What does "Arphaxad begat Salah" mean?
2006-12-13 09:45:55 UTC
Genesis 10:24; Genesis 11:12

Under the premise that the bible has no errors whatsoever, this seems to contradict the other scriptures: Luke 3:35-36

"Begat" must be the source of confusion, open to "misinterpretation" if the aforementioned premise is correct.
Four answers:
buddha bill
2006-12-13 09:54:48 UTC
"Begat" means, in a biblical sense, "the father of". In other words,

Arphaxad was the father of Salah.
2006-12-13 18:11:42 UTC
You must be really digging to come up with this tidbit. I would think you would have "dug up" the answer too. Especially if it bothers you. Bible genealogy is complex at best, and confusing at times, especially to the novice. In your question, the Genesis account skips Cainan. That's not uncommon. OK.
2006-12-13 18:01:20 UTC
Arphaxad's son and/or descendant is Salah.

Arphaxad generated Salah.
neema s
2006-12-13 17:50:50 UTC
How old is this world? As we carefully study the scriptures, the far reaching implications of the Biblical time line becomes quite evident. It reaches all the way back to the sixth day when Adam was created, to our present time. Over the years there has been many theologians who have tried to find the age of the world in the scriptures, and unfortunately, many have instead either polluted, or confused the issue even more.

Archbishop James Ussher (Usher) of Armagh, Ireland, attempted to follow the chronological genealogies in scripture, and influenced Christianity greatly in erroneous calculations. He calculated from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D., counting the year zero. The only problem was, there is no year zero. In other words, if an event occurs in 1 B.C., and lasts to 1 A.D., this is only 1 year. It's an easy mistake to make, but when crossing the year zero, one must always adjust for this. Bishop Ussher did not, and his carelessness also shows in his other calculations, deductions and interpretations based on secular findings.

His system of dating was not based solely on the Bible (and in fact in places was contrary to it), and so the errors are not due to any Biblical inconsistencies, though the result of them are often used to brings this charge. What Ussher did was count backward from a known date, and by using the Biblical genealogical records in a strictly father/son relationship, along with secular documents (Middle Eastern and Mediterranean sources), he dated the creation of earth as B.C. 4004, and he placed the flood of Noah's day at around B.C. 2349. It doesn't take much study to see that his conclusions were both inconsistent, and more importantly, in direct conflict with the Biblical record. They only serve today as crumbling mortar, or something for the mockers and Biblical detractors to point at in ridicule.

Unfortunately, many Christians of the day quickly accepted the date of creation to be 4004, and once it was placed in the margin of the King James Bible as a reference, that immediately gave it certain authority and widespread appeal. Just another reason why 'commentaries' (as opposed to Biblical references) should always be kept in a separate book from the Bible. And to this day many believe the earth to be roughly 6000 years old, based upon these unsound calculations.

The truth is, looking at the genealogies in the scriptures and coming to 'sound' Biblical conclusions have proved difficult even for seasoned scholars. Adding to this confusion is the myriad of doctrinal teachings from some Christian circles which in effect claim, 'we really shouldn't take the numbers in the Bible seriously.' It's amazing how many people professing to be Christians, even professing belief in inerrancy of scripture, believe that.

Still others let Archaeologists, Paleontologists, and Scientists define the scriptures for them, by trying to 'force God's numbers' to conform to man's conclusions. All these errors can be traced to an age old problem. The lack of trust in God's Word, and the humanist attempt to make God's Word conform to man's ideas and theories. This is not Christianity, nor is it the way for Theologians to come to truth of Holy Canon. The only way to come to the real knowledge of the truth of God's Word, is 'if' we let the Bible itself guide us, and not man. The key to unlock this mystery is not in the secular evidence, it will be found in the Biblical evidence. We will never sort it out by relying on secular facts (so-called), but in humility considering carefully the Biblical facts.

In this Study, my hope is that we will see how God has 'always' provided us with a system for understanding the time line of history, which allows us to accurately know how much time has passed. And amazingly, that system hasn't changed from the beginning.


The Biblical Time Line

of Creation

by Tony Warren

The key to understanding the truth locked in the genealogies is in understanding how 'God,' and not man recorded the passing of time. In other words, the Biblical system which God used, is the one which will show us the way. Yes, the answer has always been there, man simply overlooked the obvious. The Patriarchal genealogies of scripture hold the key to the age of the earth, and God's record of the early years. God has locked the information about] man's early history in the genealogies that He has inspired placed in the scriptures. How many people have read the genealogies of Genesis chapter five and chapter eleven and frankly wondered how much use it really was? In a word, many! Some Theologians even openly doubted their importance to anything (as if God would place meaningless words for us), but in these genealogies is the Keys to unlocking the question that has mystified men for centuries.

So, how do we understand them? While some Theologians have said they are all direct Father/Son genealogies (an obvious and easily refuted error), most learned scholars understand that they are not. Others have attempted to twist (and so have stumbled over) these verses, that they make them no longer mean what they say. Still others have simply chosen to conclude that, 'they can't be accurately understood, because they just don't add up correctly.' But again, are we to think God put these genealogies in Genesis simply to mystify us, or to take up space? The answer is no! These genealogies are not all Father/Son relationships, they are Patriarchal references in God's system which documents time. In other words, God is using certain genealogical names to date the world in the early years from the time of Adam. Each Patriarchal family name is an indication of chunk or epoch of time. Yes, 'God knows what He is doing, even when we do not!' The Patriarchal system is of course, not unheard of, as many Theologians have thought this was the key for some time. But the problem has always been, how do we determine exactly how many years have passed between each Patriarch?

The answer becomes clear when we study the perfect language of God's Word and compare scripture with scripture. There is a way to rightly divide or judge it, and it is by careful examination. When a certain child was born (let's call him Patriarch 'B'), he became the next Patriarchal reference, therefore the counting of years begins at his birth. And When this Patriarch ('B') died, a man child in his direct lineage (not necessarily an immediate son) born in the same year that 'B' died, became the next Patriarch reference (we'll call him 'C'). i.e., the Patriarchal reference changed 'not' necessarily when a son was born, but in the year a Patriarch died. In the few cases where there is no descendant born in the year the Patriarch died (Noah, for example), the immediate son then becomes the next Patriarch reference. Let's take a look at a clear biblical example: Arphaxad was a Patriarch reference. He had an immediate son named Cainan, and then Cainan had born to him a son named Salah, the year that Arphaxad, the patriarchal reference died. So then Salah becomes the next Patriarch reference, not Cainan! It becomes confusing to some Theologians because of the way it is written. The scriptures record this as, 'Arphaxad begat Salah' because only the Patriarch references are written. Thus if we tried to add the years of arphaxad to when his (presumed immediate) son Salah was born, we'd come to an incorrect conclusion of time (as Bishop Ussher did). There was a son in between, and that changes everything.

We must know the Patriarch references, and how to read them. We do this by adding the full years of Arphaxad's life, to the full years of Salah's life. Then we know how much time passed between Arphaxad's birth and Salah's death. Because the Patriarchal reference of Salah, doesn't start at Salah's birth of course, but at Arphaxad's Death. Which is why God meticulously gives us the year of death of all these Patriarchs.

Note: God doesn't do that in the Genealogies of Matthew, or Luke. They are not Patriarchal references. Only for the Patriarch references of Genesis 5 and 11 is their dates of death meticulously recorded.

These are the genealogical references that show us how much time has passed in those early years of the world.

Proverbs 25:2

"it is the Glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of Kings is to search out a matter."

You probably never even realized it (and it's amazing and Glorious when you stop to seriously think about it), but to this day, we use the 'exact' same system for keeping track of an epoch of time. Have you guessed what is the Patriarchal name the world uses today? It's CHRIST! Look carefully at your calendar. Where it says we live in 1996 A.D. (or whatever year you're reading this), it is saying we live 1996 years (supposedly) after our Patriarch Christ was born. That's what A.D. [Anno Domini] stands for. It's Latin and means, The year of the Lord's birth. You see, today Christ is the Christian's Patriarch reference for this dispensation called 'the last days.' Time is being dated by Christ! In this exact same way, God has always used others as Patriarchal references for time. Christ is the Last! We are Sons of God, through Christ!

While it may not be widely understood, it is nevertheless how God has always kept track of time in the scriptures. Just as the Birth of Christ is our reference point today, the birth of others, long before the cross, were also reference points for tracking time. Each Patriarch reference or generation in the genealogies of scriptures, is a bookmark of time. In the past, the children of family leaders or Patriarchs, would call that leader Father, regardless of if they were immediate sons, or grandsons, or great grandsons. They were the Patriarch father of that generation. For example, the Children of Israel called Abraham their father. It's because he was their Patriarch father (more on that later). And we as Christians are the children of God, through our Patriarch reference, Christ.

These things are not mere speculation, the 'fact' that God used these Patriarchal fathers as reference points for marking time, can be demonstrated conclusively by simply studying the Bible carefully. Of course, that is assuming we all believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, and is accurate. But if we listen to those who in their own arrogance and self ignorance declare the earth billions of years old, and deny a Biblical time line exists, or even that anything can be shown in scripture, then we might as well quit right now. But as the more noble bereans, we have to Check the scriptures ourselves to see if these things are true or not. We cannot get caught up in blindly parroting a line about 'no one knows.' Before making judgments on this, I ask that you read this article, 'carefully' checking the pertinent scripture references. The truth is not in the ignoring, or stubborn denials of scripture, it is in the receiving scriptures, and it is 'revealed' not by men, but by the Spirit of God within us.

Let's take the practical example of Noah. He was the Patriarchal reference before the flood. Of course, there being no descendants after the Flood (because everyone but Noah and a Few family were killed) his immediate son was the next Patriarch. And God in His magnificent wisdom gives us a window to see how He uses Noah's life span to number time. This is an important 'FACT' not to be glossed over. I'm sure we've all probably read this at least 20 times and never even thought seriously about what was 'really' being said.

Genesis 7:6

"And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth."

Now let us go to Genesis chapter 8, as God talks about the flood waters subsiding.

Genesis 8:13

"And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the Ark, and looked.."

Careful exegesis (rare today) reveals this truth. Discern carefully in wisdom what is being said here. Is God saying the world was 601 years old? No, when we read all those verses in context, we see God is measuring time by the Patriarch Noah's life. Just as we would say, "today is the One thousandth, nine hundred and ninety sixth year, 11th month, and 4th day since our Lord's birth, God is saying here that this was, "the 601 year, 1 month, and 1 day" since Noah's birth, and is using it as a date reference in His Holy word. Amazingly, this has been greatly ignored and in many cases, not even taken account of. God is dating, that is to say, measuring time, by Noah's life span. Check that out carefully yourself, in the scriptures and see if this is indeed true!

Man thinks that type of dating started around 2000 years ago with Christ, or 4000 in China, or in ancient Egypt? ..Not so! God has always been in control, even when we didn't realize it. God is in control of the world being dated by Christ today, as He was when the world was being dated by Noah. And as we go in this study, we'll see how this all fits together perfectly, magnificently, like a gigantic divine picture puzzle, with every piece fitting perfectly in place to show the whole Glorious picture. It's not idle speculation that God measures time by Patriarchs life, God has here demonstrated it clearly in His Holy Word. And not surprisingly, it will all fit perfectly throughout the Canon, illustrating many glorious truths throughout time.

When Adam was created (let's call it the year zero), he was the first Patriarch. And because It's the beginning of man's time where there was only Adam, and then a few descendants, God is careful to give us all the information we need in Chapter 4 to let us know that Seth was an immediate son, and that Enosh was an immediate son. God gives us this information in Chapter 4 as a prelude to the genealogical references in Genesis Chapter 5. At the end of chapter 5, Note again, God while pausing the genealogical record with Noah and his sons, beginning at verse 6 through verses 10, gives us all the information we need to know that Noah, and Shem were immediate sons. This of course is easily understood as conditions prevailed like they did at the beginning of time with Adam (few people born). There was Only Noah and his Family saved. All others perished in the Flood, so it was like starting over again. After all the recording of the information about the flood for us, God continues with the Genealogical time line references in Chapter 11, which then takes us all the way to the Patriarch Abraham, in Chapter 12. We find no more long Genealogical references with death dates as in chapters 5 and 11. That is because Abraham will be the Patriarch generation until Christ. You can see the consistency of this as the genealogical record 'to' Christ recorded in Matthew chapter 1, starts with Abraham. These aren't coincidences, they're God breathed. The information given about Adam and Seth's immediate sons, and the 'pause and information' given about Noah, are not incidental. They provide us with the information "Necessary" to 'accurately' trace the Patriarch calendar references. For God knows what He is doing, even when we do not. There are 10 Patriarchs before the flood, 10 Patriarchs after the flood, and then the final patriarch Christ (again, more on this later). All Christians know God doesn't do these things by coincidence. The number 10 is significant in God's Word signifying fullness.

In the Biblical time line record we see Adam was created by God in what we'll call the year 0 of man. He lived 130 years, and begat Seth. Since Seth is an immediate son and a Patriarch reference, we know how many years passed from Adam, to Seth. Seth also had a son (immediate son) who he named Enos when He was 105 years old, and he is also a Patriarch reference. So from Adam to Enosh passed 235 years. These were all immediate sons, as clearly recorded in chapter 4. In chapter 5, the Biblical time line references are named. From Enos (as more and more people were born on the earth to support it) the Patriarch reference goes about in the normal way. That is, the Patriarch reference of a person continues to the year of his death, and at that time, the next Patriarch born on that year, time is then referenced by his life. This is why God gives us the information only up to Enos (chapter 4) of being immediate sons. It was necessary because there weren't enough people in the world before that time that someone in the direct line would be born the exact year a Patriarch died. By the time Enos died, the world was populated enough to support this (same thing after the Flood).

Enos lived 905 years so that brings us to 1140 years from creation to the next Patriarch Cainan. Cainan lived 910 years which brings us to 2050 years from creation to the next patriarch Mahalaleel. Mahalaleel lived 895 years which brings us to 2945 years from creation to the next Patriarch Jared. Jared lived 962 years which brings us to 3907 years from creation to the next Patriarch Enoch. Enoch lived 365 years which brings us to 4272 years from Creation to the next Patriarch Methuselah. Methuselah lived 969 years which brings us to 5241 years from creation to the next Patriarch Lamech. Lamech lived 777 years which brings us to 6018 years from creation (5 years before the flood).

Now, because the normal Patriarch that would be born that year would be destroyed by the flood (and thus break the line), Lamech's immediate son Noah becomes the next Patriarch. So this year of course cannot be the next reference. Which is of course why God breaks the genealogical record in Genesis 5 at Noah, and gives us information about his immediate sons and the flood with reference to them. Lamech was 182 years old when Noah was born. That started the year of Noah's Patriarchal reign. From Creation to Lamech was 5241, and to the next Patriarch Noah (an immediate son) is 5423 years. The next Patriarchal reference is Shem, who was born when Noah was 502 years old (Gen 7-6, 11:10) which was 5925 years from creation.

The scriptures tell us Noah was 600 at the year of the flood, so that puts the flood at 6023 years after creation (5 years after the death of Lamech). Did you ever wonder why, when going through the genealogies of Genesis chapters 5 and 11, that God is 'Careful' to give the life spans and birth dates of certain Specific family heads (Patriarchs), while in other chapters with genealogies it simply says, this one begat that one, and another begat another? We know that God does everything for a reason, and the obvious reason is so that we would 'Know' how long these Patriarchal heads lived, and exactly 'when' the next Patriarch was born. The necessary information is carefully given, even in breaks in the genealogical Patriarchal order (as when most of the world was killed in the flood). In the beginning, and after the flood (new Beginning), God makes sure that we have the information needed to add the years from one to another accurately. He gives us information which otherwise would not be given.

God is very careful to let us know what year the Flood was, who the world was dated by, who and how people's lives and ages relate to it, the relationship between it and births and deaths, etc. Examples:

Genesis 7:6

"And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth."

Genesis 8:13

"And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the Ark, and looked.."

Genesis 9:28

"And Noah lived after the flood 350 years."

Genesis 9:29

"And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years and he died."

Genesis 11:10

"Shem was a hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood."

Subtract 350 years that Noah lived after the flood, from the 950 years that Noah lived, you get 600. Funny, (not really) that's exactly how old God said Noah was when the Floods came, and at the turn of the new year (the 601 year, 1st month, 1st day - genesis 8:13) the flood ended and waters were dried up. In God's calendar, He has dated it all from Noah's life span. That is the important thing to remember in this. And you should not leave Genesis 8:13-14 without understanding the implications of that. It establishes (to those who believe the Bible) beyond a shadow of a doubt, the validity of the Patriarchal family reference. Time was measured from Noah's life from the day he was born, till the next Patriarch. That means that before he was born, time was 'obviously' measured from someone else's life span. Because the world was not 600 years old at the flood, Noah was!

It's important that we realize a Patriarch, or generation father, does not mean an immediate father son relationship. In other words, just because it says one "begat" another, doesn't mean that it is his immediate son. In Bible terms, you can be the son of someone in the 3rd and forth generations. An example would be, If I was named David, and had a grandfather named John, I could be spoken of as a son of John, even though he was my grandfather. And it could be written that, John begat David. That doesn't mean I was an immediate son. It means that I came from the loins or genealogical line of this man John. There could be two or more generations in between. This is just as many Jewish people even today speak of themselves as the sons of abraham, and indeed, they said that 'clearly' in Jesus day (the time of the cross). While the word begat 'can' mean a father son relationship, it doesn't 'have to' mean that. While most serious Bible students already know this, I should give an example to 'prove' this. What better example than the very genealogical reference we are following. We read in the genealogical record of the Patriarchal Father Arphaxad (Son of Shem),

Genesis 11:12

"And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Salah: And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters."

The casual reader might think that this means Arphaxad was the immediate father of Salah. They would be in error, and careful study of the scriptures would reveal this. Unfortunately, not a lot of Christians do careful study of the scriptures anymore, and when they do, they ignore more than they take in. But we can read in,

Luke 3:35

"....Which was the son of Sala, which was the son of Cainan, which was the son of Arphaxad, which was the son of Sem, which was the son of Noe, which was the son of Lamech."

We see conclusively that in between Arphaxad and Salah was a son named Cainan. So the question is, "why is he not named in the genealogies of Genesis chapter 11?" the answer is, "Because he is NOT one of the Patriarch references of the Biblical time line of History". He is not of a generation used for dating. He is not a Patriarch reference, and that is why he is not included in the reference. So we have clear Biblical evidence that begat does not signify a immediate father son relationship, and also that the genealogy of Genesis 11 is not a strict immediate father/son relationship as some try and force it to be. That is the key! That is the reason that so many have such a hard time understanding the numbers of Genesis 5 and 11. They'll say this one begat that one means his immediate father. But then they come into conflict with other things, like the number of children born in a specific time period. So then they proceed to doubt the accuracy of the numbers in the Bible. Once that starts, you're already in deep trouble. The numbers are 100 percent correct, the names are correct, it's man's understanding of them that is in error. Begat does not always mean an immediate father/son. The reference in Luke proves that we are on the correct track.

On the other hand, the use of the Hebrew words [qara' shem] (Called his name) identifies a immediate father/son relationship. We can also know why God uses this language (qara shem) on Seth, Enosh, and also Lamech (Noah's father). These identify an Immediate father/Son relationship. It is easy to see why this is. When Adam was born and died, there was relatively few people in the world. The same thing after the Flood of Noah's day. So Adam's and Noah's Sons had to be the next Patriarch to carry on the reference line. In Noah's case, it was because the person who normally would have been the next Patriarch (who would have been born the year Lemech died) were unsaved and would be killed in the flood. So the next Patriarch had to be the immediate son Noah, and then his immediate son Shem. So God provides us with the information that Noah's son Shem, was an immediate son, and of course how old Noah was when he was born. God in His magnificent wisdom always gives us (when need) the additional information to Know that these Patriarchs were immediate sons. There is no missing links, or breaks in the lines. It can be numbered from Adam all the way to Abraham. We can figure a direct and ACCURATE time line DIRECT from the scriptures. No Archaeologists necessary! Just a willingness to Trust God's Word. And when we step back and look at the whole picture, we see some amazing numbers.

Beside from the beginning Patriarchs like Adam and Noah, the normal process is that when one Patriarch dies, it's the start of the next generation or Patriarch reference. For example, when the scriptures say Enos lived 905 years and died, that's his time mark. The next calendar reference is Cainam, and he lived 910 years and died. And so all the years that passed between the time of these two Patriarch references in literal years were 1815. This is two generations. Two family head references have passed. Two patriarchs. Once we have a clear understanding of what God is doing, and how He uses each Patriarch generations to date, it's relatively easy to follow the age of the world, and date accurately.

So, continuing our addition, from Creation to Lamech was 5241 years, and to the birth of the next Patriarch Noah (an immediate son) is 5423 years. The next Patriarchal reference is Shem, who was born when Noah was 502 years old (Gen 7-6, Gen. 11:10). 5925 years from creation brings us to the birth of the Patriarch shem. The next calendar reference is Arphaxad. Arphaxad lived 438 years and that brings us to 6963 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Salah. Salah lived 433 years and that brings us to 7396 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Eber. Eber lived 464 years and that brings us to 7860 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Peleg. Peleg lived 239 years which brings us to 8099 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Reu. Reu lived 239 years which brings us to 8338 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Serug. Serug lived 230 years which brings us to 8568 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Nahor. Nahor lived 148 years, which brings us to 8716 years from creation to the next Patriarch which was Terah. Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born which was 8846 years from the creation of the world. Abraham's generation reaches all the way to Christ. Christ is the "SEED" of Abraham that was promised. Again, not coincidentally, the Patriarch Genealogies of Genesis 11 end with Abraham.

Also not coincidentally, all dates fall right into place. Even astonishingly (to some), with a lot of secular evidence that has been found. Of which I won't get into, as I believe that secular evidence should have little (if any) bearing on what is the truth of God's Word. It's not the Word of God, inspired or divine, therefore it cannot be relied upon to be a faithful interpreter of God's Word. It may be interesting, but it is not a validation of scripture. The Bible is it's own interpreter. Perhaps you can get a better feel for this if we look at this in chart form. The age of the world to Abraham, from the Biblical calendar breaks down as follows:


Each Patriarch's Year From Creation Age of World

Patriarch Years! Each Ends From Christ


Creation --- 0 11,013 B.C

Adam 130 130 10,883 B.C.

*Seth 105 235 10,778 B.C.

*Enos 905 1140 9873 B.C.

Cainan 910 2050 8963 B.C.

Mahalaleel 895 2945 8068 B.C.

Jared 962 3907 7106 B.C.

Enoch 365 4272 6741 B.C.

Methuselah 969 5241 5772 B.C.

Lamech 182 5423 5590 B.C.

*Noah 502 5925 5088 B.C.

The Flood! 6023 4990 B.C.

*Shem 600 6525 4488 B.C.

Arphaxad 438 6963 4050 B.C.

Salah 433 7396 3617 B.C.

Eber 464 7860 3153 B.C.

Peleg 239 8099 2914 B.C.

Reu 239 8338 2675 B.C.

Serug 230 8568 2445 B.C.

Nahor 148 8716 2297 B.C.

Terah 130 8846 2167 B.C.


* Indicates an immediate Son (Dating picks up from their birth, not their father's death)

This ends the Patriarch references of Genesis 5 and 11. When Abraham was born, he became the Patriarchal father. The normal Patriarch that would have been born at the death of Terah would have been outside of the Messianic line (it "MUST" come through Abraham), and therefore outside of God's chronological purposes. God hath in His wisdom effectively narrowed the Patriarchs down to the family of Abraham. God hath made Abraham the father (Patriarch) of many generations. He will be the Patriarch reference until Christ, His seed!

Genesis 17:3-7

"And Abram fell on his face and God talked with him , saying,

As foe Me, behold, My Covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a Father of many Nations.

neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a Father of many Nations have I made thee.

and I will make thee exceeding FRUITFUL, and I will make nations of thee.

and I will establish My Covenant between Me and thee and thy Seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting Covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to Thy Seed after thee.

Galatians 3:16

"Now to Abraham and His Seed were the Promises made. He saith not, and to thy seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy Seed, which is Christ.

That is why from this time to Christ, in Biblical terms, all descendants of Abraham are spoken of as, 'the children of Abraham.' He is the next Patriarch Reference for this generation. God is using Abraham as a Covenant record point. We're (believers) all the seed of Abraham and heirs of the Promise (Gal. 3:29) through Christ, His seed! This is why God speaks of Christ as His seed. Because He is the Patriarch father reference. From his birth (these 8846 years after the creation of Adam), to the birth of Christ, He is the Patriarch. That's also why when we see the genealogical line of Christ in Matthew Chapter one, it starts with Abraham. Some would say just another Biblical coincidence, but not so! He is the Patriarch father of all those generations. And note carefully that in the genealogies of Matthew, there are no ages at birth given, or ages at death, like we saw in the Genesis genealogies. It simply says this one begat that one, and that one begat the other. This is because these are not 'Patriarchs by which the time line of history can be counted,' so the ages at birth and death are not needed. They were simply children of Abraham. These generations come within Abraham's Patriarchal period. The next (final) Patriarch time line is in Christ, being the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:16). The genealogical line is given to show Christ is a direct descendant of the Patriarch Abraham. In other words, Abraham is the father Generation Christ was born from, and His (Christ's) generation starts then as the promised seed. This is also why we read throughout scripture of the New Testament period spoken of as the 'last days.' It means there is no other dispensations after this age. There are no other days after these days, and there is no other Patriarch after Christ. Even though few really understand it, 1996 years have passed and there has not been another Patriarch reference

And so we see why the Patriarchal calendar of using the next Patriarch born on the year of the death of the previous, ended with Terah. Because God made Abraham a special Patriarch which would be the father Patriarch of Israel, until Christ, his seed, came. Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born, and Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born, Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob was born, and Jacobs' Family arrived in Egypt when he was 130 years old. At this point, we should stop and examine carefully some widely held misconceptions.





Abraham Born 8846 yrs 2167 B.C.

Isaac Born 8946 yrs 2067 B.C.

Jacob Born 9006 yrs 2007 B.C.

Jacob's Tribe arrived in Egypt 9136 yrs 1877 B.C.

when he was 130 years old

This is the point where many theologians get into controversies over just how long the Children of Israel actually spent in Egypt. Even though God 'clearly' states that they spent 430 years in Egypt (ex. 12:40), some misguided souls 'incredibly' insist the correct way to understand this is that they spent about 215 to 219 years in Egypt. One of the reasons they give (which we'll touch on later) is that Galatians 3 says the promises made, the covenant confirmed 430 years later, cannot disannul. Another reason is that they claim Genesis 15:13 means, 'your seed' will be strangers and wander in lands (not land) that is not their's for 400 years (and they will be enslaved and oppressed). In this they reason;

The time of sojourning 'includes' the enslavement in Egypt but is 'not' the time in Egypt ONLY. It includes the wandering throughout Canaan that preceded the time in Egypt.

The time of sojourning is the time that Isaac spends *wandering* until the deliverance from Egypt.

But careful study of the pertinent Biblical facts reveals this is 'not' possible, because God's word says rather clearly in this same,

Genesis 15:13

"And He said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in A LAND that is not theirs, and shall serve THEM; AND THEY SHALL AFFLICT THEM FOUR HUNDRED YEARS."

In any translation, including the literal Hebrew it means that they will be afflicted 400 years in a land (singular) not theirs and they shall serve them (the people of that land) and be afflicted by them. By no stretch of the imagination does this mean wandering in different lands. That would be tortuous of scripture. It also states rather clearly, they'll be afflicted in that land 400 years. Not 210, 215, or 219, but 400 years. If they were in Egypt 219 or so years as some theologians claim, they couldn't have been afflicted 400 years before leaving, because Clearly 'when' they entered, they were not afflicted. In fact, Joseph was second in charge only to the King Himself. So in no way were they afflicted when they first entered Egypt. Which makes it impossible for a 400 year affliction that ends with the exodus, as the scripture prescribes. Not with their numbers! Because you certainly can't be afflicted 200 years, not be afflicted many years in Egypt, and then be afflicted another 200 years later on, and claim it's 400 years afflicted. God's not playing word games. 400 years of affliction means 400 years of affliction. It doesn't say 185 years affliction, then rule of the land, then another 219 years of affliction. That's confusion. God is not the author of Confusion. Man says that, but God's Word does not. Just another of the many contradictions in that view.

On top of this, we have it in the New testament as well, and no surprise, it says the exact same thing.

Acts 7:6

"and God spake on this wise, that His seed should sojourn in A strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage, AND ENTREAT THEM EVIL FOUR HUNDRED YEARS."

It doesn't say they will sojourn in 'many' lands, it says in a strange land. Very plain and understandable language which doesn't need wresting to suit one's own agenda. And it doesn't say they will sojourn 400 years, it says that they will sojourn in a strange land (singular) and that they (the people of this land) will enslave them and afflict them 400 years. That is a big difference! This word Greek word sojourn is [paroikos] and means an alien resident. It's the same word translated foreigner and stranger. They were foreigners in a strange land (not lands), and brought into bondage of these people, and entreated evil for 400 years. God has said it both here, and in Genesis. To make sure we understand, He double said it. Yet, men with an eschatological bias go to extraordinary lengths to try and make the Word not say what it clearly says. namely, that they were in bondage in Egypt 400 years. And no surprise, it works out perfectly with God's calendar because it's God's Word! When it's true, you don't have to push, or fudge words, or force scripture to say something that it does not say. It's clear to the faithful Bible scholar exactly what it says.

Following the Word of God carefully we see God declares that the Children of Israel were in Egypt 430 years total, 400 of which they were afflicted and under bondage. The first 30 years, upon entering Egypt, (when Joseph was ruler), they were not afflicted.

Exodus 12:40

"Now the sojournings of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.

And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the SELFSAME DAY it came to pass, that all of the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt".

Now what that says as clear as day is that at the end of 430 years, even the selfsame day, they came out of the land of Egypt. How much clearer can it get?

Of course, there is a word here translated sojournings again. There are those who want to put special emphasis on this word, claiming it means moving all over in Egypt and outside Egypt. Again, let's take a careful look at that word. That word translated sojournings in exodus 12 is the Hebrew word [moshab] and doesn't mean sojournings (wanderings) at all, it means 'dwelling.' Any faithful student of the Hebrew knows that. That verse in truth 'literally' says,

"and the dwelling of the children of Israel, which they have dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years."

That is a 'fact' which any student of the scripture can check out for themselves. It is not the same Hebrew word used in other places for sojournings, and doesn't mean sojournings (wandering or moving around), It means their dwelling, their seat, their place of abode! And I challenge any faithful Christian to check that out for themselves. As an example of it's use, read when the Lord brought the plague of darkness over the land of Egypt:

Exodus 10:23

"They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings."

That's the exact same word my friends. And as you can see, it would be pretty hard for Israel to not leave their place 3 days and be sojourning wouldn't it? The word is translated dwellings, here because that's what it means. It in no way means to sojourn (wander) or move from place to place. That is a Biblical fact, premillennialism notwithstanding! The Children of Israel spent 430 years in Egypt total, and on the exact day (430) they came out, and spoiled their captors. ..Out of where? Out of many lands? No! They came out of Egypt! Who did they spoil? The Egyptians! What land did they come out of after 430 years? Egypt! There is nothing in scripture which would make anyone believe different, the teachings all come from outside of scripture. It's not complicated, it's just that people become indoctrinated, and would rather listen to their teachers instead of God's word. But God is the authority, not our teachers. Again,

Genesis 15:13-14

"And He said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall SERVE THEM AND THEY SHALL AFFLICT THEM 400 YEARS.

And also that nation whom they shall serve, will I judge:..."

What nation did God Judge 'who' afflicted them, and who they served 400 years? ..Egypt! Not 219 years, 400 years they were under affliction in 'that nation.' Is there any other nation who afflicted them 400 years at this time? NO! Absolutely not. Note also it says, '..That nation whom they serve, I will judge.' What Nation? Egypt of course! The Nation that afflicted them 400 years, whom they served in bondage. This affliction came after the 30 years at the start when they were not under affliction. It was when they first came there and Joseph was second in command only to Pharaoh. The first 30 years they were not afflicted. They were given the best of the land. That's why when God uses the term 430, He "NEVER" says they were afflicted, and when He uses the term 400 He ALWAYS says they were afflicted, or served, or was in bondage. Why? Because as I've always said, 'God knows what He is doing, even when we do not.' 400 years of affliction they served in Egypt, and the 430 years is the total number of years they were in Egypt. God is Magnificent in His Holy Word. If only the Church would start listening to God and not the Premillennialists looking to glorify the land of Israel, he would find that things are not so hard to understand as he thought. There is not a single word that says they were in Egypt 210 or 217, 219, or any other like-number. On the other hand,

Exodus 12:41

"Now it came to pass at the end of 430 years, EVEN THE SELFSAME DAY, it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the Land of Egypt."

This verse makes 'perfect' sense, until we start listening to the words of men. Then there comes doubt as teachers claim it doesn't mean what it says. It says the dwellings of the Children of Egypt, that they dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years. And at the end of the 430, on the selfsame day they came out from the land of Egypt. Along Comes men with an eschatological axe to grind, and says, '..hath God said that?' He proceeds to place a seed of doubt, saying it really doesn't say that, or it couldn't possibly be accurate this way, etc., etc. But God's Word is true and trustworthy. There is no mistake. God has even confirmed it many times, if we will only listen to what He says.

In fact, in Genesis 15:16 God prophesies that they would spend 'four generations' there, and that they would come out in the 4th generation. Again, does it mean out of many lands? No, but out of Egypt. No surprise, that's exactly how many generations God says were there in Egypt. ..Four! Another reason why God had to be talking about Egypt, and not some supposed sojournings in other nations. You can read about those four generations that were 'in Egypt' in Exodus 6:13-27. Yes, God's word is true and precisely accurate!

Exodus 6:13

"And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt."

And when you read of the generations in Egypt, and at which one they came out (Read carefully ex. 6:13-27) you see it reports on the sons of Levi, Kohath, Amram, and they came out in the generation of Aaron. That's four generations in Egypt before they come out, Exactly as God said it would be. So then how in the world can any insist they weren't in Egypt for those four generations. It's a direct contradiction to God's Word. If the four generations that were promised, were 'in Egypt' and in the fourth came out, then where is it even debatable?

Genesis 15:16

"But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."

They were promised to be in Bondage 400 years, but in the fourth generation come out to take the land of the Amorites, and as we just saw in the record of the four generations in Egypt, according to God that's exactly how many generations were in Egypt. And their patriarch years (no surprise) add up to exactly 430 years.

The Generation of Levi

The Generation of Kohath

The Generation of Amram

The Generation of Aaron


430 Total Years, four Generations

You would think such evidence is overwhelming, but many people are blinded TV evangelists and earthly teachings so that they will not receive God's Truth, even when He says point blank they came out of Egypt after 430 years (exodus 12:40-41).

Another good point (do we really need it) that it couldn't possibly be around 215-220 years that they were in Egypt, is that scripture says that at the time they came out, there was 600,000 men (exodus 12:37), not even counting women and children. There was likely near 2 million Israelites come out of Egypt. The scriptures tell us they had grown to such a number, they were more and mightier than the original Egyptians, and the land was full of them. How could this be in 215 years? They came into Egypt as 12 families, and left as filling the land. I'm not saying God couldn't have done it, of course He could, but in logical thinking, 430 years would have worked out just right, and even then there would have had to be God's blessing on procreation.

But that's just a side bar, because we know it wasn't anywhere near 219 years, because we 'keep' God's word. These figures of around 219 years in Egypt make no sense at all. Not to mention the fact that God never once mentioned that number. Some Theologians say that, but those numbers are not in the scripture, nor is it possible. We can see that simply by comparing scripture. Let people say whatever they want, but the Word of God speaks for itself. Of course there are those who simply don't want to listen to any scripture that would prove their doctrines wrong. But what cannot be, cannot be, and therefore, is not! Understand, anyone can show scripture where Israel sojourned throughout the lands, but 'no one' can, or has given any scripture whatsoever to say that during the 400 or 430 years they sojourned in many lands. This tactic is called 'slight of hand,' where people say they've given scripture that says something, but never actually gave any scripture that 'actually' said it. They give a scripture, but it doesn't say what they claim. That's why careful study of an issue like this is necessary.

A key sticking point for some theologians is Galatians chapter 3, where it talks about, 'the law, 430 years after the Covenant which was by promise, not being able to disannul.' They reason that the promise was to Abraham, and he died long before the Children of Israel entered Egypt, therefore, they think that this verse maybe gives validation to the theory that they weren't in Egypt 430 years. This 'despite' the fact that God says they were there 430 years in Egypt. Many times all it takes is for some teacher to plant a seed of doubt about a scripture that someone cannot figure out, and people will accept any reasoning that 'seems' to solve the evident conflict. But they aren't solving anything, they are simply making one verse null and void, while misunderstanding another. The number one rule is of sound hermeneutics is that, 'all scripture must be brought into agreement, not tossed aside, nor wrested or twisted!'

A great reformer once said, 'the Old Testament concealed, is the New Testament Revealed.' That is so very true. Galatians chapter 3 shows the implications and root of the promise to Abraham, to bring His seed out of Bondage, and give them the Promised land. It would be fulfilled in Christ. The promises made to Abraham, would be worked out through Jacob. Not 430 years after the promise to Abraham, but 430 years after Jacob (in whom the promise of Deliverance is worked out) entered Egypt! The law of Moses, given 430 years after the Children of Israel entered Egypt, didn't then mean that the Promise of deliverance was fulfilled. In other words, it doesn't disannul the promise, because it wasn't of a earthly Promised land (again, Premillennialism notwithstanding), but an unconditional promise of land in Christ! The promise was really in Christ, not a literal land! That's what scripture was talking about. the true deliverance of 'Israel' from bondage, which can only come through the seed of Abraham, Christ! Remember what was said? It was that his seed would be a stranger in a land that was not theirs and be afflicted 400 years, and in the 4th generation come out with great substance. What this really was, was a Covenant with Israel, to deliver them. The Deliverance of 'his seed' in Egypt was but a shadow or type of the "true" deliverance to come. And the law of Moses given after this 430 years (when they came out of Egypt) did not break, or end, or fulfill that covenant. That covenant wasn't a covenant of literal land, to his immediate seed, but of spiritual inheritance, to all his seed in Christ! The covenant of the literal land has been fulfilled (Joshua 21:43,44). But that was a shadow of the real promise of Inheritance to come.

Galatians 3:16

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ."

So you see, truly, this was the covenant of Christ. He is the seed. The Galatians chapter 3 declaration, and the truth that Abraham's literal seed Jacob spent 430 years in Egypt, doesn't contradict what we're saying, indeed, it confirms it!

And Christ fulfills this. "out of Egypt have I called my son" (-Mat. 2:15 Hos. 11:1), Freedom from bondage is in Him, the Land is given in Him. 430 years after life in Egypt (as they were delivered), did not change that promise. That's what Galatians 3 was saying. The law given 430 after they literally came out of Egypt, didn't nullify the promise to Abraham, or mean it was fulfilled. The promise to be delivered was yet to be fulfilled. Because the REAL inheritance was not by the law, but by promise. In other words, they received the literal land inheritance after being delivered, but truly, the inheritance is in Christ, and when "He" would come, He would be the real deliverer of Jacob or Israel, and grant them Spiritual inheritance.

Galatians 3:17

"And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect."

The Law of Moses didn't save them! They thought they had the inheritance by the law of Moses. They figured because they spent 430 years in Egypt and were delivered, the land was theirs. Read the whole chapter. They looked at that Genesis prophesy as a confirmation of the inheritance. But Paul assures them, that that promise is by faith. If the law had it's way, they wouldn't receive the inheritance. But it's not by law, it's by promise, by faith. It was a covenant that far surpassed a 430 year stay in Egypt, and a triumphant coming out. That was a shadow looking forward to the "Seed" of Abraham, which was Christ (gal. 3:19). All roads lead to the same truth. The Children of Israel spent 430 years in Egypt, 400 of which they were in servitude. ..Just as God said. The chronological line after the entrance into Egypt, is as follows:

Israel and the Exodus




Jacob's Tribe arrived in Egypt 9136 1877 B.C.

Exodus from Egypt 430 years later 9566 1447 B.C.

Entrance into Canaan 40 years later 9606 1407 B.C.

The first 7x7 (Jubilee Year) 9656 1357 B.C.

Temple construction begins 480

years after the exodus ^^^ 10046 967 B.C.

Here again, there are some who would put forth the contention that 1st Kings 6:1 cannot refer to "literal" years but must have some 'other kind' of year in view. They think the 480 years are not literal simply because 'they cannot' figure it out. So they throw up their hands in frustration and start talking about errors, or copyists, or guessing, or twisting it to fit the doctrines of men. This is the problem with much of the Church today. They just don't fully understand the inerrancy of God's Word. They listen to man's word, and they question God's Word. They question the 430 years Israel spent in Egypt, saying, "Wrong, they must have wandered or sojourned all over." They question the 480 years GOD says is the time from the exodus to the building of the Temple, saying, "It just can't be, it just doesn't add up." They question the 7 days of creation. "A Allegory" they say, "I just saw conclusive proof from scientists on TV the world is billions of years old." Where is their Christian conscience? When Man says the world is billions of years old, Him they believe! When God says He created the world in 7 days, and elaborates, seven evenings mornings, they imply, "Wrong, scientists tell us different, so that just can't be!" It seems to me something is 'terribly' skewed or backward here.

The 480 years is an "exact" length of time, just as the 430 years was! And just as the 430 was confirmed on many fronts, the 480 is confirmed also by the Judges and Kings scriptural record. It's confirmed on two separate fronts. It's so easy for the indoctrinated teacher to simply cry, 'I don't believe it, you're wrong,' without so much as even reading the scriptures. But for those willing to consider the scriptures, we can go through a 'detailed' record of every single year (as it is recorded in scripture). My hope is that you will check it out and consider, the source (the scriptures). You will see quite clearly that it adds up to exactly 480 years. So not only did God say Point blank it was 480 years, but He's blessed us by giving us the scriptures with additional information to account for every one of them.

Many Theologians being taught by other theologians who hold error, start out with an incorrect assumption, and so naturally, come to the incorrect conclusions. We should not assume that the years of oppression of Israel in this 480 years are 'separate' from the years of non-oppression. In actuality, the years of oppression came within the years of the judges. In God's defining, He doesn't date by any oppressor or heathen rule, God dates by the rulers or judges 'of Israel!' The Biblical time line doesn't work by counting foreign subjugation. Subjugation occurs 'within Israel Chronology.' If you'll look carefully at the Biblical references, you'll note that there are two kinds. One describes the time passed in Israel, or with respect to a Israelite judge. The other describes a time of oppression by a foreign king. The common mistake is to add all these together one on top of another. But in truth, they don't occur in addition to one another, the subjugation by foreigners occurs within the Chronology of Israel. This can be shown by the scriptures, but first take a look at this time in a simple chart form:

Years of the Judges

Israel Chronology Subjugation WITHIN Chronology

--------------------- --------------------------------

Israel served Cushanrishathaim 8 yrs

Land had rest 40 years

Israel under Eglon 18 years

Land had rest 80 years

Israel oppressed by Jabin 20 yrs

Land had rest 40 yrs

Israel under Midian 7 yrs

Land had rest 40 yrs

Abimelech rules 3 yrs

Tola Judged 23 yrs

Jair Judged 22 yrs

Philistines over Israel 18 yrs

Jephthah Judged 6 yrs

Ibzan Judged 7 yrs

Elon Judged 10 yrs

Abdon Judged 8 yrs

Philistines over Israel 40 yrs

Samson Judged 20 yrs

Eli Judged 40 yrs

Year Ark moved 1 yr

Samuel 20 yrs

------------------------- --------------------------------

Total Years of Israel Total years oppressed within

Chronology 360 yrs Israel Chronology 111 yrs

The years of Israel's chronology add up to 'exactly' 360 years. 111 years of oppression occurred during those 360 years, not independent of them. This makes it precisely 480 years. That is 360 and the 40 years Saul reigned, plus the 40 years David reigned, which makes it 440 years from the entering into Canaan to end of David's reign. Plus the 40 years Israel spent in the wilderness before, makes it exactly '480 years' from the exodus, to the laying of the Temple, precisely as God declared before.

Amazingly, God has even given us a way to double check the 360 years, with Biblical validation for each and every one of them (something others wouldn't dare try with their alleged facts and unsound theories, because their inaccuracies will show). Feel free to check each one for correctness.

As we saw in the Biblical time line, the Exodus occurred in Nisan 15, 1447 B.C. Joshua 5:6-12 indicates that the entrance into Canaan was exactly forty years later, which would bring us to the year 1407 B.C. The next chronological scripture reference is that given in Judges 3:11, which declares, The land had rest forty years. This does not mean rest as in, 'nothing happened,' it means rest as in, 'until they were delivered.' This would be the period 1407-1367 B.C. At the beginning of this 40 years, the initial period of the conquest of Canaan took place. This occurred during the first seven years (Joshua 14:7-10, Deuteronomy 2:14). During this Forty years the people did evil, and so the Lord sold them into the hand of Chushanrishathaim. They served Cushanrishathaim, King of Mesopotamia, for a period of eight years (Judges 3:8) before they were delivered by Othniel, Son of the younger brother of Caleb (Judges 3:9). The deliverance brought the end of this 40 years.

The next chronological reference concerning Israel is that in Judges 3:30, 'And the land had rest fourscore years.' This was the period of Othniel from 1367 B.C. to 1287 B.C. But the children of Israel again did evil, and so during the latter of this period they served Eglon, King of Moab, for eighteen years (Judges 3:12-14). After Othniel died, they were delivered by Ehud (Judges 3:15) and Shamgar (Judges 3:31).

The next chronological passage is that of Judges 5:31, 'And the land had rest forty years.' This was the period from 1287 B.C. to 1247 B.C. during this period of Israel's chronology, they were oppressed by Jabin, King of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor and oppressed the Israelites for twenty years (Judges 4:3) till at the end of this 40 years they were delivered by Deborah and Barak (Judges 4 and 5).

The next chronological reference of Israel is found in Judges 8:28, 'And the country was in quietness forty years in the days of Gideon.' This was the period from 1247 B.C. to 1207 B.C. And the children of Israel again did evil and so in this 40 year this period, they were given into the hands of Midian for seven years (Judges 6:1). Their deliverer was Gideon. His death in 1207 B.C. ended this period. This is a very important date in this study as we shall see.

Abimelech, a son of Gideon by a concubine (Judges 8:31), reigned as King for three years (Judges 9:22). This was the period from 1207 B.C. to 1204 B.C. To ensure his reign he killed his seventy brothers (Judges 9:5). He was killed by a millstone dropped upon him by a woman (Judges 9:53). Abimelech's evil and short lived kingship was followed by the judgeship of Tola who judged Israel for twenty three years: 1204 B.C. to 1181 B.C. (Judges 10:1-2).

After Tola came Jair the Gileadite who judged Israel for twenty-two years (Judges 10:3) 1181 B.C. to 1159 B.C. Israel was oppressed during this period for 18 years by the Philistines and the Ammonites (Judges 10:7-8).

Jair was followed by four judges who ruled successively.

Jephthah 6 years (Judges 12:7) 1159-1153 B.C.

Ibzan 7 years (Judges 12:9) 1153-1146 B.C.

Elon 10 years (Judges 12:11) 1146-1136 B.C.

Abdon 8 years (Judges 12:14) 1136-1128 B.C.

We read in Judges 13:1 that, '..the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.' Obviously some of these Judges ruled under the hand of the Philistines. We read in Judges 13:5 of the prophesy of Samson to deliver them out of the hand of the Philistines. He did!! By the way, this is yet another 'proof' that the years of oppression came within the years of the judges. Because scripture clearly tells us that at the time of Samson, Israel was under subjugation by the Philistines (judges 14:4, 15:11) and yet we read He judged Israel 20 years till his death (judges 16:31). Clear indication that the oppression occurred within the years he was the judge, not added after or before his years.

The chronological reference is that of Judges 15:20 where we read clearly,

"And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines twenty years."

Those twenty years would make it from, 1128 B.C. to 1108 B.C.

The next Chronological note is in 1st Samuel 4:18 where we read Eli judged Israel for forty years. This was the period from 1108 to 1068 B.C. The next chronological record is the time the Ark was captured which resulted in Eli's death (1st Samuel 4:18). The Ark was in the hands of the Philistines seven months (1st Samuel 6:1). In 1st Samuel 7:2 we read that the Ark was returned to Israel at Kirjathjearim, and all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord 20 years coinciding with the rule of Samuel as Judge. This was the period from 1067 B.C. to 1047 B.C. Then Saul reigned for 40 years (1st Samuel 13:1) This was the period from 1047 to 1007 B.C. when David came to the throne. David's forty year reign covered the period from 1007 to 967 B.C. In the year 967 B.C. David died and the foundation of the Temple was laid. He and Solomon collected the materials for it's building, but David was forbidden to build it. It could not be built until after David had died.

Did you add that up yourself? Total years from the Entering of Canaan to Samuel, the last judge, 360 years exactly. All backed up 100 percent with the scriptures. So we see the truth on many fronts that God's Word and numbers are true. It Indeed was 480 years from the exodus to the laying of the Temple. ..just AS GOD Declared! The scriptural record provides precise and adequate information to permit a very exact chronology, even through the difficult period of the Judges. And if that wasn't enough, He Tells us again point Blank, that it was 480 years from the exodus to the laying of the Temple (1st Kings 6:1). Can't get much Clearer than that! And still many theologians doubt God's Word, and argue about it's meaning and accuracy 'as if' they are the ones who couldn't possibly be wrong.

Once again we see, God knows what He is doing, even when we do not. I should add here that David and Solomon reigned as co regents for 4 years. David helped gather all the materials to build the Temple of God, but he couldn't build it himself as God had forbidden it. The gathering of material was a joint venture. David had made Solomon king (Co Regency) while he yet reigned. Read 1st Chronicles 22:2-4 and 1st Kings 5:17-18. David Charged Solomon with the Building, 1st Chronicles 22:14-16 1st Chronicles 28:10. Solomon does not reign alone until the fourth year when David Dies, and He can lay the Temple foundations. Since we know David is a 'type' of Christ, we (with a little thought) can readily understand the spiritual significance of why David had to die before the Temple could be built. He who hath an ear, let him hear!

The historical reasons for the Co regency are equally easily found, as Absalom aspired to be king when David was old (2nd Samuel 15:1-8) A few years later another son of David named Adonijah declared that he would be king (1st kings 1:5). Upon this turn of events, Nathan the prophet instructed Bathsheba, mother of Solomon, to remind King David of his promise that Solomon was the heir to the throne (1st kings 1:11-14). David, thereupon, before he died and ceased to reign, declared Solomon King in order to remove any doubt about who was his successor, thus creating the Co regency. This is not idle speculation, it's recorded in the scriptures. Solomon was King before David Died. And David was king till the day of his death. (1st Kings 1:32-34,47) (1st kings 2:11-12). So all is confirmed in scripture. What 'God' said is true (1st Kings 6:1). God knows what He is doing, even when we do not. Continuing the time line..

From the Temple Construction




Temple construction begins

EXACTLY 480 Years after the exodus

from Egypt just as God said! 10046 967 B.C.

Division of kingdoms 36 years later 10082 931 B.C.

End of Northern Kingdom of Israel 10303 710 B.C.

Israel under Egypt at Josiah's Death 10404 609 B.C.

Israel destroyed by Babylon 10426 587 B.C.

Babylon Conquered by the

Meades and Persians 10474 539 B.C.

Ezra returns to Jerusalem 10555 458 B.C.

Nehemiah rebuilds walls 10568 445 B.C.

Jubilee Year (seven sevens) Believed

to be the Birthdate of Christ,

exactly 2000 years after Israel was

was born. 11006 7 B.C.

11012 1 B.C.

The (supposed) year 1 11013 1 A.D.

The Anointing and baptism of Christ

by John the Baptist 11041 29 A.D.

Death Of Christ on cross 11045 33 A.D.

To the year 1994, the 40th Jubilee

from the cross and exactly 2000

years from 7 A.D. 13006 1994 A.D.

The year to date 13008 1996 A.D.

The world, according to the scriptures, I believe, is 13,008 years old as of 1996. These dates and times have been checked for Biblical accuracy. You will find that they are all 100 percent in tune with the scriptures, and the known dates. And why shouldn't they be, since they come from the scriptures, and God knows infinitely more than man does. There are some very interesting things in the numbers that we see from the Biblical time line, which of course is not the scope of this study, so we won't delve into. But a few examples are, the numbers 20, 40 and 80 consistently pop up in the time line. It is exactly 600 years from the birth of Israel to the entering into Canaan in 1407 B.C. It is exactly 1000 years from the birth of Israel to David Reigning on the Throne. It is exactly 1000 years from King David's reign to the year 7 B.C. which is believed to be Christ's year of birth. It is exactly 2000 years from the birth of Israel to 7 B.C. And the year 7 B.C. is in fact an Israelite Jubilee of rest (7x7 lev. 25:1-11), etc. All coincidence? Many may think that, but I am not one of them. To recap, here is the complete Biblical time line of Creation:





Creation 0 11,013 B.C

Adam 130 130 10,883 B.C.

*Seth 105 235 10,778 B.C.

*Enos 905 1140 9873 B.C.

Cainan 910 2050 8963 B.C.

Mahalaleel 895 2945 8068 B.C.

Jared 962 3907 7106 B.C.

Enoch 365 4272 6741 B.C.

Methuselah 969 5241 5772 B.C.

Lamech 182 5423 5590 B.C.

*Noah 502 5925 5088 B.C.

The Flood! 6023 4990 B.C.

*Shem 600 6525 4488 B.C.

Arphaxad 438 6963 4050 B.C.

Salah 433 7396 3617 B.C.

Eber 464 7860 3153 B.C.

Peleg 239 8099 2914 B.C.

Reu 239 8338 2675 B.C.

Serug 230 8568 2445 B.C.

Nahor 148 8716 2297 B.C.

Terah 130 8846 2167 B.C.


*Abraham Born 8846 2167 B.C.

Isaac Born 8946 2067 B.C.

Jacob Born 9006 2007 B.C.

Jacob's Tribe arrived in Egypt

when he was 130 years old 9136 1877 B.C.

Exodus from Egypt 430 years later 9566 1447 B.C.

Entrance into Canaan 40 years later 9606 1407 B.C.

First 40 years in Israel, which

lasts until... 9646 1367 B.C

The next 80 years which includes,

The first 7x7 (Jubilee Year), 9656 1357 B.C.

lasts until... 9726 1287 B.C.

The next 40 years of Israel

lasts until... 9766 1247 B.C.

Gideon judged until... 9806 1207 B.C.

Abimelech rules 9809 1204 B.C.

Tola judged until 9832 1181 B.C.

Jair judged until 9854 1159 B.C.

Jephthah judged until 9860 1153 B.C.

Ibzan judged until 9867 1146 B.C.

Elon judged until 9877 1136 B.C.

Abon judged until 9885 1128 B.C.

Samson judged until 9905 1108 B.C.

Eli Judged until 9945 1068 B.C.

When Eli heard Ark was removed,

he fell & brake his neck. Ark in

hands of Philistines until 9946 1067 B.C.

Then Samuel judged until 9966 1047 B.C.

Saul was king 40 years until

David begins to Reign in.. 10006 1007 B.C.

Solomon begins to reign in

Co regency in.. 10042 971 B.C.

Temple construction begins 480

years after the exodus ^^^ 10046 967 B.C.

Division of kingdoms 36 years later 10082 931 B.C.

10 tribes of Israel destroyed 10291 722 B.C.

End of Northern Kingdom of Israel 10303 710 B.C.

Israel under Egypt at Josiah's Death 10404 609 B.C.

Israel destroyed by Babylon 10426 587 B.C.

Babylon Conquered by the

Meades and Persians 10474 539 B.C.

Ezra returns to Jerusalem 10555 458 B.C.

Nehemiah rebuilds walls 10568 445 B.C.

Jubilee Year (seven sevens) Believed

to be the Birthdate of Christ,

exactly 2000 years after Israel was

was born. 11006 7 B.C.

1 B.C. 11012 1 B.C.

The (supposed) year 1 11013 1 A.D.

The Anointing and baptism of Christ

by John the Baptist 11041 29 A.D.

Death Of Christ on cross 11045 33 A.D.

To the year 1994, the 40th Jubilee

from the cross and exactly 2000

years from 7 A.D. 13006 1994 A.D.

The year to date 13008 1996 A.D.

----------- ------------

From Adam From Christ

Total age of the world from creation of Adam, to the year 1996 is 13,008 years. Evolutionists, Paleontologists, Archaeologists, and Atheists not withstanding. God's Word is as far above theirs as the stars are from the earth. For one thing they all never seem to understand is that things are not always as they appear.

Hebrews 11:3

"Through FAITH we UNDERSTAND that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were NOT made of things which do appear!"

The worlds were made simply by the word of God, Instantly, not over billions of years. That's the POWER of God they don't understand! This verse tells us by Faith "WE" understand this. They say a fine wine takes years to create. "WE" say In Faith, Christ created the finest wine, not over years, but instantly from water. They say that's impossible, but through faith we understand these things are TRUE. God is all Powerful, not subject to the laws of man. By faith we understand this. All the carbon dating in the world doesn't make God a liar. Soon man will come to realize this, much to his distress.

As these last days draw to a close, I pray the good Lord will give us all the wisdom to discern His Holy Word, and look for a better city, whose builder and maker is God, where no calendar is needed in the eternal heavens. God Bless.



1) Genesis 1:26 and Ecclesiastes 3:19

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and LET THEM HAVE DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and OVER ALL THE EARTH, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (Gen 1:26)

"For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a MAN HATH NO PREEMINENCE ABOVE A BEAST: for all is vanity." (Ecc 3:19)

PROBLEM: Does man have dominion and preeminence over the animal creation or doesn't he?

SOLUTION: Ecclesiastes 3:19 refers to the fact that man has no preeminence over the animal creation in DEATH. Both animals and men must die.


2) Genesis 4:4-5 and Acts 10:34

"And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And THE LORD HAD RESPECT UNTO ABEL and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell." (Gen 4:4-5)

"Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS:" (Acts 10:34)

PROBLEM: One verse states that God is not a respecter of persons while another clearly states that he had respect to Abel.

SOLUTION: God had respect UNTO Abel not OF Abel. This respect was specifically based on the type of offering. Abel brought the type of offering God commanded, a blood sacrifice, whereas Cain brought the fruit of his own labor. God did not respect Abel's offering because of his person, but respected the person because of the offering.


3) Genesis 6:15 and Genesis 6:19; 7:2-3

"And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: THE LENGTH of the ark shall be THREE HUNDRED CUBITS, THE BREADTH of it FIFTY CUBITS, and THE HEIGHT of it THIRTY CUBITS" (Gen 6:15)

"And of EVERY LIVING THING OF ALL FLESH, TWO OF EVERY SORT SHALT THOU BRING INTO THE ARK, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female…Of EVERY CLEAN BEAST thou shalt take to thee BY SEVENS, the male and his female: and of BEASTS THAT ARE NOT CLEAN BY TWO, the male and his female. Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth." (Gen 6:19; 7:2-3)

PROBLEM: The obvious problem is, if the ark's dimensions were 450' x 75' x 45' (assuming a cubit is equivalent to 18 inches), how could SEVEN PAIRS of EVERY SORT OF CLEAN ANIMAL and ONE PAIR of EVERY SORT OF UNCLEAN ANIMAL fit into the ark?

SOLUTION: The word SORT is equivalent to the word KIND (Gen 6:20) and does not mean that every single SPECIES of animal was on the ark. Noah and his FAMILY represented manKIND on the ark; therefore, every kind or sort of animal must mean the family, not the species.


PHYLUM Vertebrae

CLASS Mammal

ORDER Carnivore



SPECIES German Shepherd

Noah did not have a pair of German Shepherds, a pair of Miniature Poodles, a pair of Doberman Pinschers, etc. on the ark; he had a pair of CANINES. From this family, came all the species of dogs, wolves, foxes, etc. after the Flood. But assuming Noah did have every species of animal on the ark, it is estimated that there are approximately 35,000 individual vertebrate animals averaging about the size of a sheep. Of course, God did not say the pairs had to be full-grown adults. In order to accommodate this brood, the ark would have to possess the equivalent cubic spacing of 150 boxcars. The dimensions given above equate to approximately 500 boxcars! Keep in mind this is assuming every SPECIES was on the ark (which there wasn't) and each animal was an adult (which they did not have to be). The ark had more than enough room. By the way, the Bible does not say Noah had to gather food for the animals. It is possible that God supernaturally sustained them (Exo 34:28) or caused them all to hibernate (Gen 2:21).


4) Genesis 10:22,24 and Luke 3:35-36

"The children of SHEM; Elam, and Asshur, and ARPHAXAD, and Lud, and Aram…And Arphaxad begat SALAH; and Salah begat EBER." (Gen 10:22,24)

"Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of HEBER, which was the son of SALA, Which was the son of CAINAN, which was the son of ARPHAXAD, which was the son of SEM, which was the son of Noe, which was the son of Lamech," (Luke 3:35-36)

PROBLEM: There is a discrepancy in the two geneologies. Genesis states that Salah (Sala) was begotten by ARPHAXAD, whereas Luke says he was the son of CAINAN, and Cainan was the son of Arphaxad. Which geneology is correct?


Shem Shem

Arphaxad Arphaxad


Salah Sala

Eber Heber

SOLUTION: The term, "the son of" does not always mean a direct father-son relationship. It can mean a grandson or great-great grandson (Matt 1:8; 2 Chr 21:1; 22:1; 24:1; 25:1; 26:1), an adopted son (Rom 8:14-15; Gal 4:5-6), or even a son-in-law (Matt 1:16; Luke 3:23). There is no reference to how old each man was when he begat his son, or when he died, in either Genesis 10 or 1 Chronicles 1. Therefore, the following scenario is a possibility: Cainan could have been Arphaxad's son-in-law. Arphaxad could have died relatively early in life and left his begotten son, Salah without a father. Cainan and his wife, Salah's older sister, could have adopted him as their son. This scenario would reconcile Cainan being called "the son of" Arphaxad (Luke 3:36), and Sala being called "the son of" Cainan (Luke 3:35-36) yet still being begotten by Arphaxad (Gen 10:24). Although none of this is expressly mentioned in scripture, there is nothing that contradicts it. Give God the benefit of the doubt.


5) Genesis 13:15 and Acts 7:5

"For ALL THE LAND which thou seest, TO THEE WILL I GIVE IT, and to thy seed for ever." (Gen 13:15)

"And HE GAVE HIM NONE INHERITANCE IN IT, no, not so much as to set his foot on: YET HE PROMISED that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child." (Acts 7:5)

PROBLEM: Does God break his promises? He promised Abraham that he would give him ALL THE LAND, yet Abraham did not possess any of it, nor did Isaac or Jacob.

SOLUTION: God did not promise Abraham that he would inherit the land IN HIS LIFETIME. Although Israel possessed much of the Promised Land under Solomon, possession of all the land (Gen 15:18) will not take place until the Second Coming of Christ and the establishment of the Millennial kingdom (Eze 47:13-48:29)


6) Genesis 21:10 and Deuteronomy 21:15-17

"Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for THE SON OF THIS BONDWOMAN SHALL NOT BE HEIR with my son, even with Isaac." (Gen 21:10)

"If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and IF THE FIRSTBORN SON BE HERS THAT WAS HATED: Then it shall be, when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he hath, that he may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of the hated, which is indeed the firstborn: But HE SHALL ACKNOWLEDGE THE SON OF THE HATED for the firstborn, BY GIVING HIM A DOUBLE PORTION OF ALL that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his." (Deu 21:15-17)

PROBLEM: One verse commands that the true firstborn son be given his rightful inheritance regardless of the father's feelings toward the mother, while the other shows Abraham and Sarah doing the opposite.

SOLUTION: The incident recorded in Genesis 21 took place before the giving of the law. Abraham was not under the LAW, but under the dispensation of PROMISE.


7) Genesis 21:31 and Genesis 26:33

"Wherefore HE CALLED THAT PLACE BEERSHEBA; because there they sware both of them." (Gen 21:31)

"And HE CALLED IT SHEBAH: therefore the name of the city is Beersheba unto this day." (Gen 26:33)

PROBLEM: If Abraham already named the place "Beersheba" (Gen 21:31), why did Isaac do the same (Gen 26:33)?

SOLUTION: Abraham named THE PLACE, but Isaac named THE CITY


8) Genesis 22:1 and James 1:13

"And it came to pass after these things, that GOD DID TEMPT ABRAHAM, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am." (Gen 22:1)

"Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY MAN:" (Jam 1:13)

PROBLEM: One verse says that God does not tempt any man, but the other says he tempted Abraham.

SOLUTION: The word TEMPT means, "to incite or solicit to an evil act" OR "to try; to prove". What God DOES NOT do is solicit anyone to sin; but he does TRY our faith. That God was trying Abraham's faith when he "tempted" him is clear from the following:

"By faith ABRAHAM, when he WAS TRIED, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son." (Heb 11:17)


9) Genesis 26:34 and Genesis 36:2-3

"And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and BASHEMATH THE DAUGHTER OF ELON the Hittite:" (Gen 26:34)

"Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; And BASHEMATH ISHMAEL'S DAUGHTER, sister of Nebajoth." (Gen 36:2-3)

PROBLEM: Was Bashemath the daughter of Elon or Ishmael?

SOLUTION: They are two different people. Esau married two women with the same name. Neither list is an exhaustive list of Esau's wives (Gen 26:34; 28:9; 36:2-3).


10) Genesis 35:18-19 and Genesis 35:23-26

"And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him BENJAMIN. And Rachel died, and was buried IN THE WAY TO EPHRATH, which is Bethlehem." (Gen 35:18-19)

"…Now the sons of Jacob were twelve: The sons of Leah; Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun: The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and BENJAMIN: And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid; Dan, and Naphtali: And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; Gad, and Asher: these are the sons of Jacob, which were BORN TO HIM IN PADAN-ARAM." (Gen 35:22-26)

PROBLEM: This is one of the five "extremely difficult" texts. How could Benjamin be born in Ephrath (Bethlehem) and Padan-aram?

SOLUTION: Padan-Aram is where Isaac commanded Jacob to get a wife from the daughters of Laban Rebekah's brother (Gen 28:2,5). Jacob was there a total of 20 years (Gen 31:38), in which he received four wives (Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah), 11 sons (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, and Joseph), and 1 daughter (Dinah). He fled Padan-aram (Gen 31:18) before Benjamin was actually born (Gen 35:18). Since there is no certainty on the amount of time that passed from Genesis 31-35, it is possible that Benjamin was CONCEIVED in Padan-aram and therefore, included in the list of sons "born" in Padan-aram. Maybe God's definition of birth is broader than ours and includes conception. After all, God calls a whale a fish (Matt 12:40; Jon 1:17), but by man's definition a whale is a mammal. Who is right? God of course. It is also possible that IN PADAN-ARAM is a broad statement that includes every place Jacob journeyed on his way back to Isaac in Mamre (Gen 35:27). There are numerous POSSIBLE explanations to the text, and that should be sufficient. The difficulty of the text is granted, but even our law is not supposed to convict a man if there is a "reasonable shadow of a doubt". Why can't God be given the benefit of the doubt?


11) Genesis 36:12 and 1 Chronicles 1:36

"And TIMNA WAS CONCUBINE TO ELIPHAZ Esau's son; and she bare to Eliphaz Amalek: these were the sons of Adah Esau's wife." (Gen 36:12)

"THE SONS OF ELIPHAZ; Teman, and Omar, Zephi, and Gatam, Kenaz, and TIMNA, and Amalek." (1 Chr 1:36)

PROBLEM: Is Timna Eliphaz's concubine or son?

SOLUTION: They are two different people. It is not uncommon for a woman named "Francis", "Chris", or "Jackie" to have a son with the same name.


12) Genesis 37:28

"Then there passed by MIDIANITES merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the ISHMEELITES for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt." (Gen 37:28)

PROBLEM: Was Joseph sold to the Midianites or the Ishmeelites?

SOLUTION: Both. They were Ishmeelites by ancestry and Midianites by nationality (Jud 8:24,26)


13) Genesis 38:2 and 1 Chronicles 2:3

"And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain CANAANITE, whose name was SHUAH; and he took her, and went in unto her." (Gen 38:2)

"The sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah: which three were born unto him of the daughter of SHUA THE CANAANITESS. And Er, the firstborn of Judah, was evil in the sight of the LORD; and he slew him." (1 Chr 2:3)

PROBLEM: Is Shua a Canaanite or Canaanitess?

SOLUTION: Shua was the name of a certain Canaanite. The CANAANITESS of 1 Chronicles 2:3 refers to THE DAUGHTER OF SHUA, not Shua.


14) Genesis 41:56 and Genesis 43:11

"And THE FAMINE WAS OVER ALL THE FACE OF THE EARTH: And Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt." (Gen 41:56)

"And their father Israel said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best FRUITS in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little HONEY, spices, and myrrh, NUTS, and ALMONDS:" (Gen 43:11)

PROBLEM: If there was a famine over all the earth, how could Israel have had all these groceries?

SOLUTION: The context indicates that the famine was for BREAD (Gen 41:54-55). Jacob had groceries but no bread.


15) Genesis 46:26-27 and Exodus 1:5 and Acts 7:14

"All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were THREESCORE AND SIX;" (Gen 46:26)

"And the sons of Joseph, which were born him in Egypt, were two souls: all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, were THREESCORE AND TEN." (Gen 46:27)

"And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were SEVENTY souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already." (Exo 1:5)

"Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, THREESCORE AND FIFTEEN souls." (Acts 7:14)

PROBLEM: How many souls? 66, 70, or 75?

SOLUTION: The list of 70 is given in Genesis 46:8-25:


1. Reuben 34. Gad 50. Joseph 64. Dan

2. Hanoch 35. Ziphion 51. Manasseh 65. Hushim

3. Phallu 36. Haggi 52. Ephraim 66. Naphtali

4. Hezron 37. Shuni 53. Benjamin 67. Jahzeel

5. Carmi 38. Ezbon 54. Belah 68. Guni

6. Simeon 39. Eri 55. Becher 69. Jezer

7. Jemuel 40. Arodi 56. Ashbel 70. Shillem

8. Jamin 41. Areli 57. Gera

9. Ohad 42. Asher 58. Naaman

10. Jachin 43. Jimnah 59. Ehi

11. Zohar 44. Ishuah 60. Rosh

12. Shaul 45. Isui 61. Muppim

13. Levi 46. Beriah 62. Huppim

14. Gershon 47. Serah 63. Ard

15. Kohath 48. Heber

16. Merari 49. Malchiel

17. Judah

18. Er

19. Onan

20. Shelah

21. Pharez

22. Zarah

23. Hezron

24. Hamul

25. Issachar

26. Tola

27. Phuvah

28. Job

29. Shimron

30. Zebulun

31. Sered

32. Elon

33. Jahleel

33 16 14 7

• The 66 are "all the souls that CAME WITH JACOB INTO EGYPT" (Gen 46:26). This includes the list of 70 above MINUS Er and Onan (who died in Canaan) and Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim (who were already in Egypt) PLUS Dinah (who is listed in Gen 46:15 but not numbered among the "sons of Leah") (70 - 2 - 3 + 1= 66).

• The 70 are "all the souls of THE HOUSE OF JACOB, which CAME INTO EGYPT" (Gen 46:27) and "that CAME OUT OF THE LOINS OF JACOB" (Exo 1:5). This includes the 66 PLUS Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim, who came into Egypt but not with Jacob, and Jacob himself, who came into Egypt (Gen 46:8; Acts 7:15) (66 + 4= 70).

• The 75 are "all HIS (Jacob's) KINDRED" that Joseph called with Jacob to come down to Egypt (Acts 7:14). This includes the 66 PLUS nine of Jacob's sons' wives, who are KINDRED but not FROM HIS LOINS (Gen 46:26). Of the twelve sons, the wives that are not included are, Joseph's because she was already in Egypt (Gen 46:20), Judah's because she died (Gen 38:12), and another unidentified wife who died (probably Dan's) (66 + 9= 75).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.