Why do so many people believe that the story of Noah is a christian story?
2017-01-07 20:28:46 UTC
It's a demonstrable fact in recorded history that this story was plagiarized from sumerian folklore, and yet people insist by the billions that this is not only a christian story but a true one.

How can you open their eyes to the fact that many Biblical stories are plagiarized from previous religions that can be traced back to Mesopotamia?

Please don't say facts, because they don't accept facts as truth. I've tried.
134 answers:
2017-01-09 12:09:49 UTC
Why do so many people believe that the story of Noah is a christian story?....for Biblical record of the Flood as a literal record of a tremendous cataclysm involving a worldwide flood. After all humanity read and happen to believed that the flood was global that made behavioral psychology put in place. So humanity will have a peace on mind that God take care of them all.

but some will tell you story the other way around and you will think differentlly, like this:

How long have we got ?

In The Beginning, Jehovah's Witnesses will tell you the Jehovah doesn't or didn't ever make mistakes.

That is a load of poppycock!

This World we call earth has changed many times since it's creation.

Other Beings have lived upon it before Mankind, as we know mankind to be.

The Jurassic Period saw creatures that were wiped out before Mankind came to be.

The story of Adam and Eve , Kane and Abel is so far fetched , Incecess must have occurred several times to populate the Earth. If God's intention was to rid the Earth of everything evil. Then Noah's Family Must have also committed Incecess to repopulate Earth after the Great Flood. The Bible wasn't written until after The Great Flood. The Old Testament is Make-be-leave just like Grimm's Fairy Tales.
2017-01-10 01:22:04 UTC
Why do so many people believe that the story of Noah is a christian story?

The fact that there was a flood account in other cultures besides the Hebrew culture is not proof against the flood. It actually verifies this. If a major event like a global flood were part of my family history (and I was not living in the information age with computers, television and a phone) it would get passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth and perhaps even written on some type of ancient parchment or carved into a rock. I don't see why this is a problem for those who do not believe in a global flood.

The following cultures have a flood story-





Ancient Greek

Medieval Europe





Many African tribes











W̱SÁNEĆ peoples

Comox people






Unu Pachakuti





2017-01-07 23:31:41 UTC
How long have we got ?

In The Beginning, Jehovah's Witnesses will tell you the Jehovah doesn't or didn't ever make mistakes.

That is a load of poppycock!

This World we call earth has changed many times since it's creation.

Other Beings have lived upon it before Mankind, as we know mankind to be.

The Jurassic Period saw creatures that were wiped out before Mankind came to be.

The story of Adam and Eve , Kane and Abel is so far fetched , Incecess must have occurred several times to populate the Earth. If God's intention was to rid the Earth of everything evil. Then Noah's Family Must have also committed Incecess to repopulate Earth after the Great Flood. The Bible wasn't written until after The Great Flood. The Old Testament is Make-be-leave just like Grimm's Fairy Tales.
2017-01-08 16:05:53 UTC
Why do so many people believe that the story of Noah is a christian story?

It's a demonstrable fact in recorded history that this story was plagiarized from sumerian folklore........

A couple of things. number one as Christians we do not take the word of an unbeliever on whether or not stories in the Bible are true. #2 other accounts in history talking about a global flood does nothing but help prove the Bible flood story. Like a back up reference to the primary source (which in this case is the Bible).

On the one hand there are those who say it is either a purely mythological event or else possibly a local or regional flood. This group includes practically all evolutionists, but it also includes the"old earth creationists." On the other hand, "young-earth creationists" accept the Biblical record of the Flood as a literal record of a tremendous cataclysm involving a worldwide Flood. After all I have read I happen to believe that the flood was global
2017-01-09 22:23:50 UTC
The Bible begins with the creation of the world, even before the first humans were created; so how can you say these other religions predate the Biblical account? Did these other religions exist before there were any people?

The family lineage of Noah can be traced from Adam and Eve, as well as backwards from Christ. Noah is more than just a miscellaneous name that was put into a story. We can trace exactly who he was by following his family.

As other religions began to emerge, they would have borrowed stories from the religion that existed in the beginning. It, therefore, is not surprising that other religions also tell of a flood account. In fact, there are HUNDREDS of flood stories among ancient cultures from all over the world. Many of these accounts have details that help support the Biblical story. This helps validate the Biblical account, rather than tear it down!

There is also physical evidence that would suggest a massive ancient flood. Again, this helps support the Biblical account.

Finally, if (since) the Biblical account is true, it does not make it any less true if another culture or religion also teaches about a flood.

If I say the paint on my wall is blue, and someone else also says it is blue, that does not make me wrong. It also does not mean I copied them if it appears that they were the first to say it is blue.
2017-01-09 01:03:50 UTC
The fact of the matter, The story of Noah is not plagiarizied, if anything they took the story from Noah and plagiarizied it, because the flood of Noah's day way about 7,000 years ago, it was the year 4990 B.C. before the tower of babel and the story of Noah day is a picture a portrait of what hell will be like on earth, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires. Also God gives us that belief to believe his word the bible only.
2017-01-08 07:21:46 UTC
Because a story related to the god of Abraham is a Judaist, Muslim and Christian story. To deny that, especially for Christians, is to proclaim Jesus never had a father and therefore never existed as the son of a god. Judaists, Muslims and atheists would be quite happy to accept that.

But lets dispell one myth doing the rounds here: That it's the same story being told by everyone who started travelling after Babylon. Simply put the place where it happened would have the longest and most accurate record of the story. Clearly, the place it allegedly happened, got the story after the others were already telling it. Own up to your lies: If the great flood had happened as per the bible, god would not need to tell the story to Moses as everyone in the area would already know it just as they allegedly knew it everywhere else. God of Abraham theists, stop lieing and get a life.

However the reality of Noah is that god hand picked 8 people to repopulate the world and make it sin free. If it's true god was a pathetic judge of character. So even the failure of god to achieve it's goal screams it never happened.
2017-01-11 17:21:09 UTC
Why do so many people believe that the story of Noah is a christian story?

It's a demonstrable fact in recorded history that this story was plagiarized from sumerian folklore........

A couple of things. number one as Christians we do not take the word of an unbeliever on whether or not stories in the Bible are true. #2 other accounts in history talking about a global flood does nothing but help prove the Bible flood story. you don't believe it but it is true and Christians have been adopted into the family of God so it is a biblical story not just a Christian story. If other cultures have the same story or similar story it is nothing but proof to back the Bible......
2017-01-08 17:57:58 UTC
People who have never actually read the Bible don't realize that Judaism and Christianity are two different religions.

The story of Noah comes from the Yahwist and the Priestly sources Moses used to teach the theology of the Pentateuch, much as Christ used Parables in the New Testament.

No one seems to insist that there actually was a Prodigal son, but many want to insist that there was a talking snake and a man swallowed by a great fish. Odd, what literal thinking does to a person when he/she delves into the Old Testament, but vanishes when he/she reaches the New Testament.
2017-01-09 05:50:36 UTC
The bible as such is an Interesting read but is hardly believable. Old testament and new testament are both far fetched. Religion was the first political movement. It was a way of contolling the masses. Since everything in it was written many years after the so called events and charaters in it happened and or existed makes it clear it is just a book of stories. So many other cultures long before the time of Jesus had the same stories. So the bible is really just a re- write or storiesl borrowed from other cultures from around the world. So the bible to me although interesting is hardly believable and not very probable. Still people believe which to me is amazing but hey, to each their own right?
2017-01-07 20:40:36 UTC
Most ancient peoples in the Middle East have a flood narrative. Most, including the Jewish one, talk of a worldwide flood and are probably to do with the cataclysmic events that followed the Mediterranean Sea breaking through the land dam on the Bosporus. The waters eventually subsided to give us the Black Sea and the Sea of Amov. The Sumerian story concerns the periodic flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates, so your antichristian trolling is based on ignorance.

When the Jewish people were released from the Babylonian captivity by Cyrus of Persia, his quid pro quo was that they wrote down their oral folklore. What we now know as the first 5 books of the Bible was the result (apart from the creation narrative in Chapter 1 of Genesis which was added some 400 years later). The only people equipped to write long documents were the scribes of the priestly caste which is why the stories have been given a moralising twist.
Steve B
2017-01-09 20:26:26 UTC
They believe it is a Christian story because it is in the Christian Bible. The Hebrew Bible, of course, stands alone for Jews but Christians planted a flag in it and claimed it. "Plagiarized" says more than we really can corroborate with evidence. The historians and Bible scholars I've read tend to think not that the Noah story was plagiarized from earlier stories but that various peoples had versions of a general motif. Even if they built directly upon the Mesopotamian story, such an act would not have had the negative connotations that "plagiarized" has. Myth-making, music, almost all artistic endeavors, and even political documents build upon what came before them...."stand on their shoulders" as many artists are fine with saying.
Joseph hola
2017-01-09 00:20:08 UTC
It's not just a Christian story, it is Jewish, Islamic, in fact most cultures have a variant of the flood story with a "Noah" character, who escapes a flood with a small number of people (the Norse version has two ice giants) in a vessel (usually an ark or big boat, one had a canoe). I think these help support the idea that Noah was real, along with the bible being true.
2017-01-10 08:09:46 UTC
You are right every culture has a Flood Story, but stop and think for minute, would that not suggest that the flood left an indelible mark on the human mind. The flood correpences with the Ice Age, elephants have been found with fresh vegetation in their mouths, they were frozen almost instantly. The water canopy above the earth that kept the planet at an even temperature, was released, this plunging some parts of the earth into a frozen wasteland. The flood account recorded in Genesis was one of many recorded.
2017-01-08 14:25:52 UTC
The true story of Noah is a pre-Christian story which appears in the Holy Bible - it marks an event witnessed by the Jews, probably while still in Egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more.

That being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the Minoan Culture of Crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a Noah but more of the people of Crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading East to re-settle in Cyprus and probably Egypt too. Some of these Minoans (Cretans) may also have joined the Jews - there is some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened.

Okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the best source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about.

This link gets us started and very interesting it is too.
2017-01-12 01:15:33 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more.........

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too......... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened.........

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about.........

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too.........
2017-01-10 03:16:42 UTC
I do not know. Noah is a Jewish story.

Most Jews and Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. We believe the stories included in first 11 chapters of Genesis tell religious truth through figurative language and not necessarily historical fact.

People often reflect that every ancient culture has a flood story like that of Gilgamesh and this fact discounts the story of Noah. Or they claim the Jews stole the story from another people. But wouldn't a truly worldwide flood prove the "flood" instead?

About 10 to 12 thousand years ago the last ice age ended, melting a lot of ice. So much that sea level rose about 400 feet. This "flood" was worldwide and it is reasonably expected that the story would live on in every culture.


Anisimov et al., Chapter 11: Changes in Sea Level, Section Sensitivity to climatic change, Figure 11.4, in IPCC TAR WG1 2001.

Science Daily: Lost civilization under Persian Gulf?

Current Anthropology: New Light on Human Prehistory in the

Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis

With love in Christ.
2017-01-08 03:59:27 UTC
Pixel! You are an idiot without any respect.

If I have a ship that is in distress and sinks, and 20 people are saved, 10 of them write their story of this event - how many similarities will be in those accounts?

Since mankind spread out from Babylon after God confused their languages, perhaps 70 families spread out to populate the earth. As they spread and multiplied, they splintered into many tribes, countries - all carrying their histories with them.

None had to plagiarize anything; however, the accounts would have some unavoidable similarities.

Atheists idiots - the lot, disrespectful damned ones that shall be wiped off this earth soon. And, when the end comes you'll all come running hoping and hopping to be saved by God's love that you think will permit this. You'll get squat.

You come here with your post to assure yourselves that you are not alone, that others support your vile views. Satanic beasts - most of you.
2017-01-09 11:26:28 UTC
Because it's not just a story - it really happened. Noah was a preacher of righteousness and nobody listened to his wise words so they all perished, all except Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives and some animals they took on the ark with them.

If you don't believe that God is powerful enough to destroy all of mankind, think again. He has promised to do it again but not by water or flood next time - but by FIRE. That really will be the end when that happens, so you pays your money and you takes your choice.

Intelligent sensible Christians who love their Creator God and JEsus Christ who came to die for our sins believe the truth of God's Word and what happened in Noah's day was truth. Everyone perished with the exception of those I have already mentioned - 8 souls survived.

I don't care whether others believe God. I do and so does any self respecting Christian. So you believe what you want to believe and we will believe what we believe if you don't mind - or is this not a free country any longer? Why does it bother you so much that everyone doesn't agree with you? Live and let live but if you are wise, you will repent and turn to God and JEsus Christ whom He sent, and get saved.
2017-01-08 02:53:52 UTC
From the description, Noah had built a canal boat, but without the ability to steer, having no keel, nor able to propel itself.

This was apparently on a whole globe ocean.

It would have turned beam on in moments, capsized, and taken everyone on board straight down.

You would think this christian god, with the entire population to choose from, would get an experienced boat builder, and not a shepard. Seems Noah wouldn't be the only one working on faith.

I'm sure worthiness could be flexible given whats at stake and having the all powerful creator suddenly appearing in your livingroom, slapping you about the face telling you how deep the s*** youre in is if you dont build this boat, would convince even the most diehard transgressional.

In other words, its a pile of nonsense.
2017-01-08 14:49:05 UTC
This question suprises me! Why?.

Herbert Spencer once said:

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument,

And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting

Ignorance. That principle is condemnation before


The reason I am so surprised is because of the repeated parroting of old arguments such as the one here which have been thoroughly discredited. i.e “it’s a demonstrable fact in recorded history that this story was plagiarized from Sumerian folklore” Really? Well tell the history Scholars that because the case is still open and hotly debated. It’s not a demonstrable fact in recorded history at all. Sorry but you have got your demonstrable facts wrong. The Gilgamesh story was written between the years of 2750 and 2500 B.C. It was most likely passed by word of mouth before it was written. So The Question is: Is the story of Noah a stolen or borrowed myth?

In the end, it would be difficult to prove the case either

way. It seems undeniable that the Genesis account and the Gilgamesh Epic

are parallel, but who borrowed from whom, or are they separate accounts of

one actual event? We have to go with the best evidence.

If you really were interested in looking at the evidence before condemning it I suggest a good place to visit would be the page of Nozomi Osanai. Just type in her name for the link. Nozomi earned her M.A. writing "A comparative study of the flood accounts in the Gilgamesh Epic and Genesis" as her thesis while attending Wesley Biblical Seminary in the USA, where she also studied Akkadian. She has also studied at Japan College of Social Work, where she earned her Bachelor of Social Welfare, and Tokyo Biblical Seminary and Kobe Lutheran Theological Seminary where she earned her M.Div. Obviously you can disagree with her findings (if you have done the same amount of investigation yourself). But what you cannot do is say that it is a “demonstrable fact in recorded history” because frankly, that’s not true and shows that you are in total ignorance of the facts.
2017-01-10 03:48:26 UTC
There are flood stories in a lot of cultures around the world. What's the problem? If anything, the biblical account of a world wide flood being similar to the epic if Gilgamesh strengthens the idea of there having been a global flood. The christians I've talked to have no problem with the epic of Gilgamesh predating the biblical account.

Their response: the epic of Gilgamesh was written down first and is an account of the flood, but it's imperfect because having been passed down orally prior to being written down caused slight alterations. The biblical account was revealed by god and contains the accurate details.
Art M
2017-01-08 19:33:40 UTC
I don't know of anyone who believes that it is a christian story, except perhaps some people who don't know the difference between Judaism and Christianity. I suspect that is your case, since your main point is not about contrasting old and new testament, but about contrasting Sumerian and Judaic accounts of the story.

Q. Why do so many people who nothing about a religion, or about any religion for that matter, feel compelled to comment on it in such an arrogant and condescending manner?
2017-01-07 21:06:10 UTC
The story of Adam and Eve was a Sumerian fairy tale for children with the moral being, listen to your parents and don't eat the poisonous fruit, no matter how much some "talking snake" tempts you with it. It's all metaphorical, and has been proven so, multiple times, yet a third of the USA claims to believe in all of the bible, from start to finish, literally. That couldn't be true, but even the fact the claim is made is troubling.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2017-01-09 07:58:10 UTC
What unbelievers don't seem to grasp is the FACT that the deluge occurred quite a while before God formed the nation of Israel. That gave the descendants of Noah's family time to repopulate the known world of the time giving different civilizations time to form and spread about. These civilizations would have had the story of the flood handed down to them orally through their generations accounting for variations in the stories and why we find stories of the flood throughout the earth. These civilizations,once they formed written languages, recorded these stories, all this occurring before God formed the nation of Israel through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses led this yet unformed nation, the sons of Jacob/Israel out of bondage from Egypt, one of the previously formed nations from the sons of Noah, it was not till then God had inspired Moses to write the first five books of the Bible we now have, Which was many generations after the flood, so the Bible account is not plagiarized from some other culture, it is an accurate account of the flood from God to Moses for the nation of Israel to keep history of. The Bible is a book from God for all peoples to learn the path of salvation through Jesus Christ who formed the Christian way of life, the new direction God was leading his people, true Christians.
2017-01-08 16:45:14 UTC
Noah and the story of the Ark pre dates Jesus Christ. We see the story in the Old Testament, these texts were used for the basis of Judaism, Islam and may other mono deistic faiths. So the story was well know before Christ, before Christianity, so logically we cannot call it a 'Christian' story, it is a story form old.
mia delight
2017-01-08 14:06:34 UTC
Many Christians are surprisingly ignorant as to the Hebrew culture 5000 years ago.

The fact that most of the cultures in that area took stories from each other, was a common practice.

The Summaries, gave us the creation story and the flood story.

The Egyptians had a hand in beliefs like ,hell,resurrection, soul and many other concepts like one God.
2017-01-08 01:46:17 UTC
It's not a "Christian story" at all - it's a Jewish one. And muslims believe it too. Of course, this reveals that the religious bigotry of the anti-Christian crowd is conveniently directed at ONLY Christians and Jews while conspicuously leaving their muslim buddies out of that accusation.

So what's the truth? Moses was telling the story of a Flood that happened LONG before his time, not DURING his time.

The two accounts are telling of the same flood. The account by Moses is the accurate version.
2017-01-08 16:23:46 UTC
I heard somewhere there is also a Greek story about a young man and his wife who save two of every animal on a boat. It has a lot of differences, but is also extremely similar. There is a theory that the end of the ice age caused a large flood in much of the world, which is why so many civilisations have a story like this.
2017-01-08 18:27:01 UTC
The OT stories are as relevant as the NT. Jesus read from the scriptures and Genesis would have been

well used by him and the religious leaders. It is ridiculous to suggest that it is only a fabricated story.

God destroyed the human race except for a handful of believers. The Ark was their shelter.

When the final judgment comes Jesus becomes a type of Ark and all who turn to Him will be saved.
2017-01-08 13:49:18 UTC
The story of Noah is a story of a righteous man, who had faith in Jehovah God. The world in which Noah lived had become degenerate. During this period angels who left their original position and proper dwelling place had married women and produced offspring, “men of fame,” whipping up the violence filling the earth (Genesis 6:1-4; Jude 6), until “every inclination of the thoughts of[man’s heart was only bad all the time” and the earth became “ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth.” (Genesis 6:5, 11, 12) But Noah avoided this corruption and is described by God’s Word as “a righteous man. He proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. Noah walked with the true God.” (Genesis 6:8, 9) Noah could be spoken of as “faultless” because, unlike that ungodly world, he measured up fully to what God required of him. Genesis 6:22 says, "And Noah did according to all that God had commanded him. He did just so".
2017-01-08 14:55:18 UTC
Why do many people BELIEVE ( accept as true ) that the story of NOAH is a "CHRISTIAN" story ,,,,

,, so if i use the term "CHRISTIAN" as to mean the TEACHINGS of a JESUS CHRIST , and the Old testament is the Stories of the HEBREWS , supposedly written by MOSES , then Noah is a Hebrew story is the Old testament a book of Hebrew stories

, Now the TEACHINGS of a man named Jesus are in the NEW TESTAMENT ,

but we have no record of a JESUS writing anything

so since CHRISTIANITY is an OFFSHOOT of Judaism a man named Jesus who presents basically REFORM of Hebrew practices related to HOW one should TREAT people, and about the HEBREW God

, its foundation stories come from Hebrew writing and stories ,,,, so it is either an EXTENSION or ADOPTION of Hebrew stories , in respect to the ORIGIN of the story . if one examines where Civilizations spring up is related to HUMAN NEEDS for SURVIVAL which is What ? WATER

many culture have FLOOD stories , because a FLOOD deals with what ? WATER

when you are the INVENTOR of your OWN stories ,

you become the MASTER of what it SAY

, does it matter if it is a Christian or Hebrew story . what matters is it accurate as written and can you CONFIRM the details as to truth

can you DEMONSTRATE the "GOD " asserted is anything more than a CONCEPT a idea a product of human thought ,

so the source of the God IDEA is presented by MOSES , actually he presents ONE of many god IDEAS promoted by humans , can one demonstrate direct CAUSE & EFFECT

, One can Demonstrate Clouds , and rain water land or , sun all EXIST that which persist independent of ones presence aka that which is self evident ..

. which one is the "GOD" the CLOUDS they make rain ? So Noah claims he heard voices ,,,was that INTERNAL or EXTERNAL , if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound , sound wave are measurable and recorded if they are limited to your mind within oneself are you not the source
The Cretan
2017-01-07 22:45:31 UTC
It is a TRUE story, but NOT a Christian story. It happened long before Jesus Christ came to the Earth. Peoples all over the Earth have a flood story, not just Christians
Kenneth Vaughan
2017-01-09 22:13:22 UTC
It actually has not been proven that it was plagiarized. Scholars only have written texts to compare, when written texts during this time period are not necessarily indicative of when information began being circulated. Also, written texts from this location and era do not survive well, so we do not have an exhaustive account. Considering that flood stories exist in cultures that ancient Jews has NO contact with, we also have to consider that these flood stories are all describing a common event, with the Epic of Gilgamesh having no special place.
K. Orrez
2017-01-07 20:47:53 UTC
I don't believe the story is a Christian one. It happened before Christianity appeared. Still, it has a place in Christianity.

It's not a demonstrable fact that the story is plagiarized. Plagiarism is theft. Americans eat pizza. sauerkraut and tacos. Does that mean we stole them? Did we steal Hallowe'en? There are such things as cross cultural fertilization and cultural dissemination. Do you believe that (proto?)Hebrews and Sumerians never intermarried? If the flood really happened perhaps both the Hebrews and Sumerians got the story from the same source; the flood.
2017-01-09 17:49:31 UTC
NUMBERS Chapter 33, Verses 1 - 55 The decision of their God Pharaoh, to Wash the semi Beasts out into the World; by freeing the Oceans into the Land Areas; today is the result of the Global Negotiations of the Suez Canal. People is an Idolism, as is False idolatry Creates Profits, and not Prophets. 0109/2017
2017-01-08 16:02:27 UTC
You are confused. Christians take the new testament/covenant of the Bible to be their story; and the old testament to be the story that preceded Christianity. Whether people do or do not believe the flood story as told, given evidence of the reality of disastrous flooding in times past, is simply a matter of personal belief such as is not peculiar to any religious group that likewise or otherwise adheres to the Bible.
2017-01-07 20:55:37 UTC
When are YOU going to "open YOUR eyes to the fact" that you got that WRONG ???

The story of Noah is found in Genesis - written millennia before Christianity existed.

It just goes to show how blowhards like you come along whingeing and carping on

topics you have not bothered to research correctly.

In 30 years I have not encountered even one Christian who thought the story of

Noah was a "Christian story". The Christian covenant is all New Testament, you

billy-goat .. so I suggest you "put a sock in it" and go get better educated.
2017-01-14 11:46:05 UTC
they believe it is a christian story 'cause it is in the christian bible... the hebrew bible, of course, stands alone for jews but christians planted a flag in it and claimed it... "plagiarized" says more than we really can corroborate with evidence... the historians and bible scholars i've read tend to think not that the noah story was plagiarized from earlier stories but that various peoples had versions of a general motif... even if they built directly upon the mesopotamian story, such an act would not have had the negative connotations that "plagiarized" has... myth-making, music, almost all artistic endeavors, and even political documents build upon what came before them............"stand on their shoulders" as numerous artists are fine with saying...
2017-01-09 18:56:30 UTC
The story IS a Christian story.
2017-01-15 12:15:09 UTC
the story of noah is a christian story and the 2001 film, a...i... artificial intelligence is a warner brothers film... just 'cause it's a demonstrable fact in recorded history that the a...i... artificial intelligence story was plagiarized from the 1940 pinocchio animation by the disney studio, that doesn't mean it's not a warner brothers film...
2017-01-08 18:19:26 UTC
A lot of cultures have flood stories both post and prior flood. I think that as time passes and as cultures spread and form the story changes, similar to the game of telephone. But I think ultimately they are all talking of the same story, the same person, Noah.
2017-01-09 23:12:30 UTC
Even if you could prove the "Noah Story" was borrowed from Pagan sources it would go down like a lump of space rock when compared to thousands of years of brain washing Christianity, you've got to remember these biblical fairy tales are drummed into children from a very young age, day in and day out and nothin, nothing is going to remove them bar: brain disease and death itself. I know you are right because there is a section of the bible where it claimes NOAH is one of God's seven names, therefore NOAH and GOD are one and the same being so how could NOAH accept an instruction from GOD to build an ARK when GOD and NOAH are the same person ? Your " bang on the money " mate !!!
2017-01-08 13:40:27 UTC
About a hundred years after the flood people (and animals) were scattered throughout the earth and took the stories with them. The watered down versions of the stories of creation, giants, the flood, etc. (pun intended) exist in every culture all over the world.

God made the land, and He streched out the land when He scattered them.

Gen. 11.8-9
2017-01-14 14:19:48 UTC
you are right every culture has a flood story, but stop and think for minute, would that not suggest that the flood left an indelible mark on the human mind... the flood correpences with the ice age, elephants have been found with fresh vegetation in their mouths, they were frozen almost instantly... the water canopy above the earth that kept the planet at an even temperature, was released, this plunging some parts of the earth into a frozen wasteland... the flood account recorded in genesis was one of numerous recorded...
2017-01-09 02:40:44 UTC
The story of Noah is in the Bible. Christians accept the Bible as the word of God that's all there is to it.
2017-01-09 22:35:33 UTC
The story of Noah's ark was passed down to all of Noah's children. That means everybody. Of course you'll find similarities.
2017-01-10 09:19:21 UTC
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the most merciful.

Islam Teaches us that Noah [pbuh] was a Messenger/Prophet of Almighty God and the story of the great Flood and The survival of Noah [pbuh] with his family and species of living created beings is a part of islamic belief.

And Allah knows Best.
2017-01-09 11:31:41 UTC
You assign "respect" and "truth" to a Mesopotamian version of the flood account to a religion and society that no longer exists. However, the Bible account, originally for the Hebrews, which has existed for 3500 years, and the nation and people, Israel, that gave and subscribed to its account, which still exist, that you claim is plagiarized? A desperate desire to not believe the Bible does not affect its authenticity nor its reliability. And, by the way, there are dozens of "flood accounts" around the world, from ancient, no longer existent societies and religions. Perhaps, you should be asking why people still believe the Bible, after 3500 years? Perhaps you should be asking yourself why 10% of the people in China, from a nation essentially purged of religion during the communist reign, are now believers in the biblical account of Noah and the flood.
2017-01-11 10:40:03 UTC
I would maintain that it was the other way around. The stories Moses wrote down in the first 5 books of the Bible were written hundreds or thousands of years away from the actual events themselves. So the heathens had plenty of time to fabricate their own version of things.
2017-01-07 21:11:14 UTC
Mostly, they believe it's a "Christian" story because they learned about it in Sunday School. Where the study of other cultures' earlier myths isn't exactly part of the curriculum.
2017-01-10 01:52:03 UTC
Imagine the breathtaking stupidity required to believe the Noah's Ark genocide myth is real.
2017-01-07 23:04:36 UTC
Jesus Christ also believe in that story, and said, in the time of the end, it will be, like in Noah's day.
2017-01-08 15:34:47 UTC
You people get all hung up on a previous recorded story that then is interpreted that in this example Noah did not exist, but we all know history has "parallelisms" it just does, There have been many "anti-Christs" they haven't been THE anti-Christ but they've had the nature thereof. I've had I don't how many people say I look like Kirk Douglas when he was young, "you look so much like him!!!" Ohhhh, welll there was only one Kirk, so that must mean I don't exist, I'm not me?!?!??, It's not legit reasoning to deny something.
Aortas Insotomia.
2017-01-09 21:57:13 UTC
There are no Christian stories in the Bible. It is a religious book that was written by ancient prophet historians. There are parables, proverbs, allegories, and other figures of speech which comprise 66 books that form the scriptures.
2017-01-07 20:34:37 UTC
Well, it's not a christian story since Christians didn't exist at the time. But if you want to grandfather it in, Jesus spoke on it as truth and compared it to today. And Jesus started Christianity. so there you go.
2017-01-07 21:54:53 UTC
There is the flood of the katabole that ended the first age after satan rebelled where "no man" was left. Jeremiah 4:18-27 KJV

And then, there was the flood of Noah's time, where eight souls were saved. 1 Peter 3:20 KJV

Both of those came AFTER God wrote His plan in the stars.

God wrote His plan in the stars and Cain knew the plan, but Cain did not understand the plan. When Cain became a vagabond in the earth, he taught what he knew of God's plan without understanding. Cain lived a long time and influenced many people.

"Sargon The Magnificent" is an interesting read on the subject of Cain's teachings

The fact that God wrote His plan in the stars and many people tried to teach what they interpreted His plan to be, instead of letting Him lead and fulfill His plan through Jesus Christ, (John 3:14-21 KJV, 2 Peter 3:9 KJV), is also brought out in Genesis 11:4 KJV.

From The Companion Bible King James Version - side column notes 4. "may reach". No Ellipsis here. Hebrew "and its top with the heavens", i.e. with the Zodiac depicted on it, as in ancient temples of Denderah and Esneh in Egypt.

"The Witness of The Stars" - printable downloadable file - E. W. Bullinger

The Glory of The Stars" - E. Raymond Capt

Also - did the other story include Noah getting drunk? Or the vineyard planted there?

Genesis 9:20 KJV And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: 21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.

Three ages Bible studies:

"was" or "became"?

(Genesis 1:2)

Gen 1:2 And the earth became without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

"Some scholars also argue against translating hayah "became" instead of "was" in Genesis 1:2 because they assume this interpretation came about only recently, after geology revealed the strata of the earth to be very old. Thus they consider this explanation a desperate attempt to reconcile the Genesis account with modern geology. The explanation that there existed an indefinite period between the initial beautiful creation described in Genesis 1:1 and the earth becoming waste and void in verse 2 has been called, sometimes disparagingly, "the gap theory." The idea was attributed to Thomas Chalmers in the 19th century and to Cyrus Scofield in the 20th.

Yet the interpretation that the earth "became" waste and void has been discussed for close to 2,000 years:

• The earliest known recorded controversy on this point can be attributed to Jewish sages at the beginning of the second century. The Hebrew scholars who wrote the Targum of Onkelos, the earliest of the Aramaic versions of the Old Testament, translated Genesis 1:2 as "and the earth was laid waste." The original language led them to understand that something had occurred that had "laid waste" the earth, and they interpreted this as a destruction.

• The early Catholic theologian Origen (186-254), in his commentary De Principiis, explains regarding Genesis 1:2 that the original earth had been "cast downwards" (Ante-Nicene Fathers, 1917,

p. 342).

• In the Middle Ages the Flemish scholar Hugo St. Victor (1097-1141) wrote about Genesis 1:2: "Perhaps enough has already been debated about these matters thus far, if we add only this, 'how long did the world remain in this disorder before the regular re-ordering . . . of it was taken in hand?'" (De Sacramentis Christianae Fidei, Book 1, Part I, Chapter VI). Other medieval scholars, such as Dionysius Peavius and Pererius, also considered that there was an interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.

• According to The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, the Dutch scholar Simon Epíscopius (1583-1643) taught that the earth had originally been created before the six days of creation described in Genesis (1952, Vol. 3, p. 302). This was roughly 200 years before geology discovered evidence for the ancient origin of earth.

These numerous examples show us that the idea of an interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 has a long history. Any claim that it is of only recent origin-that it was invented simply as a desperate attempt to reconcile the Genesis account with geology-is groundless.

Perhaps the best treatment on both sides of this question is given by the late Arthur Custance in his book Without Form and Void: A Study of the Meaning of Genesis 1:2. Dr. Custance states, "To me, this issue is important, and after studying the problem for some thirty years and after reading everything I could lay my hands on pro and con and after accumulating in my own library some 300 commentaries on Genesis, the earliest being dated 1670, I am persuaded that there is, on the basis of the evidence, far more reason to translate Gen. 1:2 as 'But the earth had become a ruin and a desolation, etc.' than there is for any of the conventional translations in our modern versions" (1970, p. 7)."
2017-01-08 15:14:08 UTC
As it turns out Noah was a Sumerian who did not support the Sumerian form of beliefs but interested himself in a more sane approach through understanding the idea that was one God. By following his conscience he saved himself and his family from a catastrophe that, to this day comes down to us in a mythical form as the Story of Noah in the Bible. Who knows how it all came down in reality? All we have is this myth in written form. And how many years before that did it get passed down from father to son before it found itself in written form?
2017-01-11 12:40:39 UTC
Not so. In the days of Nimrod (Tower of Babel) God introduced numerous languages, forcefully and simultaneously. All history suddenly had alternative names including those present. And, they were suddenly dispersed, populating the whole earth as they were commanded earlier but disobeyed. Continental drift started about this same time period; (In the days of Peleg was the earth divided; Genesis 10:25).
2017-01-07 20:40:47 UTC
It's anything but a "demonstrable fact".

It's commonly dated later than some other flood accounts, but only because they haven't found earlier manuscripts yet. And they also completely ignore the idea that it existed as oral tradition long before it was recorded by Moses.
2017-01-07 21:30:24 UTC
no, you are missing a very important detail...

you need to realize that after the flood, these eight surviving people had to start over again... god said to "be fruitful and multiply..." and they did... these are people who had seen the power of god, and you can be sure those eight people told their children all about it, and probably even hiked back to the mountain to show them the rotting ark... so these kids knew the truth about god... and their grand kids knew all about it too... everyone knew about it...

and yet, it was only about 100 years later when evil and corruption was rampant again... they knew the truth about god, but decided to do their own thing... that's when they started to build the tower of babel, which was contrary to what god told them to do... so god again had to intervene... of course, up to this point, there was only one language... god scrambled their language, and scattered the people into different parts of the world according to their new language...

god did this to prevent satan from setting up a one-world government, which would have given evil satan too much power over humans... (by the way, satan is going to eventually set up a one-world government, and we are already moving that direction now with world trade and the internet and international law, but that shall happen fully during the awesome tribulation... and the antichrist shall be in charge...)

when god scrambled the language, and scattered people all over the earth, they each took with them the story of the flood... they all knew about the awesome flood... the story was verbally handed down through the generations, and some of the details became distorted, as you can imagine... but that explains why different ancient cultures from all over the world have a global flood story...

by the way, prior to the flood, there was only one continent... after the flood, god divided and separated this continent into what we have today... so now with the tower of babel thing, people were separated by language, distance, and sometimes oceans...

--- (a yahoo! user)

-- -- -- -- --

to eber were born two sons: the name of the one was peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother’s name was joktan... (genesis 10:25)

come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech...”  so the lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city...  therefore its name was called babel, 'cause there the lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth... (genesis 11:7-9)

-- -- -- -- --
2017-01-09 17:15:32 UTC
The various stories in Genesis are what is called myth.

They are not to be taken as literal or factual history.

Every religion is mankind s response to their perception of GOD.

Therefore every religion contains some truth.

Catholic Christians claim to have the fulness of revelation.
2017-01-10 15:12:14 UTC
because in lots of cultures where christianity is the main religion (like the uk, where i live), people aren't so aware of other religions unless they study different religions' beliefs... and as it's christians who talk about the story of noah and it's in the bible, that's just where people hear about it in those cultures. so they assume it's only a christian story.
Labyrinthine Anghellican
2017-01-07 20:32:32 UTC
It's willful ignorance on behalf of the majority of them .... and there are some who simply are just unaware of the facts regarding the history of stories like Noah etc... It's not something that can be convincing in a matter of seconds or minutes, it takes time to get across to those minds that have been indoctrinated for so long..
2017-01-08 00:49:41 UTC
Could it be possible that those billions are correct and you are wrong? Have you ever heard of a story that has been assumed to be earlier but yet it is obvious that it has been embellished from the one which has been assume to have come later? The embellishment is evidence of which one actually came first. Think about it.
Uncle Fester
2017-01-07 20:38:31 UTC
Apparently the guy who deciphered the Babylonian tablets telling the Epic of Gilgamesh nearly dropped them when he realised their importance. A hundred years on and some still deny what is obvious. Stories are told and retold and shared between different people and cultures, each adopting and adapting it to fit their own experience.
2017-01-07 22:11:09 UTC
They don't really believe.. but how else are you going to indoctrinate young minds, in some cases retarded minds...

Can hardly start the brainwashing with the book of revelation, can you? Have to work up slowly to the insanity
2017-01-08 19:50:19 UTC
It was a common story because it is real. We Christians see God's hand in it, because the Bible shows God's work there.
2017-01-08 00:57:39 UTC
-- plagiarized from sumerian folklore --

yep, i've heard this line before. Its not new. You gotta try harder.

the bible is HOLY cuz it represents the WORD of God. Fact.

that makes the noah story a biblical FACT.

so you are telling me that sumerian folklore predates the bible and therefore, holds

the truth? get off it ...

is Yeshua also sumerian FOLKLORE ? nuthead

your disbelief is not proof that the bible is a lie or is plagiarized work !

your disbelief and this post speaks for itself ...
2017-01-09 16:12:53 UTC
It is a christian story because God made the flood appear.
2017-01-09 15:53:39 UTC
It's not a Cdhristian story at all. It was stolen.
2017-01-08 17:07:15 UTC
Isn't it stolen from the story of manu the first man in Hinduism?
2017-01-09 13:15:55 UTC
Romans 15:4

For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction, so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.
2017-01-07 20:33:49 UTC
No, you are missing a very important detail.

You need to realize that after the flood, these eight surviving people had to start over again. God said to "be fruitful and multiply." And they did. These are people who had seen the power of God, and you can be sure those eight people told their children all about it, and probably even hiked back to the mountain to show them the rotting Ark. So these kids KNEW the truth about God. And their grand kids knew all about it too. Everyone knew about it.

And yet, it was only about 100 years later when evil and corruption was rampant again. They knew the truth about God, but decided to do their own thing. That's when they started to build the Tower of Babel, which was contrary to what God told them to do. So God again had to intervene. Of course, up to this point, there was only one language. God scrambled their language, and scattered the people into different parts of the world according to their new language.

God did this to prevent Satan from setting up a one-world government, which would have given evil Satan too much power over humans. (By the way, Satan is going to eventually set up a one-world government, and we are already moving that direction now with world trade and the Internet and international law, but that will happen fully during the Great Tribulation. And the antichrist will be in charge.)

When God scrambled the language, and scattered people all over the earth, they each took with them the story of the flood. They all knew about the great flood. The story was verbally handed down through the generations, and some of the details became distorted, as you can imagine. But that explains why different ancient cultures from all over the world have a global flood story.

By the way, prior to the flood, there was only one continent. After the flood, God divided and separated this continent into what we have today. So now with the Tower of Babel thing, people were separated by language, distance, and sometimes oceans.

--- (A Yahoo! User)

-- -- -- -- --

To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother’s name was Joktan. (Genesis 10:25)

Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”  So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.  Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11:7-9)

-- -- -- -- --
2017-01-09 00:34:40 UTC
You are correct. But keep one thing in mind. If you are Christian, you are forbidden to learn about any other philosophy. They are not going to listen to reason.

Almost everything about Christianity was stolen from previous religion.
2017-01-08 08:43:09 UTC
Insufficient water exists on the planet to allow for such a flood
2017-01-07 20:31:20 UTC
Oh another zeitgeist believing idiot

well ponder this derpsicle

if all civilizations came out of the flood, they would all have a flood story

across cultures name changes, but the story stays the same

this is proof that it happened
2017-01-11 06:38:06 UTC
It's a metaphor
2017-01-09 13:03:17 UTC
Why do you ask a question that cannot be answered to your satisfaction? What is the point other than wasting time and maliciously causing trouble. How sad.

If God exists your question is redundant.

If God does not exist your question is irrelevant.
2017-01-12 08:04:36 UTC
Because Jesus referred to it as a real proven fact. - Matthew 24:37-39
2017-01-09 01:04:01 UTC
Sumerians aren't as attractive, apparently
dirty white boy
2017-01-08 00:00:25 UTC
All the Abrahamic religions have stolen their myths from earlier religions of the region. There is nothing unique to be found in any of them.
2017-01-09 18:27:46 UTC
So it's in the Bible or whatever. Lots of "religious" stuff comes from mythology and oral history.....not one single source dropped anything from Heaven.
2017-01-09 12:43:40 UTC
What can we say? Blind believers insist upon stubbornly keeping their dubious beliefs, regardless of how illogical they are. Brainwashing since childhood damages their thinking abilit5y.
2017-01-08 07:52:30 UTC
Because it is mentioned in the Holy Bible which is what all Christians read/study from.
🤔 Jay
2017-01-07 20:37:26 UTC
Noah's Arc is antique folklore and myth possibly older than 4,000 years.

It's not a children's book... Children should not be taught that God is a mass murderer. Even baby bunny rabbits died....

And it's from book that tells people that a man lived in a whale and snakes had vocal chords..
2017-01-08 18:40:28 UTC
only an idiot would believe that all of the Old testament some 10,000 years is BC

Yes BC before Christ
2017-04-13 08:49:58 UTC
pixel! you are an idiot without any respect...

if i have a ship that is in distress and sinks, and 20 people are saved, 10 of them write their story of this event - how numerous similarities shall be in those accounts?

since mankind spread out from babylon after god confused their languages, perhaps 70 families spread out to populate the earth... as they spread and multiplied, they splintered into numerous tribes, countries - all carrying their histories with them...

none had to plagiarize anything; however, the accounts would have some unavoidable similarities...

atheists idiots - the lot, disrespectful damned ones that shall be wiped off this earth soon... and, when the end comes you'll all come running hoping and hopping to be saved by god's love that you think shall permit this... you'll get squat...

you come here with your post to assure yourselves that you are not alone, that others support your vile views... satanic beasts - most of you...
2017-04-12 23:13:20 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more...........................

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too........................... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened...........................

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about...........................

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too...........................
2017-01-24 05:54:15 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more...

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened...

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about...

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too...
2017-03-29 15:48:16 UTC
most ancient peoples in the middle east have a flood narrative... most, including the jewish one, talk of a worldwide flood and are probably to do with the cataclysmic events that followed the mediterranean sea breaking through the land dam on the bosporus... the waters eventually subsided to give us the black sea and the sea of amov... the sumerian story concerns the periodic flooding of the tigris and euphrates, so your antichristian trolling is based on ignorance...

when the jewish people were released from the babylonian captivity by cyrus of persia, his quid pro quo was that they wrote down their oral folklore... what we now know as the first 5 books of the bible was the result (apart from the creation narrative in chapter 1 of genesis which was added some 400 years later)... the only people equipped to write long documents were the scribes of the priestly caste which is why the stories have been given a moralising twist...
2017-03-19 15:31:07 UTC
you are right every culture has a flood story, but stop and think for minute, would that not suggest that the flood left an indelible mark on the human mind... the flood correpences with the ice age, elephants have been found with fresh vegetation in their mouths, they were frozen almost instantly... the water canopy above the earth that kept the planet at an even temperature, was released, this plunging some parts of the earth into a frozen wasteland... the flood account recorded in genesis was one of numerous recorded...
2017-03-08 12:50:44 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more...

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened...

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about...

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too...
2017-03-05 07:19:21 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more.........

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too......... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened.........

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about.........

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too.........
2017-03-04 08:46:34 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more...........................

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too........................... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened...........................

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about...........................

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too...........................
2017-03-01 10:08:43 UTC
the story of noah is a christian story and the 2001 film, a...i... artificial intelligence is a warner brothers film... just 'cause it's a demonstrable fact in recorded history that the a...i... artificial intelligence story was plagiarized from the 1940 pinocchio animation by the disney studio, that doesn't mean it's not a warner brothers film...
2017-02-24 08:13:20 UTC
i do not know... noah is a jewish story...

most jews and christians do not take the stories of creation in the bible literally... we believe the stories included in first 11 chapters of genesis tell religious truth through figurative language and not necessarily historical fact...

people often reflect that every ancient culture has a flood story like that of gilgamesh and this fact discounts the story of noah... or they claim the jews stole the story from another people... but wouldn't a truly worldwide flood prove the "flood" instead?

about 10 to 12 thousand years ago the last ice age ended, melting a lot of ice... so much that sea level rose about 400 feet... this "flood" was worldwide and it is reasonably expected that the story would live on in every culture...


anisimov et al..., chapter 11: changes in sea level, section 11...2...3...4: sensitivity to climatic change, figure 11...4, in ipcc tar wg1 2001...

current anthropology: new light on human prehistory in the

with love in christ...
2017-02-22 17:14:14 UTC
the true story of noah is a pre-christian story which appears in the holy bible - it marks an event witnessed by the jews, probably while still in egypt - certainly a very long time ago, probably four thousand years plus or more...

that being the case, (let's suppose) then it marks the flood which destroyed the minoan culture of crete which is well documented but which does not speak of a noah but more of the people of crete leaving the island in their vast fleet of ships and heading east to re-settle in cyprus and probably egypt too... some of these minoans (cretans) may also have joined the jews - there's some historical evidence to suggest this may have happened...

okay now for something completely different - if we want to know what the people of the past were really like and what they did, listened to and thought about, the proper source of that knowledge is graphiti painted and cut into walls and etc around the time of the events we which to study and learn about...

this link gets us started and very interesting it is too...
2017-02-19 17:02:56 UTC
you are right every culture has a flood story, but stop and think for minute, would that not suggest that the flood left an indelible mark on the human mind... the flood correpences with the ice age, elephants have been found with fresh vegetation in their mouths, they were frozen almost instantly... the water canopy above the earth that kept the planet at an even temperature, was released, this plunging some parts of the earth into a frozen wasteland... the flood account recorded in genesis was one of numerous recorded...
2017-02-10 23:57:49 UTC
it's not just a christian story, it is jewish, islamic, in fact most cultures have a variant of the flood story with a "noah" character, who escapes a flood with a small number of people (the norse version has two ice giants) in a vessel (usually an ark or big boat, one had a canoe)... i think these help support the idea that noah was real, along with the bible being true...
2017-01-08 01:22:53 UTC
if thats the case....then the flood story was also plagiarized by the chinese....the native americans....and occultists (that refer to the pre flood world as Atlantis) .....and whole list of others.....hehe
2017-01-09 03:05:34 UTC
Because this nation was brainwashed to believe in the Bible since little.
2017-01-08 02:42:53 UTC
Why are you so stupid? The OT and NT are seamless. So, it is both a Christian and Jewish story.
2017-01-08 10:48:15 UTC
Cultural appropriation.
Peter K
2017-01-08 09:46:09 UTC
As written, it certainly has echoes of pre-Christian ideas...i e of redemption. It predates Christianity by generations, of course.
jon pike
2017-01-08 20:46:52 UTC
Hey Pixel, history is history. Why wouldn't it be in other religions?
2017-01-08 23:38:42 UTC
"...It's a demonstrable fact in recorded history that this story was plagiarized from sumerian folklore..."

Okay then......prove that.
Guru Hank
2017-01-07 22:54:07 UTC
It is. That is why all the animals went in two by two, they were married. Mr lion and Mrs lion. Mr cow and Mrs cow. Mr duck and Mrs duck. Mr elephant and Mrs elephant. Mr bear and Mrs bear. Mr frog and Mrs frog. ...
2017-01-08 01:56:50 UTC
2017-01-08 02:40:10 UTC
Please bring them to my notice, so that I can politely clarify the points and give proper guidance. If I am not able to convince him, I will take him to the Priest in the Church.
2017-01-07 20:32:12 UTC
It can be shown to be true....

A Simple Proof...... ....... and .… God does not lie.

Look at the issue of population. In 1804 there were 1 billion people,

in 2012 there were 7b, and in 2024 it will be 8b, and in 2048 it will be 9b.

That means it only took 208 years for the population to go from 1 to 7 billion.

Working forward from the accepted date for Adam & Eve (about 6000 years

ago) there should be 2.2 Trillion people. We all know that did not happen.

OK, add in Noah's Ark with about 7+billion lost in flood. From 6 people (Noah's 3 son's and

wives) over 4000 years it works out to 7 billion+ today.

These SIMPLE facts (dates and numbers that have already happened) are ignored by evolutionist,

they want us to believe that our ancestors have been around about 1 million years (do the math).

Google the facts.

Even with all this some will not believe

Luke 16:31

But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’”

Proof of God
2017-01-09 02:09:47 UTC
Because it's true.
2017-01-09 00:16:26 UTC
Who tf cares
2017-01-09 17:11:09 UTC
The Gilgamesh Epic is claimed by some to be the oldest known written document.

The confusion about which came first, the Gilgamesh Epic or the Bible, centers on which dating method you use and your worldview. The Egyptian chronology is littered with problems as to accuracy.

If you've studied the history, rather than simply read about it, you already know that Ptolomy II commissioned a priest named Manetho to compile a history of Egypt. You should know that Manatho's chronology is known to be inaccurate. Moses has finally been found in the 12th Dynasty, for example, rather than the 18th where they were looking, and knew the Bible to be in error before. Because Manetho’s history contradicts actual Egyptian records from the time of the pharaohs, historians should not consider Manetho’s history authoritative.

Perhaps the proto-Hebrew texts dating back to the 11th century BC? That and other evidence suggest the Bible was written as events were happening since the Davidic period... Those same texts explicitly refer to the Books of Moses pushing the books of Moses back to 1450 BC.

Parallel historical accounts are found in more than 500 civilizations around the world, many with no clear connection. Independent from the Bible, Noah's grandson Kush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list.

Then you have non-textual physical lines of evidence indicating a global event about the time (based on genealogies) that are consistent with the flood or the likely aftermath.

While a study of the Sumerian list is a fascinating journey in discovering the way Sumerians looked upon their ancestry and how their numeric and commercial systems worked, the quality of the biblical text is distinctly superior in both completeness, information, and spiritual and moral quality. The biblical text does not reflect a borrowing from an inferior text. If anything, the very mention of this kings list that matches so closely to the biblical account is a confirmation of biblical authenticity.

The Near Middle Eastern Flood epics have three main versions: the Sumerian Epic of Ziusudra, the Akkadian Atrahasis Epic, and the Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. The Gilgamesh Epic is the most complete with 12 tablets decipherable and the eleventh tablet with the most complete flood account of the three versions. These flood epics reveal many internal inconsistencies, which rule them out from being the source of the Genesis text.

As to similarities with Gilgamesh and the Bible other than a flood (local in the epic) and a boat (small in the epic) there really aren't any! There are far more similarities in the Sumerian Eridu, Atra-hasis and the Shuruppak than in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Actually the Epic of Gilgamesh dates to about 1050 BC.. References to the Books Moses wrote date to the same period about 1000 BC indicating first there were indeed texts written by Moses, and that those texts were known and fairly widely distributed by that time. If we examine the Genealogies we find that those texts by Moses had to be written no later than 1450 BC a full 400 years before the Epic of Gilgamesh.

It is not difficult to rule out the Ancient Near Eastern mythological texts from being the source of influence for the account of Genesis. While Genesis is reliable, they are not.

An accurate timeline of history is verified and corroborated to the Bible by the discovery of Moses in the 12th Dynasty rather than the 18 or 19th where Egyptian Chronology would place him. The confirmation of Noah in history as a real man, in real events, in real verifiable places, recording history in real time, further corroborates the Bible. Noah's grandson Kush, is named in the Sumerian King’s List; accurate, detailed, verifiable truth with empirical scientific evidence, testable, repeatable, confirmed evidence. Atheists deny the evidence, but cannot refute the evidence and must become delusional to continue their pretense of lies of deception.

Which parts of Genesis can you believe?

Does Genesis give any indication of being a parable? No, the writing style is historical narrative, not poetic.

Is there any part of the origin of matter that goes against science? No.

Are the scientific laws and processes and methods in agreement with the Bible? Yes.

Does the evidence for Creation meet the burden of proof required by scientific method? Yes, in any forum, science, philosophy, or court of law.

Has Noah been confirmed in history as a real man, in real events, in real verifiable places, recording history in real time, literally? Yes, his grandson Kush, is named in the Sumerian King’s List.

Do the genealogies given in the Bible from Jesus all the way back to Adam confirm real people in real places in real history in real time? Yes.

So what part of Genesis or the Bible that asserts volumes of evidence and corroboration could you possibly NOT believe as true?

Let's look at the facts instead of unfounded, unsupported, illogical, irrational, fabricated OPINION: Fact is there is no empirically supported scientific claim that in any way is in conflict with Christianity. The same cannot be said for evolution, abiogenesis, or Big Bang.

Also, Nelson Glueck a Jewish scientist, and universally esteemed as one of the greatest archaeologists, said that no archaeological discovery has ever contradicted the Bible.

The Bible is not a science book, but I'm not aware of ANY instance, where the Bible DOES touch on science, that it has been proven incorrect. How can anyone DENY the evidence of the Bible and the scoreboard, when science corrects itself (proven incorrect?) almost daily?

Foolish men have been attempting to take apart or add to the Bible for millennia, yet it still stands, unchanged truth, more verified by time. By now, we should "know" what the Bible says. Of the top ten Hebrew departments in major cities around the world, there is no debate over what Genesis 1-11 of the Bible "says." Young Earth, literal six day creation. All agree, the narratives of the Creation event and Noah's Flood in Genesis are both literal events of history, documented in technicolor.

But atheists and facts? Unheard of; or show us a single fact, just one! "Please don't say facts, because they don't accept facts as truth. I've tried."

But if you want more facts and are trying to shake this denial thing, detail of the differences between Noah's Flood and the Gilgamesh Epic continued here:

Sadly, you don't care about truth or anyone but yourself.

Atheists are cowards at heart and can't handle an intelligent response. Their purpose here is to spread doubt - anybody with intelligence can quickly cut through their lies, logical fallacies and reveal them for the fools they are.

Your words ring hollow.
2017-01-08 01:07:18 UTC
Because they have been lead to believe it
2017-01-09 13:51:05 UTC
its a hebrew,story. in the old testament,part of the holy bible;
2017-01-09 20:59:57 UTC
Because they deny the facts, obviously.
2017-01-09 17:24:59 UTC
I think its lack of knowledge of history and religion.
2017-01-09 11:42:45 UTC
It is Muslim story
2017-01-08 18:45:44 UTC
What is Noahide laws
2017-01-07 20:32:10 UTC
U BELIEVE MEN OVER GOD?? BIG MISTAKE...SATAN IS THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION...SATAN KNEW THE PLAN OF GOD...ALWAYS TRUST GOD NOT the devil...Be smart. Noah was not a Christian but we do use the Bible.
2017-01-09 11:02:11 UTC
They are happy in their ignorance. As long as they are doing no harm, leave them to it
2017-01-09 00:28:24 UTC
it's a jewish story
2017-01-08 06:14:14 UTC
Yes because it is
2017-01-07 20:29:51 UTC
how can you deny Gods' truth as others' already do
2017-01-09 08:01:26 UTC
because people say what comforts them
2017-01-09 22:24:07 UTC
Your all wrong, when you sleep you'll get your answer. have more faith.
2017-01-07 22:46:33 UTC
believe what you want and let us believe what we want.
2017-01-07 22:45:22 UTC
Because it is.
2017-01-09 13:59:15 UTC
I am not commeting
2017-01-07 20:34:41 UTC
Because it is "believe" and not "think".
2017-01-08 00:18:14 UTC
2017-01-08 19:48:22 UTC
2017-01-07 23:13:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.