Peace be to this house(Luke 10:5)
I began with this intro because it is a Commandment given by Jesus.
Adam is man and man is a spirit.
The sons of man aka sons of adam are the flesh bodies prepared by the first adam, the first spirit to ever be joined with a flesh body, aka son of man aka son of adam.
Jesus said, it is the spirit called man that is quickeneth, the flesh aka son of adam aka son of man PROFITS nothing.
What does it mean to be a "Living Soul"?
A spirit has life, awareness but has no substance or form, a spirit is energy in it's purest form, it can not speak, be seen or interact with anything in the spiritual or physical world. A spirit can not see, touch, be touched or be seen by other spirits. A spirit only knows other spirits and God by a declaring of their thoughts. A spirit only knows one another by thought.
A spirit becomes a Living Soul when it puts on some type of physical body. A spirit when it has enters into and Joined with living flesh becomes ALIVE. It now has the ability to be seen, touch, be touched and speak. A spirit that has been joined together with flesh can now experience heat, cold, a physical life, pain but it STILL can not experience Death.
The sons of adam aka sons of man are living flesh bodies, but the flesh body with out a spirit does not have the ability to move, think, or feel. A flesh body without a spirit is nothing more than a plant, a tree, a vegetable.
New verses Old.
There was one draw back when a spirit put on a flesh body. A spirit has never seen another spirit or even seen the Spirit of God their Father, they only can declare the existence one another by their individual thought patterns, they know one another not by sight but by thought.
The Old Way
When a spirit puts on a flesh body it gains the abilities to see not the spirit but the flesh body that, that spirit has put on. The thoughts of the spirits housed in flesh can no longer be heard by spirits housed in flesh, therefore God the Father sent a Spirit AKA Holy Spirit to select one spirit housed in flesh, and the Holy Spirit would bring the thoughts of God the Father to this one spirit housed in flesh to speak His thoughts to all other spirits housed in flesh.
The New Way
God the Father gave the Holy Spirit not to just one or a few, God the Father gave the Holy Spirit to all spirits housed in flesh.
Since the Holy Ghost was first to given to all, many of evil spirits housed in flesh who knew substituted, the truth with lies and intentionally withheld the only thing required by God the Father for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit to those spirits housed in flesh and that was to KEEP His 77 COMMANDMENTS and allow the Holy Spirit to be their only Teacher.
Those evil spirit housed in flesh knew that if they kept all other spirits housed in flesh from KEEPING the TRUE COMMANDMENTS of God could do so by deceiving them into believing that the COMMANDMENTS of God were the 10 Commandments spoken by Moses, and that they were to continue teaching men.
God the Father said you would all be taught of God by God Himself, you were to STOP being taught of God by men and ALLOW your only TEACHER to be the Holy Ghost and when you began to obey the Words of the Holy Spirit, than the Spirit of Truth would explain all things to you and just to you, each of us individually.
But because many evil spirits housed in flesh, knew of this, they deceived many spirits by substituting the true words of God with the words of men, and withholding the knowledge that the Holy Ghost was to be our only teacher of the words.
There were some good spirits that knew the truth, but wanted to fellowship with others and when they would meet the evil spirits would convince them that what they thought was true was wrong and they being ordained by men would teach them the truth, they LIED.
The Physical Church (men) were never to teach anyone of God. The age of the Churches was fulfilled when the Holy Ghost was given, all the Apostles were to do was to tell those spirits housed in flesh what they had to do to receive the Holy Spirit and that was to love one another.
The fruit of their works would demonstrate that they were worthy of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, not their words.
Remember Mary