents like this..... of course not, because again it would be murder. Just because you are poor, it does not mean you are incapable of love. There are good and bad parents in every section of society.
A child in the womb, has no choice, no voice and relies on his/her mother to protect them (even if that mother is very young, quite old, not ready, taken by surprise, worried etc...). It is a very sad reflection on our society, that the womans choice to abort (kill) her own child is so easily available and acceptable, yet murder for any other reason is not acceptable.
In this day and age, it is no longer seen as socially unacceptable to be a single parent, like it was 50 years ago. Neither is it dishonourable for a single woman to be pregnant. Yet the choice to abort is more prevelant than ever. Contraception and sex education has never been better, yet abortion to some people is seen as an extension to contraception.
It is sad that there are more women/girls that are pushed into abortion, than are encouraged to have their babies. The result is that there is now a generation of women/girls, who never get over the guilt of aborting their children. The psychological guilt and shame never leaves some women and the pain and loss they feel is heartbreaking. Once a child is born, a mother may decide that her positive feelings towards the child are natural and overwhelming. On the other hand, IF she genuinely felt she could not care for her child (for whatever reason), there ARE many people who would embrace this precious child and give love and a care they need and deserve, for the rest of their lives. It's just a tragedy that this option is rarely given to the mother.
My beliefs about abortion have never changed, since I was a teenager. 25 years later, even though my attitude towards my faith (belief in God) has changed during this time, my passion about this subject has not altered at all.
I hope your speech goes well and you get a good balance of opinions.
Edit: I have just read what Mystine G has written. She compares a child, to a wart. She sees both as just a clump of cells and can't see why getting rid of your baby is any worse than having a wart cut off. This mindset is a true reflection of the present generation. Life is just a clump of cells, meaningless and irrelevant, with no right to live at all.
Maybe that is the same mindset that Hitler had towards the jews (or other ethnic groups he despised), disabled, gypsies or anyone who opposed him (well, I suppose it was his choice and he was just doing what he thought was the right thing to do). Interestingly, he saw them all as sub-human and did not think it was wrong to do experiments on them (in the name of science). It seems somethings never change. Maybe this is also how dictators around the world have found it so easy to commit murder and genocide. Whatever reason or excuses people give, it's ALL murder.