You can PICK PICK PICK the word of God apart all you want!! You will never understand even a good portion of it, if you DO NOT READ THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK!!
When God destroyed man in the flood, why did you leave out the part that said"that it repented God that he had made man, BECAUSE his thoughts were EVIL continually!! Honestly if you were God and you knew someone who's thoughts were EVIL continually what would you do! You know thoughts turn into action so we know that all mankind was doing evil constantly!!
God is not the author of DEATH!! That means that God wants no part of Death, he is the author of life, but God will destroy that which is evil!! He can not go against his word!! SIN EQUALS DEATH!! Do you know why his can not put his stamp of approval on your lifestyle because it leads to death! If 100 same sex couple lived on an Island in 100 years you would all be dead unless someone was lucky enough to live to be 101. It is not that he thinks love is wrong! He knows that same sex love leads to death. God does not want you to die, so he tells us not to be in a relationship which can only lead to death!!
You will never understand the concept of the Bible unless you read it enough to grasp a tiny portion of how God thinks!! Our finite mind will never fully understand God because his thoughts are higher than mans thoughts, but I have studied his word enough to know that Gods purpose for ALL mankind is for GOOD and not EVIL, but he is a just God, he will punish evil doers!! Because he, in his nature is good and he hates evil, he knows it spreads and infects all that it touches, that is why God said that the sins of the fathers would be passed down to their children!!(but only) to them that HATE GOD! If you love GOD IT WILL NOT BE PASSED DOWN TO YOUR CHILDREN GOD WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!
I could defend the way God thinks all night but it would do no good!! If you want to know God you will seek the truth and you will find it!! His word promises us if we seek we shall find, if we knock the door will be opened unto us! I am 47 years old and I have never seen one time in my life that God went against his word, the Bible is very deep and can only be understood in layers, I have read the Bible through many times and each time I do, I see things about God I never saw before, I wish you knew the DEPTH of LOVE God has for you, just the way you are! You do not have to change for God to love you! He loves you just the way you are! PERIOD!!
I hope you seek to learn who he truly is, not pick, pick, out the parts of the word that makes God look evil, for he is not, he is a good God that died so you could live. Do you know anyone who has died for you, I think they would be worth getting to know!! I hope you know that with all kindness in my heart I have tried to give you just a glimpse of God, and I am not worthy to ever judge anyone, I have plenty of faults of my own, I NEED TO DEAL WITH. I truly hope I did not offend you, I meant no harm. :)