the reason it didnt work before, and the reson she ws su unhappy before
is because this is ahorrible disrespec tof her rights and life and her as both a personadn your friend
beacuse to try to force soemone to belevie in soemthing you do will never lead them to the same happines and spiritual knowledge you have
whether you belive it or not, what your doing is trying to force her into a reliationshiop with god
your justt beign nice about it, polite, freindly and caring instead of sayign she wil go to hell if she doesnt
that is the 2 different ways to force soemone
angrily with fear
or caringly with love
if youronly a kid, you know yoursel fthen you dont understand a lot yet about life, and about people
but as an adult and soemoen whos seen and knows a lot about both
i can tell you what your doign, will NOT help your friend, and it will not help you and will probably ruin yoru friendship with her
why cant you jsut accept her for who she is?
the same way she acepts you for who youare
" I'm fully aged enough to understand everything going on in the world, religion or not"
no your not
you may believe you are, but not one of us are,not even us grown adults
if that was so, the world would be a better place and we woudl be happier in our lives
NO-ONE understand all that goes on in this world
thts the first thing you have to understand and accept
if you pity peopel for them being who they are, then you will not make many friends in life and will be quite angry and uhhappy
you need to understand peopel not be mean to them because they are trying to be hoenst to you