They have never found a mutation that results in new information being created. Never ever, not once, not one time has that ever been proven to be even possible. Adding new information to the genome essentially is evolution. So if there is no evidence that it ever happened, there is no evidence for evolution at all. Furthermore, if there is no evidence at all that it that it is even possible since no one has ever observed it happening, there is no way to calculate an average time frame for it to occur. Therefore, a mathematical equation cannot be developed to express the time needed for this beneficial mutation that would result in the creation of new information to occur, meaning there’s no way to know how long it would take, even if it were theoretically possible. So the whole idea of it taking millions and billions of years is literally pulled out of thin air.
However, Unknown to most, a great deal of information is referred to in Genesis 1:1-2
From the Genesis 1: 1 phrase “In the beginning” we learn that is an approximate translation of the Hebrew meaning, “In a beginning which was not a beginning, sometime in eternity past” Creation of the universe occurred long before man was created and that could have occurred millions of years before the creation of man.
So , “in a beginning that was not a beginning (according to the Hebrew),the universe was created , including planet earth. In eternity past, there were no angels; but at a point in eternity, angels were created. There was an indefinite period of time between the creation of the angels and the creation of man. During that period of time, the earth became chaotic due to events that occurred between the angels (Isaiah 14:12-17). Before the creation of man, the earth was restored by God (Genesis 1:2).
In a beginning which was not a beginning, in a segment of eternity past, God created the heavens and the earth and original plant and animal life. After that came the creation of angels and lastly the creation of man.
Original creation therefore occurred before the creation of angels. The angelic conflict and God’s judgment on the rebellious angels caused the earth in its original creation according to Hebrew to become a desolate, empty wasteland (Genesis 1: 2) with only fossils and a few bones.
The darkness that was on the face of the deep in Genesis 1:2 according to Hebrew means a darkness that keeps out light and therefore also heat. The deep in Hebrew means raging, disturbed, stormy waters . This indicates that the earth was destroyed by the raging waters during the pre-Adamic conflict.
From the Hebrew we find that this water was then frozen, packing the earth in ice and in total darkness due to the destruction of the pre-Adamic earth which was directly related to the fall of Satan and the angelic conflict.
During the restoration of the earth, according to the Hebrew , light which produces heat, melted the ice surrounding the desolate, empty wasteland of the earth of original creation.
The period referred to in Genesis 1:3-31 is not a description of original creation but instead refers to the preparation of the earth for habitation.