You have a good point and it certainly wouldn't do anyone any harm to forgive their enemies (Matt 5:44) etc but first it is best to be born again as Jesus said (John 3:3), because then we are saved, and will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who helps us to live according to God's Word, without us being in bondage. Here's an explanation if you need one.
Every human being born into this world, is born spiritually dead in our trespasses & sins through our mother's womb and into the Adamic sin nature, already cut off from God, straight into Satan's kingdom of darkness and on our way to hell. That's all of us and only Jesus can make us alive spiritually (Eph 2: 1 & 5). That's why Jesus said we MUST be BORN AGAIN - not of the natural flesh of Adam's sin but spiritually of God next time, because there is only one way to the Father and it is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Unless we are born again, (John 3:3), of water and Spirit, we CANNOT enter God's kingdom (John 3:5). So that's how important it is to be born again: It's the only way to be forgiven and cleansed of sin: It’s the only way to be saved and become a child of God in order to enter God's kingdom (John 3:5) through Christ. This is HOW?
First believe in Jesus and that He died on the Cross for your sins and rose again to ascend into heaven; next, ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins (repentance) and receive Jesus Christ as Saviour (say in prayer "Jesus I receive your sacrifice for sins for me on the Cross") because then He can give you the power to BECOME A CHILD OF GOD (John 1:12). After this obey His command to be water baptized by full immersion; (like death & burial) in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19). In baptism into Jesus Christ we ceremonially die and are buried with Christ and raised up to walk in newness of life (Rom 6: 3 & 4). Peter said, "Repent and be water baptized for the remission of your sins" (Acts 2:38) because water baptism is a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (Mark 1:4). In baptism, although we are lowered into the baptismal waters by a mere man, actually Jesus Christ the true Baptizer will come with Holy Spirit (Matt 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33) and Jesus Himself will wash you from your sins in His own blood (Rev 1:5). He will sanctify and cleanse you with the washing of water baptism, so that He can then present you to Himself as a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but holy and without blemish (Eph 5:26 & 27)
In baptism our old man (that's our old Adamic sin nature we were born with through Adam) is crucified with Christ (Rom 6:6) so we are no longer slaves of sin. Then God will also deliver you OUT OF Satan's kingdom of darkness and translate you INTO the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col 1:13) making you His child and you will even have an inner witness that you are God's child, adopted by the Spirit of Adoption (Holy Spirit) - Rom 8: 15 -17) God gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32).
Baptism is not of man but of God and baptism now also saves us, not by the washing of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience before God through Christ's resurrection (1 Peter 3:21). So you become a child of God by new birth, for we are all (only true) sons of God through FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS AND WATER BAPTISM (Gal 3: 26 & 27).
People will always say baptism is not necessary for salvation but actually he who believes and is baptized SHALL BE SAVED (Mark 16:16), so that's how you become a born again Christian, you get born again of God, into Christ's kingdom and anyone who is IN CHRIST has become a new creation, old things have passed away and all things have become new (2 Cor 5:17). You'll need to attend a good Church, Baptist/Pentecostal or Evangelical or Assemblies of God as the others don’t baptize Christ's way because baby christening is NOT baptism, since a baby cannot repent!