Why did Jesus need to die for our sins?
2010-03-22 18:14:49 UTC
I keep seeing people type up, "God let his son(Jesus) die to wash away our sins." and "Jesus died for our sins."

First, what sins?

Second, why did he need to die for the sin?

Third, if he died for our sins, and we still sin, doesn't that mean he only died in vain?
Nineteen answers:
2010-03-22 18:16:00 UTC
Sin is separation from God. We are the only thing in the known universe with a free will: the ability to break natural order. The Bible says that "The wages of sin is death." It says: "The ten commandments are written on the hearts of all man." We know right from wrong, but when we break the Ten Commandments, we separate ourselves from the perfect order of the perfect God. We become imperfect, we die.

Christ was sent to our earth to enlighten us on the reality of the human condition versus the Love of God. Christ was sacrificed so that all of our sin is forgiven and literally forgotten by God. God said "I will forget all sin." We are to be broken before God and made anew in Christ. When we are reborn, we are made perfect through the sacrifice of the perfect Christ.

Isaiah 53 (500 B.C.)

5. "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
2010-03-23 01:53:01 UTC
1.) What sins? In almost every culture, certain things are recognized as intrinsically wrong--- murder, adultery, stealing, lying, cheating, child abuse, to name a few. Anyone who does those things is sinning, or committing a sin. There are also other less obvious sins that have more to do with our thoughts, motives, and attitudes. And, lets face it, all of us at some point in time have envied someone else, taken an inkpen home from work, borrowed something without giving it back, blasted someone else verbally in self-defense, or told a small lie--- we are human! These are all sins.

2.)He needed to die in the same way that the human being in the little story needed to turn into an ant so that he could warn all the other ants that the anthill was about to be destroyed. In the story (which is just an example story), a human realized that the only way he could get through to the other ants was if he spoke their language. So he became an ant so that he could communicate impending disaster to the other ants. While this is just a story to help children understand why Jesus became a man who walked on earth and died a brutal death for us all, Jesus' life & death isn't just a cute story. It really happened.

3.) Since we still sin, that's even ALL THE MORE REASON that we need a savior, and that He needed to die for our sins. If we were sinless, His death would have been unnecessary. A drowning man needs a life preserver thrown to him; a man who isn't drowning doesn't. Even Jesus said that He came for those who needed a physician, not for those who were well. Jesus died for every sin past, present, or future that you or I or anyone else will ever commit. People in the church slip and fall, too. There are no perfect Jesus-followers: Only FORGIVEN ones. The way to receive one's sins washed away is to accept Jesus, turn your life over to Him, and confess your sins. His death is full payment for the sins of those who believe.
2010-03-23 01:29:43 UTC
Sins are the bad things we do, and the good things we don't do. The problem is that only perfect people get to heaven, and no one is perfect, because even if we THINK something bad , say, about someone else, it's sin.

Jesus is Gods son, right? He's perfect. He never sinned. So he died, a perfect sacrifice, you migt call it, for our sins, because otherwise we're screwed. Its what people in the old days called a 'scapegoat'. He rose again, don't forget, after three days. He's alive, and has power over life and death because he's experienced life and death.

Okay, so for the third question: he didn't die in vain, because OF COURSE we still sin. We're still not perfect people. But because he died for our sins already, we don't have to, he's already paid the price for our sin, and all we have to do is say, 'Come into my heart and take away my sin. I believe you died and rose again for me so I didn't have to.' Obviously, this is 'getting saved', because it means he forgives you.

Think about it...he knows you. He knew every day of your life before you were born. He knows you'll make mistakes, and his love covers ALL sins, past, present, and future. That is why I find God so amazing.

I hope this answered your question.
Gay Christian
2010-03-23 01:22:02 UTC
Hey there,

That's probably the most important question you'll ever ask! I'll try and answer quickly though!

Firstly, the sins we all commit every day - lying, stealing, unkind and unloving thoughts words and actions.

Secondly, he died because the penalty for sin is death. In the Bible death means "separation", both physically (body from soul) and spiritually (you from God). On the cross God the Father turned his back on Jesus (spiritual death) and Jesus died physically. Because he was perfect, and God the Son, he could do this for all humanity - the eternal perfect substitute.

We still sin, but because of who Jesus is, his death is enough to substitute for all our sins. Basically the idea is that Jesus took the fall for you, if you'll let him.

I hope this helps, but I've attached a link just in case.

2010-03-23 01:24:11 UTC
First, what sins?

The root of the sin problem is a lack of giving God the glory due Him and not loving God.

Other sins are a symptom of this.

Second, why did he need to die for the sin?

Sin is primitive and obcene ike death

Sin has deeply affected man

A resut of sin is death

Third, if he died for our sins, and we still sin, doesn't that mean he only died in vain?

Those born of God by faith are not perfect but there is fruit in there lives

The result of the new birth is new life and good fruit

Those with no fruit are not saved... no life no new life
2010-03-23 01:22:32 UTC
We are all born with what is called, Original Sin.. it is the sin of Adam & Eve.

Once we recognize that we are sinners, we should get baptized. Catholics baptize babies to get rid of the Original Sin, but babies cannot speak for themselves, & therefore the baptism is useless. We need to confess publicly that we are a sinner & we are being washed in the blood of the lamb.

Nothing God does is ever in vain. We are human & we will continue to sin. We will never be perfect like Christ.
2010-03-23 01:21:11 UTC
What sins? The Bible says if you say you have no sin, then you are a liar. IF you are a liar, then you're a sinner! Make any sense to you? ;o) 2nd..... No one can get to heaven if they sin.....EXCEPT if someone bore your sin for you! Of course they would only be accepted if they were worthy, that is, sinless, and Jesus is the only one who could meet that requirement!
space monkey
2010-03-23 01:23:06 UTC
God said "the soul that sins must die". The penalty for sin is death. God is just. Justice must be served. We all sin- so we all deserve the death penalty. God is also merciful- so he allowed Christ to die in our place.

Jesus took on the full wrath of God for us- so we can now receive eternal life in Him.
Kirk J
2010-03-23 07:57:04 UTC
God is not only as some say loving, but He is a Holy and Just God. The bible also speaks about the nature of man. Man is indeed a fallen creature. terms often used are "radically depraved", A biblical phrase would be "dead in thier sins." They do not know God, They do not want God, their will is bent against the reign of God. The greatest problem in scripture is this.. and Paul addresses this in chapter 3...If God is truly just, then how can a just God forgive wicked men, and still be just? As we know in a court of law in America, the things we are always complaining about is a judge who does not do justice. If a judge lets a criminal go, He's considered himself a criminal. In proverbs 17:15 God says just that, that a man who justifies the wicked is wicked or an abomination before God, and yet the bible says God justifies the wicked. So again the great question is how can god justify wicked men and still be just? The answer is found in the cross of Jesus Christ. God becomes a man. The son of God walks on this earth as God and man. According to the predetermined plan of God He goes to the cross. On the cross he bares the sins of men...He bares them!. And then He crys out "My God, My God Why have you forsaken me?" In that moment, The Father turns away from His only begotten Son, because His only begotten Son has become sin on our behalf, or as many old theologians use to say, "He stood in our law place", and then something that most people do not understand is this...when Jesus was on that cross, He suffered the wrath of All Mighty God. Many people think that because the romans nailed Jesus to a cross and they beat Him that the suffering inflicted upon Jesus by the hands of men somehow paid for our sin, and that is not true, allthough that was part of it. Our sins where paid for because when Jesus was on that cross He bore our sins, all the wrath of a Holy and Just God fell upon His Son, and as it says in scripture "It pleased God to crush Him." Someone had to die, seperated, seperated from God. Someone had to die under the wrath of God to satisfy His justice, and on that cross is what Jesus did. Before He died he cried out "it is finished' and it is finished indeed, due to the fact that He paid for all of our crimes against God, He satisfied justice. Now a just God can forgive and justify unrighteous men because He has attoned for their sin Himself. Jesus Christ did that when He died and then He was raised for, or because of our justification and that means the ressurection of Jesus Christ from the dead is Gods seal that the death of His Son did indeed satisfy justice. Having raised from the dead, Jesus is ascended to the right hand of the Father and God calls ALL men everywhere to repent of thier sins, to turn from thier fighting against Him, to acknowledge thier crimes before Him, to give up all hope of their own good works for salvation, and to throw themselves upon Christ. Salvation is a free gift, and it is by faith. So now the question is sense the gospel has been preached to you, has God done such a supernatural work in you that the God you once hated and ignored, you now esteem as worthy of all things?, you now desire and esteem to know and serve Him? If so repent of your sins (turn from them) and put you faith in Jesus Christ, read your bilble daily, and obey what it tells you.
2010-03-23 01:19:12 UTC
Sins are something that goes against the ten commandments.

And I hate when people treat jesus like a martyr, he was murdered and tortured by the romans because to them he was a threat. In Church they would always make us feel bad for sins we didn't commit and blame us for Jesus' death.
2010-03-23 01:16:46 UTC
Also he died in that time period,so does that mean he died for our sins today?
2010-03-23 01:18:26 UTC
"what sins?" are you serious?!?!?! For ALL sins that mankind has made, is making and will make in the future.

He didn't NEED to die but instead choose to bring us salvation this way. What better thing to do for another person but lay your life down for them.

His death didn't STOP sinning but open Heaven for us and to give the opportunity for eternal salvation.
2010-03-23 01:17:15 UTC
we all sin daily with hate, bad thoughts, lying, stealing, etc. that makes us unworthy oh heaven. but Jesus washes away our sins so we can go to heaven :)
One Man's Opinion
2010-03-23 01:34:33 UTC
In the Old Testament, we see many examples of people sacrificing animals on the alter to please God or appease Him. Our modern-day expression, "Sacrificial lamb" comes from these stories.

Jesus is called among other things, "The lamb of God." In other words, Jesus was sacrificed for ... well, since you don't understand what sin is, we'll just say for now ... something.

So, just understand the concept. The blood of the sacrificial animal was said to wash certain sins clean. Jesus was killed in similar fashion and His blood is said to wash away our sins.

What are sins? Well, if you look in the Old Testament, you'll see a LOT of writing on "God's law." God's law tells humans how God wants us all to live. Now, you might say, "WHO CARES how God wants us to live?!" That's fine! But imagine your working for some company and the big boss says, "From now on, no facial hair for the guys and no hair below the shoulders for women." Sort of like you said about God, you could say, "WHO CARES what this guy thinks about facial hair?!" But c'mon, admit it ... you would care if the big boss banned facial hair, especially if you had a beard or mustache! You telling me you're going to stand up to this guy and say, "Stick your facial hair policy up your butt!" I don't think so! He's the boss! He makes the rules, right?

Well, guess what? GOD'S THE BOSS of everything! You might say, "Gossiping isn't a sin!" "Homosexuality isn't a sin!" "Lying isn't a sin!" But God as the big boss gets to make the call on that! ALL OF IT! And trust me, given God's law, you've sinned PLENTY of times in your life! Under God's rules, by God's judgement, you've sinned. Whether you agree with it or not is of no consequence, HE'S THE BOSS! It would be like the cop saying you're speeding and you saying, "No I wasn't!" Who's going to win that little battle?

So, as I've hopefully made clear, God's rules are laid out in the Bible and TRUST ME, you've broken multiple rules, multiple times in your life. Under God's rules, once you've disobeyed Him, once you've sinned then you aren't worthy of getting to heaven. You've sinned!

EVERYONE was doomed to hell because of sin. God chose to have Christ pay for the sins of some, not all! To fully understand this, you need to become familiar with the doctrine of predestination.

So, under God's rules:

A) EVERYONE has sinned, which makes everyone unworthy of heaven

B) God decided to save some, by showing mercy on them, and allowing the rest to receive justice

Jesus is God's lamb to sacrifice for our sins

NOWHERE in the Bible did it say that we would stop sinning once Christ died for our sins. I mean, think about it ... Jesus died on the cross 2,000 years ago. If everyone stopped sinning right then, I would have never sinned; since, I'm only 50 years old!!!

So, yes, I have sinned and surely will again. I confess my sins. I rely on Christ to have paid that debt in full. I know that I will get to heave soley on the work of Jesus Christ, NOT because of any goodness or any action from me.

Lord bless.
2010-03-23 01:18:26 UTC
He didn't. The idea that another person can atone for someelse's uncommitted sins is extremely unfair. To believe that God would allow that is ridiculous.

There was no "original sin". Adam made the mistake of eating the apple with Eve. He was forgiven!

Lastly, Jesus did not die. He was taken up to heaven before he could actually die. He'll be back to defeat the AntiChrist before the end of the world.
2010-03-23 01:42:41 UTC
Sin is what fills the Gap between you and God in heaven. Adam and Eve were the first to sin ( to disobey God / rebellion/ turning your heart away from God)

There is the sin we are born with in our blood from adam and eve..that makes it so we have death ( that is why we die because of sin) Before Adam and eve sinned they did not die , the continauly lived. Also people in the begingng lived hundreds of years opposed to 70 to 100. But us dying is actually God showing us mercy, because it is sooo hard being sperated from God for so long.

We also sin against God in our hearts and bodies. ( fornication for example)

look at Galatians 5 in your bible. We sin in our hearts...when we accept Jesus as our savior The holy spirit comes in us and dwells with us and purifies our hearts. So even if you lived a seemingly good life, it still isnt enough to go to heaven without Jesus.

Jesus Died on the cross to bridge the Gap between us and God. He took all of the sin and the wages of sin on Himself and died in pain and agony. God even had to turn away from His son whom He loved because the Sin that was brought on him on that hour at the cross. Because Jesus Died, we are able to repent of our lives. In the old testament, people would slain sheep and so forth for a sacrifice to cover their sins, That is why Jesus is called the Lamb of God. Jesus made is so we did not have to have an innocent animal slain and We could go to heaven now.

When you confess Jesus as your lord with your heart and mouth, you are have accpeted that Jesus died for your sins personally. So now you are able to comune with God and your sin is not in the way. Now when you have Jesus as your savior, but you still depends. We will always be sinners. It is in our blood...Yet God purifies our hearts and minds, but our bodies are still of this world and they are dying and selfish. So it can be a battle...easily won if you life in the power of the holy spirit. As a christian you will sin everyday.. sins like...( being selfish, not loving, not forgiving someone, being hateful, hurting someones feelings, lying) You confess those sins daily and God works with you to change your heart so that you slowly do them less and less. Other sins that lead to death are sins like Galatiions 5:

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,

Gal 5:20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,

Gal 5:21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

Gal 5:23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

Gal 5:24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Sins like that list, if you do them all the time and do not repent...well you will build a wall between you and God and you will grieve the Holy spirit who is sealed inside of you...and well God says that fornicators and such will not enter the kingdom of God.

So its all up to us. God gave us a way with his son Jesus to have a pure relationship with him, or we can not accept Jesus as our savior and ..well not go to heaven or have a relationship with Him. When your sin is not in the way with you and God..the bible says He will hear your prayers and answer them according to his liking and for your will have his protection and guidence, and you will be able to understand the bible. People cant understand the bible unless they are saved, because it is the spirit of God that teaches us the bible. ( I personally know this one is true) ...

and the bible grows us closer to God as we read it and meditate on His wisdom, which we dont have acess to outside of God.

I hope that answers your questions!

e-mail me if you want.

oh and after you become saved, which I hope you are/ or your bible, because the whole gospel of matthew answers all these questions.
2010-03-23 01:17:30 UTC
id say youre right he did dye in vain but he also suposevly idk he opened the gates to heaven
2010-03-23 01:17:38 UTC
the christian god likes human sacrifices.
Cheesus Crust
2010-03-23 01:15:58 UTC
because humans had this thing for bloody sacrifices; it's in a lot of religions

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.