Did science prove evolution by Darwin is a fact/real or not? Does this disprove the Bible? Why?
2018-09-10 17:17:04 UTC
Did science prove evolution by Darwin is a fact/real or not? Does this disprove the Bible? Why?
122 answers:
2018-09-25 06:10:40 UTC
Whether evolution is true or not it doesn’t disprove anything in the Bible. According to science humans existence is close in approximation of when they people says humans came to be
2018-09-24 23:49:41 UTC
Evolution, like man caused climate change (or whatever it's called today), is just theory. Since no one alive today was around at the beginning of time, all we have is theory. We do have some proof of evolution in some species to adapt to changes in their environment. None of the various theories "disprove" anything in the Bible.
2018-09-22 17:55:46 UTC
Has any one seen a monkey or a horse half way in changing into something else have you seen a human being in the half way mark each species stays as they are suppose to be Darwins theory is flawed.
2018-09-20 10:42:12 UTC
Scientific theory is corroborated rather than proven. However, evolution by natural selection is clearly true. No it doesn't disprove the Bible because the Bible is about our relationship with God and each other and not a science textbook, and attempts to interpret it in that way are unhelpful and misguided.
2018-09-19 18:56:01 UTC
Darwin's belief in evolution has been demonstrated as true over and over again. Virtually zero educated people deny evolution. It doesn't fully disprove the Bible if you accept that God created the process of evolution.
2018-09-18 01:44:49 UTC
Evolution is real no it doesn’t disprove not a Abrahamic
2018-09-14 15:08:23 UTC
No new scientific discoveries have been found to support Evolution. The growth of knowledge now is producing scientific facts that contradict the evolutionary theory, not confirm it. Darwin’s missing link(s) have not been discovered which means they’ve never existed. University text books try to brainwash students into making them believe in evolution with false assumptions. Take a look at the Coelacanth fish which text books lead us to believe the lie that fish grew feet. But fossils recently found of the Coelacanth fish show that they never evolved, the fish did not have a leg stand on. Take a look at the species how they remain within the same species—dogs remain dogs and cat remains cats. Take a look at biogenesis. Scientific evidence shows that life arising from non living material (abiogenesis) is impossible. (Thanks to Dr. Louis Pasteur.) People who believe in evolution have been brainwashed. They can't reject evolution, because they have already rejected God.
2018-09-11 15:44:46 UTC
Darwinian evolutionary theory has actually been left behind by modern scientists. It is no longer in vogue because newer, better explanations have been presented which they feel are more accurate than Darwin’s. Australian philosopher David Stove has argued against Darwinian theory in his book Darwinian Fairytales, to show how human behaviour constantly contradicts Darwin’s evolutionary imperative, to maximize the number of one’s offspring.

Darwin examined many creatures isolated by geography for long periods, and felt their developments with some unique characteristics explained his theory, Darwin’s finches, for example. But the chance event of geographical isolation which, almost by definition, cannot impart directionality to evolution over long periods of time. It is too ad hoc to drive ever-increasing complexity over millions of years, as required by Darwinian theory. Darwin’s finches remained finches, whatever shape their beaks. (See ref. to the scientist who pointed this out, source below)

Evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne commented on a book explaining rape as a Darwinian survival mechanism: “Unfortunately, evolutionary psychologists routinely confuse theory and speculation. Unlike bones, behaviour does not fossilize, and understanding its evolution often involves concocting stories that wound plausible but are hard to test. Depression, for example, is seen as a trait favored by natural selection to enable us to solve our problems by withdrawing, reflecting, and hence enhancing our future reproduction. Plausible? Maybe. Scientifically testable? Absolutely not. If evolutionary biology is a soft science, then evolutionary psychology is it flabby underbelly.”

Another quote from Andrews (below): The problem for explaining the miracle of the origin of life in a purely materialistic way [Darwinism] is shown up by the explosion in a printing factory illustration. But when Quantum Mechanics is invoked to get around this, appeal is made to as yet unknown scientific discoveries. And that is a mirror-image of the God of the gaps theory atheists so despise! So probability is invoked; anything imaginable in the physical universe will surely happen by natural causation if you wait long enough, provided only that its mathematical probability is not zero. As a mathematical probability can be worked out in theory for the monkeys, this is hailed as a good argument. Alas, mathematical probabilities bear no necessary relationship to physical possibilities. Before mathematical probabilities can be applied to the real world they have to pass through the twin filters of logic and physical reality.

This means that the illustration of an explosion in a printing factory producing sensible sentences when the fonts fall down mitigates against life arising spontaneously from chemicals hit with a bolt of lightning. But the illustration of monkeys eventually producing the works of Shakespeare is unreasonable because the mathematical probabilities invoked bear no resemblance to logic and physical reality.

No sensible person believes that a dictionary could be produced by chance from an explosion at a printing factory. And no sensible person can expect real life to produce the finished works of Shakespeare via an infinite number of monkeys playing with typewriters for an infinite number of years. Impossibilities arise in the physical universe not from mathematical constraints but from the laws of nature. It’s not mathematics that enables life to arise by chance from lifeless chemicals. It is information embedded in code form into cellular DNA, which can be decoded and acted upon, as an instruction manual, that enables cells to live and duplicate. And information is intelligence. [quote ends]

Darwin had no idea about information in DNA when he wrote his theory. Such discoveries have meant Darwinism has been left behind, and even though modern scientists speak respectfully of Darwin, they have had to come up with new explanations or ideas to account for the new discoveries that actually mitigate against life arising in the first place, let alone phenomenally developing the way it has done.

As the Bible does not concern itself with the 'how' of life developing, only that God created all life, nothing about fading Darwinism can disprove the Bible.
2018-09-10 20:25:29 UTC
Yes, and no it doesn't. It disproves Young Earth Creationism, but that's a very small minority of Christians. The official position of the Catholic Church, for instance, is that evolution is a factual account of how species change over time.
Bobby Jim
2018-09-10 18:48:02 UTC
Science has not proven Darwin's theory, so the Bible remains as legitimate an alternative as ever. Concerning evolution, science will never be able to duplicate the physical properties of the Earth and its atmosphere to be able to duplicate what evolutionists believe was history. Without Scientific Method, theories remain unproven, and in this case, unprovable.
2018-09-23 04:45:06 UTC
complex systems everywhere seen in the universe,here as well,either

produce themselves

or their rules are set by a 'something' of vast power & intelligence, as in

'a supreme being'

beliefs about how we & creation came to be abound among the world; religions,fundys have their own

gods time scale,is it ks of years million,s or billions?

a creative force outside of the time/space constraint seems most logical,

darwin noted biological changes of plants & critters on geographically

close islands,occurring over thousands, hundreds and millions of years,

the bible is used if properly as a guide to behavior,tho many events are born out by archeology
2018-09-22 14:49:09 UTC
Evolution has been proved over and over, common sense and a bit of intelligence by any prudent person will also do that.
2018-09-22 06:18:59 UTC
Darwin lived. And then died.
2018-09-21 14:17:16 UTC
Currently there are multiple competing theories of evolution. Each of those states that claims by the other theories are false and incorrect.

No one yet has been able to tell me which of those competing theories if the "proven" one.

Whether being able to prove that species came about because of changes in plants and animals over millions of years disproves the Bible depends on how you understand the open chapter of Genesis.

If you interpret the chapter as a "scientific thesis" to be taken as the literal facts of what happened, you could find some issue with it.

If you interpret the chapter as "poetry" (which it is in the original language) that's purpose is to show the power and beauty of an infinite God who is able to create the entire universe, but still holds a special place for man, then it does not contradict anything that current science teaches.
2018-09-18 22:40:02 UTC
Yes, evolution was a known fact, even in Darwin's day. While Darwinian evolution doesn't paint a complete picture, it did successfully make predictions about future discoveries that later ACTUALLY occurred. The discovery of Archaeopterix lithographica during Darwin's own lifetime -- predicted by evolution prior to its actual discovery -- proved the point. Since then, evolution has survived every challenge made to it.

People who say evolution is "just a theory" simply do not know what scientists mean by "theory". To non-scientists, theory often means "guess or conjecture".... But that's not what scientists mean. A theory is a broad and robust field of knowledge with repeatedly observed applications and predictive power -- think Theory of Gravity or Germ Theory of Disease -- You don't SERIOUSLY think these are guesses, do you?!

There is literally no other explanation even of offer at this point. Only evolution can explain things like endogenous retroviral DNA at the same base pairs in related species and the head-to-head fusion of simian chromosome 2 in humans. You can literally toss out everything else and just keep those two pieces of evidence and evolution is still demonstrated true beyond doubt.

But does it disprove the Bible? Not exactly. It disproves a literal interpretation of Genesis 1:11-31 and Genesis 2:5-25 since demonstrable facts show that the order of appearance of plants and animals in these verses are simply wrong. But if you have a figurative reading of these verses, then evolution doesn't affect you in the slightest.
2018-09-18 20:09:51 UTC
Evolution is a theory which means it hasn’t been proven, sooo...
2018-09-18 08:04:07 UTC
Both cannot be accepted but it is true that a supreme being or supreme beings have created the earth and everything in it. Sometimes people are attracted by new thoughts and believe that it might be true. The evolution of Darwin is one such thing. God had created the spirits too but it seems no one cares about this truth. Without spirits the human beings are nothing. The Bible says nothing about this. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
Den B7
2018-09-14 14:27:54 UTC
To this day, evolution is still considered a theory, not a fact. There are mountains of evidence to support the theory, but it is still theory.

Even if evolution was proved to be real, it still wouldn't disprove the bible. If God created Adam & Eve as single celled creatures in a puddle of water and they evolved from there into humans... God would still be the creator of life.
2018-09-14 06:01:42 UTC
Science has proven evolution by natural selection. Darwin had a good hypothesis starting out, but he wasn't 100% correct in his predictions. For it to graduate to the level of theory it had to be revised a bit through a great deal more observations collecting data, as well as predictions being proven true and experimentation showing evolution in progress. The theory of evolution does disprove the bible because everything the bible claims about the origins and diversity of life, as well as pretty much everything else, has been clearly shown to be wrong. The creation story is wrong, the ludicrous story of Noah's flood is wrong, the descriptions of bats being birds and whales being fish are wrong, stories of people living to 900+ years old is wrong. The bible is a collection of ancient mythologies, many of which are plagiarized from older myths, as a way to answer questions they didn't have any answers for a few thousand years ago. Science and knowledge have advanced greatly to give us those answers and fill in the blanks.
2018-09-13 18:30:35 UTC
Evolution is a myth
Donut Tim
2018-09-13 12:27:31 UTC
1) Yes, biological evolution is real, provable and observable.

2) Yes, but is redundant. There are so many obviously incorrect things in the bible that you don't need to find more: a person surviving 3 days inside a sea creature, worldwide flood that leaves no evidence and no other civilization noticed, a person made from dirt and another from a rib, a person turning into salt, dead people coming back to life, Sun and Moon stopped in the sky for a whole day (again, other’s did not notice), people that lived more than 400 years… and many more.
2018-09-13 10:10:41 UTC
no dear, evolution is merely stories made up by people that no one can prove, dear.
2018-09-13 05:24:20 UTC
Yes, evolution is a fact and its observations are used to create life saving medicines that you have most certainly taken. This proves the Bible is not a science book.
2018-09-12 15:38:51 UTC
If we evolved from apes, why haven't apes evolved?
2018-09-12 03:22:30 UTC
It is sheer nonsense: There is enough known about Darwin's natural selection to know it is based on flawed hypothesis by a man (Darwin) who for most of his adult life was mentally incapacitated due to disease. Darwin himself said, "The impossibility of conceiving that this grand and wondrous universe, with our conscious selves, arose through chance, seems to me the chief argument for the existence of God."

Darwin's theory on natural selection should read Darwin's Hypothesis on Natural Selection because a theory is based on well substantiated principles which little of Darwin's works can be substantiated. For example:

1. We can't see the intermediate forms of species, the connecting links

2. Later Punctuated Equilibrium tried to explain this gap but did not succeed; instant development points toward a creator.

3. People are taught that the fossil record furnishes proof of evolution. But, where are there fossils of half-evolved dinosaurs or other creatures?

4. Evolutionist claim that the similarities of genetic and biological make up in species proves their hypothesis but all it proves is there is a Great Designer who designed similar species.

5. The evidence from genetics supports horizontal evolution (dog, cats, etc. but no vertical evolution (fish to human).

6. The early grooves in the human embryo are not gills or tails but early stages of the head features and coccyx which has been proven to provide support for certain muscles.

7. It is known and supported by science that biological variations are nothing more than a combination of previously existing genes.

8. Even if a mutation were possible for example for a hair it will still be a hair maybe of a different color but still a hair with the same characteristics and traits.

9. Everything about Evolution is based on faith not substantiated fact.

10. Science can to some degree explain life and how the universe operates but that does not mean there was no Designer; it is like observing a man made machine do its marvelous work but then question its designer or creator as to their existence.

Scientists Confirm: Darwinism Is Broken

By Paul Nelson and David Klinghoffer | December 13, 2016 | 2:37 PM EST

(Wikimedia Commons Photo)

Darwinian theory is broken and may not be fixable. That was the takeaway from a meeting last month organized by the world's most distinguished and historic scientific organization, which went mostly unreported by the media.

The three-day conference at the Royal Society in London was remarkable in confirming something that advocates of intelligent design (ID), a controversial scientific alternative to evolution, have said for years. ID proponents point to a chasm that divides how evolution and its evidence are presented to the public, and how scientists themselves discuss it behind closed doors and in technical publications. This chasm has been well hidden from laypeople, yet it was clear to anyone who attended the Royal Society conference, as did a number of ID-friendly scientists.

Remember what you allow yourself to think, see, hear, say and do literally set into motion Almighty God’s creative powers that form the matrix of life’s reality you find yourself now walking whether good or bad; so knowing this practice each day focusing your whole attention on your movements whether thoughts, sight, sounds, words or deeds, doing that which is good, positive and constructive.

The Word of God tells us there is life after death and now science is proving it. A British scientist at the forefront of this theory claims that humans have souls, which don't die along with the body. We may not know exactly what consciousness is, but physicist Sir Roger Penrose believes that it's just a packet of information stored at a quantum - or sub-atomic - level. Sensationally, he claims to have found evidence that this information, which is stored in microtubules within human cells, leaves the body after a person dies. Sir Roger has argued that when a person dies temporarily, this quantum information is released into the universe, only to return to the body's cells if the host is brought back to life. He argues that this explains why people can have near-death experiences, and believes that this quantum information amounts to a soul leaving the body. The physics expert said: "If the patient dies, it's possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul."

"A man can no more diminish God's glory or His Son Jesus by refusing to worship them than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.”

The Daniel Project was playing on Netflix and can be found on Face book; this documentary will open the eyes of some skeptics concerning the Word of God, prophecies fulfilled and Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.

If you do not know Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah, as your personal savior, yet believe He is Lord, was born of the Virgin Mary, died for your sins, arose from the dead the third day and is now at the right hand of Almighty God, then if so lead say this simple prayer to be saved and have eternal life in the Kingdom of God and not be Judged for sins truly repented.

Jesus loves you and is calling you.

“Hear Oh Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and blessed is the Glory of the Lord from His place; Precious Jesus the Christ of Nazareth please forgive me my sins and come into my heart and life forever Amen.”

If you are sincere in this prayer then know for certain that you are saved and if you need help on your Christian walk contact me through my website below.
2018-09-11 18:55:11 UTC
Go to the following This proves the truth of the Bible.
2018-09-11 03:29:12 UTC
According to New Scientist: "An increasing number of scientists, most particularly a growing number of evolutionists...argue that Darwinian evolutionary theory is no genuine scientific theory at all... Many of the critics have the highest intellectual credentials." The Smithsonian Institution scientist Porter Kier says: "there are a hundred million fossils, all catalogued and identified, in museums around the world." The geologic record does not yield a finely graduated chain of slow and progressive evolution." Another source tells us about the fossils is "A View of Life" which states: "Beginning at the base of the Cambrian period and extending for about 10 million years, all the major groups of skeletonized invertebrates made their first appearance in the most spectacular rise in diversity ever recorded on our planet." I have read many other reliable sources that, to me and my belief in God's word, prove to me that Darwin's theory, (or idea or thought) never came true. I believe the fossil record because scientists have seen it to be true. We are told: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight,..." I want my mind set straight with nothing but the truth. We can find truthful answers to all of our questions in the Bible. Jesus said of his Father: "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) The Bible also tells us that "faith is not the possession of all people." (2Thessalonians 3:2) Because of this truth, those without faith will not believe what the Bible says and that is their choice. Jehovah's Witnesses have strong faith in our heavenly Father Jehovah and believe everything his Son taught when he walked the earth. Therefore, the Bible is our guide book, to what we believe, will lead to our living forever in paradise on earth. (Psalms 37:10,11,29 and 34 and Psalms 115:16; Matthew 5:5) Faith must be cultivated and I would like to invite you to begin, if you would like, by looking into the international website, and Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered. Watch videos and Bible discourses that can help you to cultivate faith. If you believe what you learned, you can request your free personal Bible study online or from the next witness who knocks on your door. Thank you for this question.
2018-09-11 02:26:40 UTC
Creationism is not a failure to understand; it is a refusal to understand. Evolution is for grownups.
2018-09-10 21:04:28 UTC
Evolution is not a Bible teaching.

And we are still waiting for a fact.
2018-09-10 17:20:51 UTC
It is time for students of the evolutionary process, especially those who have been misquoted and used by the creationists, to state clearly that evolution is a fact, not theory, and that what is at issue within biology are questions of details of the process and the relative importance of different mechanisms of evolution. It is a fact that the earth with liquid water, is more than 3.6 billion years old. It is a fact that cellular life has been around for at least half of that period and that organized multicellular life is at least 800 million years old. It is a fact that major life forms now on earth were not at all represented in the past. There were no birds or mammals 250 million years ago. It is a fact that major life forms of the past are no longer living. There used to be dinosaurs and Pithecanthropus, and there are none now. It is a fact that all living forms come from previous living forms. Therefore, all present forms of life arose from ancestral forms that were different. Birds arose from nonbirds and humans from nonhumans. No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts any more than she or he can deny that the earth is round, rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun.

The controversies about evolution lie in the realm of the relative importance of various forces in molding evolution.

- R. C. Lewontin "Evolution/Creation Debate: A Time for Truth" Bioscience 31, 559 (1981) reprinted in Evolution versus Creationism, op cit.


1. There is not one bit of physical evidence for a global flood - no geological evidence, no mass extinction a few thousand years ago, no evidence that all life was wiped out and gradually repopulated from a single location.

2. You don't get striped goats by having your goats copulate in front of striped sticks.

3. Stars can’t hover over a spot on earth and accurately guide people to that place.

4. Earthquakes do not happen when an angry god shakes the earth.

5. The cure for leprosy is not rubbing birds’ blood all over a person.

6. You can't cure snakebite by gazing at a brass snake on a pole.

7. All species of life did not come into existence in a single week.

8. Rain does not happen when windows are opened in heaven.

9. It is not possible to stop the sun as it travels across the sky.

10. The earth is not a few thousand years old.

11. Rabbits do not chew their own cud.

12. There are no four-legged fouls.

13. People can't float to the sky.

14. Rabbits do not have hoofs.

15. Stars cannot fall to earth.

16. The Earth is not a circle.

17. Pi does not equal 3.

18. The earth is not flat.

19. Donkeys can't talk.

20. Bats are not birds.

21. Snakes can't talk.

"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." Isaac Asimov
2018-09-25 13:20:01 UTC
Science is correct: evolution occurred and is occurring. That is a fact.

The Bible is correct: God made us and is closely involved with us. The 7-day. Reaction period in the Bible just signifies completion and shows that God made us and a day of rest is good; it does not literally mean that it took 7 days, with one day for rest.

There is no conflict. Both are correct.
2018-09-25 02:20:45 UTC
There are enough internal contradictions within the Bible to strongly indicate that it was not inspired by a God which "never changes" His/Her/It/Their opinion.

If, as rumoured, this God is totally perfect, then IF the opinions expressed by God in ONE passage, could NOT have changed, since that which is perfect, cannot become MORE perfect.

It can only become LESS perfect, and would not be an ALL-Perfect God.

Has nothing to do with Darwinian evolution.
2018-09-22 17:32:30 UTC
Did science PROVE "EVOLUTION" by Darwin is a FACT/ REAL or Not ?

Does this DISPROVE the Bible ? Why ?

# 1 the Bible is a Book it contains "STORIES" the writings of it contains THOUSAND of statements and hundreds of Claims ... the presentation of . or accounting of which of the thousands of statement and hundreds of claims in the BIBLE that have been VERIFIED would be valuable ...

#2 ... Jerusalem is a place ...a town called Bethlehem EXIST ...

..that is not questionable

# 3. a presentation of what is SPECIFICALLY contained in the BIBLE that has been DEMONSTRATED to be "THE CASE" or is a FACT or what SPECIFICALLY has been PROVEN such a list would be important

# 4 .. I suspect the PREMISE of SOME is THE BOOK

the BIBLE states X

so since the book states X

therefore because its ASSERTED

therefore because it is in TEXT ( written )

therefore it is true

.but DEMONSTRATION of the VALIDITY of claims

is not VALUED or of concern ... that people accept it as "true " because someone SAID SO

.no mention of PYRAMIDS , but the PYRAMIDS exist the oldest one is dated to around 2580 BC . to EVOLUTION aka CHANGE OVER TIME ...that is observed to DARWIN'S " ORIGIN of SPECIES" ..


a SPECIES is a variation of an organism it has to do with BIOLOGY .

. it is also DEMONSTRATED its not based on merely claims but actual repeated Testing ..

. DOG BREEDS are an example of Variation within a SPECIES ..has nothing to do with SUPERNATURAL PROPOSITIONS / proposals....

there is one big SNAG in the BIBLE ..

. the "god" proposition is also ASSERTED

many of the claims in the bible are related to the god claim


a INDEPENDENT of mere assertion


..failure to PROVE the god proposition

puts any other questionable or related claims invalidated

final point the DATE we first HEAR CLAIMS of this particular god proposition called YHWH is ....... and from WHOM
Elaine M
2018-09-21 02:37:18 UTC
Evolution has been proven to be factual. A long time back, this isn't something new.
Tom S
2018-09-20 18:35:55 UTC
Evolution is an observed fact, Darwin's theory about it has substantial supporting evidence across many scientific disciplines. Try to understand the difference, much like gravity, it really does exist, but whether the theories for it are 100% correct is a different matter.
2018-09-18 18:36:28 UTC
I'm going to assume that "evolution by Darwin" means Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Means of Natural Selection.

Science has proven that evolution is a fact. The frequency of genetic alleles in a population changes over time. Science also has strong support for the process of natural selection. The genetic changes that occur in individuals can result in some individuals being better suited to succeed in their environment, which makes those individuals more likely to survive to pass on their genetic material to their offspring, and over time the population shifts if the selection pressures promote this change. This has been observed in nature, it has been demonstrated in the lab, and humans have been practicing artificial selection since long before they even knew what genes or evolution were.

Of course not everything Darwin came up with has withstood the test of time. Some of his notions about how evolution works have been overturned. He (and his contemporary Alfred Russel Wallace) were responsible for pushing the study of evolution, but science has moved beyond them. So if your asking has science proven that Darwin's exact words were all 100% correct, then no, definitely not, some of what he proposed has been disproven and replaced. But just because Darwin wasn't correct in everything doesn't mean that the core ideas he proposed are incorrect. The evidence to support evolution is so overwhelming that it is ridiculous to deny it.

And as to whether or not it disproves the bible, it depends on what exactly you mean by that. Does it disprove a literal interpretation of the bible as the inerrant word of god? Yes, so does history, geology, cosmology, etc... With what we know about the world today there is no way to reasonably support the biblical creation story or the supposed historical claims of the Tanakh. But if like most modern Christians you view the bible as allegory rather than fact, then no, evolution does not disprove the bible. Most Christians accept evolution, including the heads of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches. They do not think it conflicts with their faith, they just choose to accept that the facts of evolution are insurmountable and choose to believe that their god had a hand in sparking the evolution of species.
2018-09-18 11:38:52 UTC
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is about how evolution happens, it make no attempt to prove that evolution is real or fake. We are kind of past that point. Saying evolution is not real is no different than saying Gravity is not real. We have MOUNTAINS of evidence, it is a demonstrable FACT. Evolution does happen. And yes, Evolution does disprove the bible. However, Evolution does not prove that god does not exist. You can believe in God and believe in evolution, because if God is real im pretty sure he would have the power to create life that would change over time as the world around them changes...Be religious if you want, but dont take the bible to be the absolute truth of anything because in the bible God claims that bats are birds and that whales are fish. The people that wrote the bible were borderline retarded.
2018-09-18 07:42:26 UTC
Where is this proof of evolution, or even a fact or single evidence? Lots of talk here about evidence, we know anyone can "say" they have evidence, but a big mouth is not evidence. Not one single bit of valid empirical evidence presented here. Why discuss it even, a story w/o support? Isn't it just a little bit telling that NO evidence of evolution is presented here? Why do you even bother if you don't/can't support what you say? Playing immature pretend games in the adult section again?

Saying there is evidence and having evidence is not the same thing; shows atheists as pretender/liars. Does anyone else here know anything at all about scientific method AND burden of proof? One w/o the other is pointless, counter-productive, an untruth.

Do atheists simply not understand that a factual claim requires evidence? Maybe atheists don't know what scientific evidence entails?

Empirical evidence is very simple:

1. Observable in nature OR

2. Experimentally demonstrable AND

3. Reproducible.

Failure to objectify the inferences being made and validating everything with secondary lines of evidence means the burden has not been met.. It's just that simple!

Objectivity stumps a lunatic right there.

Evolution is so plastic and changing and evolving, it can EXPLAIN anything. Where is your "fact" that primordial slime can yield intelligent life when time and chance are added?

In line with the facile view that deniers of verifiable truth are misguided idiots, atheists are drowning in a sea of refutation, clutching at straws.

Evolution has never been an observed part of science. In fact there is plenty of science that shows Darwinism is wrong, like "breeding has limitations" and "mutations" are more often than not detrimental. So why would anyone make the false claim that Darwinism is a proven fact?

It's not up to us to disprove a given theory. It's up to the theory to prove itself against the laws of science. In this manner, evolution disproves itself; it is operationally impossible. When you also then consider the laws of information, then it becomes exponentially impossible (described in #4 below). These are the facts that prove evolution impossible.

You don't have a single fact, yet say something is a fact? How delusional inept ignorant and downright childish stupid is that?

Lazy ignorant atheists want us to do their work for them. Okay then, let's disprove Darwinian Evolution once and for all.

Those atheists denying the evidence of the Bible are essentially saying "creation cannot be true because it involves the supernatural." Atheists fear and deny anything to do with God, and demand that Science must be limited to natural explanations.

This begs the question because whether the universe was naturally formed or supernaturally created is the very question at issue. In the above argument, the evolutionist has merely assumed the very thing he is attempting to prove. Another example would be, "how can the Bible be right about a ~6,OOO-year-old earth, when we know from radiometric dating that the world is billions of years old?" This assumes that radiometric dating gives consistently reliable results; but creationists deny this and have offered evidence to the contrary. This hypothetical critic has merely assumed the very thing he is attempting to prove.

Science is a methodology outlined by Francis Bacon—who accepted Genesis as history, by the way. Real science is accurate and precise, not vague and sloppy like historical science for evolution. Bacon was aware that the creation model is useful for discovery and collecting observations that can be repeatedly tested. The evolutionary model cannot be placed in this framework. For example, one cannot design an experiment to test evolutionary ideas. How can this be real science that demands burden of proof?

Those saying evolution is a fact are confused and generally point to natural selection. Natural Selection alone is insufficient to result in Darwinian evolution.

Despite the claims of evolution, the appearance of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, pesticide resistance, and sickle-cell anemia are not evidence in favor of evolution. They do, however, demonstrate the principle of natural selection acting on existing traits, the Creation model using many of the same principles, something we agree on. But as a result of the Curse, genetic mutations, representing a loss of information, have been accumulating, but these do not cause new kinds or a new genus to emerge.

There is no current explanation or hypothetical mechanism for Darwinian Evolution that has not been discredited by observation or experimentation.. Real science involves observable, testable and repeatable testing of evidence. Anyone can repeat and observe the results; empirical science, observational science, operational science, all the same thing.

Science cannot even make a single-celled organism—like an amoeba—but let's say you can just for fun. Turn it into a goat. Go ahead. We’ll wait. . . . No? As you can see, there’s a fundamental difference between operational science, which can be tested through repeatable experimentation, and historical science, which cannot.

What you are looking for is empirical evidence. That may be a new idea to most atheists, so define your terms. Empirical evidence is how we "know" something with a very high probability, by the integrity and detail of the evidence in truth of fact.

Empirical Evidence against evolution

1. Watson and Crick disproved Darwinian Evolution in 1953, but some people still must believe in "mythology & folklore," because we're still discussing it, still trying to get the correct information out to dispense with an infinite number of lies that develop around the myth called evolution.

The mechanism for Darwinian Evolution was discredited in 1953 when Watson and Cricks discovery of DNA refuted Darwin's assertion that the possible variation was infinite thereby disproving the common dissent aspect of Darwin's Model.

2. Crick says the human genome cannot occur randomly. If life cannot occur randomly, evolution in the past is impossible. Proof enough. Even if they some day do figure out how to create life from non-life in the lab, doesn't make any difference.

3. Evolution relies on abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is empirically proven false over and over, and will remain false until it isn't. Abiogenesis violates the natural universal law of biogenesis--life comes from life, not non-life. Abiogenesis is scientifically proven false. That means evolution has no starting point and is therefore non-existent.

4. The Natural Laws pertaining to information hold that information is immaterial and that matter cannot bring forth anything immaterial. Yet the whole of the material universe contains vast amounts of information. To assert a materialistic explanation, it is necessary to demonstrate information arising from material interactions.. When we include DNA into the mix we are talking not just information but language - including syntax and grammar and complex algorithms. Not only can science not explain this but the Natural Laws pertaining to Information assert this type of information cannot be produced by matter or material interactions.

This is yet another line of evidence that invalidates systematic materialism..

5. Natural selection is well established but a common tactic is to point to evidence of natural selection and assert it proves common descent.. best to clarify Common Descent so everybody is talking about the same thing.

a. The net product of natural selection is a loss of information - the opposite of what is needed to drive common descent.

b. Gene knockout experiments have demonstrated once a gene is knocked out the cell uses other pathways to obtain what it needs. As a result there is no basis for natural selection to preserve the mutation, and good reasons not to.

c. Experiments and observation demonstrate most mutations are not random but are the product of guided physiological processes - once again observation and experimentation contradict the evolutionary model's claims.

d. Genes are not central and experimental evidence has demonstrated it is not the genes but other factors that determine body types - as all the selection in the world will not produce a novel body type because body type is not mediated by the genes.

At first the inferences used to argue evolution are almost compelling, but looking more closely they all fall through. Evolution fails because the more observations you make and the more data you gather the less viable it becomes. The point has been reached where those arguing for evolution sound more like the Greek Sophists than scientists!

-- the Darwinist's have been comparing the genes but ignoring the organization and structure.. Looking at organization and structure they would have found that the genes for this or that protein was located on different chromosomes. Genomics is concluding that all mammals have a common compliment of proteins (and so genes coding for those proteins) but where those proteins are coded in the Genome varies from genus to genus. Building a tree of life taking into consideration where in the genome the individual proteins are coded and you have something completely different than just looking at individual genes. This is one of several reasons Genetics and genomics empirically disprove Darwinism.

One foundational principle of Darwinian Evolution is that DNA MUST be infinite. From the indisputable and confirmed evidence of DNA research by Watson & Crick in 1953 proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the foundation of evolution has been DESTROYED (when DNA was proven finite). Evolution is a myth; confirmed, repeatedly, using any foundational principle or method, even by Darwin, himself.
2018-09-17 01:42:00 UTC
Evolution is all understanding of how things change that's all it is it is a world that we use to describe how things change .
Disciple of Truth
2018-09-14 17:39:22 UTC
Evolution cannot be proven right or wrong scientifically because there is no way to go back in time and observe how everything came to be.

Your second question is flawed because it is trying to get to the spiritual by means of the physical. This is backwards because the physical flows from the spiritual, not the other way around. For example, you can see that someone gave you a present (physical), and this can be circumstantial evidence that someone loves you (spiritual), but it cannot prove it, as they might also be a scammer, someone just doing it out of habit or culture, etc.
2018-09-14 06:44:30 UTC
Common ancestry was proven when we found both humans and chimps have identical sets of damaged DNA in identical locations caused by rare chance encounters with viruses who accidentally integrated themselves into an ancestral primate and became a hereditary marker across all evolutionary offspring.

These endogenized retroviruses (ERV) not only proved our ancestry with chimps, but even more have been found in a nested hierarchy with our distant cousins like the gorillas, gibbons and lemurs.

ERV #HERV-K10 is one such example. HERV-K10 is present in all primates and humans except for the New World Monkeys (the really small mouse-like monkeys like the tamarin and marmoset). This means that HERV-K10 virus was embedded after we all split from the New World Monkey lineage but before we split from the main primate tree. ERV #SINE-R and ZNF80 are two other embedded virus that are only found in humans, chimps and gorillas. This means that SINE-R and ZNF80 was embedded after we all split from the orangutans, gibbons and lemurs but before we split from the chimps and gorillas. ERV #SINE-RC2 is only found in humans. This means that SINE-RC2 was embedded after we split from the chimps and gorillas.

There have been more than 40 of these identical ERVs identified in the human/chimp species alone and further mapping studies indicates that there may be in excess of 100,000 ERVs across all vertebrates making a detailed history of all evolutionary relationships possible. Work is underway to identify all of the ERVs in the entire primate family. Proof of the endogenization process caan be currently seen in real time through the koala lineage who have recently become infected with a gammaretrovirus called KoRV.

ERVs are as smoking as the gun that puts criminals in jail for murder. Where a court of law only needs one match to convict a person, ERV s provide more than 40 matches for common ancestry. It would be deniable if you could show identical chimp/human ERVs in a rabbit, whale or a cat ..... but you can t. ERVs are viruses that infected a common ancestor - not junk DNA that just so happened to look like each other in 43 different places on our genomes.

But that s not all there is to this story. Genetic drifting - the slow mutilation of DNA segments over time - also affects ERVs and identically mutilated ERVs have been found in humans and chimps. Lastly, the identically mutilated ERVs have also identically deteriorated over time indicating the same date of integration in humans and chimps.
2018-09-13 19:14:05 UTC
Yes, we have proof of evolution. That's why it's termed a "theory" rather than an hypothesis.

We've actually got two proofs. The first of these can be found in Darwin's work, "The Origin of Species." (I recommend the sixth and last edition from 1872--the one without the word "On" beginning the title.)

The second proof is derives from the relatively new field of biology that deals with molecular genetics, and has developed over the last sixty years or so. It's independent of Darwin's and Wallace's proof.

Nothing in this disproves the Bible. It only disproves a late-nineteenth-century "literalist" interpretation of the Bible that was understood, for the previous three thousand years or so, to be inappropriate and somewhat foolish.
2018-09-12 23:26:28 UTC
The discovery of DNA is just one more big setback for evolutionists. This research has proven mutations and variations to always be caused by a loss of genetic information. In order for single celled organisms to evolve into multi celled organisms new information would have to be added and this has never been seen.

But science is slowly catching up with the Bible. When the ancients thought the earth was flat the Bible said

Isaiah 40:22

[22]It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

The fact that the universe is continually expanding is a recent discovery of science.
2018-09-12 10:55:55 UTC
Darwin developed the theory of natural selection to EXPLAIN evolution.

There is no doubt at all that evolution exists. As a silly example: consider rats and mice. When I was young a rodenticide called Warfarin was developed. This was hugely effective at first. However, nowadays it is very unlikely that it would kill any rats or mice because they are now immune to it. This is evolution. The rodents have "evolved" to be unaffected by Warfarin. The theory of "natural selection" would explain this: those relatively few rats and mice that were immune to the poison, bred and passed on their immunity through their genes. The others died.

I'm not sure what you mean by evolution disproving the Bible. If you mean the literal truth of much of the contents of the Bible, then common sense disproves that. The Bible is a collection of religious texts and has nothing to do with science. No offence is intended but it's like asking if evolution "disproves" a London Underground timetable or the user manual for a TV. They have nothing to do with one another and can exist happily side by side.
2018-09-12 10:15:04 UTC
it proves nature created life
The Ambassador
2018-09-11 14:43:50 UTC
Science is simply a word, it can not prove anything. People do that. Evolution is a cunningly devised fable.
2018-09-11 01:34:44 UTC
A person can better distinguish truth from fiction by reciting daily and with care the angelic psalter of the Virgin Mary.
2018-09-10 19:17:09 UTC
The White Rabbit
2018-09-10 17:24:32 UTC
Yes and yes
El Nerdo Loco
2018-09-10 17:23:20 UTC
Try asking asking if evolution is real in the biology section. I'm betting you'll get far fewer creationist answers. And if creationists are here instead of the science sections, what does that tell you about what creationism is?
2018-09-25 16:04:30 UTC
No. Where are the apes?
2018-09-25 13:52:14 UTC
Many years have passed since Charles Darwin proposed that natural selection explains life’s complexity and diversity. However, his theory of evolution and its modern variations have recently come under attack from those who believe that the marvelously fine-tuned architecture of living organisms indicates purposeful design.

Today, most prominent “Christian” religious groups seem willing to accept that God must have used evolution in some way to create life. Some teach that God pre-programmed the universe to develop in such a way that living things inevitably evolved from lifeless chemicals and eventually produced mankind. Those who subscribe to this teaching, known as theistic evolution, do not feel that God interfered with the process once it started. Others think that, in general, God allowed evolution to produce most families of plants and animals but occasionally stepped in to move the process along. When the Bible touches on history, health, and science, its accounts have repeatedly been proved reliable. Its advice regarding human relations is trustworthy and timeless. Human philosophies and theories, like so much green grass, sprout and then wither over time, but the Word of God “will last to time indefinite.”—Isaiah 40:8.The teaching of evolution is not limited to the realm of scientific theory. It is a human philosophy that blossomed and then flourished for decades.the Bible’s claim of authenticity when it says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.”—2 Timothy 3:16.
Coop 366
2018-09-25 05:51:19 UTC
Science is mankind's way to try and understand God's creation. We come up with theories to explain how this or that came into being or works. When we see it does not work we just change the theory. If you keep changing a theory to fit what the Bible has stated for thousands and thousands of years.
2018-09-24 18:20:17 UTC
Sorry, but the evidence shows that evolution is fake. It would take trillions of genetic mutations for one species to develop into another - each with it's own unique set of transitional dna, but they just don't exist. We have separate species, but no trillions of changlings going from one to another. It's fact. Anyone who believes evolution is fact is dealing in faith.
2018-09-21 22:36:21 UTC
It disproves only alternatives to Creationism, like Intelligent Thought, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. may his noodle be praised. Nothing in the Bible can deal with evolution, and there is no reason it should. Nothing defrocks the Holy Bible. Even Intelligent Thought..
2018-09-20 14:51:42 UTC
It's still called the Theory of Evolution. Evidence mounts, but it hasn't been actually proven yet.
desert flower
2018-09-17 06:24:47 UTC
Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" remains just that, a Theory.

Sadly for Darwin he died an atheist. Like many of them, he didn't start out that way.

No, the Bible will Never be proven wrong, the facts supporting it in its entirety have yet to be discovered.
2018-09-16 06:53:44 UTC
why dont christians club together and go out and prove evolution isnt real using scientific methods. This should be interesting lol
2018-09-15 18:17:42 UTC
Evolution is a myth
2018-09-15 01:17:49 UTC
I've read a little bit about Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. Now let me run something by your brain. Atheists claim that they are the default belief that they got here first. Now if this be the case then both atheist and theist have had at least equal time here on the Earth. And in that time theist have evolved to a much Superior position financially number-wise health-wise political wise and weapon wise. If evolution is to be believed then we are left with an inescapable conclusion. Either there is a third party helping us Christians like we claim. Or for reasons that are simply unknown atheists are simply less fit to survive. As demonstrated by the small number and lack of great finances power in Congress shorter lives and less weaponry with which to protect themselves.
military supporter
2018-09-13 02:25:18 UTC
Evolution is not by Darwin, it is by natural selection. As for disproving the bibble, it disproves itself with the ridiculously STUPID bullsh!t in it. Talking snakes, etc.
paul c
2018-09-13 01:52:12 UTC
Religion isn't science, so science doesn't effect religion at all. How hard is that to understand ?
2018-09-12 11:48:23 UTC
Bible not belive upon the knowledge obtained through observation.
2018-09-12 02:36:59 UTC
There should be millions of transitional fossils to prove the theory.... but none exist. Google images of any animal with the word 'fossil' after it... they are all there. The only reason why fossils exist is because everything was buried in mud during the world wide flood and compressed under billions of tons of water for a year.
2018-09-11 17:12:16 UTC
Evolution is still, and always will be an unproven theory; think on how many times those teaching evolution have mentioned design, well a design has a designer and the designer is the one and only true God Jehovah, the Creator and Universal Sovereign.
the re - chosen one
2018-09-11 13:49:50 UTC
Modern science can now prove Charles Darwin's theory of evolution wrong by proving the existence of a Intelligent Designer named the God of Abraham through mis-translated scripture by mankind that makes up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical text. This led to the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today. Modern science will now force mankind to reinterpret this scripture back into the scientific text it's always been based on. This new scientific translation of Biblical text will supersede all previous religious translations of this Biblical text ever published or handed down orally. This scripture is unique and associated with One particular God out of all other gods and that is the God of Abraham. Can't say the same about any other god or gods and the scripture associated with them. I know all this because I am the one who
2018-09-10 23:00:16 UTC
While many make the claim that science proves evolution, it actually doesn't make that claim itself. Just because you have multiple points of evidence, doesn't mean that you are proving something. I can drum up evidences against someone in bearing false witness in court, and to the ear who doesn't know the truth, it sounds great, however it is all built on a lie.

In the same way, there is a ginormous wealth of counter evidence to evolution, but it is largely ignored because either it can't be explained yet, or it doesn't fit the current models. That isn't true science. Science you follow the scientific method, and when something is contradicting your hypothesis, you correct and reformat to match the evidence. In a way, it is a very political science.

Does this therefore disprove the bible? No. There are many evidences for the bible, not to mention the fact that you can seek God and find him if you truly want to. Aside from that though, in this world there are countless little things that evolution ignores that seem to support biblical claims. Some of these are, for example, Steven Hawking's summations in his last writings about thermodynamics and how the universe is not infinite. Here are some quotes for you. You are welcome to read more, but even though his conclusions may be similar to evolution, there is doubt there in one of the most famous scientific minds of our time.

“The time scale of the universe is very long compared to that for human life. It was therefore not surprising that until recently, the universe was thought to be essentially static, and unchanging in time. On the other hand, it must have been obvious, that society is evolving in culture and technology. This indicates that the present phase of human history can not have been going for more than a few thousand years. Otherwise, we would be more advanced than we are. It was therefore natural to believe that the human race, and maybe the whole universe, had a beginning in the fairly recent past. However, many people were unhappy with the idea that the universe had a beginning, because it seemed to imply the existence of a supernatural being who created the universe. They preferred to believe that the universe, and the human race, had existed forever. Their explanation for human progress was that there had been periodic floods, or other natural disasters, which repeatedly set back the human race to a primitive state.“

“In an infinite and everlasting universe, every line of sight would end on the surface of a star. This would mean that the night sky would have been as bright as the surface of the Sun. The only way of avoiding this problem would be if, for some reason, the stars did not shine before a certain time.”

“In a universe that was essentially static, there would not have been any dynamical reason, why the stars should have suddenly turned on, at some time. Any such "lighting up time" would have to be imposed by an intervention from outside the universe. “
2018-09-10 21:03:54 UTC
Only pseudoscience and fear of ridicule or outright being fired from one's job keeps evolutionism alive.

What the fossil record shows is stuff NOT evolving. That horseshoe crab hasn't changed a bit in supposedly over 400 million years, and there's no transitional intermediate for him or his buddy the trilobite in the fossil record. Complex animals just show up, no evolutionism whatsoever.

And the only people unafraid of C14 dating the soft tissue routinely found in dino bones are YECs, and understandably so because those ancient bones routinely show dates comparable to ancient human bones, which of course totally nukes evolutionism with a 100-megaton hydrogen bomb.

Mainstream scientists won't C14 test the bones, just to prove the YECs wrong. They won't even go near an accelerator mass spectrometry machine with a dino bone.

IMHO, if evolutionism were true, such would be a major blow to the Bible. Personally I don't have a problem with that. Even the Bible calls out for searching for the truth (1Th 5:21). If the real truth is that the Bible is a bunch of hogwash, it should be dismissed as such. So far however, the overwhelming observable scientific evidence validates the Bible rather than disproves anything in it.
2018-09-10 19:14:05 UTC
Evolutionary theory has developed way beyond the flawed version Charles Darwin originally came up with.
2018-09-10 17:21:07 UTC
Prisoner of trumpflu etc
2018-09-25 16:15:16 UTC
Evolution yes its been proven a fact in addition to Big Bang theory.

Bible is fiction masquerading as fact. Evolution has disproven the bullshit in the Bible.
2018-09-25 13:58:27 UTC
Can you type that out again in English please?
Special EPhex
2018-09-22 11:23:42 UTC
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is generally the accepted scientific explanation as to how life progressed to the complex forms that exist today. Darwin's hypothesis is validated by the examination the genetic coding of DNA, which reveals how species progress by adapting to it's environment. Although, the Theory of Evolution appears to be accurate, it is an incomplete theory because it does not explain a 'source', and in no way disproves or invalidate the Bible.
2018-09-22 06:12:13 UTC
Evolution is proven through genetics, and immediately provable through pharmacology and immunology.
2018-09-21 18:09:57 UTC
Evolution is a myth
2018-09-19 18:10:18 UTC
Evolution is a myth
2018-09-17 11:41:52 UTC
Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.

Note the word "arise". Macro-evolution is not real. Macro-evolution doesn't work with DNA replication.

God's Word stands as Truth.
Rising Dove
2018-09-16 06:53:13 UTC
There is more proof for the bible and creation than the fairy tale of evolution. Check out Kent Hovind and Ken Ham. Science even fails to explain others things, it can't prove everything.
2018-09-15 08:23:18 UTC
Science proves that our universe had a beginning. And in so doing it proves the reality of God, for whatever had a beginning did not begin of itself but demands a Prime Mover, a Creator, a God.”

Consider the magnificent universe in which we live. Consider our earth and the great variety and complexity of living organisms on it. Could chance or any known natural laws have built them up from inorganic matter? According to Bryant, Lecomte du Nouy, the first scientist to apply mathematical formulae successfully to the statement of biological laws, shows that “the laws of inorganic evolution contradict those of the evolution of life. He gives mathematical formulae to show that inorganic matter acting in accordance with its laws could not have created even a single molecule of protein—let alone a living organism with powers of reproduction. He maintains that only through the intervention of God could the gap have been bridged between the inorganic and the organic.”

Not only does science give one reason to believe in God, but it causes one to see the need for a revelation from God about himself. The Bible fills that need. Chemist Roger J. Voskuyl says: “As a scientist, it is more reasonable for me to believe in a Creator than in an eternally existing cosmos. . . . One cannot rightly know God from the natural world alone. The scientist may work for an eternity, but he will never come to know God and all His attributes. . . . Man is but a creature of a Creator; therefore, man cannot learn about God by investigation of His creation alone, but he needs a special revelation. That special revelation is God’s Word, which has been given in the Scriptures.”

The inspired apostle Paul tells us that Jehovah’s “invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are understood by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship.” The psalmist exclaims: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God, and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. One day after another day causes speech to bubble forth, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge.”—Rom. 1:20; Ps. 19:1, 2.

The scales of perfection evident in the creation of the universe imply the existence of an absolute standard and a perfect Being. Regarding Jehovah, the Bible says: “Perfect is his activity.” “God is a God, not of disorder, but of peace.” Order and design in the universe are proof of that fact. The presence of life bespeaks a lifegiver. Jehovah is “the source of life.”—Deut. 32:3, 4; 1 Cor. 14:33; Ps. 36:9.
2018-09-15 04:16:53 UTC
So many people fail to understand that you can't prove ANYTHING with science unless you can derive a fully accurate mathematical model of something that becomes useful for predicting experimental results. However, if you have a theory in the strict scientific sense of that word, your experiments will corroborate or disprove all or part of that theory. Science has the advantage of not fearing the flames of Hell if you get something wrong. (In fact, you get two publications out of it - the retraction article followed by the correction article.)

Religion, on the other hand, CANNOT change because nobody has come down from on high to tell us what, if anything has changed. But it doesn't matter. Science can disprove parts of the Bible easily. Here's one for you:

Let's just say that the Great Flood really happened. Noah really built the ark. He really collected two of every species to repopulate the Earth. It flooded deep enough to cover mountains completely. The flood receded, the ark landed, and the animals filed out and repopulated the Earth. OK? Let's say that happened.

The Earth was formed by God in its current form, so... tell me how all those land animals crossed the oceans to populate North and South America and Australia, none of which had a land bridge to that part of the Middle East where Noah landed. And don't say the other continents escaped the flood. Floods don't work like that. Water that gets deep enough to cover the mountains of the Middle East will cover the Amazon, Mississippi, St. Lawrence, and other river basins where all the animals are found. Not to mention the many lesser islands found to have natural mammal inhabitants.

THAT concept disproves that part of the Bible.
Vincent G
2018-09-15 02:14:55 UTC
Evolution IS science; by definition, it is considered proved and factual.

As for the bible, it disproves itself (the only thing that is good at anyway) through its many contradictions.
2018-09-13 03:07:34 UTC
It showed that Darwin was on the right track - maybe not 100 % but willing to see things thru open eyes.
2018-09-12 07:30:41 UTC
Science doesn't 'prove', only lawyers and mathmeticians 'prove'

There is a huge body of evidence for evolutation, so much that it is the widely accepted theory
2018-09-11 02:51:31 UTC
Evolution is a Proven Fact. You can see it yourself if you open your eyes.

The Bible is a work of pure FICTION.
2018-09-10 18:34:13 UTC
if Evolution is not a religion, why do you bring it up here?? It seems counterintuitive to me that you should do that.

I think you think it is a religion. Why else bring it up here?
2018-09-10 18:26:24 UTC
The answer to your question will be answered beyond a shadow of a doubt in the very near future.

There will be no more "I believe it so it must be true" from either the atheist or the "Christian". Both will be proved wrong.

The Bible will be proved true.
2018-09-10 17:30:46 UTC
It's amazing how atheists can blindly accept evolution without evidence other than interpretations and assumptions and then accuse us Christians of blindly accepting our religion. When creationists use the same facts of genetic similarity and anatomical similarities between organisms to support creationism, we are laughed at. When evolutionists do the exact same thing, they are applauded. Isn't that crazy? Evololutionis not a fact and has no conclusive evidence to support it. Rather, it's a philosophy. Amen? Amen.
2018-09-10 17:27:44 UTC
Darwinian evolution has been thouroghly disproven over the years. The last evolutionary theory I read was the theory of mutation driven evolution (that was about three years back. There may be more recent stuff, but I don't particular follow the field of biology.), which contradicts darwinian evolution.
2018-09-10 17:20:12 UTC
Yes evolution is a proven science. Yes it disproves the bible. The bible States all creatures were created at once. This is obviously false.
2018-09-10 17:19:31 UTC
2018-09-25 03:11:24 UTC
A theory is based on facts (or events) that are repetitive (not a one-shot accident). The facts are tested by scientific methods - to prove or disprove a theory. Religion is based on faith- doesn't need any proof. It is a belief system and nothing to do with any scientific method.

By the way, if Darwin's theory is unproven, why should Bible (or Christian belief in the origin of things) remain as legitimate alternative view to Darwin? Practically every religion has its own "story" or "mythology" about human origins and why should one belief or support the Christian belief about the origin of things, especially the origin of Man?
2018-09-24 17:50:38 UTC
Phillip Johnson, a professor of criminal law at the University of California at Berkeley in the United States, has long been fascinated by the way biologists defend the theory of evolution. They seem so defensive and dogmatic on the subject that Johnson set about finding out “what the vulnerable points were they’re trying to protect.”

The result of his research is a book, Darwin on Trial, that The Sacramento Bee describes as “a lawyer’s examination, bit by bit, of the logic of and evidence behind the theory of evolution.” The newspaper summarizes: “Darwin flunks.” Johnson claims he found many scholars, including biologists, who are afraid to speak out publicly against evolution. “One of the things I’ve learned from this experience,” he told the San Francisco Chronicle, “is that to establish an intellectual orthodoxy and keep it beyond criticism, you don’t need concentration camps and secret police. All you have to do is say that people will laugh at you and you’ll lose your prestige. This has an enormous effect in academic life.” (CB/Bible/
Monica P
2018-09-21 22:38:12 UTC
Darwin just showed how evolution worked, he did not come up with the idea. People believed in evolution before him. Darwin said the way Evolution worked was "survival of the fittest" That was his "Theory" it has since been proven a thousand times. the bible was mans understanding before science
2018-09-21 22:11:30 UTC
Science prove evolution is a myth.
Stevan The Heathen
2018-09-19 07:55:31 UTC
Evolution destroys the bible. Because it proves that life doesnt need a creator
2018-09-16 15:55:19 UTC
Their is more evidence to support the theories of Darwin, then their is to support any religion. But if you believe, you need no evidence do you?
great knight
2018-09-15 06:42:15 UTC
Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Jesus loves you! Get a king james bible and believe.

Read Matthew.

Read 1 John chapter 4.

Read 2 Peter chapter 2,3.

It was foretold thousands of years ago in bible that scoffers would come after their lusts and deny world wide flood. The "geologic column" admittedly does not exist and was created by lawyer not geologist who admitted wanted to attack Moses around 1800s! This false column was basis for evolution. All is as written.

It was foretold thousands of years ago in bible that many would err from faith after a false so called science like evolution. Evolution is ADMITTED lie to deceive children. The fruit fly didn't evolve. Fact. You will never see ape become a man. Fact. You can't get person from inanimate objects. Fact.
2018-09-14 14:49:30 UTC
Darwin was only able to submit his conjecture at all because the Christian gospel reached every tribe on earth with a message that integrated all tribes, supplied them with a universal prodigy and inspired the formation of the first 'university' system.

IF we ignore the reality that Darwin, (and most of the rest of us), would otherwise still be slaves in some obscure tribe someplace on earth, his conjecture and its social effects only demonstrate the folly in abandoning sacred truth for speculation, just as Jesus explains:

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:13-16).

The 'fruit' of pursuing these speculations has been inescapable arms races, looming weapons of mass destruction, pervasive planetary poisoning, tides of incurable cancers and lethal sexual diseases along with vast treasures squandered on endless peripheral speculations and absurd scientific campaigns.

GOD gave us a sacred 'filter' for arriving knowledge in the form of sacred writings, which once, (and will again), safely guide all inquiries of knowledge upon clear and constructive paths, properly advance us with the right sequence of arriving knowledge and prevent foolish explorations into domains for which we are clearly not yet prepared, (if they are worth exploring at all and not merely traps of deadly sophistry).

"But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene." (2 Timothy 2:16).

"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron." (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

" that you may instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith. But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion." (1 Timothy 1:3-6).
2018-09-12 06:26:59 UTC
Evolution is a scientific theory with as much supporting evidence as gravity.

It blows most of Genesis out of the water.
Godless Gazoo
2018-09-11 18:37:23 UTC
It does. And that would certainly mean that Genesis is fantasy.
Good Man
2018-09-11 18:16:03 UTC
The theory of evolution put forth by Darwin is a fake unproved theory . Universe was created by our Lord and he is maintaining it as written in our religions scriptures
M'aiq The liar
2018-09-11 15:23:35 UTC
1. Yes, we've known about evolution enough to observe speciation, the transition of one distinct species to another new distinct species over a period of time.

2. Only if you believe the story of Genesis is literally real. Genesis could've been a metaphor for evolution.
2018-09-11 15:04:26 UTC
no, there is no evidence in the fossil records that one species turns into another, for instance if an arm changed into a wing, and if it did the arm would be a bad arm before a bad wing and then becomes a good wing the animal would not survive and like I said there is no evidence to this. The Bible said each species have its own seed and through DNA makes the same, DNA proves Darwin theory is wrong. PS You could get a different cat like mating a Lion with a Tiger, but it is still a cat and through evolution this can improve but that's not Darwin theory.
2018-09-11 11:58:21 UTC

Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2018-09-11 02:31:31 UTC
Darwin was wrong.
2018-09-10 22:50:53 UTC
Darwin did not invent evolution. It was well known long before he was even alive - his grandfather Erasmus Darwin wrote about it, but died 6 years before Charles was even born.

And, yes, Evolution is just about the most proved thing that exists in science. 55,000 peer reviewed articles proving it in 2011 alone.

And, no, it does not disprove the Bible. The Bible contains many books, which are written in a wide variety of genres. One of them is "myth," which is defined by Theologians as a story about truth, but for which the details might not be. We can learn a great deal from Genesis, all while knowing things did not actually happen that way.
2018-09-10 22:50:47 UTC
Yes, evolution is a fact. It proves that Genesis never happened and that is why the religious hate it so much.
2018-09-10 22:22:42 UTC
I'm going to use terminology as precise as I can muster to avoid faulty statements.

The consequence of doing so is to get disagreement from all sides.

Nevertheless, as far as I know (and I have looked into this a little), all of the following statements are accurate.

Biological evolution has been observed and documented. It is real. It is fact.

The theory of evolution addresses an extremely large area (or areas) of knowledge.

The theory of evolution is still most definitely a theory (and: I mean it is still a scientific theory). That is to say: the whole theory has NOT been proved or demonstrated to be true.

On the other hand: very many things proposed by that theory HAVE been shown to be true or real (probably the most important of which is the reality of biological evolution itself).

Even though the theory of evolution is still definitely a theory, it is an extremely important scientific tool. (And that is the purpose that scientific theories are supposed to serve, and that theory has served that purpose extremely well.)

Even if the theory of evolution were somehow in its entirety proved true

that would NOT disprove the Bible.

The Bible teaches that God created life on Earth, but it does NOT teach us what process or processes he used to do so.
2018-09-10 17:40:01 UTC
Yes, science has proven evolution is real.

Yes, it disproves the Bible, since the Bible says all life sprang fully formed during creation.
2018-09-10 17:30:18 UTC
The creation story of Genesis has not been taken literally for a long time before Darwin as it talks about days which should not have existed in terms of earth time period. Poetic allegorical talk is not relatively new which can be considered as the method used by the author.
2018-09-24 12:38:33 UTC
The Bible wasn’t written to teach science or to be a school textbook, but what it says about scientific matters is always accurate. That is what we would expect of a book that comes from God. For example, the book of Leviticus contains God’s instructions on ways the Israelites could stop disease from spreading. This was written long before people knew how bacteria and viruses cause disease. The Bible also correctly teaches that the earth hangs on nothing. (Job 26:7) And when most people believed that the earth was flat, the Bible said that it was round.​—Isaiah 40:22.
2018-09-21 02:19:05 UTC
Yes, science has proved Darwinian evolution bus real in microorganisms, viruses and insects.

No, science has NOT disproven the Bible or the Koran.
2018-09-20 03:14:15 UTC
science has never proved evolution, but millions of people Know God is real, if not hundreds of millions
2018-09-18 02:10:58 UTC
Read this.
2018-09-15 00:00:59 UTC
The Order went out to TEST ALL that the Atheists had used as their proofs. It took years to get these finished and finished they were in 2007! Finished with Science Discovering that ALL that the Atheists had used are fakes!

The Majority of what the Atheists had claimed to be Millions to Billions of years old; were discovered to really be New BONES! BONES so new most also still have dried Blood still in them!

Since 2007 Atheism has been known as the religion with Zero proofs!
2018-09-12 14:30:52 UTC
Evolution...ha ha ha
2018-09-12 13:14:11 UTC
Science has proven evolution.

This does not disprove the Bible .. it is important to understand that much of the Old Testament was METAPHORICAL for an uneducated population that could not even count past their hands and feet (past 20), let alone envision billions of years .. or more-sophisticated scientific truths.
2018-09-11 23:31:44 UTC
The bible was never fact. It's a collection of bronze age folk tales that have been handed down by word of mouth. There is no factual basis for the bible. Evolution is observable, provable, and established, science.
2018-09-10 20:24:48 UTC
Evolution has so much evidence it is undeniable and impossible to disprove!

Pope Francis says the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand” putting an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design! So the Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Christian Fundamentalist is a complete contradiction in terms!

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!
2018-09-10 18:54:42 UTC
The bible is not actually a factual in nature as many would portray it. It is one of the many books (or collection of) which mankind has written about the 'gods' telling you what a god is, how it thinks and who they hate. That which man wrote is not factual but figurative and created in the knowledge, beliefs and superstitions of it's time.
2018-09-10 17:30:26 UTC
THEORY. Find a dictionary and look it up. Darwin knew nothing about DNA, and nobody knew anything about a "big bang" at that time. Another thing for you to look up, Missing Link. They never found the missing link to the evolutionary chain between man and ape, and with the discovery of DNA, they found that pigs have more genetic material in common with man than apes do. Apes share common links within their different species, but very little with man. No, it doesn't disprove the bible, in fact, it gives it more credibility. Cro magnon and Neanderthal were not related at all, and did not have enough genetics in common to interbreed. Man just suddenly appeared on the genetic scale. All science, all proven, all fact.
2018-09-10 17:23:17 UTC
The BuyBull disproves itself with its own GLARING errors in HUNDREDS of places...

EXAMPLE: For the christ stories to be true, jesus had to have been born both before 4 BCE

(for Herod to be king of Israel, because Herod died 4 BCE; see Matthew 2:1),

and after 6 CE (when Quirinius was governor of Syria; see Luke 2:1-7).

OF ALL THINGS, if its stories about christ are BULLCRAP, why believe ANY of it?

The whole goddam book is a train-wreck of errors and contradictions - literally HUNDREDS OF THEM.

Stop expecting something that is clearly FALSE to change your life. It isn't going to happen!

The only thing that really changes for believers is what they DELUDE themselves into believing.


MORONBoy just stated:

Darwinian evolution has been thouroghly disproven over the years.



This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.