"This view is now proven to be immature to the degree of being ridiculous"
I am waiting for your proof.
"In fact, scientists have been unable to create a single left-hand protein molecule as found in all animals"
And this only shows scientists are unable to create mentioned molecules. This does in no way prove it never happened. Also keep in mind that the first self duplicating molecules had tens of millions of years to naturally be created.
"The Theory of Evolution claims that organic life was created from inorganic matter."
No, it does not. The theory of evolution explains how existing life evolves over time. Abiogenesis is about organic life coming from inorganic matter.
"That is impossible"
Again, I am waiting for you to substantiate this claim.
"The top scientists in the world with unlimited laboratory resources cannot change inorganic matter into a single organic living cell."
Which, again, means scientists can't replicate nature. This does not prove it didn't happen, only that scientists can't make it happen in their laboratory. If a scientist is unable to create an earthquake in a laboratory, does that mean earthquakes can't happen naturally either? That's silly.
"This complexity required an intelligent design. It is much too complex to happen by chance."
That's an argument by ignorance. Just because you, I, anyone cannot grasp how life could've happened by natural processes, doesn't mean it didn't happen by natural processes. Many years ago nobody could grasp the earth rotating around the sun. Does that mean the earth doesn't rotate around the sun? Most people can't grasp how Einstein's relativity theory works. Does that mean Einstein was wrong (hint: he wasn't)?
Considering your 747 analogy: what about your proposed designer? Shouldn't he be at least as complex as what he designed? Shouldn't this designer require an even more complex designer? An intelligent designer would be the ultimate boeing 747. Proposing a designer as the creator for life solves nothing.
You have made zero convincing arguments. At least you tried.